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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 227 KB, 1200x1000, Banquet-Breaded-Chicken-Patties-Macaroni-Cheese-Sauce-And-A-Fudge-Brownie-Meal-7-1-Oz_83ade2ae-a686-4604-81ca-d55c8db46043_1.33b413e93fb9f96f291dd5f4ba9a508a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19841486 No.19841486 [Reply] [Original]

Gordon Ramsay ain't shit. I ate these almost every day for lunch during a few summers growing up.

>> No.19841495

How is that a banquet? It's frozen food. What the hell do these people think a banquet is?

>> No.19841520

I always ate two of them for a meal.

>> No.19842705

soups not a meal, and this ain't a banquet.
>ate two of them for a meal
okay I think that counts as a banquet. but just barely

>> No.19842797

Sometimes I get an intense craving for microwaved salisbury steak and mashed potatoes.

>> No.19842914

I always pulled the brownie out and ate it cold while the chicken was microwaving

>> No.19843126

>paying like $15 per meal
Just cook, I beg you

>> No.19843375

banquet makes THE worst frozen meals I have ever had.

>> No.19843393

Imagine the sodium levels.

>> No.19843606

cooking is for people who don't value their time

>> No.19843613

they're 1.68 each

>> No.19843617

Yeah and look how you turned out

>> No.19843622

sodium is a meme, literally drink more water

>> No.19843640

imagine eating those fried chicken sticks and mac n cheese and then feeling like you earned a brownie

>> No.19843701

slave mindset

>> No.19843733

Gordon is about to learn the hard way the michelin star scene is a fucking joke compared to the cutthroat world of tv dinners.

>> No.19843738

yeah but they're like a fucking dollar. Or at least they used to be 10 years ago.

>> No.19843814

Banquet brownies are good.

>> No.19844055

Cooking is for sissies

>> No.19844279

Damn this just brought back vivid memories ofe eating these exact meals watching South Park after school. Why can't things just go back to the way they used to bros

>> No.19844307

For me its Hungry Man. Eating one of those while shouting obscenities at Mexicans on the Halo boards with G4 playing in the background was the best.

>> No.19845241

>good source of protein
when they're desperate to say anything remotely positive about their processed slop box

>> No.19845272

>soups not a meal
Is that you, Bania?

>> No.19845320

i don't mean to go full 'lol americans' but it's the only country i see that commonly includes a dessert in their ready meals. that perception could just be down to the internet being over-saturated with american content, if any anons from around the world have a similar practice i'd be curious to see it.

>> No.19845469
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>> No.19845474

it's got electrolytes

>> No.19845486
File: 61 KB, 480x498, apu-hmph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom said I'm a big boy and that's enough for me

>> No.19845498

it's not ethical to cut the fingers off of chickens

>> No.19845719

No, it's true. The stuff intended for children and the destitute will do that here.

>> No.19845761

Historylet here but it may be a holdover from the oven cooked Swanson TV dinner days when they were meant to be like a whole homecooked style dinner.

>> No.19845864
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Big boys get some chicken tendies!

>> No.19846995


>> No.19847788

Was that a typo? What tv dinners come anywhere near that price?

>> No.19847794

Gordon Ramsay's.

>> No.19847799

Fats do use that kind of shit to cope quite often ime so im sure the blurb makes them money.

>> No.19847817
File: 597 KB, 1072x948, SmartSelect_20231029-011258_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The REAL sadsacks know it's michelina

>> No.19847823
File: 486 KB, 1027x1586, Gftuhgdfhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19847860

Lived off of these for months when I was particularly depressed. If you get two of them it's actually pretty filling for under $2.50

>> No.19848585

>t. 350 lb hambeast

>> No.19850196

Just do other stuff while cooking. I like to listen to comedy specials in the kitchen.

>> No.19850332

Nah he's right. Banquets hardly feed you for more than two hours.

>> No.19850472

This can't be real, what is the downside? Not American it seems like a good deal to me.

>> No.19850683

Same man

>> No.19850697

it's half a lb of brownie, fried chicken and pasta if you eat two of these. Stop being a fat fuck for once in your life, being 200lb at 5'6" as a man is being obese and pointing fingers at 350lb lard beasts ain't invalidating your own obesity.
I checked online and it's 480 cal for the 201g portion, that's almost 1000 calories in a single meal from frozen food. This is half the calorie intake a normal adult male should eat per day, in a single meal with frozen food. Let me guess the fat fuck who eat this slop don't exercise and is probably sedentary making his actual need for energy even lower. If this is a single meal, I don't want to know what he has for lunch and breakfast and if he drink shit overflowing with sugar. oh and enjoy your lack of vitamins and minerals
This faggot is 100% a fat fucking lard ball.

>> No.19850724

These are way too much food.
I’m used to only eating rice and cabbage everyday

>> No.19850910

I eat one meal a day.

>> No.19851212

good job anon

i bet you're very protein rich now that you're a big boy

>> No.19851241

>that one meal lasts 15 hours

>> No.19852309

You feel hungrier after eating them

>> No.19852319

last time i had a banquet frozen dinner i was peeing outside my butt, stouffers or GTFO

>> No.19852631

doesn't everyone pee outside their butt?