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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19833621 No.19833621 [Reply] [Original]

>uses only fresh ingredients, which is why they mainly only operate in CA
>praised by many of the world’s top famous chefs, including Anthony Bourdain, Gordon Ramsay and Julia Child
>significantly cheaper than any other fast food joint
I’m starting to think all the hate for in-n-out is just nothing but jealousy

>> No.19833626

sounds nice
t. canadian

>> No.19833627

>use fresh ingredient
>still come out tasting exactly like mcdicks

>> No.19833638

Spoken like someone with underdeveloped taste buds

>> No.19833650

>I’m starting to think all the hate for in-n-out is just nothing but jealousy
Gee, what tipped you off? All the flyover hicks on this board who eat pig slop for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

>> No.19833655

You have the palette of a manchild.

>> No.19833668

they have them in texas too, and yeah they are good, but we don't like california, because you're a bunch of smug pieces of shit who never shut the fuck up about how great california is and how shitty Texas is. so we don't give a fuck about you or anything you do and can't care if you're jerking yourself off for being born somewhere you can't afford to live anwway. liberals are absolute subhuman filth, brainwashed retards, go jack off about your burger some more, dumb fuck

>> No.19833669

The patties are questionable. They taste a little too processed. Like, they over salt the meat in order to hide the chemically taste that it leaves in your mouth. Either it's salt that they use, or MSG to season these patties. And the meat usually leaves you kinda smelly after you've eaten the burger.

Either that or I'm the only one who noticed this after having In-N-Out. You're better off making your own burgers at home.

>> No.19833680

texas IS shit and you all deserve better
like california, we, are smug yes but i wholeheartedly believe texas could be great too if your government and over half of your non-metropolitan areas werent racist qanon retards that didnt care about you

>> No.19833686

Okay maybe it’s a hair better. Almost imperceptibly so. But that just tells you the hype is way overblown. WOW I can eat slightly better than McDonald’s for about the same price! This is earth shattering! I would honestly rather spend more just so I DONT have to eat food that is basically fancier McDonald’s

>> No.19833700

not reading

>> No.19833745

Maybe a McDonald's in a first world county like Japan, but here in the US they're all pretty disappointing. No reason to pay more for McDonald's when you're going to get better food and better service at In-N-Out.

>> No.19833792

that is literally why everyone hates you. they hate you because you talk insane amounts of shit about them, because you're a prick

>> No.19833802

Unlike Texans you're universally hated. Like legitimately despised wherever you go, even in big cities like new York or Seattle everyone wants you dead.

>> No.19834373

I don't think this is the case
anyway New York and Seattle are both shitty, lotta crime there
>t. bostonian

>> No.19834378

does anyone actually *hate* in-n-out tho?
i have one like 1 minute drive away and it's alright, but tbqh mcdonald's quarter pounder is better

>> No.19834383

Texas is literally the most hated state in not only the country, but the world

>> No.19834401


the absolute state of /ck/

>> No.19834405

I would guess that very few people actually hate in n out. I think in n out is overrated. don't get me wrong....they have the best fast food burger second to whataburger...but it's just an ok burger. there is something off with their fries.

>> No.19834407

Why do they call it in-and-out when you you in the cold burger and out eat the hot burger?

>> No.19834412

You’re joking right? Whataburger actually is the same shit as burger king or mcdonalds

>> No.19834420

That is why they call it that. dumbass

>> No.19834433

>uses only fresh ingredients
OP was a faggot as usual
their tomatoes are never fresh, they're cold, watery, pale slices of shit

>> No.19834436

Sounds like fresh tomatoes to me

>> No.19834440

Hate is probably a strong term, it's not like they poisoned me and my family so I need to declare revenge on them or some shit. It's just strong dislike - massive wait times for a shitty burger and ok fast food fries.

In-n-Out is like going to Chick-fil-A, waiting in that long ass line, and getting one of the worst chicken sandwiches out there, solely because of hype. If it was a good burger like CFA's chicken sandwiches, I'd get the hype, and the love. But it's not. It's a middling shit burger that isn't worth the time or cost. AND this was my experience in California. Not some other state where it may have been more "mid". The OG was shit.

>> No.19834444

also their buns could use work, lettuce is the same story as the tomatoes now that i think about it
very much not fresh, but i still like it

>> No.19834448

i guess, im trying to say they use weak tomatoes

>> No.19834503

sucks to suck.

>> No.19834521

In-N-Out in AZ is great. Dodge the California prices and get something mich better than the average fast food combo for the same price. The secret sauce is great, especially on the fries, and the iced tea and lemonade are leagues better than what most other chains offer. The only real problem is the wait time, but it's honestly not bad outside lunch rush.

