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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19837804 No.19837804 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.19837810

How'd he get this? Shouldn't that be getting sent to the front lines?

>> No.19837820

well it is expired...

>> No.19837826

They've been eating older ones

>> No.19837827

>canned meat (and veg)
>canned meat
>canned meat (minced)
That's a good amount and variety of meat.

>> No.19837841

Some poor mobik used his months salary to send him this box that contains 3 days of his rations

>> No.19837844

crazy westerners like steve will pay $$$ for weird ones like this.

>> No.19837930
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The 2023 MRE looks decent for a vegetarian menu item.

>> No.19837987

Not bad. Looks better than some of the slop they feed to US prisoners.

>> No.19837990

Love the bag of crackers and cat food!

>> No.19837999
File: 169 KB, 400x289, fr_rcir_opened-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a MRE ? No. THAT is a MRE.

>> No.19838011

pretty sure after doing this for the amount of years steve has, he has a pretty good network

>> No.19838017

we used to get these for school lunch after hurricane katrina

>> No.19838021
File: 260 KB, 1272x954, First_Strike_Ration_Components.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RCIR is a 24 hour ration, 3 meals, around 3200 calories.

The standard MRE is a single meal, around 1200-1500 calories.

The US equivalent to the French RCIR is the FSR (first strike ration) at around 2850 calories.

>> No.19838063
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You're correct, that was a 24h ration. But the quality and reputation varies a lot, during military exchanges french MRE are super popular while US ones are avoided like plague or just wanted for weird curiosity.

Here's a single meal version (it's missing some stuff though)

>> No.19838092

This is up there with one of the more insane rations he's done. The cracked styrofoam cup really gave it that special "Russian prison" vibe.

>> No.19838105

It's just like the 2016 Russian ration without all the snacks and worse crackers.

>> No.19838196

He's gotten even rarer stuff, including stuff that only existed as a prototype 60+ years ago

>> No.19838216

I really wonder what other neat old shit was hiding wherever those ancient rations were stored

>> No.19838249
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Personally, I'm holding out for either a pre-Civil War can (canning existed for military purposes as far back as the Napoleonic Wars), or something WWII or earlier from a nation that you'd think would have exhausted every last bit of their rations in time of famines, like a WWII Soviet ration. Supposedly scientists opened Napoleonic-era canned food a few decades ago, and

Ashens had a bottle of olives found on a shipwreck from the 1830's, so that satisfies a similar niche

>> No.19838257

Supposedly a few decades ago, scientists opened Napoleonic-era canned meat, and the food was deemed edible based on testing of bacteria and heavy metal content, but no one ate it. One of them fed some to his dog and the dog was fine. I can't find the article for the life of me

>> No.19838275

Scientists have routinely proven they are absolute pussies with this kind of stuff, they shouldn't even bother if they're not going to have someone ready to try it. They pulled this picky horseshit with bog butter and mammoth meat too.

>> No.19838298
File: 1.20 MB, 2184x2512, he's australian too because of course he is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bog butter one pisses me off even more. That was intended for human consumption at one point, it's not even like the mammoth meat one where it ended up mummified like that

And it's only the food scientists too. I learned in a biology class that the guy who discovered that H. pylori, the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers indeed does cause stomach ulcers, ground up a petri dish worth, ate it, and promptly got stomach ulcers. But he got a Nobel Prize for it


>> No.19838324

yup, that's botulism

>> No.19838414

ZAPplesauce, now with pervitin.

>> No.19838418

Not even a little sliver on toast.

>> No.19838542

sadly just maltodextrin

>> No.19838575

you're thinking of the mommoth meat they found. I'm beginning to wonder if it's actually part of their process to feed it to a dog and watch it for effects.

>> No.19838594

the US ones are seen as boring because there's 1000x more of them than any other ration floating around. There's also the issue of the US making so many rations that they have to contract companies to make the ingredients whereas smaller armies can just buy a bulk supply of regular food from supermarket suppliers and shove it in a box.

>> No.19838855 [DELETED] 

Steve is definitely pozzed now. Bill's Brew coffee replacing the instant type coffee, and no voice of protest whatsoever?
Praising the powdered chili instead of the small chili bottles and calling them a 'definite improvement'?
He's been contracted to shill this brand new 2023 ration

>> No.19838897

>whereas smaller armies can just buy a bulk supply of regular food from supermarket suppliers and shove it in a box.

