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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 396 KB, 2048x1072, worst halloween candy 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19830469 No.19830469 [Reply] [Original]

-Goldfish Crackers
-Rice Crispy Treats
-international snacks/candy
-DIY candy kits
-liquid candy
-powdered candy
-gummy candy
-sour candy
-spicy candy
-old fashioned candies
-no brand candies
-Toostie Rolls
-seaweed snacks
-rice crackers
-granola bars
-home made treats
-popcorn balls

>> No.19830495

I love rockets (smarties for burgers)

>> No.19830504

-liquid candy
-powdered candy
-gummy candy
-sour candy
This is just your personal tism, these aren't regarded as nasty candy by any means

>> No.19830509

So basically bitch made OP just wants Reese's.

>> No.19830518

If you want a popular house, then give out anything with chocolate.

You're not going to clear your bowl if all you've got are jolly ranchers, smarties (us), fruity tootsie rolls, and skittles.

>> No.19830519

Image seems accurate but not sure what some of those are. I have a hard time picturing trick or treating existing with modern diversity.

>> No.19830521


Sour candy like warheads and sour patch kids are fine, but they aren't for everyone. Candy should appease a broad range of children. If a kid can't stand sour it's one less candy they can enjoy and that's unfair because they spent all night walking house to house collecting candy. Gummy candy doesn't do well in cold temperatures.

>> No.19830522

But smarties are god-tier candy

>> No.19830525

people that don't like wax soda bottles aren't eating them properly.

>> No.19830532
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Don't care. Still making treats.

>> No.19830538


yeah. no parent is going to let their kids eat some stranger's cooking. Unless you're good friends with your neighbors you're so called treats are going in the rubbish can.

>> No.19830539
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Rate my candy mix for the trick or treaters (have 3 more huge bags, this is just pre-halloween candy bowl)

>> No.19830540
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>> No.19830543
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The kids are going to have a happy Halloween this year. So say we all.

>> No.19830546

Because that's what your parents did 30 years ago before they had given up on you?

>> No.19830550

>-powdered candy
how am i supposed to give the kids fent then?

>> No.19830552

Stop living in shit neighborhoods/third world.

Prepackaged chemical poison slop. Stop being lazy and start baking.

>> No.19830553

That's what trading candy with your friends/siblings is for tho

>> No.19830558


I'm sure your cookies are delicious like I'm sure that my sister's huge tits are soft, but no stranger is going to eat them because they are unsure if you following proper food safety procedures. If you have a pet in your home there's a good chance there's cat/dog hair in the cookies

>> No.19830563

You are seriously and massively overestimating how much the average parent gives a shit

>> No.19830564

Nobody is going to eat your homemade cookies anon, I hate to break it to you. Straight into the trash. Even if they are delicious. And they don't look delicious.

>> No.19830565


in an era of cancel culture kids would rather take revenge on a house giving out a candy they don't like than simply toss/trade their candy and move on.

>> No.19830568

I've been doing this for over a decade and still have people praising my treats anon. I've seen some of the kids grow up with a little of me inside them.

They love em and keep coming back.

>> No.19830569
File: 548 KB, 2560x2560, rice crispy treats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think you're being cool by offering something different, but you're offering something that no one wants in a day that's all about candy

>> No.19830570

Excuse me I fucking love smarties, tootsies, and candy corn. Say NO to licorice, crunchy sprees, life savers, fucking butterfingers and three muskateers

>> No.19830573

You say this when I already know they keep coming back and commenting how much they liked them. Keep failing dummy.

>> No.19830575


well your situation is different. Like I said homemade treats are only passable in communities where neighbors actually know each other.

>> No.19830576

Yum I'll take them.
A couple of freaks here

>> No.19830579

I've made them rice krispies treats many times anon. See my second pic.

>> No.19830583

how would you feel if you were a kid and a house was giving out cookies/rice crispy treats instead of candy?

>> No.19830588

In Canada, it's common for households to be giving out Potato Chips , but in America giving out chips would get you dirty looks.

>> No.19830590

Don't forget your shoe cam to look up little girls skirts.

>> No.19830592

I would act nice and say thank you, then throw them in the trash when I got home and consider them the "weirdo who doesn't actually understand Halloween and tries too hard"

>> No.19830593

I use to love peanut butter balls a certain house made.

>> No.19830595

>spent all night walking

Most trick or treaters I've seen in the past 10 years get dropped off. Those below the age of 10, anyway. "Older kids" will travel by foot in packs at decent neighborhoods where adults drop them off. Houses with candy aren't as common anymore.

>> No.19830597
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you're not putting drugs in your cookies, are you?

>> No.19830598

I didn't give a fuck then and I wouldn't now. Hell, one neighborhood used to have a guy making apple cider and handing that out, everyone loved it. Your autism is really doing you a disservice, bud.

>> No.19830599

i live in a gated white neighborhood, we all give out king sizes
before covid, we got hordes of pleb children from the townhouse community down the road
seems like the truth has been lost to time though, only the kids who live in our neighborhood come around now and end up with like $30 worth of candy kek

>> No.19830603

being a tryhard on Halloween is cringe because:
-you're putting extra effort and money to appease people you don't know
-it shows you are needy and constantly seek validation

Kindness is weakness and people will take advantage of you. you think these kids are going to think "hey, this is the house that gives out full candy bars. I better not destroy their Halloween decorations or scratch their car". Your house will still get vandalized and your yard will still get trashed anyway. Cringe cringe. projected insecurities. paranoia! PUT THE LIME IN THE COCONUT AND DRINK IT ALL UP

>> No.19830604

I wish people still gave out homemade candy apples. It's apple season.