>> No.19834530

most of the hate for In-n-Out comes from 3 types of people:
1. people who hate Californians (which is smart) reflexively hating anything that happens to be in California (which is retarded)
2. Texans desperately coping over their Whataburger religion (see above)
3. Five Guys fans angry that they can sell burgers for 1/10th the price
all of which is ideological hatred, nobody hates In-N-Out for the taste of its products, those people just ignore the brand and move on

>> No.19834556
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Hating Californians is not only good but a moral thing to do.

>> No.19834568

burgers are good, fries are trash

>> No.19834574

Guaranteed replies (except mine)

>> No.19834584
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for me its a double double with extra extra grilled onions and an extra large strawberry milkshake

>> No.19834605

Did you know you can ask for whole grilled onions instead of diced? They will even replace the buns with onions if you want

>> No.19834637

Fries are pretty weak, but if you get them well done they’re a lot better. Unfortunately the fries are the way they are because they’re dicing up the potatoes themselves right there and then pretty much immediately frying them

>> No.19834648

I've never been since I live far away from the in-n-outs here in Texas. Is it worth the drive?
>Look at these smug Californians that hate us for absolutely no reason
>*posts a rant about them*
I never got this

>> No.19834656

I usually just skip the fries when I go

>> No.19834661

Every time I've been to In-n-Out I've never not thought that I'd rather have gone somewhere else. And I've only ever been when visiting family in LA. It's Burger King tier.

>uses only fresh ingredients, which is why they mainly only operate in CA
this makes me laugh. Farms in California ship produce all around the country, but this large chain can't source fresh ingredients? Yeah, really great restaurant you got there.

>> No.19834708

>all the hate for in-n-out is just nothing but jealousy
bitches just don't know the in-n-out feeling. give them once and they know. +1 for Tommy's burger too.

>> No.19834729

>I don't think

Could've stopped there buddy

This is just Californian projection, nobody likes or wants you around. Californian mass immigration is now global and even the euros think you're faggots

>> No.19834795

How does one develop their tastebuds or is it just over for me?

>> No.19834911
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for me it's two double-doubles mustard fried with no pickles, lettuce, or tomato, add grilled and whole grilled onions, extra salt, extra toasted buns, two orders of light-well animal fries with extra spread, and a large pink lemonade

>> No.19834931

As far as fastfood goes, it's good.

As far as food goes, it's meh.

In other words: it doesn't matter.

>> No.19835260

Are the potatoes "Real Fresh", or are they both real AND fresh?

>> No.19835292

Bullshit, In-n-Out just flat out sucks, its mid to shit tier in fast food rankings, which is already shit to begin with.

California in general sucks, but it actually has some good shit amongst the filth: Fry's electronics (which is going under, such a shame), and there was a lot of tasty food in old town, and I fondly remember the time I was there for training and it was restaurant week. It's actually a nice place out of LA & SF - obviously LA is a shithole for all sorts of reasons. The main thing that makes it suck super hard is the COL and gas prices that are eye wateringly bad. I kinda wish I could go back in time and see what Cali was like pre-Democrat.

>> No.19835299

>navyfags being kooks as usual
go back to your ship and suck some more dicks

>> No.19835311
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>Figured OP was lying about the Gordon Ramsay and Anthony Bourdain thing.
>They weren't
Damn. I guess I'm missing out for not having them in my state.

>> No.19837453

Is anyone surprised that this board is full of autistic retards with bad taste who'd rather eat McDonald's? I bet they're ordering chicken nuggets

>> No.19837457

>Fry's electronics
>which is going under
Bro here been living under a rock

>> No.19837473
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>who'd rather eat McDonald's
That's a might fine strawman you've got there neighbor

>> No.19837514

Tommy's is great, they're consistently greasy but I swear their chili can make anything taste good

>> No.19837521

>including Anthony Bourdain

hard pass then.
Bourdain was a fucking idiot and the best thing he did for the food industry was killing himself

>> No.19837525

beans belong in chili

>> No.19837533
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>Visit family member in California
>They take me to in n out
>Burger tastes like burger king whopper with cheese
>Fries are cold
>Soda is soda

Into le trash it goes

>> No.19837550

No, it's mainly that the rest of the country hates faggoty californians.

PS: Gordon Ramsay is a hack, retard.

>> No.19837557

if you eat enough fast food to be able to accurately distinguish with ease between different chain burgers, you are a manchild

>> No.19837561

>everyone wants you dead.
your trooncord incels friends are not "everyone" sweaty

>> No.19837572

>That's a might fine strawman you've got there neighbor
???? 3 post in and they were mentioned. you're fucking coping/lying to yourself if you don't think they're mentioned everywhere on here

>> No.19837580

>Into le trash it goes
we know you still ate it with them and kept your opinion to yourself. no one is going to give you le cool badass points for lying on the internet anon

>> No.19837583

it is genuinely weird to think that any major global fast food chain (mcds, wendys, bk, carls, arbys, etc) is better than in n out

>> No.19837587

This guy really lost the script

>> No.19837641

sadly it's what happens when one lives on the internet and they only socialize with sickly incels like themselves.

