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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19846588 No.19846588 [Reply] [Original]

best foods to eat high?

>> No.19846611


>> No.19846613

lasagna with ketchup

>> No.19846618
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Random shits from the value menu

>> No.19846620


I have a juicer so I make fresh apple, orange, grapefruit or cherry juice and enjoy that while baked.

>> No.19846624

Double fried extra crunchy chicken wings

>> No.19846630

I've smoked a lot of weed and I've never understood "the munchies." Like weed must effect me differently because I have basically zero appetite when I'm stoned. I always just eat first then get high.

>> No.19846645

munchies usually kicks in hours after consuming lots of mairjuana.

if you take a big dab or smoke a huge joint, youre not gonna have an appetite in that weird state between sober and full-on-high.

kinda dumb to order a big, expensive meal but intake a bunch of marijuana moments before.

pizza parties and cocaine dont mix :(

>> No.19846648

It basically disables hunger signals. If you're legitimately starving and smoke you won't notice and won't be hungry anymore. If you start eating you will just continue indefinitely because you never notice when you're full.

>> No.19846652
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>> No.19846654


>> No.19846672

Cold fruit.

>> No.19846726

Juicy fruit, mangoes specifically. Or some savory starchy dish.

>> No.19846763


>> No.19846766

First time I ever smoked weed was also the first time I had In-N-Out. It was a revelation

With that said, weed is awful and In-N-Out is mid

>> No.19846790

brooo im so fried right now haha

>> No.19846809

Just eat some of that broccoli in your picture

>> No.19846811

a bullet, druggie freak

>> No.19846880


>> No.19846895

Hot fudge sundae, any ice cream. Chips with dip, brownies or moist desserts. When I'm high it's the only time I crave sweets more than salty savory stuff. Also everyone suggesting fruit is weird. The texture can so easily be off and I absolutely despise it after I smoke

>> No.19847619

its faggots with weak willpower really
like eating food when high is great, but its not like it makes you hungry
>I always just eat first then get high.
cooking when stoned is fucking awful, plus weed makes you lazy so you just end up making trash, or fucking up your food because you forget shit.
for me its cooking my food, punching a cone just before its ready, serving it before the weed kicks in and then enjoying it high.

>> No.19847639


>> No.19847640

A bullet to the roof of your mouth.

>> No.19847645

probably bulgogi

>> No.19847655

Yeah it also makes heavy/processed food really unappealing to me more often than not, I just start thinking way more about what I'm actually eating.

Drunk on the other hand, I will destroy garbage food

>> No.19847665

Have sex

>> No.19847667

Spicy korean barebque, and thai iced tea.

>> No.19847679

chicken pot pie (homemade) with lots of cream cheese

2 blocks of cream cheese
diced peeled potatoes
saute carrots, onions, opt celery (or other veg) in oil/butter until light brown on medium-low heat
add a bit of flour, some milk and cream, some chicken stock
soften 1lb cream cheese, add it in bits to the sauce, add some dried thyme, add the potatoes and turn off the heat
top with pie crust
bake at 375F until pie crust is golden brown

>> No.19847683
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>> No.19847686

So high you forgot the chicken

>> No.19847709

oh sorry yeah, I use a pack of boneless skinless chicken thighs diced up, certainly could leave out to keep it veggie

>> No.19847717

A bullet.

>> No.19847735

Looks like bullet is the most consistent answer. That being said I like stoners because I grow weed yet rarely smoke and sell it. Very profitable even if you sell it dirt cheap. I like chips and dip best

>> No.19847749

cereal, popcorn, veggies with hummus or other kind of dip, chips/trail mix, chinese food, something from a street vendor. fruit.

based poster for ants

first time i smoked i ate a whole box of Litle Debie's oat meal creampies. i was certain they'd done something to the street lights to make them look like that.

>> No.19847756
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>> No.19847758

hamburger helper, I usually make two at a time cuz they don't give you enough pasta and its too much meat for too little pasta otherwise so I used 1.5 lbs of meat
and then I like to add 1-2 cups shredded cheddar or parmesan cheese
a little maple syrup
and a can or two of diced tomatoes

>> No.19847795

Edibles actually gives you noticeable munchies, boosts hunger. Smoking it doesn't do that for me

>> No.19847805

no they definitely both do but edibles can be more intense with that at a higher dose, also really only applies to THC, CBD will clamp down on munchies (and feeling high)

>> No.19847829

why did DUDEposting end
it was a perfectly good meme

>> No.19847900

granny smith apples are GOAT

>> No.19847999


>> No.19848000


>> No.19848011

It depends on the person who's high. For me, it's sandwiches, cheeze-its, black coffee, chocolate, and other sweet snack foods.