>> No.19830609

There is a reason why we all laugh at you and call your processed shit goyslop or slop. Because it's shit and you can't cook. Why the fuck would you come to a cooking forum?

>> No.19830610

if you are giving out homemade treats on halloween you do it because you are hosting a party or attending a party and giving it out to guests. you do not give homemade treats to complete strangers.

>> No.19830611

fat americans.

>> No.19830614

Other than peanut butter and whey protein powder there are other creative ways to add protein to the treats.

>> No.19830617

I'm gonna hijack this thread for my own needs: I promised a friend I'd cook for a halloween evening, but the "eat with a few peopl" is turning into a large-ish party, so out with the meals and in with the finger food, and the needy fucker wants it to be somewhat halloween-themed.

I have no idea what to do and am looking for inspiration.

>> No.19830619

I did get treats like that and I loved them. Actual food is great.
This guy is an actual schizo, amazing that they can post 24/7 365 days a year while rotting away in their rooms until they end up on the street.

>> No.19830620

you guys should get in touch with modern slang when you interact with Generation Alpha. these kids will show up to your home with bodycams so try not to embarrass yourself by giving out trash treats and being called out on Tiktok.


>> No.19830621

I'm sorry you grew up in a shitty neighborhood anon. :(

>> No.19830623
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I am handing out these, bouncy balls, and Pokémon Halloween cards

>> No.19830624

Lose the payday but rest looks good!!
Fond memories of milk duds sticking to my teeth
Looks really good

>> No.19830629

I don't even know what's good anymore. What even is a good candy to pass out in bulk that will appease everyone? had no idea that so many candies are actually problematic

>> No.19830631

Tootsie rolls are great. Unironically one of the best parts of Halloween. You're a pleb

>> No.19830632

Making chocolate chip or snickerdoodle cookies tends to appease most.

I wouldn't make brownies since they tend to break up easily.

>> No.19830633


>> No.19830635
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>> No.19830636

I like the fruit flavored tootsie rolls

>> No.19830639

I'd lowkey think it was fucking weird and they were poor. I would egg and teeppee their house in response.

>> No.19830642

A little plump, but kids love my treats. :)

>> No.19830644
File: 1.29 MB, 2500x1415, ghost banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giving out these spooky boys on Halloween

>> No.19830647

Chocolate. Anything with chocolate.

>> No.19830651

Many people don't like chocolate which is why snickerdoodles or sugar cookies.

>> No.19830656

>give out Chocolate
>kids go yawn

>give out fruit flavored candy
>kids go "really"

>give out homemade candy
>kids 'lol tryhard cringe'

kids are cruel and I'm not in touch with my inner child. Kid me would just accept think it's funny some houses gave out apples and pennies. I wouldn't think anything bad about what was given. the randomness made trick or treating fun. you have to remember that kids are streaming as they going house to house

>> No.19830657

>this tiny bag of counterfeit nestle bars cost $14 per bag

>> No.19830659

Here is what you give out for Halloween.

Sour Patch kids, hot cheetoes, and kit kats. it's not too tryhard and they appease multiple audiences.

>> No.19830662

Kids who trick or treat are too young and bodies too tight to stream stupid. They don't even have public hair.

>> No.19830665

This is always so fucking ludicrous. Such a low trust society now. What a fuckin shame.

>> No.19830667

>-home made treats

>> No.19830668

In the prisoner's dilemma it's always better to betray.

>> No.19830670

I'm the only person I know who likes Peanut Butter Kisses.
It's literally just peanut flavored taffy. Whoever doesn't like them has shit ass teeth.

>> No.19830673

It's only in certain ghetto trash democrat neighborhoods. Get away from the city and the likelihood of getting real good treats goes up dramatically.

>> No.19830675

based pedos

>> No.19830677

Cat people sometimes live in good neighborhoods
Wont take that risk

>> No.19830679
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, gumdrops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't give out black licorice because too much is toxic. it doesn't take much black licorice to poison someone. When you eat Crows candy there's a warning to not to eat more than a serving.

>> No.19830682

I saw the other day those halloween pokemon "mini booster packs" and 8 year old me would have loved that. I'm really tempted to buy some to give out this year, but I somehow doubt the current generation of kids would be as interested in it.

>> No.19830683


>> No.19830684

It's 2023 anon. *MAPs.

>> No.19830687

its cause it happened a few times and made headlines

>> No.19830688


kids mostly like Pokemon cards to resell them.

>> No.19830692

It was a corporate push to sell more candy. Ignore it.

>> No.19830697



what happened was that a highschool kid witnessed a drug dealer on the run from the cops. The drug dealer give the kid his weed and said to hold onto it until he gets out of jail. The kid tried hiding the weed, but kept almost getting caught so he ended up just baking the weed into a lasagna dish. He brought the dish with him to school and school staff ate it before he can give the lasagna to the drug dealer.

>> No.19830701

based MAPs*

>> No.19830704

>Anon puts a little bit of himself into every cookie

>> No.19830707

>Sour Patch kids, hot cheetoes, and kit kats
fuck holloween, i want those right now..