>> No.19837642

the only people who think this are flyovers seething with rage that the best they can get is a mcdicks burger with shitty dehydrated onions. the only valid complaint about in n out is their default fries are soggy, which is why you order them light-well or well done. also never had cold fries from in n out unlike mcdonalds where they're cold as soon as you get them 9/10 times

>> No.19837689

>the only people who think this are flyovers seething
i genuinely think a quarter pounder is better than the double double, and I have an in-n-out less than a mile away from me
i'd say in-n-out does beat out the rest on the list tho

>> No.19837697

Excuse me sir but you're a strawman your preferences are not real

>> No.19837709

interesting, I personally think the quarter pounder has that dry, sawdusty consistency with the patty and I prefer the shitty mcdouble patty to it any day of the week.

>> No.19837711

they are very real
ill get the double double a couple of times a year for something (slightly) different sometimes
at this point I've given up on their fries, especially the animal fries. I usually skip fries anyway but since I rarely go to in-n-out i'd get them sometimes

>> No.19837718

well the main thing with mcd's is there are a ton of restaurants and franchise owners. if you live in a shitty area then yeah you're gonna get stale pre-cooked food because it's easier. the small patties are higher volume so there's a better chance you'll get something relatively fresh even at a garbage location
the 1/4lb patty should be quite juicy

in-n-out has that going for it for sure. there are no bad in-n-outs, or at least nowhere near as bad as a mcd's can be

>> No.19837744

what's wrong with the fries?

>> No.19837752

Both. You can literally see the employees dicing up the potatoes in the kitchen

>> No.19837758

>trying to talk to gf while eating
>so babe how-BANG
>how was your-BANG

>> No.19837766

they're not blanched. they literally just cut potatoes and put them in the fryer. you end up with a consistency that is not nearly as nice as the more lengthy methods of blanching and freezing

they're ok, and it's probably healthier because blanching will cause them to absorb more fryer oil, but they're not healthy enough for me to justify eating them when they're bland

>> No.19837772


>> No.19837773

They're not French(double) fried

>> No.19837818

I see, I'll admit I prefer the texture of other chain's fries but the fact that they're cold 99% of the time makes me lean towards in n out on the fries, especially since animal style is so tasty. getting hot mcdonalds fries is a legit rarity for me

>> No.19837842

yeah stale food ruins everything
I only go to mcd's because the ones near me is really good with their qc

>> No.19837864

The real reason is because freezing ingredients is an extremely good idea and everyone should always do it for most types of ingredients, especially fat-rich things like ground beef.

>> No.19837976

It's just overrated as fuck. I'm better off making burgers at home.

>> No.19838194

They're also Christpilled

>> No.19838229

I just recently learned I prefer regular (with raw onion and pickles) to animal style. You can taste the beef way better without the mustard and extra spread. If you’ve been animal style for years I suggest you try regular again

>> No.19838323

try it mustard fried rather than full animal style. you get your pickles, too. animal style only belongs on fries

>> No.19838337

The mustard frying is specifically what I’m avoiding. That’s what animal style is, mustard fried in patties, extra spread, pickles, grilled onions.

>> No.19838339

what the fuck is mustard fried

>> No.19838344

no wonder /ck/ hates it

>> No.19838347

They put mustard on the burgers when they go on the grill and the mustard fries in to them

>> No.19838348

They also made it a rule that wearing a mask is not allowed recently. Made a bunch of people cry about how employees should be able to wear masks if they want.. so I guess mandating masks are ok, but mandating no masks isn’t?

>> No.19838354

that doesn't sound good but I haven't tried it and I do like mustard

>> No.19838358

It’s worth trying but like I said I prefer without now. Maybe I just got tired of it because I always ordered animal style

>> No.19838366

>0.1% of posters dont like it
>maybe 5% think it's overrated
>this means /ck/ hates it

>> No.19838375

yeah but the spread is what ruins the burger. just mustard fried makes it taste even beefier

>> No.19838384

How would it taste beefier? It’s just covering the beefy essence with fried mustard

>> No.19838424

Keep seething, we'll keep sending more and more Californians to live into Texas regardless.
The tide is coming and you can't stop it.

>> No.19839175

I take it for granted. The meat is kind of unremarkable and the fries crumble at the bottom. Tommy's is better

>> No.19839260

Texas has the worst drivers in the country. If you see a Nissan with a Texas plate, avoid at all costs.

>> No.19839275

Freezing meat breaks the cell walls and damages the protein. I hate how dumb the world has gotten. I feel like muh Idiocracy. I'm not smart the world is just retarded.

