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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19848589 No.19848589 [Reply] [Original]

>cook with aluminum foil
>"dude you can't cook with foil, that shit will give you alzheimers"
>switch to baking paper
>"dude you can't cook with baking paper, the bleach releases harmful chemicals"
>switch to unbleached baking paper
>"dude did you make sure to get silicone coated paper? most baking paper is quinon coated which releases harmful chemicals"

>> No.19848591

you are aware that you're going to die regardless of what you use, right

>> No.19848592

Anon, you are inhaling or ingesting carcinogenic microplastics at literally all times even before being born, in utero. Cook with whatever you want.

>> No.19848621

Because you're consoomerist degenerate. Cook the way your ancestors used to cook you lazy fuck. They didn't use any faggy aluminium foil or paper soaked in plastic, so you don't need them either.

>> No.19848622

this creates carcinogens, you must eat everything raw

>> No.19848623

You fell for the memes, I swear /ck/ is the most schizophrenic board

>> No.19848624

>dumb frogposter
you should used rat poison as an ingredient

>> No.19848627

Do you ever wonder why all your ancestors are dead? Clearly their lifestyle wasn’t very healthy!

>> No.19848636

I work in a factory. The sneed oil, aluminium foil, plastic wrap and a teflon pan aren't going to be what kills me.

>> No.19848645

The aluminium poisoning shit is a meme. Don't listen to them.

>> No.19848844

the entire universe is killing you.
that's what it does.

>> No.19848865
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I spent too long on the baking paper/aluminum foil merry-go-round because "muh' easy cleanup". Only this year I realized all I need to do is bake on cast iron. It's anti-stick, and if something does stick it scraped off easily. Plus it helps give a nice crispy crust if thats what you are going for.
tl;dr: I suggest baking/cooking on cast iron instead of using baking paper or foil. Carbons steel is also acceptable.

>> No.19848869

I'm not baking cookies in a cast iron pan.

>> No.19848882

Why not?
But if it's just cookies you can use one of them reusable silicone mats.

>> No.19848889
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Oops forgot pic

>> No.19848900
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Consider the following

>> No.19848931

Chances are that those will be denounced for causing glans cancer or some shit.

>> No.19849035

Aluminum is an inert, non-reactive metal. That's why it's used in food packaging. It's safe.

>> No.19849054

an aluminium wrote this post

>> No.19849061

Aluminium is highly reactive and only needs to sit exposed to air to quickly react with it.
It has twice the energy density of diesel and is used as a welding fuel and explosive.

>> No.19849091


>> No.19849138

I always bake my potatoes with aluminum foil
is it that bad?

>> No.19849156

Everybody getting alzheimers in the past decade is at the age where they primarily used actual tinfoil not aluminum foil.

>> No.19849238

How does it react?

>> No.19849240

Don't be this schizo. Avoid super bad things like scratching up your nonstick pan on purpose like some kind of fucking retard or eating hotdogs every day - otherwise do whatever.

>> No.19849247

Aluminum foil won't do anything unless you're heating your oven to like 800°F

>> No.19849255
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>bro trust me it's safe this time

>> No.19849441

Chemically with an oxidizer? It has a lot of electrons to offer. Generally with pure metals, they have some mostly invisible patina of oxidation.

>> No.19849453

>I swear /ck/ is the most schizophrenic board
mans clearly hasnt been to /x/

>> No.19849460

use high quality blacksteel pans, well seasoned. nothing sticks much. you know what they say about buying shit for life

>> No.19849478

It reacts with the oxygen in the air and forms aluminium oxide.

>> No.19849496

>It has twice the energy density of diesel and is used as a welding fuel and explosive.
welder here. aluminum is not used as a welding "fuel", it's used as a filler material (it gets melted and deposited into the weld) when welding aluminum objects. The only type of welding that burns "fuel" these days is oxyacetylene, which burns acetylene gas.
>and explosive.
Essentially all fine powders are explosive. If you put a handful of baking flour in a balloon, inflate it, and pop it with a candle, you'll have a 6' diameter fireball. There was a tragedy a few years back where people were throwing around colored corn starch? at some festival, turned the entire venue and everything in it into a fiery wasteland.

>> No.19849541

>welder here.
Obviously you never welded railroad tracks using thermite welding.

Aluminium powder is the fuel for the thermite reaction, while the iron oxide is the oxygen source and the filler (it's pretty neat, it leaves behind pure iron, for other metals you can match it by using other metal oxides)

>> No.19849613 [DELETED] 

This is the kind of retard who clogged hospital beds during the 'demic

>> No.19849619

This is the kind of retard who took hospital beds during the 'demic

>> No.19849643

>powder of something is the same as sheets of it


>> No.19849655

I'm not a retarded pussy so I don't live in fear of every object and substance in the world.