>> No.19848088

I like to put on a slow roast before hitting a dab on a sunday morning (after church) and making music most of the day. By the time i'm sober again i'm taking the meat out of the oven and ready to eat.

off topic but i've been kicking around a meal prep idea. Making like 2 big ass amount of roast just salted and braising them. Then making like 3 sauces. Like a pepper sauce, a avocado sauce or cilantro sauce, a teriyaki sauce. and a roasted sesame sauce. Just put the meat in a container with rice and some green that you can just micro wave to reheat (i'll just char them in the oven then throw it in next to the meat the meat). Make a starch on the side and just use the sauces to make the meals different day to day

>> No.19848110

More like it'll give you the shits

>> No.19848114

.t fiberlet

>> No.19848149

soy protein isolate and hydrogenated seed oils + nacho "cheese" is a recipe for hershey squirts unless you go through a container of fiber one in a week

>> No.19848152

>I like to put on a slow roast
me too anon
back when it was easy to get weed i'd put the slow cooker on and have it simmer all day while i got high
smoke for 8 or 10 hours with the house smelling like a beef stew, curry or stroganoff or something then its ready to eat whenever i want to serve it up.

>> No.19848154 [DELETED] 

slow cooker stroganoff sounds pretty nice, can you put the sour cream in with the beef?

>> No.19848156

Stoners fuck off

>> No.19848160

>Have sex
Stoners are turbo loser, what the fuck are you talking about? When I was 14 I was maybe thinking that weed was cool and attractive. But come on, I assume you're 18+, you need to level up.

>> No.19848208

>hurrr You must be 18+
>Proceeds to talk like a virgin faggot and saying "level up"
Have sex
Not that anon BTW

>> No.19848268

The answer is unironically copious amounts of Caesar salad

>> No.19848271

my SPICY cock

>> No.19848272


>> No.19848275


Lol, incels.

>> No.19848289

Snacks from nuts.com and trader joes are my go to when high. Probably since they're so easily eatable and you dont need to actually cook them. But it is fun to cook while high too then you get to eat whatever you made after. Once made maple syrup flavored oatmeal cookies while high and they were insanely good.

>> No.19848305

You're a drug addict, dude. No business insulting anyone

>> No.19848412

A kebab box from the cousin of the guy that sold you the weed.
Seriously tho, those muslims really hit it with those kebab boxes

>> No.19848677

I would recommend a 12 gauge you degenerate stoner.

>> No.19848729

Only time I ever got properly fat was during my thc vape days. Everything just tasted so much better.

Good thing I ditched it because getting high nowadays does nothing for me but give existential crisis.

>> No.19848730

Eat a dick, Bigfoot

>> No.19848733

>Have sex
What kind of woman has sex with a pothead? Genuinely curious.

>> No.19848769

I do edibles daily (both my own housemade stuff and commercial) and I don't get munchies

I think munchies is some babby stoner stuff, I got it when I was a teenager

>> No.19848771

a homemade veggie tray always hits

>> No.19849013
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i'd make a massive bowl that could easily serve 4 or more then wake up the next day and wonder why my insides hated me

>> No.19849024
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yo shut up, im tryna smoke

>> No.19849070

pineapple pizza

>> No.19849174

>smoke a weed
>suddenly realise my entire life is on the wrong track and that I am a complete fucking loser

>> No.19849177

What about foods while tripping? The nausea from cubes makes it hard to put anything down but the flavors are much more noticable under the influence.

>> No.19849211

orange juice is good but be warned vitamin C turbo boosts cubes.
overall there is the same amount of high but it just condenses it in into fewer but more powerful peaks

>> No.19849219

Sounds like lemon tek. I guess I'll eat a grapefruit or pomelo next time I trip. I'm assuming lighter foods are safer options.

>> No.19849269

Bout to blaze it up for Jesus right now 420bros. Weed is so cool right guys? DAE smoke blunts? I love browsing r/trees so I can see other degenerates smoke kush daily

>> No.19849277

unironically british food. a high fat plate of beige is amazing while high

>> No.19849280

it makes you impulsive not hungry

>> No.19849291

retarded post champ. the munchies kick in at different times, depending on the person and context. Of course, you're not gonna be hungry 0.00001 seconds after smoking but you will eventually get hungry, it might be 30 min or 3 hours

>> No.19849304

>eventually you will get hungry

>> No.19849320

I remember going from middle school to high school my friend smoked weed every day that summer and only ate salad when he was high. He stayed high the entire summer and showed up to high school unironically hot as hell. He went from a dnd shut in nerd to a dnd nerd that had a lot of sex.

he eventually became a doctor and has a kid now. We still play dnd monthly.

>> No.19849330

>I'm assuming lighter foods are safer options.
yea, i tried to eat a beef burrito from taco bell and the texture was horrifying it was like eating a gallbladder out of a alien

>> No.19849339

you're trying to hard

>> No.19849343

Do not fall for the trap of "stoner" foods, do not sate your hunger and quench your thirst with goyslop and goyslurp. Keep fresh fruits around, some good cheese, make your own crostini and bruschetta. You will crave fat, salt, and sugar, so keep healthy options around to sate these cravings, nuts are a good option, half an avocado with some salt sprinkled on it or an apple with some peanut butter are my typical munchies, and I usually drink cold cucumber water, or hot herbal teas like ginger, chamomile, peppermint.
If you go to Taco Bell or smash a bag of funyuns every time you smoke, you will get fat and have health problems like gerd. I wish I listened to this advice when I started smoking.

>> No.19849347

How about the curb you fucking junkie

>> No.19849356

You just suck at cooking, I get in a real zone when I'm high and cooking and wind up making something far more elaborate than I intended to make initially, but I clean as I go and don't have a mess when I cook, ever. You do clean as you work, right?