>> No.19830708

kdis do not like:
-swedish fish
-gum drops
-gummy candy in the shape of food
-off-brand gummy candy. regular gummy is bad enough because they turn hard in the cold, and off-brand gummy candy is much worse. barely chewable

>> No.19830711

That's the best way. A little bit of love in every bite.

>> No.19830732
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, diy kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha. kids will have to make the candy themselves XD

>> No.19830822

I love swedish fish and gummy candy
And add to that fruit snacks are great

>> No.19830911

My house is at the end of a secluded cul de sac in a wooded area, so the route there is both secluded and dark at night. I almost never get kids as a result. But I do get a dozen or so fullsize chocolate bars that I hand out to any kid brave enough to come.

>> No.19830916

Post fridge and pantry right this minute.

>> No.19830931
File: 68 KB, 584x600, OhLawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Beer and Scrambled eggs again?

>> No.19830935

If you complain about the candy you get you shouldn’t fucking get any.
Except for circus peanuts.
Trusting a company’s products is hardly anymore reasonable than trusting a persons baked goods. If somebody laces their food with something you can easily just sue them out the ass. That’s a pretty strong incentive not to for the 99.99% of people who aren’t psychopathic retards.

>> No.19831034

also, dont put the sour patch bags in the same bowl as the kitkats. the flavors seep into each other

>> No.19831133
File: 23 KB, 645x370, 1677198023908290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rice Crispy Treats
Whoa, hold on brother.

>> No.19831141

What about potent chocolate bar edibles carefully resealed in Snickers packs?

>> No.19831152

I live in a place where the low turnout for Halloween is about 180 visits. I go to the Costco and pick up three 90-count boxes of Welch's Fruit Snacks.

>> No.19831154

>if a child has a food allergy
These little genetic weaklings are always ruining something

>> No.19831158

>that old fart that gives out shitty hard candy like lifesavers or Werther's

>> No.19831164

I live in a neighborhood and haven't gotten trick or treaters in years.

>> No.19831218

Fuck you peanut butter and circus peanuts are great.

Actually, that gives me an idea, actual roasted caramelized peanuts. They're great. But I suppose parents might throw it away because it's not corposlop and thus "unsafe"

>> No.19831269

There is that one toffee with Halloween wrapper that everyone hated growing up but I liked so I'd trade all the bullshit candy for those cuz these kids were practically giving them away

>> No.19831272

I'd trust your cookies, anon.

>> No.19831281

>No to the best candy bar, butterfinger
Get this hot head outta here.

>> No.19831284

My parents would ask who they were from and make me throw it out if ot wasn't one of the people they were friends with

>> No.19831286

I didn't realize Butterfingers and Peanutbutter Cups got so much. I dislike the notion that hosts are bad people for giving out certain candies. Some people are just buying whatever they think its nice or what's cost effective without knowing what's trendy.

>> No.19831298

im giving out cans of deenz and cod livers.

>> No.19831319

>Tootsie Rolls and Pops
>Milk Duds
>Mounds (Almond Joy is fine though)
>anything with raisins

Anything else was fine with me. Especially that stray piece of different candy nobody else handed out. It was like an exotic little find.

>> No.19831324

In the room with you right now, anon?

>> No.19831325

Who tf doesn’t like chocolate?

>> No.19831332

sour keys (pack 2 of giant ones)

>> No.19831335

Lots of people. I hate chocolate cake and brownies. I am OK with some chocolate bars. Vanilla > Chocolate

>> No.19831336

Go with smoked herring. It seems to bother autistic children for some reason. Trust me, I have too many autistic relatives.

>> No.19831339

If you don't like them don't eat them. Trust me though... they are good. I am in my forties and gotten compliments from old church ladies too.

>> No.19831344

Lmao there's always that fucking wierdo who thinks he is the Gordon Ramsay of Halloween and gives out homemade treats in a ziploc bag, and literally nobody eats that shit lmao. Stop trying to "elevate" Halloween with your trash homebaked goods you autistic freaks and just give out some damn candy.

>> No.19831351

I'm almost certain this is from an episode of Everybody Hates Chris and did not actually happen

>> No.19831373
File: 204 KB, 800x826, BOTAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gatekeeping your sister
She gets AROUND. You should've given her a shot before she contracted those 2 lil' nasty "Afflictions".
For the rest of you faggots:
You must be 18 to poast here. If you are over 18, you have NO BUSINESS Trick or Treating.
I'll agree with circus peenus being shite, but all the rest?
You'll get what I give you--Beggars can't be choosers.
Best Halloween candy: Free Halloween candy you entitled BRATS!
Pro-Tip: Candy corn becomes EXCELLENT when combined with an equal amount of dry roasted peanuts.
I Love/Hate you all.

>> No.19831376

Everyone loves homemade treats. Better than your shit substandard manufactured junk.

>> No.19831396
File: 156 KB, 666x645, Arcor Strawberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That simply isn't true.
Treats don't HAVE to be candy...I would've taken chips.
You get dirty looks if you're the Dentist that gives out toothbrushes.

>> No.19831406

-gummy candy
-sour candy
kids love those
stupid chocolatefag

>> No.19831418

Retard bitches like you are why Halloween is dead. You should have you right to vote and your children taken away.