>> No.19849662

Considering I'm also using silicone sex toys every day of my life I'm going to have to just take the L on this one

>> No.19849693

Bet you also advocate for free medical care for all.
>herp derp, you work in industrial, don't you know there are industrial chemicals?
>you're taking up doctors that could be used on baristas and bartenders

>> No.19849699

Reagan deregulated everything and made the US a corporate playground. They do everything to cut corners and make more money, at the expense of your health.

You might get cancer but at least the economy grew and stock market earnings are up. Also if you complain about this you're a free market hating tranny. sorry

>> No.19849707
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>Considering I'm also using silicone sex toys every day of my life I'm going to have to just take the L on this one
I don't have a semenjak strong enough for this
>captcha: SXXW4J

>> No.19849718

I always use a condom even on silicone toys

>> No.19849724

"dude you breathe air? don't you know that breathing is responsible for 100% of human deaths?"

>> No.19849729

to be fair most industrial workers are given protective equipment for hazardous chemicals and safety sheets for all chemicals used, hazardous or not, must be provided by law. most people choose not protect themselves but the option is always there.

>> No.19849736

OP is in deep shit once he finds out about Oxidative Stress

>> No.19849740

Wait until you tell him about what oxygen does to you.

>> No.19849743

Does your oven reach welding temperatures?

>> No.19849755

>wood is used as a heating fuel therefore wooden cutting boards are poisonous
this is literally your argument

>> No.19849759

Aluminium already reacts at room temperature very quickly with nothing required except the surrounding air.

>> No.19849767

It's not that difficult. You vote with your money nowadays. Either you pay for safe, sane, healthy, consensual.

Or you don't. It's that simple. No, really, it is. Just look up the opposites of safe, sane, healthy and consensual. Because when I tell you this shit is terribly unhealthy you don't listen. So look it up and draw your own conclusions.

>> No.19849769

Use of wooden cutting boards can release wood dust particles that can get in your sinuses and nasal cavities and cause cancer.


>> No.19849875

i just cook on the pan and then clean the pan in the sink when im done. my pans have a nice non-stick patina on them at this point

>> No.19850153

stop being a bitch. you aren't going to die from alzheimers, chemicals from cooking and even if you did it was more likely a genetic defect you had no control over vs. a controllable factor.

>> No.19850425

>Essentially all fine powders are explosive. If you put a handful of baking flour in a balloon, inflate it, and pop it with a candle, you'll have a 6' diameter fireball. There was a tragedy a few years back where people were throwing around colored corn starch? at some festival, turned the entire venue and everything in it into a fiery wasteland.
Damn so my D&D munchkin isekaishit manga wasn't fucking around when the antagonist tried to fill a room with flower and explode it..

>> No.19850433

No, in fact flour is one of the most famously explosive random powders since it's ultimately carbohydrate rich and therefore loaded with chemical energy. Literally ancient problem to have a storage silo or whatever full of ground grains explode when a stray spark gets too close.

>> No.19850434

You're a free market hating tranny.

>> No.19850488

frog website, newfaggot.

>> No.19850493

>cast iron
well meme'd my good man! a tip o' the fedora to you gentlesir!

>> No.19850586

Just put a cabbage leaf over it

>> No.19850679
File: 1.73 MB, 1242x706, OVA - As Long As You Act Decisively, Even The Demons And Gods Won't Stand In Your Way.mkv_snapshot_24.41.984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but we aren't on r*ddit so I think you're wrong

>> No.19850681

>eating cabbage?!? bro cabbage will leak anti-nutrients and heavy metals into your food!

>> No.19850685

Roasting pans do come with their own lid.

>> No.19850695

You don't eat the cabbage. It absorbs the metal leakage and you throw it away.

>> No.19850788

there are three classifications for carcinogens:
- known carcinogens (we are are pretty much sure)
- probable carcinogens (we have suspects, but the evidence is limited)
- possible carcinogens (same as above, but in this case even the carcinogenity in lab animals is dubious).
most of the substances you hear about their carcinogenity are actually in the second and third groups (actually 2A and 2B).
Even in the known carcinogens group, not every substance poses the same increased risks.
Some greatly improve your chances of getting cancer (like smoking), others only slightly.
tl;dr: only worry about the first group, and the things that really raise your cancer risk levels. For the rest, don't stress it too much. Avoid it when it's possible, or eat it in moderation if it's something you like.

>> No.19851023

>aluminum is not used as a welding "fuel"
Do you even thermal lance?

>> No.19851028

All of 4chan has turned into a schizo dumping ground.

>> No.19851146

There was a guy on my block that cut his grass, used a chainsaw to cut off some branches, and then he did some carpentry work that left behind a lot of fine wood shavings, and did some more landscaping too....and I don't know what happened but he threw it all in his trashcan and a few hours later it blew up half of his house and half of the house next to it. It was the loudest thing I had ever heard. In fact there were some people walking by his house who went deaf. Firefighters said some complicated sounding shit like the sawdust acting as an accelerant and bacteria creating so much friction that it all ignited and that it happens in rural areas a lot.