>> No.19849473

Noted. I'll stick to my salads, clear soups, tofu, and fruit. Maybe fermented stuff.

>> No.19849793

Nutella and jelly sandwich

>> No.19849839

not high but I'm drinkin' rn and i fried some zucchini in pork fat with a pinch of rosemary and imo it's way better than it should be. Love rosemary

>> No.19849847
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Bowls upon bowls of cereal

>> No.19849873

usually one of these two, or a fancy grilled cheese with crispy fried cheese all over the outside

>melt some butter in a pan, like 2 tablespoons
>two pieces of bread, mayo and mustard on the inside, outside down in the butter
>cover in a solid cup of shredded cheese, make sure it's around the sides of the bread on the pan too, use nonstick for sure
>cover with a lid and leave on low heat until the cheese is completely melted
>turn on medium heat, leave for a few minutes until the cheese starts to crisp up, then put the sides together.
>sprinkle some pre-grated parmesan on
>flip once per minute until it's as brown as you like

>> No.19850089

Based. Fruits and fruit juice are the best shit to avoid overeating with weed.

>> No.19850097

It's fucking glowies.

>> No.19850102

A bullet. Pathetic fucking losers. But if i ever did smoke weed (i wouldn’t because i’m not a low class pathetic loser) it would be a very small piece of fruit.

>> No.19850130


>> No.19850132

that's not what will happen when you get the munchies

>> No.19850134


>> No.19850137

No DUDE poster will go un(you)’d in my presence.
And with that, I will take my leave.

>> No.19850214

virtually anything tastes better while high imo, my one exception has been salt and vinegar chips. usually one of my favorite chip flavors but something about them is meh when baked
but my personal favorites would be fresh fruit, chocolate, caramel, or sour flavored candy, and anything involving cheese.

>> No.19850261

A bullet.

>> No.19850288

Is that a regional dish?

>> No.19850302

Can you eat the weed? I don't know how to smoke

>> No.19850324

It triggers an increase of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for hunger.

>> No.19850338
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Congrats, you invented a disgusting dish. Cream cheese in a pot pie is off to begin with, but a full fucking pound of it within a single pie crust? You've clearly got some sort of extraordinary cream cheese fetish that, while it may make sense to you, isn't going to go far beyond you. I say this as a cook and a stoner. I'd take a bite just to be sure, but that is a LOT of cream cheese. Eck

>> No.19850341

>maple syrup in hamburger helper

You're just making stoners look bad now. Why? Why would you sweeten it and then why of all sweeteners would you choose maple?? Why?

>> No.19850348
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Are you suggesting eating salad was making you sick? No. It's better than other foods, it was not bad for you but good. You're disagreeing with everyone here and everywhere else. Salad does not cause digestive discomfort.

>> No.19850350

that would happen to you. The rest of us are fine though and achieving and succeeding as winners with cannabis.

>> No.19850353


cubes? WTF

>> No.19850357
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Breakfast sandwich and bloody marys

>> No.19850365
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>> No.19850371
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After you my guy.

>> No.19850374
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You are unfamiliar with the definition of a junkie or you're unfamiliar with marijuana. Either way, your ignorance is showing.

>> No.19850378

Lol, he doesn't know classy people smoke weed. He doesn't know everyone smokes weed.

>> No.19850379
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>> No.19850384

>complaining about losers on 4chan
Maybe try going back to Facebook with the normies if you get scared by a plant You queer

>> No.19850407
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why are u so upset bitchboy, calm down

>> No.19850417

Weren't you ever a seething tightwad dork? I used to be absolutely enraged at the concept of people polluting their mind with Alcohol and Drugs and thought everyone who used them were pathetic junkie sacks of shit. Then I turned 18.

>> No.19850518

relax, smoke a bowl

>> No.19850606

Anytime I smoke I basically empty my vegetable drawer. On Friday I cooked half a bag of broccoli in my cast iron with some fresh garlic and a lot of steak seasoning. Probably a full pound of broccoli when it was cooked.

>> No.19850816
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bro eat +6 heads of romaine lettuce worth of Caesar salad every day for a week day and see how your gut feels

>> No.19850825

God, why are zoomers so stupid

>> No.19850826
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psilocybe cubensis

>> No.19850987

>your ignorance is showing
You're either a woman or a nigger

>> No.19851009
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because we failed to teach them and they were bombarded with unprecedented amounts of propaganda, indoctrination and social engineering by conflicting sources so their developmental score code is incoherent making their personality fragmented and loaded with conflicting idiosyncrasies.

>> No.19851293

>He doesn't know everyone smokes weed.
That's not even close to being true. This is the kind of rationalization that addicts are using to justify their habit. I was a stoner myself I remember very well the cope my brain was creating.

>> No.19851301
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>My stomach was audibly grumbling looking at this
Not sure if it's cos I'm hungry or due to the coffee and smoke. I'm going to try a few different methods to solve this...

>> No.19851348

Based salad eater, good for your friend anon.

>> No.19851374
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i was trying to lose weight in highschool and while smoking with a friend and he looks over at me dead serious and says "bro just smoke everyday and get the munchies but then just don't eat"

>> No.19852470

in college I would make people dessert ramen, where I'de substitute the flavor packet with a hot coco packet

>> No.19852478
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>dessert ramen
The incantation has been spoken.