>> No.19831425

It was perfectly normal when AI was a kid and people didn't think anything of it.
People have gotten very weird since then.

>> No.19831431

>wanting 80% snickers
no fucking thanks

>> No.19831433

>you don't know
Being active in community engagements like this are how you get to know your community, you socially eroded weirdo.

>> No.19831448

It never fucking happened. It was complete media fabrication and the publications responsible should get the death penalty for commuting mass scale terrorist attack on social cohesion.

>> No.19831453

I volunteer to taste test all homemade Halloween baked goods, and buttfuck the housewife that made them
I know it's a big task but my rock hard gut can withstand anything.

>> No.19831478

It’s not like they couldn’t trace it back to the one house giving these out. I’d eat it (I am not a kid though)

>> No.19831482
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>> No.19831484

Card collecting got popular over the pandemic and there are a lot of kids interested in it.

>> No.19831500
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why do anglo americans celebrate some irish garbage holiday I'm confused

>> No.19831504

Smarties, candy corn, and circus peanuts are some of the best to me. Everything else I want to be chocolate though

>> No.19831509

I like hard candy of all young ages.

>> No.19831510
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handing out cheap slime making kits insteaf of candy
laughin my ass at all the ruined couches and carpets

>> No.19831521

Dude it's fucking huge among kids right now. It's a full blown second wave.

>> No.19831531

>unfair because they spent all night walking house to house collecting candy

>> No.19831537

One time I tried to make slime as a kid but it was too watery and when i poured it out of the bowl into my hands it all just ran through my fingers and down the sink and i cried like an absolute bitch. inconsolable

>> No.19831577

Haribo Sugar-Free Gummi Bears

>> No.19831584

Their brand name sounds like a Japanese man giving his opinion of their candy
>ick, dis a haribo gummy bear!

>> No.19831590

i could eat myself to death on tootsie rolls, candy corn smarties and mary janes

>> No.19831600
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 6k2cpCvC_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-no brand candies
These are tough economic times.

>> No.19831607

I'm a fatty but I never liked candy in general when I was young, gimme some of those goldfish crackers (rainbow ones taste best)

>> No.19831614

go on then

>> No.19831784

what is even allowed to be given out then?

Seems like unless you know exactly what each kid wants you're going to get hate no matter what you give.

>can't give chocolate out because it ruins the flavor of other candies it touches
>can't give out fruity candy because fruit bad

>> No.19831872

It's fun. Why do the japanese celebrate Christmas?

Cunt I live in Australia and let me tell you, you don't know how fucking joyless it is having basically no themed holidays, where every holiday is just some long weekend nobody gives a fuck about the reasoning for.
This country is miserable horseshit.
People started celebrating Halloween here and immediately there's some old boomer cunts going WE AREN'T AMERICAN STOP CELEBRATING AMERICAN HOLIDAYS and I am at the point now where I just tell them I hope the Chinese shoot them when they take over, just to make them madder.

>> No.19831959
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god I fucking hate you fat fuck yanks so much, your fucking fatcunt culture is invading even Perth, over the last few years I have been getting an increasing amount of slug looking fat bogan runts knocking on my door looking for goyslop

>> No.19831966


>> No.19831970
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Mary Janes are kino, fuck outta here. I like licorice but I realize it's cruel to give out on Halloween. Smarties are boring and lowest common denominator. No one born after 1970 enjoys Tootsie Rolls. Necco Wafers are hardly even made even more so that's a strawman and literally no one on God's Green Earth gives out wax cola bottles on Halloween

>> No.19831987

>-gummy candy
>-sour candy
One halloween I had only brand chocolate and a kid said they only liked sour and fruity candy like sour patch, skittles and nerds

>> No.19832065

I'll be doing my regular tradition of turning off all the lights and not answering the door

>> No.19832067


don't forget to block your front door with trashcans or some kind of barrier or else kids think you just don't have your lights on because it's still day time :)

>> No.19832084
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Fuck you, Smarties are awesome, and i like Tootsie Rolls since i was a kid!

>> No.19832110

So basically nothing

>> No.19832295

Are they paying for the ingredients? Make spoopy versions of stuff and some “candy bar inspired” sweets. If you want to cross alcohol with candy get some of the liquor chocolates from Costco.

>> No.19832380

Primo candy bowl, hard for me to decide which one or two I'd take. I'm thinking the take 5 and the Ghirardelli square. Maybe the Rollos and Payday. The other anon disparaged it but I really like Paydays, a simple yet elegant candy bar.

>> No.19832452

Goodie bags are a no no because:
-you take away the kid's freedom to pick out what they want from your bucket
-adds too much weight to the bag
-takes up too much room in a bag
-more trash

>> No.19832499

I'm giving out nothing, Halloween is over

>> No.19832504

i fucking love smarties and tootsie rolls

>> No.19832633

please don't give out juice boxes or soda on Halloween. they are heavy and can potentially leak

>> No.19832695

How did we normalise eating up to entire kilos of sugar in a single night again and how the hell did it become associated with a harvest festival

>> No.19832698


candy became a lot more convenient to hand out than fresh fruits/vegetables and baked goods.