>> No.19839287

Lmao. Please stay the fuck out of my state.

>> No.19839294

oh I will, wouldn't want to move to a state where the grid regularly fails and people freeze/overheat to death

>> No.19839385

I don't want to be that guy but if you freeze to death at 49 degrees farenheit you might be used to a warmer climate then the one you inevitably died in. Like an archeaologist in the when they found that frozen dead guy that wasn't dressed very warm and was frozen? He had like food from warmer climates probably caveman tamales? See mods it's /ck/ related. They investigated his stomach contents and realized he wasn't from that region.

>> No.19840102

Moved to Florida from California a few years ago and miss this more than anything. Best substitute I’ve found is the double quarter pounder from McDonald’s. Sonic is decent, Checkers is good but too greasy, McDonald’s seems to have the best quality patties but only in the quarter pounder variant. They need to go global and only hire whites.

>> No.19840104

McDonald’s surprisingly has the highest quality sourced beef but only in their quarter pounders. It’s pretty impressive for such a massive chain. I’ve tried them all over the country and it’s consistent compared to other places like Sonic. Still not quite to the level of In n out, but very close.

>> No.19840106

Magnets are used to lower the freezing point of water so this doesn't happen. This technique has been in use at least 15 years, possibly >20. It's why frozen food has vastly improved.

>> No.19840109

Florida is worse. I drove through Texas for two days and it’s no where near as bad as Florida

>> No.19840112

Body temperature is 98.6F. You can die of hypothermia at 64.4F within 24h.

>> No.19840114

This honestly is what makes it so metaphysically good. The burgers are all blessed.

>> No.19840118

>internal body temperature getting to 64
Just do some jumping jacks

>> No.19840231

I visited my father this summer and went to in n out. They did not allow us to order milkshakes so it is shit.

>> No.19840274


>> No.19840285

texas regularly gets below freezing temp in the winter, sometimes below zero, too. and it's always 100F+ when it's not winter

>> No.19840301

That's external temperature. You're dead when body temp reaches 95F.

>> No.19840313

Speaking as a New Yorker, yeah we don't really like Californians.

>> No.19840339

DC has you both beat. Fucking morons around there drive like cows graze

>> No.19840350

as a native brooklyn 6'2" eyetalian who should probably just move out of the city since there are way too many fucking hasid jews and mystery meat 4'8" guatamalans, I gotta say californians piss me off with their general attitude. I don't trust people from places that don't experience changing seasons, also while no one is religious anymore, west coasters are all weird former prottie or mormon fags who've now fully adopted the official state religion of being a gay redditor, whereas us catholic hwhites still experience catholic guilt which is way more based than normie white guilt

>> No.19840357

former prottie here, the catholic schools were cesspools of degeneracy compared to our humble and cozy lutheran schools. the biggest sloots always came from a catholic school

>> No.19840359

I'll say 3 things about In & Out
1. The buns are so thick and spongey the only way to taste the beef is to get protein style
2. It is cheaper than most other places, unless you order animal fries in which case the $3 fries cost $8
3. The shakes are too thick to the point of being undrinkable

>> No.19840365

it makes me seethe when people have such an attitude about some basic fast food slop. same as with new yorkers and pizza. at least post something interesting.

btw when I interviewed at google the guy recommended in n out lol

>> No.19841715

If we're talking the burgers ye, cause they're pretty tasty and surprisingly not super expensive, their fries though....needs to drown in salt though

>> No.19841719

I don’t care enough to correct you but you truly know nothing about California.

>> No.19841723

>The buns are so thick and spongey the only way to taste the beef is to get protein style
Nah, just order more patties. I usually get two 4x4s and skip the fries.

>> No.19841737

you need at least a tripple tripple to feel full

>> No.19841743
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You can also get the patties just on their own with cheese (flying dutchman) or you can ask them to replace the buns with whole grilled onions (flying dutchman onion (wrapped) burger)

>> No.19841748

some people have regular body temps of 95f. you aren't at risk of dying until you get down to the low 80s or below. the record for lowest survived body temp is 54.9f.

>> No.19841765

They're not the greatest burgers of all time, but they're consistently really good and high quality for the price, and basically spit in the face of chains that serve cheaper lower-quality slop for higher prices.

>> No.19841786

They're the best by default simply because they don't have an app

>> No.19841829


>> No.19841843

i like a bit of in-n-out

>> No.19841971

3x2 raw onion no tomato add chilis toasted bun. Fries as they come. I immediately judge people that don't like in n out fries. They don't like them because they actually taste like potatoes. Probably means their moms never loved them enough to make them homemade fries (without the tryhard blanching/double frying/freezing methods).