>> No.19852483

your wifes pussy

>> No.19852585

I have sinus issues that weed can aggravate so my favorite food when stoned is always soup or just regular stock. feels so good to dip my face in the steam and inhale the aromas. same goes for tea, my favorite is a german fennel tea
also I'm good enough with chopsticks to eat pho stoned, I've been doing that a lot lately

>> No.19852616

I like fruit and veggies while high personally. But things like chips and fried foods are great too. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Cold water is even more refreshing while stoned than it is while sober.

>> No.19852629

Acidic foods help to convert the psilocybin into Psilocin, which is the actual chemical that makes you trip. Since the additional acid converts it instead of waiting for your stomach acid to do it, the concentration goes up faster and you feel a more intense trip faster than you would normally.

>> No.19852674

I once ate a giant bowl of chocopops with millk while high and vomited them all over a painting

>> No.19852685

Weed makes me have a panic attack so I quit a long time ago, but back when I took edibles on the reg, I loved preparing sweet desserts right before getting high. Chocolate chip cookies, strawberry cupcakes, white cake, any kind of cheesecake. That shit was so good. You really taste every inch.

>> No.19852718

Potato chips and ketchup. Just put the ketchup in a bowl and use it like a dip.
Or get ketchup flavored chips if they exist in your area.
So good, even when sober.

>> No.19852725

>best food
It doesn't work like that. You get impulsive cravings for something really random and specific. You won't know what you want until it happens.

>> No.19852726

Its trashy AF.. but restaurant/fastfood french fries that have been frozen, warmed up in an air fryer...
FRESH fried frenchfries would be better, but when i get high im in no condition to go out and get those and i have a rule not to make any purchases when i'm high so i'm sure as fuck not going to postmates/uber/grub hub them.

I'll also add that for me personally, 2g of golden teachers magic mushrooms get me to about the same place as vaping 0.5g of pot(so its quite a bit more expensive) but it lasts a bit longer and i have no munchies so in the end its actually about the same over-all cost of getting high, without feeling like a bloated loser for the rest of the day(and needing to workout harder the next day)

>> No.19852729


>> No.19852738

>Weed makes me have a panic attack
if you take a 3 to 1 ratio of CBD to THC you won't have that problem.
some companies started making their lower dose edibles like this standard figuring they were for beginners/sensitive people that don't enjoy that psychosis feeling

>> No.19852742

>some companies started making their lower dose edibles like this standard figuring they were for beginners/sensitive people that don't enjoy that psychosis feeling
So it's normal for habitual marijuana users to suffer from marijuana psychosis?
...meaning that pot smokers are basically batshit insane people suffering from reefer madness?

>> No.19852817

"you get hungry after time passes" yeah alright what a revelation

>> No.19852870

no but beginners often take/do WAY to much and have not yet learned to manage their thoughts and maintain so they just spiral out.
Back when weed was illegal this wasn't as much of a problem because you couldn't get weed without going to a experienced stoner that would give you a much needed heads up on what to expect

>> No.19853433

I live in Montana which is like, the one single state where the Conservitard Officials somehow magically realized weed isn't some sort of weird Republican holy war item. Anything tomato based really scratches the itch. Great Value Beefaroni/SpagettiOs with meatballs pretty much consists of my entire "Oh shit I'm high and hungry: food stores.

Neocons on their deathbed after hearing this, sorry Mike Pence dropped out yesterday I know it's destroyed your family dinner

>> No.19853460
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Oatmeal with peanut butter is the wholesome snack for me , let's forget about the Vegemite and American cheese quesadilla incident

>> No.19854049
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>smoked a shitload of weed daily for a decade+
>3 months sober and I'm still having gnarly dreams every single night

>> No.19854064

I tend to stay away from chips because my mouth goes numb when high and I can’t tell when I’m done chewing sometimes. cookies are good, anything with subtle flavors are really good because when you’re high you are able to use more of your olfactory senses (in my experience)

>> No.19854133

salats and lamb

>> No.19854214

>sober for 1,5 month and having the same problem...

>> No.19854368
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bros never drink alcohol! the nightmares from quitting are indistinguishable for reality and as you enter a nightmare you'll actually think "thank god i woke up from that nightmare" because reality has become so painful that even as your flesh is being ripped apart by demonic ants it makes more sense that the nightmare is real then whats actually happening to you body.

>> No.19854605
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Oh, dude, so, here's the deal, you're actually in an extremely optimum state to take advantage of the intensity of your dreams.

What sorts of things are you dreaming about? You should absolutely write them down.

>> No.19854764

I get the munchies and it’s a big reason I don’t use weed often. It’s not that I’m hungry it’s just that I have a compulsive need to eat. Every time I get high I binge eat and feel terrible the next day

>> No.19854803

Crackers, funks cheese and grapes

>> No.19854916

>funks cheese
never had that before

>> No.19855048

they're all so different. last night I was in some college type town where everyone was drunk and I was trying to take a piss in this crowded bathroom when some qt black girl came in and slipped on all the piss. bunch of dudes tried pissing on her so I whooped their asses and followed her outside, she got cleaned up and next thing you know there's some street rap battle event and she goes out there and starts showing her butthole and pussy and then suddenly some russian drone kills her and I was super sad

>> No.19855056

Literally anything. That's the whole magic of being high. You'll notice all kinds of flavors and textures that your brain just use to buffer over.