>> No.19851154

>Essentially all fine powders are explosive. If you put a handful of baking flour in a balloon, inflate it, and pop it with a candle, you'll have a 6' diameter fireball.
Flour is fuel too. Carbs are stored chemical energy, that's why we eat them.
A fine powder of something actually inert, like glass won't explode at all.

>> No.19851158

Plastics might be the least volatile chemicals anyone can think of
It's not corrosive and the only degradation comes from forces applied, high temperature and UV light
None of which is present in the human body
There's a reason why they say this stuff lasts hundreds of years in a garbage dump

>> No.19851168

>Aluminum is an inert, non-reactive metal.
Aluminum oxidizes very quickly when left out in open air. However, the oxide forms a solid layer on top of the metal, preventing further reactions, but that only helps while that layer is not disturbed.

>> No.19851177

I've never tasted anything off from parchment paper. OP, you're free to use whatever and disregard warnings about carcinogens. If you own any appliances that use natural gas or propane, chances are you're getting a goog dose of carcinogens anyway. Drink dark roasted coffee? You like cured meats? How about a nice cut of beef? Carcinogens.

>> No.19851196

Lol, you are incredibly new.

>> No.19851228

It’s called a dust explosion anon, it can happen in with any type of dust including not combustible materials such as steel

>> No.19851531

Eating sustenance will keep you alive. Being alive is the number one cause of eventually being dead. Don't eat.

>> No.19851534

Y not just put you food on a stick & cook it over a fire? Humanity perpetuated itself long before we invented cancer. It's a tried & true way to survive, ur walking proof.

>> No.19851548

>/pol/cel shills get overwhelmingly busy with the ukraine situation (since half of them were FSB plants or pajeets anyway)
>nobody mentions sneed oils or any other food related schizo shit ever again
what gives?

>> No.19851676
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go back to gaia, nigger

>> No.19851951

This. 4chan is a refuge for all the morons, idiots and schizos who get kicked out of every other online community. 4chan is the retard who strips naked and smears their feces all over the walls of their bedroom.

>> No.19851963

>he doesn't know cast iron is pre-seasoned with sneed oils

>> No.19852101

>fiberglass cookware

>> No.19852192

>t thinks seed oil is bad for you

>> No.19852199

>vegetable oil schizo
I’m sorry you’re too poor to afford actual food and not industrial leftovers.

>> No.19852217

>shill felt the need to appear after his schizo babble was called out
lmao, even

>> No.19852227

>seething poorfag can’t afford butter

>> No.19852687

I cook everything either diectly over open wood flames, in a wood stove, or in a cast iron pan ontop of a wood stove. If it can't be cooked like this, then I don't eat it. Simple as.

>> No.19852717

Based. Bunch of lazy pansies trading health and basedness for convenience, poisoning and cancer, just because the TV man told them they need some degenerate product.

>> No.19852763

Nothing about that is healthy.

Wood stoves fill your house with particulates that can cause dementia, increase depression, reduce intelligence, cause miscarriages, and more.
Cast iron leeches a ton of iron in your food. Which is good if you're a vegetarian but if you're not a faggot and already have an iron-rich diet you can get excess iron, which has been linked to Alzheimer's and cancer.
The seasoning which are harmful oxidized PUFAs will also flake into tiny particles into your food.

>> No.19852809
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>be me
>be work for hire journalist
>want to fuck with idiots
>purposefully try for jobs at the most retarded outlets
>only write stories i make up
>wine makes you gay, wax paper is bad for you, trans fat is actually good, serving size of meat should only be 3 grams, ect.
>outlets keep paying me
>keep writing nonsense
>people always freaking out and getting angry

>> No.19852823

>outsmarted by illiterate 19th century farm wives who managed to figure it out

>> No.19853199

it literally melts when its in contact with anything oily for a short period of time you dummy

>> No.19853570

Nigger what were you cooking on aluminum foil that you can effectively do in a cast iron skillet? Just put the food directly on the baking sheet, as long as you're using fat (you should be anyway) it won't stick and you'll get better browning due to direct contact with the pan.

>> No.19853828

no condom will fit on his dragon dildo sorry

>> No.19853836

What the fuck do you use to cook, a stick over a fire? Fire and charcoal are carcinogenic too, dumb dumb

>> No.19854670

>everyone dies therefore increasing suffering is fine

>> No.19854769

Is it really what trying to kill you, or is it who trying to control you?

>> No.19856132

you'd have to cook something in foil for a very long time for it to be harmful. can't speak to the other stuff, but don't sweat using foil too much.

>> No.19856953

Joke explained for other autistic people: These posters are humorously bragging about one of the least safe ways to prepare food, whilst ironically proclaiming it to be safer.

>> No.19856957

>I swear /ck/ is the most schizophrenic board

>> No.19857705

>he doesn't know he can just clean it off with soap.
If it bothers you so much, buy a cast iron pan that isn't pre seasoned.

>> No.19858454

just grease the pan for fucks sake it's not hard