>> No.19841974

real savage

>> No.19842543
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>> No.19842550

I have no interest in painting

>> No.19842599

this is litchrilly it. the quality of everything else is absolutely abysmal. the beef is mystery meat at best. sort of rubbery at times. pallid grey. has those knuckley bits often. absolutely watery mustard with barely any of that zing. soulless and lifeless vegetable toppings. i think anyone that gets their burgers without chili is likely a serial killer.

>> No.19842605

you must not have a real palate for taste. im not a superfan of any place but In n Out burgers are objectively superior in terms of taste and texture (ie definitely doesnt have the fast food vibe all the competitors seem to share across their product)
to compare it to mcdonalds or burger king for example just disqualifies opinion. really it can only be compared to the knock offs and johnny come lately's to the in n out style. such as shake shack or P Terry's and the like.

>> No.19842610

also "juicy" can be applied via fast food wizardry. which all the major chains absolutely employ. imagine going to mcdonalds, the king of marketing and selling polished turds, and thinking what you are tasting is honestly not some frankenstein fabrication formed into a familiar shape.

>> No.19844122

i do miss In an Out but its nothin' but a trip to the wally world to make yourself at the end of the day, hell theirs all kinds of fries ready to put in the oven roun' these parts and while I do like Inny's fries, I can do a whole lot better.

>> No.19844892

>no salt
>mustard fried
>raw onion
>no pickles
>onion wrapped Dutchman
>regular fries
>large coke
T. Have had in n out since I was 3 or 4

>> No.19844908

As someone who's lived all over the US, I can say:
The burgers are mid. The fries are the best, especially the animal style.

>> No.19844910

In N Out is shit and you are shit. Their burgers taste like nothing, there's literally no flavor whatsoever and their fries are floppy and taste like water. In N Out is a fucking disgrace and I'm glad they are contained to west coast.

>> No.19844924
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>> No.19844934

>soy mayo base for spread
>soy in buns


>> No.19844970

no one in california gives a fuck about texas meanwhile you faggots cant stop crying about us nonstop. unironically rent free

>> No.19844972

is that a big mac?

>> No.19844994

>significantly cheaper than any other fast food joint

The Double Double alone is more than $5 already

>> No.19844995

>I'm ready to settle down now

>> No.19845004

Still cheaper than other fast food. If I go to Wendy's or McDonalds I'm usually spending like $17-20

>> No.19845025

>Let the food sit out for 5 minutes
>INSTANTLY turns to shit
The milkshakes are good though. But then again, who the fuck goes out just for a milkshake?

>> No.19845028

ive found that many fastfood chains have doubled or trippled their dollar menu prices, but baseline menu proues at in and out, chipotle and del taco have only i creased about 50to25% which is in line with or even less than inflation. its been a while
since ive had in and out and its about time i treat myself... or i could make 5burgers for the same price witu foodstamps

>> No.19845298

The gay redditor is the current state sanctioned religion all across the western world and California is its Mecca.

Protties were always the bigest sluts and whores this copewashing of history is hilarious especially when you remember the whole anal sex is not real sex prot girls would say and of course the classic born-again virgin shit lmao. Don't get me started on the higher divorce rate and interracial marriage prots have compare to catholics lol

>> No.19845302

Fresh is such a fucking buzzword I hate it

>> No.19845357

Your body also breaks down the protein before absorbing the amino acids. Desu

>> No.19845937

weird how those "anal isn't real sex" porn larps are always a priest and some slut rather than a pastor

>> No.19846081

Tomatoes BTFO. how will they ever recover?

>> No.19846617

When you've spent your entire life eating processed garbage you dont even know what fresh food is

>> No.19846653


>> No.19846710

make the worst french fries possible.

>> No.19846742

>I’m starting to think all the hate for in-n-out is just nothing but jealousy
I don't hate it, it is just a burger, nothing special just a plane old burger, on par with rallys.

given a choice I would go for BK their burgers taste better.

>> No.19846752

the last time I went there, they asked if I wanted onions on the burger (thought that would be part of the deal but whatever), say yes, get my burger and there is an entire slice of onion on it. WTF?! one or 2 rings is enough jesus!

>> No.19846757
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>> No.19846761

>what's wrong with the fries?
I'd really liked to know myself, I've made fries at home that were light years better. they taste grainy and flavorless, even when hot they taste like cold fries from anywhere else.

>> No.19846765

the fries are shit desu. they used to be decent, i think they fried them in animal lard and then switched to be healthy. been shit ever since.

>> No.19846780

I had not eaten at there until about 2 or 3 years ago. someone gave us a gift certificate. wife and I order a burger and fries. halfway through eating the fries the wife asks me "do your fries taste good? because mine taste like old reheated ones". yeah mine tasted the same. how can you fuck up fries?

>> No.19846784

if you get them double fried they go from 2/10 to 4/10

>> No.19846795

Most fast food fries are treated with a coating called "stealth" or other similar starch coatings. They are meant to make the fries crispier and stay crispier longer.