I mean, I still overeat, but I feel better eating an entire bag of cherries than I do an entire bag of Doritos.

>> No.19855060

Man, I love my weed withdrawal dreams. I don't even need to quit, just lower my intake a bit and I have the most realistic dreams; shit that feels like I lived an entire lifetime in my head in a single night, like that episode of TNG with the flute or whatever. They're always super comfy dreams about my best friends from my high school years and stuff like that.

>> No.19855077
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it's just weird because through the decade that I smoked heavy, I don't think I dreamed at all. I'd just close my eyes, fall asleep, and wake up damn near instantly the next day. now that I'm dreaming every night it feels like sleep takes forever

>> No.19855111
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When I was getting high all the time back in college, my favorite thing to eat while high was calzones. I must have gained 30 pounds that as an underclassman. Now I'm a gym rat who stays away from weed, but god damn do I miss it sometimes. Another good one a nice homemade vegetable and meat stew with fresh bread, preferably sourdough you made yourself.

>> No.19855125

Eating while high doesn't do anything special for me anymore. In some cases when I get TOO high, eating isn't even enjoyable at all and just feels gross. If I'm the normal amount of high then it's just the same as eating while sober.

>> No.19855170

My momma says people who smoke pot usually become perverts or criminals. I'll never ever touch that garbage.

>> No.19855179

>the decade that I smoked heavy, I don't think I dreamed at all. I'd just close my eyes, fall asleep, and wake up damn near instantly the next day
This is entirely normal. Heavy weed consumption on the regular will just completely shut your dreams off and destroy your REM sleep cycle. I can tell the nights when I get too high because I feel like I fall asleep and wake up instantly just as you described. It's the act of quitting that fires your brain back into dreamland overdrive. It's like inverse to your weed tolerance. Some chronic users say they find it really unpleasant and borderline unbearable.
>now that I'm dreaming every night it feels like sleep takes forever
Isn't that a good thing, though? Nothing rustles me more than waking up feeling like I just laid down 5 minutes ago. Conversely, I love it when I have a dream that feels like watching the entire LOTR trilogy, then wake up to see that it's only 2 AM.

>> No.19855201

This is the most tragic post I think I've ever read. Man, I can think back to the first time I ate something while high; it was fucking Starburst of all things. I popped one in my mouth and it felt like I was eating every Starburst I ever had in my life all at once; like each bite was just releasing an entire orchard's worth of fruity flavors into my mouth.

>Another good one a nice homemade vegetable and meat stew with fresh bread, preferably sourdough you made yourself.
I always get high when my wife makes her beef bourginon, it's so fucking good. I just sit there going "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" after literally every bite.

>> No.19855693

I was a pervert and criminal to begin with so for me, it was a natural fit.

>> No.19855916

Dude weed LMAO

>> No.19855986

i don't smoke weed anymore because i get mega munchies and i was fat as shit. but typical for me would be mcdonald's and i'd be high as shit and get like

2x big tasty
4x double cheeseburgers
2x 20 chickennuggets
4x large fries
2x milshakes

i'd eat it in one sitting and would consider going back for more (and sometimes did)

>> No.19856023

what crime

>> No.19856032

most of the good ones. theft, controlled substances, assault, dui, sex harassment, hate speech. etc.

>> No.19856800

the correct answer is "i've never committed a crime that has no statute of limitations but ever crime that does"

>> No.19857303


anything that contains sugar

>> No.19857328

Honestly? Bland stuff. If it's got too much flavour then it gets weird IME. I guess I have a soft spot for chocolate while high though.
True. Sex while high is amazing. Easily the best reason to smoke.

>> No.19857585

Christ that's impressive, anon. I'm a total fatass and there's no way I could eat that much McD's. At my peak gluttony years in my late teens and early 20s, I could easily do a large pizza and a large meatball sub, but that was back when I was a completely straight-edge loser. If I had access to marijuana back then I'd probably weigh like 500 lbs today, haha.

>> No.19857591
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I ordered carne asada fries while high last night and they blew my fuckin mind

>> No.19857603

>Sex while high is amazing. Easily the best reason to smoke.
For me it's food, sex, and hot showers, in that order. Although really I like jerking off better than sex; it's easier to control what I need and I can sit there edging with my brain melted for like literally an hour.

>> No.19857637
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>> No.19857654
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If over the age of 21/22 and still smoking weed then you are a loser

>> No.19857681

faggot, you're just as bad as the weed smokers

>> No.19857682

Depends on the strain, but the nonsense mutt I'm growing (given to me as "An accidental fruity-kush / sour cheese that just won't make up its mind") makes maillards pop. I make some mildly dosed shallot butter with it a few times a year, and give most of it out with some of my steak seasoning, a few nuggies, and a recipe card for the butter and seasoning. After a wee pinner, a small slather of this stuff on a well seasoned steak with some crispy potatoes, with another little pat melting on top, and a mango-rum-lime drink (like a dark'n'stormy with mango puree) to go with (or a pale lager with lime, English bitter, or even a sweeter hazy IPA)... she's some good - tell yer mudder.