Israeli krav ration exactly.

>> No.19838932

I'm glad he's updating somewhat regularly again.

>> No.19838933
File: 796 KB, 929x3290, 1689624589221366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MREs are more calorie-dense and tend to provide a more varied menu than any other nation. Pic related.

MREs also tend to have a very long shelf life compared to off-the-shelf stuff smaller armies use.

>> No.19839734

Yea we have had 5 or 6 videos this year, much better than the last two years.

>> No.19840537

>russian prisoner MRE
Do you have any idea how many penal legionaires had to be landscaped into six feet deep holes in order to get that rare drop?

>> No.19840694
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>Gordon Ramsey quit kitchen nightmares because the bad food hurt his tummy

>steve consumes botulism and 50 year old food on a daily basis, and shrugs it off like it's nothing

>> No.19841424

Upon inspection, the kasha just had a bit of beef fat to keep it held together. No actual meat.

>> No.19841498

Gordon Ramsey is a bitch and people knew that for years.

>> No.19841534

glad he's back after his vtubing career collapsed

>> No.19841544

his what now

>> No.19841935

>One of them fed some to his dog and the dog was fine.
most rigorous science experiment

>> No.19841942
File: 56 KB, 500x500, steve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Steve at a grocery store in Florida yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “OK, cool, nice, alright.”

I was so pleased, all I could say was “Nice!” and he kept responding "Nice!" and we exchanged thumb-ups and high-fives for about ten minutes straight. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him say "cool, see ya" as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him handing out souvenir P-38 can openers to a group of kids as he approached the register with like fifteen cans of expired Spam.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, these items are expired, I don't want you getting sick!” But Steve just said, "Let's get these out onto the conveyor belt!" and unpacked his cart. When she took one of the cans and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “because some of these are different varieties, could be more expensive,” and then turned around and smiled at me apologetically for the delay. What a sweet, honest guy!. After she scanned each can and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept getting distracted and blushing at his bulging biceps.

>> No.19842096

>This is up there with one of the more insane rations he's done. The cracked styrofoam cup really gave it that special "Russian prison" vibe.
This. As for the US MRE, I enjoyed his PB Army Mocha concoction. I had expected him to apply it to the crackers instead of using them crushed up as a garnish to the rice and beans bowl.

>Do you have any idea how many penal legionaires had to be landscaped into six feet deep holes in order to get that rare drop?

>> No.19842199

The best part about this story is that it's completely true.

>> No.19842203

this post is nice

>> No.19842212
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>> No.19842230

Hi Steve

>> No.19842282
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Saving for posterity

>> No.19842832

That's not a bad selection, not super exciting or anything, but better than I expected.

>> No.19842859
File: 45 KB, 720x400, 1648828513072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientists these days are just puusies.

>> No.19842919

>front lines
It's a prison ration

>> No.19843237

>seething commies watch too much TV
average ukr wishes his rations were this, good kek

>> No.19843380

The fuck's the difference

>> No.19843559

First of all, this is from 2020, which is before the Russians invaded Ukraine.

Second, you have to volunteer to be in a penal battalion, so there are still regular criminals going to prisons in Siberia or whatever that need to be fed on the long trips.

>> No.19843615

I don't know if anyone has said it yet, but I'm like 60% sure it's fake. The construction of it being cheap can be sold off as Russians being cheap with rations, particularly with prisoners. But I'm not entirely sure this is a real thing. The quality of the components looks pretty easy to recreate on your own, especially if you have access to Russian rations (which is easy). the packaging would be easy to make since it's just a cardboard box with pieces of paper (no batch numbers or dates for example) and stuff like the Styrofoam cup are a little too "on brand" for what we expect of the Russian treatment of prisoners.
I'd hazard a guess this is a mock-up of a Russian prisoner ration made up with parts from other ration kits. I'm not accusing Steve of something like propaganda, but it is odd to pair this with an upload praising a newer US ration and how great the methods of production are.
Steve is American, he likes guns, military, things like that. He probably is proud of what his country can do.

>> No.19843621

When will Steve fight Tuunbaq to get some quality rations?

>> No.19843637

bait but it looked way better than our prisoners get on long drives (shitty bag sandwiches)