>> No.19846799

I shouldn't have to know this

I am aware of that and don't like the ones that are made that way, it's not the outside of their fries, the inside of their fries is shit.

>> No.19847276

In N Out fries are what freshly chopped potatoes taste like when deep fried. Your taste buds have been so accustomed to stealth/CoD fries that normal fries taste like shit to you.

>> No.19847304

dude, I have made fresh french fries and they did not taste like the ones from in and out. they tasted good and were not mealy nor did they taste like old fries. don't pretend to know me.

>> No.19847312

you can literally watch them cutting the potatoes right in front of you. the problem with in n out fries is simply that they dont fry them long enough, probably because they want them to be "healthier". you can ask for the fries well done so they are cooked longer.

>> No.19847352
File: 185 KB, 1024x683, Arizona-flag-groyper-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Arizona, its like 50% Texas and 50% Southern California. Best of both worlds.

>> No.19847390

>I’m starting to think all the hate for in-n-out is just nothing but jealousy

>> No.19847398

>>Burger tastes like burger
>>I waited too long so the fries are cold
>>Soda is soda
Don't see what your point here was.

>> No.19847408



>> No.19847413
File: 40 KB, 500x500, imoutfuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still yet to see your point, chud.

>> No.19847415
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>He thinks it's the same person replying days later

>> No.19847417

>*plays sigma male music*

>> No.19847528

Played my like a fiddle, also >>19847417 is not me.

>> No.19847548
File: 97 KB, 1024x610, IMG_2989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reprint with your wicked tongue!
I denounce the Talmud! Christ is King!

>> No.19847556

Amazing that they still manage to have the worst fries

>> No.19848003

what exactly are you guys expecting from a burger? In N Out serves its purpose as a good fresh burger for a cheap price. No matter how well it's prepared it's still a burger. expecting it to be on par with a blowjob from big sis is laughable.

>> No.19848026

> believing medieval monks lies
And I guess you think he looked like that Borgia pervert just by coincidence ?

>> No.19848046

UK here, it's absolutely not projection. Texas is viewed as being full of loud mouthed, gun-toting, redneck retards and california, aside from some minor faggotry in san francisco, full of nice beaches and hot women. Might not necessarily be true, but texas is looked down on FAR more than cali

>> No.19848058

I refuse to believe that anyone outside of California except Florida has the most retarded drivers in the US

>> No.19848059

The Archko Volume is regarded as fraudulent by all religious scholars.

>> No.19848343


>> No.19848400

Texas is essencially third world when you leave any major city, California is a fully developed state.

>> No.19848460

My friend was at vacation in California and he said In-n-Out was mediocre and even McDonald's is better

>> No.19848499

i don't like their burger sauce...i swap it for mustard
grilled onions are awesome
it's a pretty ok burger
not a fan of their fries

>> No.19848508

I live very close to an In-N-Out. I haven't eaten there in years. Why? It is always packed inside and out in the drive-thru. It got even worse now that Denny's doesn't stay open 24/7 anymore. All the high schoolers hang out there instead since they close at 2 AM.
It doesn't matter how good or cheap the food is when it takes 30-40 minutes to get it. Fast food isn't worth that wait time.

>> No.19848620
File: 267 KB, 1284x2009, 1670362589961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal favelas
>a fully developed state
Congratulations to Brazil on being a first world country by your standards I guess

>> No.19848760

I'm a Texas expat and you obviously have no clue what you're talking about. Internationally, Texas is recognized as culturally unique and generally well liked.

>> No.19848773

>third world
How do you determine that? Are you just sharing your feelings?

California is much closer to the third-world classification than Texas if you use relevant metrics. California has:
Lower literacy.
Lower aggregate state pop. IQ.
Much more severe wealth inequality.
Higher homeless population (by count).
Higher homeless population (by proportion).
Larger population under the poverty line.
Than TX. These are based on metrics and have nothing to do with amorphous, subjective, ad homs.

>> No.19848791


>> No.19849199

people who are not retarded like both states, are ambivalent of in-n-out/whataburger, and eat chic-fil-a

>> No.19849455


>> No.19849463

The lack of self awareness. Americans...

>> No.19849568

canes is better than chic-fil-a

>> No.19849572

>people who are not retarded like both states,
People who are not retarded wish most of California was destroyed in an earthquake.

>> No.19849605

canes better, daves hot chicken better, jollobees is the same tier, popeyes same tier.

chic-fil-a has not evolved and is living on borrowed time. they will soon lose their position on top.

>> No.19849612

The visceral hatred California produces is unbelievable to me, especially from people who have likely never been to it and it has no effect on their life whatsoever.

You're a psychopath

>> No.19849614
File: 550 KB, 705x345, chic v dave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chic fila vs daves. unfortunately daves is another california only special.