>> No.19832706

But to scarf down a whole fucking bushel of candy? If your neighbour gave you a basket of apples, you're not going to eat it in a night right?
Did parents just stopped giving a fuck somewhere in the middle of the 20th century or some shit

>> No.19832734

Stop giving out Almond Joy or Mounds you fucking morons. Walking up to a house and realizing they only gave Almond Joy and Mounds is one of the most frustrating things that can happen to a kid on Halloween. I can't even decide which of the two is more disgusting. And no I'm not "picky" about coconut. That mass-produced shredded garbage is a different beast from fresh, delicious coconut or carefully balanced coconut curries.

>> No.19832766

what's the difference between Almond Joys and Mounds?

>> No.19832777

How's life as a homosexual treating you?

>> No.19832800

>dude, psychopaths don't exist because... they just don't, okay???
I'm not eating your razorblade-laced cookies, psycho.

>> No.19832822

Men have nuts real women dont

>> No.19832827

Going straight into the garbage can

>> No.19832829
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>> No.19832844

Agree with all except tootsie rools

>> No.19832850

I'm giving out Cheez-Its, dubble bubble gum, and a mix of full-sized candy bars.

>> No.19832855

You must not get out often. When I was a kid my absolute favorite house was the lady who made candied apples

>> No.19832863

Don't care will give out flying saucers

>> No.19832880
File: 46 KB, 387x519, freddo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 24 freddos, if I run out then I run out, if I don't give out any then I've got 24 freddos to eat.

calm down, its just a bit of fun for kids

>> No.19832884

When else are we going to eat corned beef and green beer

>> No.19833019

Sorry chump, I don't celebrate satanic holidays nor have any intention of giving out unhealthy snacks to bratty little children. They'll have to find someone else to give in to their entitled demands.

>> No.19833025

I agree with some, disagree with others.
Shit like this just screams
Part of the fun of getting different stuff is you trade the stuff you don't want. You'd know that if you had friends.

>> No.19834340

This is gonna go 2 ways bro, k? Your cookies will either be soft, moist and delicious and I will sing praises to you for said cookies or, they will be hard as a rock and I will throw them around like ninja stars.

Choice is yours, tough guy.

>> No.19834588

halloween do be every pedo wet dream tho

>> No.19834775

I fucking hate rockets, my fellow leaf. If I get any in my bag, you can have e'm.

>> No.19834781

>I've seen some of the kids grow up with a little of me inside them.
/k/ should not be allowed to hand out candy on halloween.

>> No.19834821

9/10, only way to make it better is more of it

>> No.19835203

I love candy corn and circus peanuts and like smarties, licorice, and those peanut butter kisses.

>> No.19835210

I'd like it. There was one woman who gave out homemade caramel popcorn balls when I was younger and I loved those.

>> No.19835282
File: 328 KB, 448x559, 1692707002633370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give out full size candy bars from Costco every year.

>> No.19835297
File: 54 KB, 202x99, 6s5165d84v85s6s4f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, fuck whoever made the pic. Smarties are a staple that earned their place.
Second, fuck your boring pallette. Fun dip, pixy stix, gummy worms (especially trollie sour worms), warheads, rice krispie treats, goldfish, and intl candies are far superior to your boring hershey kisses and bland chocolate bars. As a Lancaster native, I can't tell you how old that stuff gets. Whoppers and milk duds sucked, too. At least almond joy and mounds have coconut. Payday and mr goodbars are good, but I guess being introduced in 1932 and 1925, respectively, would make them "old-fashioned".
Unsurprisingly, OP has shit taste.

>> No.19835668

I would be so pissed off if I was handed a goodie containing starbursts, sour patch kids, hot cheetoes, rice krispy treats, and kit kats.


because the chocolate affects the flavor of the other candies and I get a whole bunch of stuff I didn't want and the bag takes up a lot of space.

>> No.19835717

>smarties earned their place
Yes, because I love eating chalk. Now if only a candy would simulate the taste of crayons.

>> No.19835873

I like Smarties. They are cool and refreshing.

>> No.19836669

I'm one of those guys that just leaves out a bowl of candy. What I like to do is throw in all of the shit from my take out sauces drawer and mix it in with the candy. I just think it's hilarious that some kids will be grabbing a handful of candy with 2-3 condiment packets.

>> No.19836725

>only one or two people actually baking good fresh candies for TorT
>/ck/ - Goyslop General

>> No.19836744

Do you also tip the kids that drop by your house, retard?

>> No.19836747

I've never given a kid more than the tip, no.

>> No.19836768


unless you live in a close-knit community there's no point in making fresh food for the neighborhood kids since the parents will just toss them out .

>> No.19836789

Well, OP didn't specify not to include dick so I guess it's acceptable.

>> No.19836800

What's wrong with insiding a child anyways?

>> No.19836805

Does no one understand outercourse?

>> No.19837018

Kiddo slit grind

>> No.19837422
File: 858 KB, 580x778, 1684266124992112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smarties are amazing, you take that back

>> No.19838416

take your medication. You already posted this shit like fifty goddamn times this thread alone.

Also anyone who actually likes rockets/smarties needs to be lined up against the wall.