>> No.19857710

kill yourself newfaggot

>> No.19857722

But the anti-weed sentiment on 4chan was entirely a "newfag" fabrication.

>> No.19857723

not it wasnt
go smoke another cock seth

>> No.19857724

post-newfag, really. Probably closer to the cancer/death era when all the smartphone-using boomers came here around the mid 20-teens

>> No.19857726


>> No.19857728

>hurr no one ever said weed is for faggots before bro!!

>> No.19857733

What's the matter? Smartpone autocorrected your post, boomer?

I never said that. But they didn't seethe about it endlessly like a tranny who just got misgendered.

>> No.19857734

>its faggots with weak willpower really
>cooking when stoned is fucking awful, plus weed makes you lazy so you just end up making trash

Sounds like you're one of those faggots with weak willpower

>> No.19857737

>t. plebbitor that thinks smoking weed is cool

>> No.19857746
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When I do lines with my girlfriend I really don't feel like eating. It's also alot harder to have sex and you don't feel pain as much. But I guess the day after... during recovery I drink ovaltine and make bison or wagyu ribeyes. Pic related. It's my girlfriend and me starting our night.

>> No.19857756

>white rum
fucking disgusting. Something about it makes it even more vile than the darkest rum out there.

>> No.19857786

I use it primarily as a mixer. I also have zero hangovers which is why I like it for the price. Though If I mix coke, meth, fentanyl, ketamine and ecstacy with alcohol in a single night I will get a headache. Though if I mix mescaline and PCP or mescaline, ketamine and acid and Bacardi that always leads to bad times.

>> No.19858236

Plants are food. They are a consumable.

>> No.19858511

Something tells me the bad times are more of a cause than a symptom

>> No.19858543

No. I live a great life with lots of land and more money than I need.

>> No.19858554

Mixing coke, meth, fentanyl, ketamine and ecstasy with booze isn't happy fun times. That's [former homeless kid struggling to adapt/associating lack of stress and trauma with boredom] level shit.

>> No.19858596

Certain drugs work well together certain drugs don't. Even more, certain drugs hit certain people differently. Overall though, it's experimenting/augmenting the quality of your reality. Generally it's enhancing. That's life. There are so many substances that Bob Ross put on this Earth that make life an adventure.

>> No.19858641

Some of his happy little trees have deleted a lot of my friends in the past three years. Fentanyl being chief among them.

>> No.19858704

Sounds like your friends took more than they should have or made a mistake identifying the drug.

That's not the drugs fault. That user/operator error.

>> No.19858731

>Döner Kebab (going to the store to buy one surrounded by mad looking turks wasn't fun though)
>Pizza after it got cold and sit for a few hours
>Nissin instant ramen. Not the cheap thai trash but the real Japanese import ones
>Windbeutel, could not find English translation
>Nürnberger Lebkuchen and Marzipankartoffeln

>> No.19858736

I'll look for that in your obituary. If your parents are reading over your shoulder, I recommend something like: "He died doing what he loved most: committing heinous acts of user/operator error."

>> No.19858791

Oh I am not going anywhere... but if I do it will be totally my fault. No need to be passive aggressive. Start taking personal responsibility instead of blaming others.

>> No.19858896

I admit it, I killed them, AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN!
But for cereal. As much as I'm sure you're just fucking around on the old 4chins, if you're doing any of the hard shit, be very careful.

>> No.19858987
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GOP is all about money and they're catching on that they can score millions in tax revenue if they legalize it. This is why it's no longer just blue states getting in on it. They're also big on "tradition", and traditionally, weed has been "bad", so it's going to take them some time to adapt to the change. Only idiots think weed is for "junkies and losers", and they are on display in this very thread.

There will ALWAYS be ignorant pearl-clutchers who genuinely believe all of the nonsense pushed about cannabis in the propaganda from the war on drugs, but fewer and fewer of them all the time.

On the flip side, all of the uninitiated people trying it for the first time and calling 911 are not helping the cause. And that 9% of users who will develop dependence are going to make an impact as well, as many more new users makes the real numbers go up.

Why is the cartoon frog fishing in a puddle instead of the actual body of water behind him? There's no chance of catching fish where he is. Is that the point? Is he some sort of stubborn fool? Isn't that like a piece of shit person's mascot?

>> No.19858997

chocolate milkshake with french style ice cream (so gold in color) a good extra amount of chocolate malt and a big splash of even more liquid vanilla and whole milk paired with ham and swiss sandwiches made of underwood deviled ham and honey dijon mustard, a cold glass of pickle juice and some latkes fried in chicken fat

>> No.19859035
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Your momma isn't your last stop for life advice I hope. There's no correlation between smoking weed and crime and perversion. I know plenty of people who smoke and are perfectly capable upstanding citizens; more well-behaved than their alcohol-swilling counterparts.
It's about the user, not the drug. It's not garbage. Not anymore. It's medicine, it's big business, it's no longer shamed by society (save for dumbshit holdouts like your mother and her stupid son).
Go into a dispensary and see for yourself. People buying weed are normal people. You could stand to loosen up. Go get high so you can realize how wrong your 'mama' is. LOL, it's like you get all your info from outdated anti-drug propaganda. It's now the 21st century. Weed is fucking cool, legal, cheap, acceptable. Do it.