>> No.19849615

I've lived in LA for almost 12 years now and all of this is true. I'm moving out of this shit hole soon and the only thing I'm going to miss in In n Out.

>> No.19849616
File: 411 KB, 692x692, 1698444239461221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses only fresh ingredients, which is why they mainly only operate in CA
>only CA produces beef, bread, and potatoes

>> No.19849620

Sure anon

>> No.19849623

>only CA produces beef, bread, and potatoes
no one ever said that simpleton

>> No.19849628

The OP literally said exactly that, learn to read

>> No.19849629

it's the kind of seething caused when they can't afford to live out here in california and drive on our glorious unsalted roads

>> No.19849631

I've lived in Glendale, "luckily", for a majority of my time here, but I work all around LA as a contractor. The other guy is right, you cannot drive anywhere here without having to deal with the homelessness, shitty traffic, mountains of retarded mutts who can barely read or drive, with no where to park. The only saving grace here is the weather and food. Other than that, I've been finding it hasn't been worth it.

>> No.19849633

you're in arizona not california, thats why you retard

>> No.19849636

I'm not sure if you're just pretended to be retarded or not, but Glendale is also a city in Los Angeles.

>> No.19849638

>normal, sane people discussing in n out: "in n out is a good fast food burger for what it is, it uses fresh ingredients, not overly expensive, it's not a gourmet burger by any means but is pretty good from a fast food standpoint and isnt overly greasy or pretty processed-tasting like most fast food burgers"
>mentally ill psychopaths discussing in n out: "reeeee i hate california reeeeeee california full of retards reeeeeeee mcdonalds is better reeeeeee 5 guys is better i love a huge greasy burger that costs $20 reeeeeeee FUCK COMMIEFORNIA REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

>> No.19849646
File: 5 KB, 241x250, 1678511898745027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19849651

It's culture war shit. California = blue and they must oppose everything that is blue cause politics have infested every single aspect of their lives.

>> No.19849653

>uses only fresh ingredients, which is why they mainly only operate in CA
Implies fresh ingredients cannot be found outside of CA

>> No.19849666

its even more ironic because even though they are population centers, outside of bay area and la/sd, basically the rest of the entire state is heavily republican. yet these retards just say shit like WE WANT CALIFORNIA TO FALL INTO THE OCEAN because fox news told them to

>> No.19849667

some of it is due to culture war but most of the angst is purely because they know they can't afford the rent for even a 1 bedroom apartment. when you have year round mediterranean weather and year round golf and unsalted roads and no rust on your car, you pay a premium for it. texoids can't even keep their based privatized grid running year round lol

>> No.19849681

>be me 32
>have lived in california and mostly bay area for my entire life
>been a loser my entire life, still live with parents, dont even have a good job so really cant even afford it here anyway, have never really experienced anything great this area and state have to offer in my life because ive always been a loser
>should just live in some low cost of living barren flyover state but dont even have motivation to leave

truly the worst state and area to live if you're an autistic shut in friendless virgin loser

>> No.19849684

oh so he didn't "literally" say that then. This is all based on your brainlet interpretation of the post.

Fresh ingredients can be found outside of california, but no other fast food chains do this. They take advantage of larger more national supply chain networks which cut costs in the short term, allow more supply chain flexibility, and allow more rapid expansion.

>> No.19849690

What stupefies me about innout criticism is the fries. You are literally watching them hand cut the potatoes and then putting them into the fryer. It is almost unheard of to see this in fast food, to see the raw product being tuned directly into the finished product without other shit being added to it. Yet you complain

>> No.19849694

it really is a doggy dog world out here but I'd still rather be splitting the rent with a room mate or my family than being stuck in some flyover shithole where minimum wage is $7.25 and you're surrounded by uneducated rural shitters who start reeeeing about communism when their fries aren't frozen

>> No.19849717

Very good for the price, but the fries kinda suck.
Still, I wish we had them out on the east coast.

Also, this is rarely talked about when in n out is compared to mcdonalds' price point, but in n out's burgers have way better visual presentation. Like, the burger that comes out on your tray looks about as good as the burger on a mcdonalds ad. Big rarity in fast food.

>> No.19849726

>it's the kind of seething caused when they can't afford to live out here in california
I own firearms.

>> No.19849739

Google the word "implication" when you're done sperging out

>> No.19849750

People hate California because you faggots keep migrating to other states in droves to flee the mess you made there, and then voting for the exact same shit that ruined the shithole you ran away from

>> No.19849753

just buy as many off-roster guns as you can before moving here. or stay in texas solely because you have a threaded barrel and prefer shit wages and work and weather, up to you.

>> No.19849761

hey retard
>The OP literally said exactly that

Yes I'm sperging out, as I clearly explain to you the difference between In n Out supply chains versus other national fast food restaurants. In n Out is literally used as a case study when examining supply chains and how you can find niches within well developed markets.