>> No.19838423

based, i bet your place never gets teepeed or egged

>> No.19838474

smarties are based though

>> No.19838490

What do you mean cheez it's they are the some of the only chips I like, I dont like goyslop cheap chips but I like people giving out doritos if you are in a mixed race neighborhood blacks love the purple bag. Gummy candy rocks too I loved getting those spongebob gummies, homemade treats were chill back in the day but people are too concerned about drugs now and honestly with meth beer and gummies it isnt a stupid fear anymore. I used to think who would give out their drugs but making a batch of meth candy is maybe a gram per 100 pieces. You could get it for a few dollars a gram

>> No.19838495


>> No.19838511

Nice to know some people can still have nice things. HUD got weaponized during the Obama administration and many safe middle-class white neighborhoods (including the one I used to live in) were targeted as “segregated” and they’d slam up Section 8 shitholes within walking distance. People who enjoyed handing out generous candy to cute well-mannered kids in costumes started getting overrun with ill-mannered minority kids going to “the good streets” not wearing costumes and not even saying trick or treat. If they were poor and couldn’t have costumes fine, but they were surly and rude and too old.
>ding dong!
>it’s black kids too old to be trick or treating
>no costumes
>just look at you and hold out their plastic shopping bag for free candy
>don’t say thank you
On the street I used to live on things were annoying but one year they decided to egg houses and stole a little white girl’s bag of candy. After that all lights were out on Halloween and doorbells unanswered. I guess this is one reason why “Trunk or Treat” events are so popular at churches now.

>> No.19838588

I usually only get about 30ish kids and I really hope it stays that way because I love giving out tons of the nice candy. I'd hate to live in a place like my brother where they get like 400 kids and can only give out one mini snickers per kid. That shit's just weak.

>> No.19839410

>giving away Freddos instead of letting inflation pump up their price and make a tidy profit in a few years

>> No.19839437

Are you retarded?

>> No.19839453

Take 5 is based, I envy the kid who gets that.

>> No.19839464

I'm not giving out shit. I don't get trick or treaters. Fuck Halloween.

>> No.19839465
File: 1.26 MB, 1240x900, 1686455645027545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real smarties btw

>> No.19839474
File: 278 KB, 1774x1322, 496mhl9be5901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got my money invested in sangwiches

>> No.19839503

Tootsie Rolls suck. They taste like you could put a wick in them and use them for emergency candles.

>> No.19839513

candy corn is good and i'm tired of pretending it's not

>> No.19839555

If you put "black" licorice in my kid's candy bucket, I'm committing arson on your house

>> No.19839559

Ammonium chloride is one of the most delicious molecules of all time.

>> No.19839563

ever notice the "worst candy" is all candy from the 1940s? I'm pretty sure only people from the silent era give out tootsie rolls. Everyone under the age of 50 knows what real candy tastes like: Snickers, Milky Ways, 3 Musketeers, etc.

>> No.19839696

"Circus peanuts", that's just regular peanuts no?

>> No.19839699

If a kid wants specific candy they should tell their parents.

>> No.19839702

Wanna be my new grandparent?

>> No.19839708

Found the missing link.

>> No.19839713

Just kill the kids directly, more efficient and cheap.

>> No.19839748
File: 359 KB, 1280x1280, circusdone__83640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's a soft candy in the shape of peanuts. they have a hint of peanut butter flavor, but kind of taste like orange candy.

>> No.19839750


we're getting to an age where kids don't want Snickers , Twix, and Kit kats because it's old people candy. I've had kids complain about Milky Way and Musketeers and Reese Cups

>> No.19839770

do give list
-kit kat king size
-full bag of "fun" size
-m and m tub

literal are you trying to ruin a kids happiness?
-single "fun" size
-compound chocolate

the world hates you tier
-hard candies

>> No.19839772
File: 33 KB, 600x600, brach-s-aandw-root-beer-barrels-candy-6lb-bag-candy-warehouse-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone gets any of these I'll trade you for whatever you want

>> No.19839788

I stopped giving out candy because the basketball children kept stealing everything. now nobody gets anything. I used to fill the box will full size Milky Way, 3 Musketeers, Butterfinger, and Twix.

>> No.19839980
File: 340 KB, 533x488, 1471834223450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Candy corn
>Circus peanuts
>Black licorice
>Cinnamon candy
>Toffee on its own
I can tolerate anything else if nothing else, but those mentioned above are pure cancer. There's a lack of variety in candy nowadays too. It's the same 12-ish brands.

>> No.19840077

Those were always the best houses and kids would trade you a fuckload of candy for a fresh cookie/rice crispy treat. I'd normally trade one away just for candy volume and keep the rest.

>> No.19840081

It was a media scare story that came about from a father poisoning his own kid's candy after Halloween. There has never been an incident where kids were given poisoned candy by a stranger.

>> No.19841118

Just set the emus on them.

>> No.19841173

Man I'm a eurofag and I was looking for some Halloween recipes and I'm just so disappointed.
>Make burgers but make the buns into pumpkin carvings.
Y-y-yay I guess? Y'all need dedicated Halloween food.

>> No.19841178

I love circus peanuts, but they are next to impossible to buy anywhere.

>> No.19841319

All of our focus goes into Thanksgiving less than a month later. Are you surprised that a holiday created to sell candy and store bought costumes doesn't have centuries old traditional recipes? Sure there's all hallows and harvest festivals and things but that's not what this holiday is. Best you've got is Martha Stewart tier snacks to make for a party.

>> No.19841322


>> No.19841390

Yeah kinda sucks but once your palette develops enough that you can't shovel in candy by the mouthful it just becomes another drinking holiday. I'll still have a little chocolate though.