>> No.19859050

Wrong. You shouldn't even START smoking weed until you're at least 25, after your brain has finished developing. If you think it's a teenage phase, you couldn't be more wrong. It's an adult thing.

>> No.19859112


Nah, the disgusting part is that this anon fucks his anime pillow. And he's not the slightest bit ashamed of it. What a pathetic incel!

>> No.19859117


>> No.19859144

That was the only part I could get behind.

>> No.19859169

I'm from San Diego where they originated, those look fucking grim mate.

>> No.19859318

Coffee and date nut bread with salted butter spread on one side.
Slowcooked potroast and tabbouleh.
Watermelon with lime juice and cayenne
Stuffed mushrooms
Ice cream
Tuna salad sandwiches or tuna melts
Yogurt with macerated fruit (strawberries, raspberrys, etc) and toasted pistachios

>> No.19859660

Good thing I'm not a stuck up bitch, eh

>> No.19859667

nah he's right. why the fuck would you desecrate carne fries with nacho cheese and ketchup?
t. san diegan

>> No.19859869

>And that 9% of users who will develop dependence are going to make an impact as well, as many more new users makes the real numbers go up.
Yeah, I am effectively in that category - but after replacing booze with a infusion of hash oil ever second day or so, I'll take it. It treats my intestinal issues quite well and makes me function better in life overall. For what it is worth, properly distilled CBD is sufficient for the latter (and cheap), the THC is just for enjoyment when nothing is pressing for over half a day. CBD as a supplement really just seems in line with caffeine in terms of social consequence - wouldn't be surprised to see it in grocery stores some day.

Also I've tried alt-cannabanoids isolates from the hemp bill recently from a guy who could produce sourcing and test results in a long-running store (also sold kratom along with more conventional supplements) - I really can't recommend D8 or HHC/-O for anyone's first time - it's not as multifaceted of an experience. The effects were in line with what the seller said - the former leaned towards a body high, the latter a head high.

I will anecdotally comment on legalization here - state went legal early for the region but with a plan that would legitimately outprice regular high tolerance users financially unless you had a medical card, which AFAIK can be obtained easily. I got it for migraines in one 5 minute appointment (works, no more triptans needed!).
However, in this part of the state there are hours between "legal (state)" dispensaries that, by law, only sell - and the only ones who can sell - plain cannabis sativa/indica and derivatives/extracts. I can understand why that may the case, but no need to speculate. Point is it ironically opens up a huge vacuum for the hemp alts that, AFAIK, isn't cracked down upon (like kratom).
At the end of the day, if I can get both decently sourced in an hour of driving that doesn't kill the bank and the police just wave? Suuure beats 2013.

>> No.19859909
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Also if anyone else just makes oil and edibles, I find a mixture of unfiltered* coconut oil with sunflower lecithin is good - I'd start with enough lecithin mixed in to color the oil tea-brown and work up from there. After that I use the mason-jar pressure cooker method to decarb and infuse the oil - lurk that yourself, opinions vary. After that I use large paper tea bags like pic related to strain and discard the remains.
I usually just drink down the amount I want after a meal - but I can say anecdotally that strains with a noted sour, lemon, or even chemical/diesel note go well in sour gummies in my experience from taste with this method.

* Can use filtered, just find no difference personally and the former is more readily available her

>> No.19859922

potheads are so fucking pathetic I swear to god

>> No.19859942

> It's a medicine
In moderation that is. Weed doesn't just feel good because it feels good. It uses receptors in the brain and like any substance, it can be abused and seriously bum you out with hangovers over time.

Treat that shit like a treat, not like a habit.
Weed these days can really take a toll on your general behaviour and dopamine receptors which in turn rule your motivation.

>> No.19860372

The Whale's Vagina, home of everything.

>> No.19860802
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whatchu mean

>> No.19860843

All true. I smoke 1-2 times per month.

>> No.19860855

>For me it's food, sex, and hot showers

>> No.19861261

agreed, everything but lemon and vitamine C.

>> No.19863181

this dude's snorting lines of fluorescent light bulb dust

>> No.19863192

a 9mm.

>> No.19863216

I smoked weed ONCE and had a mental breakdown. why does everyone else like it so much?

>> No.19863493

Do you prefer them baked or deep fried?

>> No.19863502


>> No.19863566

mein negre

>> No.19863676

Obviously, you are not supposed to take it if you have any mental problems/conditions/illnesses or depression.

>> No.19863703

You remember in Star Wars when Luke asks Yoda what's in the cave and he says "only what you take with you"?
That's what getting high is like. It only exposes what's already there, so if you have a panic attack it's because you've already got shit going on in your head. If you manage to reach a state of peace with yourself, you won't have panic attacks while high.

>> No.19863754

Unironically Taco Bell, but if you can cook high then whatever you can make. Weed makes most folks enjoy food more, so buying the cheapest low-quality garbage or throwing something together generally makes sense, and is generally what happens.

>> No.19863780

Well that explains why it causes a dull ache in every injured tendon and broken bone I've ever had... no wait, it's supposed to have analgesic qualities. It's also supposed to increase appetite and help induce sleep... ... ... ... No panic attacks, thankfully, but I have come to realize that I am not wired properly for marine iguanas.