>> No.19849764

Being overly pedantic is a major sign of autism

>> No.19849778

Explaining why you are wrong is being "overly pedantic." You will never admit you are a retard and completely misinterpreted OP because you don't know what you're talking about and low IQ, so now you call me autistic. It's okay.

>> No.19849783

Their burgers aren't anything stellar but the fries are good enough. I like how they give you extra salt

>> No.19849798
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>having to justify eating fast food

>> No.19849817

so damn good. I live right around the corner from one. think I'll go there rn! jealous?? AHHAHHAHA!

>> No.19849834
File: 32 KB, 624x390, 3177-innout-locations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even innout skipped us
t. New Mexican

>> No.19849836

That's your fault fat ass

>> No.19849876

I didn't misinterpret anything, maybe he shouldn't word things in such a stupid way next time so pedantic queers like you don't have to try to defend his dumb ass when people make fun of him

>> No.19849890

New Mexico is too liberal for conservative burger

>> No.19849913

Cope. I've worked at international companies for years now and Texans are never viewed with disdain by anyone I've met with a white collar job. The only anti-Texan sentiment I've ever encountered was from a hairdresser (lol).

NE corridor-fags, on the other hand, are viewed as pushy and brusque. Oh, also the dumbest Euros I've ever encountered come from Belgium and the Netherlands. They are frequently wrong but also belligerent and concieted. Quite a nasty combination.

>> No.19849925
File: 8 KB, 167x200, one eye on the cookies one eye on the beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always wondered why some franchises dont go nationwide and some are just stuck in their quadrant of the US

>> No.19849928


You thought OP was saying fresh ingredients only exist in California. I explained how OP was stating that In n Out is a fast food chain that uses local supply chain networks unlike other national fast food chains which use broader supply chains for a variety of different reasons. You get embarrassed and try to derail the conversation to obfuscate your retardation and call me autistic.

>> No.19850025

>You thought OP was saying fresh ingredients only exist in California
Because that's what he typed, yes. You can't change what words mean no matter how hard you cope

>> No.19850030

canes used to be good but now it's soggy and overrated as fuck

>> No.19850032

Burger king is like $20 for a meal now made by pissed off black people in a roach infested building

In-out is half the cost made by mostly white people in a roach free building.

And since were discussing it -
California fucking sucks because of politics and smugness
Texas is just overrated
And chikfila isn't terrible, just too $$$ for a fucking chicken sandwhich

>> No.19850714

The shittiest rural town in Texas is nicer than Oakland, also spend more time on duolingo dumb ESLjeet

>> No.19851878
File: 592 KB, 563x753, 1697495638064431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UK here
I think I'd rather be a homeless heroin addict in California than step foot in jolly ol england for even a second

>> No.19851883

The actual people in California aren't even that blue it's just a portion of the rich peple that live here. There are straight up counties full of either rednecks or old-money republicans.

>> No.19851887

What a retarded comparison. The hickest ranch town in Big Bear has less crackheads and debutantes than Dallas.

>> No.19852072

You probably eat male ass and smell like patchouli

>> No.19852078

I mean can you blame them?

>> No.19852080

Well look at the demographics

>> No.19852116 [DELETED] 

>omg californians are just so mean to us all the time I can't believe they said we eat pig slop

>> No.19852361

>Esther Snyder
>Harry Snyder
Goyslop for dumb goys. Also prolly uses slave labour.

>> No.19852481

It correlates more strongly with Californian migration patterns than modern culture war. Rhetoric that had previously been mostly confined to the PNW and other neighboring regions has started to spread in the current hubs of mass Californian migration.

>> No.19852516

If I ever go to america I want to try the fast food chains. Here it's basically mc donalds or kfc. P

>> No.19852778
File: 61 KB, 437x264, oyvey (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> believing medieval monks lies
unironically yes tsshmuley

>> No.19852784

nope only the jewish and shabbos goy ones

>> No.19852794

>If I ever go to america I want to try the fast food chains. Here it's basically mc donalds or kfc. P
Just go to the deli counter and one of our supermarkets and get whatever you like, or buy some ingredients and cook your meal at home.
Fast food is so expensive nowadays that you might as well either eat at a real restaurant or cook your own shit. Thanks, Xi.

>> No.19852803

Go and be stupid somewhere else.

>> No.19853392
File: 1.00 MB, 1170x2127, 1678002233884313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CA cities are crawling with "people" like you who just arrived from the third world, try not to shit in the street next time you go outside

>> No.19853399

>believe any form of historical capeshit

>> No.19853416
File: 214 KB, 1400x788, mealtwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>significantly cheaper than any other fast food joint

I got all this for just over $7 at Taco Bell using DoorDash pick-up and a 30% off coupon.