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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19812428 No.19812428 [Reply] [Original]

Went to my local Chinese buffet yesterday and ate so much I'm still full 24 hours later. Figured I get my money worth and really pigged out. 2 full plates and one plate of various desserts. I thought I was going to die for like 3 hours after. Anyway anybody ever over do it at the buffet and feel like their stomachs were going to explode after?

>> No.19812435

>really pigged out
>2 full plates
oh sweet summer child...

>> No.19812444

I'm 42

>> No.19812448

>Still feel full 24 hours later
Do you have the metabolism of a sloth?

>> No.19812455

I was exaggerating, I was kinda hungover maybe thats why I felt so sick after. I don't typically eat 15 different foods in one sitting

>> No.19812459

>Exaggerating on the internet
How dare you

>> No.19812705
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>Anyway anybody ever over do it at the buffet and feel like their stomachs were going to explode after?

I go to the bathroom and throw up and then go back for more. Sometimes I'll do this like 5 times. Funny thing is I don't like the full feeling at all, just the taste, so for my final throwing up I always do it outside in the parking lot in front of a family walking in and every. single. time. they never go inside the restaurant. They probably think I got food poisoning.

It's cool, I'm a big tipper so they don't care.

>> No.19812709


>> No.19812713

That shouldn't make any difference at all. Man, I am getting so sick and tired of these millennials (my generation btw) that are turning 40 and suddenly think they're ready for the rest home.

>> No.19812715

anon, bulimia is for women

>> No.19812716

there's something about the phrase "pig out" that really makes my stomach churn.

>> No.19812919

I might fast for 3 days and then go to the buffet

>> No.19812931

my dad at 42 would eat 5 full plates, but he also played a lot of tennis back then

>> No.19812978

I just ate too much dipshit, I'm actually physically stronger than I've ever been

>> No.19812997

I did that 16 years ago. Not being hungry enough to eat for a long time is boring being sedentary and not having better ways to occupy one's time. Haven't done it since.

I would do it again if I were into some very strenuous activity like swimming to maintain a high metabolism.

>> No.19813000
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Hey don't fucking talk to me like that you son of a bitch. This is what I eat when I'm on the road....fucking garbage. When I'm home for the 3 days I finally get to eat something I enjoy I want to enjoy it, but I can't risk getting fat or raising my cholesterol levels because then they'll take away my CDL and my truck is all I've got. I'm sorry I didn't mean to lash out at you.

>> No.19813004

I'm 42 and crush a gorillion plates then I'm starving within a few hours. You are like babby

>> No.19813008

Don't sweat it

>> No.19813068

replies bragging about being insatiable fat fucks

>> No.19813091

>Man, I am getting so sick and tired of these millennials (my generation btw) that are turning 40 and suddenly think they're ready for the rest home.

I'd attribute that more to big pharma FUD and seeing past generations not taking care of themselves. I know I saw a lot of gen-x'rs in my construction days who were wrecked by their mid-30's, seeing disability as their way out. Me, I'm in better shape in my mid-30's than my mid-20's. Partly due to avoiding shit like this.

>> No.19813098

I'm in better shape in my 40s than in my 20s, but I had a chronic drinking and opiate abuse problem.

>> No.19813116

Chinese buffet deserts fucking suck. What the hell is wrong with you.

>> No.19813166

I've noticed it's just premade shit you can buy at any store, jell-o, and runny ice cream from a cheap ice cream maker.

>> No.19813173

I’m hungry now

>> No.19813221

Maybe at the ghetto ones you go to, my spot has great desserts, they had a cappuccino cake that was legit. Btw why are people such dicks on this board we're talking about food

>> No.19813229
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anon I think you have cancer.

that's the only explanation for feeling full after shiny fu, nevermind 24 hours after shiny fu. you probably have a giant tumour with nappy hair and molars growing somewhere near your duodenum and you literally will never feel hungry again.

>> No.19813230

I just ate

>> No.19813235
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oh god it's worse than I thought

>> No.19813251

Pray for me

>> No.19813256
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I'll try

>> No.19813265

She looks like she's having a good time

>> No.19813269

she's probably almost ready to settle down >:]

>> No.19813313
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Your teeth must be horrid by now. And the whole idea of people going to these smorgasbords "to get their money's worth" by stuffing themselves beyond satisfaction is petty and shameful. Trying to wring every calorie out of their dining dollar, trip after trip through the line on public display for all to see. You'll show them.... they're gonna LOSE money on your visit. Just one of the ways you like to game the system. Also, avoid the "cheap" offerings; that way you cost them more and benefit more greatly on the haul. You certainly don't tip. Maybe you can complain about something and get a partial refund.

>> No.19813321
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My story exactly. Good for us for getting our shit together finally before it was too late.

>> No.19813711

They gotta lotta bing bong ching chong goodies at the Chinese Jimmy Buffett

>> No.19814282

Not fat but definitely insatiable. No food or drink is ever enough.

>> No.19814586

Why not just not eat there? If it causes so much discomfort to eat a lot of a certain food, then maybe don't eat it.

>> No.19814613

/v/fags love to complain that they're too old to be good at games because of muh reactions when they're 32 and the reality is they just suck.

>> No.19814845

I usually know not to overdue it to the point I feel sick and bloated, but everything things so fucking expensive now feel like I have to take any opportunity for a bargain

>> No.19815568

what the fuck, anon

>> No.19815592
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a level beyond based

>> No.19815876
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YES, I will go to Chinese buffets run by immigrants and make sure the owners LOSE money, and they're nothing you woke soiboy faggots can do about it, cry, cope and dilate.

>> No.19815999

My brother and I once went to all you can eat pizza hut lunch and had 12 plates each.
Actually he went to an all you can eat dinner theater once with his wife and he gave honest consideration to going in the can and throwing up so he could stuff down more prime rib.