>> No.19841462

what the fuck do they want?

>> No.19841464

I love necos and candy corn.

>> No.19841692

I do a pretty simple mix of things. An assortment of candy, both chocolate and not, stuck together by mixing a bunch of those big bags of random candy and some stuff from the WinCo bulk candy. A second container with just dumdum suckers because they don't have major allergens so the poor bastards who are allergic to stuff can have some candy. And a box or two of fresh locally grown apples.
The apples always go quick for some reason, guess kids these days just actually enjoy something like that. Though I will say that kids these days are too polite, they keep trying to only take an apple or only take one piece of candy so I always have to stop them and tell them they can have both and that they can take a small handful (3-5 pieces) of candy too, though some still just want only the apple for some reason, It's not even like it's the ones who are out with their parents who are wanting apples or being too polite either, even had one girl who looked around early middle school age run off to find her three friends and bring them back by to get apples too. Kids these days are bizarre.

>> No.19841696

I always though the idea of putting drugs in things that you're handing out for free to strangers seemed a bit silly. Aren't drugs kind of expensive?

>> No.19841776

that is candy and every objectivist child will understand that it has as much candy as any chocolate bar. they will be excited for the large size.

>> No.19841789

that means it stays true to the nature of halloween

>> No.19841797
File: 28 KB, 305x300, kinoween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never cared about flavor or anything, i just wanted the chooclate body parts and eyeballs. they were always ranked number 1 in my mind. most valuable candy.

>> No.19841833

By what fashion do you insert the razor blades and/or poison into the apples?

>> No.19842064

Has that ever actually happened? Shit would be obvious. Seems like shit made up by retarded faggots with lead damaged brains.

>> No.19842085

>"I'm gonna hijack this thread"
>gets ignored

>> No.19842099

Fuck you. If the holiday isn't specific to your culture, you shouldn't be celebrating it.

>> No.19842108

Trading candy is the funnest part of Halloween you dolt.

>> No.19842110

Pokemon cards

>> No.19842112

Fuck you, I'm Greek and I wanna celebrate Halloween

>> No.19842141
File: 521 KB, 1810x1597, Black_Jack_(confectionery).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's aniseed chews

>> No.19842197

Those are all good in the photo, OP. Reese's are for niggers.

>> No.19842214

Imagine giving candy for free to other peoples children so cucked. Chuds dont even open the door when those little shits knocking.

>> No.19842215

What kid doesn't like goldfish crackers?

>> No.19842232

If your kids rings my doorbell I'm committing arson on your kid

>> No.19842234

This US tradition is bleeding into europe so I will ask burger advice: I am a poor yuro peasant, how do I make it clear there's no candy to get at my house? I have tried a sign but still had two kids show up with their parents.

>> No.19842240

in america leaving outside lights off is the universal sign that you aren't giving out candy

>> No.19842251
File: 189 KB, 369x500, 1680113506196539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should give kids illegal contraband candy, that'll give them a bit of excitement

>> No.19842252

You try too hard, twitterite.

>> No.19842275

Like that other anon said; leave your outside lights off. Also is helpful to leave any lights visible from the street off. If people think you're not home or sleeping they won't ring the doorbell.
I have done this various years in busy neighborhoods.

>> No.19842296

gee idk, beast bars for one

>> No.19842310

bought a big bag of Trolli (i think its from germany)
i like em, are they okay?

>> No.19842345

You're getting salmiakki whether you like it or not.

>> No.19842353

Everyone seething at this post doesn't have kids. Not even a discussion.

>> No.19842357

why bring kids into this? I ain't gonna eat a cookie a random stranger handed to me. Dude probably jizzed in the batter

>> No.19842358

Why the hell are Smarties, Tootsie Rolls and Kisses there? Fuck you faggot.

The rest do suck shit or I havent tried.

>> No.19842627


kids don't hang out with each other as much anymore. Any candy they don't want is seen as a waste. They don't have anyone in person to trade with.

>> No.19842761

i'm leaving out a giant bowl of taco bell fire sauce packets

>> No.19842764

>If a kid can't stand sour it's one less candy they can enjoy and that's unfair because they spent all night walking house to house collecting candy.
Just trade them to a kid that does like sour candy or fix your tastebuds.

>> No.19842996
File: 2.88 MB, 479x255, 1685564748455614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me? i like to give the kids a healthy treat. a nice carrot or apple. you can get a bag of jalapenos for less than a dollar, just fill your bucket up with a cornicopia of fresh fruits and vegetables

>> No.19843084

cute :3

>> No.19843180

No one really hates smarties or tootsie rolls.

>> No.19843183

you should give them bags of sprite

>> No.19843297

What a fag you are

>> No.19843302

Its the other around. That episode was based on a real story

>> No.19843304

Smarties and tootsie rolls are firmy inside the "I'll eat them since I got them but wouldn't go out of my way to get them normally" tier.

>> No.19843336

You're like a globally ignorant mormon: can't do anything right, but has a good heart while doing so.
Insufferable, but unjustifiable to hate.