>> No.19863965

>you are not supposed to take it if you have any mental problems/conditions/illnesses or depression.
Dunno about that. I had chronic depression and anxiety since I was a teenager and I don't think I've ever had a panic attack from weed. I've had one or two bad trips here and there, but overall being high taught me what it must feel like to be a normie; to just not give a fuck about anything but your own satisfaction.

I've heard it also causes different reactions in people with ADHD. I think there was even a study that showed it makes them better drivers because it calms their brain down and makes them focus on just driving.

>> No.19864007

>I don't think I've ever had a panic attack from weed
It's not a 100% rule, like everything in life. Most people with mental issues shouldn't take weed.

>> No.19864018

Sure, but I'm just saying it's worth a shot even if you do. Weed is extremely different for everyone. No two psychological profiles are alike, and that goes double for their reactions to literally anything.

>> No.19864032

Food that is conducive to health (in moderate amounts). Food suitable to the continuation of life, health, quick-wittedness, beauty, etc.

>> No.19864691

Last time I took some fat rips on dispensary shit I ended up with 2 primary results:
1. Couch mode, sensory ogreload. Tripping out by staring into space. The lamp got huge and the walls receded, like fuck bro that's a dope lamp. That type of shit.
2. Mental shutdown. Internal silence with a side of the normal thoughts here and there. Lots of "oh, ok, whatever".
No real munchies, but I was able to eat a lot more than usual - probably due to the effects on hunger signaling.
Now, getting crossfaded is a different story...

>> No.19865629

I do this especially when pork loin is on sale. I'll use salt pepper but don't use thematic seasoning. Then day 2 is tacos, day 3 pork lo mein, day 3 bbq pork

>> No.19867249

Gonna get high tonight. I want something with a lot of flavor, and maybe something fried.
Any suggestions?

>> No.19867251

burgers are easy to make.

>> No.19867411

fried pork chops go crazy and are pretty easy to make
>put pork chops in egg mixture completely submerged leave em in the fridge for a few hors
>take some flour +SnP +garlic powder+onion powder mix it up
>take out pork chops in dunk em in the flour dredge
>you can put them back in the egg mixture then back in the flour if you like the fried texture alot. mash some flour down into the porkchop for extra texture
>but i don't do that because i like a thinner crunch but it can be good
>put some oil in a pan enough to go up half way up 1 pork chop
>heat the oil up
>gently lay the pork chops into the pan (lay it away from you so you don't splash hot oil on yourself)
>also if you have a weaker burner or stove turn the heat up when you put the meat in. its cold and will lower the temp of the oil giving you soggy crust. remember though the heat will rise up so to prevent burning when the bubbles speed up popping chill on the heat
>when the meat turns white flip it with tongs
>do this until its golden brown
>take em out of the pan and rest them
>put them on bread
>make gravy and eat with a starchy side
>or put it on bread and eat it with a sauce

>> No.19868327
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How about these?
BTW I'm in the northeast, for reference.

>> No.19868337

>Gonna get high tonight. I want something with a lot of flavor, and maybe something fried.
>Any suggestions?
I'm high right now, and I'm eating some kraft mac and cheese, with a dash of MSG, one stick of salted butter, and no milk. I feel like I'm about ready to ejaculate in my pants, it's so good.

>> No.19868388
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>corn, lettuce, tomato, brown guac

>> No.19868427

Well shit gimme a recipe dawg it can't be that fuckin hard

>> No.19868438

Beer battered shrimp

>> No.19868475
File: 168 KB, 512x512, output (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im cooking bratwursts, a welk-dressed acorn-squash & naan-bread w. yoghurt dip, been smokin sum green shit all day

>> No.19868491

if i smoke i don’t get the munchies too bad. if i eat a gummy or edibles i will eat $25 of taco bell or a large jet’s pizza in one sitting though

>> No.19868520
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Supermarket brownie with custard
One of my fondest memories from my student days was getting the munchies at 3am and downing one of these in my dorm's communal kitchen with my buddy. I felt revitalized like never before.

>> No.19868552

i dont get the munchies it just makes me wanna watch shit youtube documentaries

>> No.19868931

I ate so much, I drank two large fuck off glasses of ice water, one lime Jarritos (overpriced as fuck but I hadn't had one in about 20 years, oh man is it good), one glass of Yuzu Orange Blossom seltzer and a thc root beer and I thought my tummy was going to explode for a while there.

>> No.19869121

Chili is my favorite. With lots of cheese and sour cream with corn bread on the side. For dessert gushers fruit snacks.

>> No.19869252

When you clean as you go are you using soap? I do as well but my method must auck cause I usually end up done for a while and still cleaning. Do you soak or something?

>> No.19869577

People saying it cant make you hungry, not necessarily true, there is evidence it can excite hunger, but I'd argue a lot is habitual. Food seems more interesting, or people hold off eating to enjoy while high until it becomes your schedule. I've had friends who had to smoke TO want to eat.

>> No.19869586

That is so bizarre, fruit is so refreshing. I wouldn't want to eat like a banana but berries or melon sound great. If I'm tripping all I can eat is fruit/veges, everything else weirds me out.

>> No.19869659

BBC ejaculate (aka cum).