>> No.19843378

kek, imagine the sound of pouring that many pierogis into a plastic bucket

>> No.19843391

it's trick or treat after all
if they weren't mindful enough to pick out the good stuff from the bowl, they get a puffy packet of caesar salad dressing and they'll like it

>> No.19843408

Hey guys. Give me an advice please. What should i eat to heal my depression? Something special? Didn't find the proper thread

>> No.19843413

Don't eat over your maintenance calories and prioritize protein and fruit.

>> No.19843422

Is fastfood good too heal it? I'm not far, for now

>> No.19843426

fastfood ALWAYS makes me feel like shit. Wouldn't recommend.

>> No.19843454
File: 84 KB, 1500x670, 6000203165126-853336991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you fellow canadian.

>> No.19843958

>hot cheetoes
not candy what the fuck, halloween is candy in america, I don't care if youre a gay mexican retard in america?

>> No.19843984
File: 39 KB, 1080x675, ip-mcdonalds-blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to buy 500 of these and hand them out to each kid that stops by and then eat whatever is left.

>> No.19844081

I'll give children a bullet for trespassing on my private property. They have no excuse for not respecting property rights.

>> No.19845007

Smarties and Tootsie Rolls are great though.

>> No.19845016
File: 173 KB, 1024x1024, a29dfa51f436dfc845b6d3c8687325bc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are weirdos that give out raisins

>> No.19845091

I hate journalists so fucking much

>> No.19845110

I'm giving out Kinder Buenos, but I have never had someone come by my house for Halloween, so I'll end up eating all of them myself

>> No.19846545

No one wants your cum and feces infused baked goods.


>> No.19846581

Licorice and wax cola bottles are based. No one ever gave those out to me as a kid but tons of the other cheap ones were there, and tootsie rolls were super common. One house would give out popcorn balls which as a kid I thought man those are lame because I wanted candy. But I can kind of appreciate the uniqueness and variety now that im older

>> No.19846592

I already told you, many of them do and they love em.

>> No.19846595

one of my neighbors growing up did that,
some other kids hit his house early and took the entire bowl in their pillowcases and everyone who went by that night got sad
dont be like that

>> No.19846599


I got a bunch of sorghum from Agway left over from this summer. Might cook it down and make sorghum sweets. I doubt I'll give them away for Halloween, still got enough cookies and other sweets I made.

>> No.19846605

fuck dubble bubble

>> No.19846606

i like everything in the picture except smarties.

>> No.19846623
File: 5 KB, 224x225, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm that weirdo. Everyone on my street growing up did it, so now I do it so the newest generation can also feel that pain

Oh you expected candy, haha fuck you have some fruit you little shits

>> No.19846664
File: 28 KB, 300x301, ETAxDaHX0AEbzNU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mary Jane
>Produced with genetic engineering
What does it mean?

>> No.19846692

Stop trolling anon.

>> No.19846694

It says it right there on the wrapper!

>> No.19846700

I know that. I meant don't try acting dumb to get an answer you already know the answer to. Many ingredients in our food are made by genetic engineering. C'mon man...

>> No.19846705

They don't advertise it that way, at least nowadays. Maybe it's just an old label design they decided to keep. Still it reads strangely now.

>> No.19846707

Also the package saying that with the drawing of the little girl next to it is weird

>> No.19846708
File: 670 KB, 673x667, 1667266946416803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19846714

As a straight MAP I take offense you don't like a little eye candy with your candy.

Besides, all corn, wheat etc most everything is genetically modified since the 50s to be more productive, resistant to diseases etc.

>> No.19847087

Smarties are based. Fuck off faglord

>> No.19847180

5,6 and 7 are all acceptable Halloween candies.

>> No.19847181
File: 11 KB, 225x224, Bio-Engineered-Round-up READY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from the sugar beets.
I'm vehemently anti-GMO shit not because of the plant itself, but WHY it's modified.
The answer is always Glyphosate.
It's just as bed as eating breads and pasta from wheat soaked in that shit.
If you look deeper into foods, Cane sugar even gets sprayed down with glyphosate to chemically ripen it..
It's all so fucked.
you can't even trust organic labels 100% these days, so much fuckery goes on. Also some of the pesticides and herbicides allowed for organic production can be even WORSE.

>> No.19847183


If it's some old lady or my parents neighbors I'd take them. If it's some random ass dude or 4chan autist fuck no.

>> No.19847184

candy corn is good

>> No.19847193

Close the blinds and shut the lights off retard

>> No.19847201

Jokes on you faggot I actually like rasins.

>> No.19847329

Why do people hate candy corn so much? I wonder if there are different brands in different parts of the country or something

>> No.19847386

You must live in a good, trusting neighborhood. I would have loved something like this.

>> No.19847391

Nice high-trust neighboorhoods still exist, you're just too poor to live in one

>> No.19847424

I live in technically rural America where kids ride their 50cc scooters and buzz up the night. When. I WAS IN COLLEGE oops caps deep Orlando kids loved my treats.

>> No.19847429

Oh exuuuuuse me. 49cc scooters.

>> No.19848139

Is it just me or does some of the candy in the Halloween bags taste cheaper than normal?

>> No.19848350

>Halloween bag
What the child fuck is that?

>> No.19848563

Why would you live somewhere where you didn't trust your neighbors? That'd be like living your whole life besieged by enemies. People don't do this. They live by people who are like themselves.

>> No.19848740

based beldar poster

>> No.19848895

>Candy should appease a broad range of children
fuck off with your commie ideals.