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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 559 KB, 1862x1048, Auschwitz-Memorial--2855593772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19812457 No.19812457 [Reply] [Original]

>Prisoners received three meals per day. In the morning, they received only half a liter of “coffee,” or rather boiled water with a grain-based coffee substitute added, or “tea”—a herbal brew. These beverages were usually unsweetened. The noon meal consisted of about a liter of soup, the main ingredients of which were potatoes, rutabaga, and small amounts of groats, rye flour, and Avo food extract. The soup was unappetizing, and newly arrived prisoners were often unable to eat it, or could do so only in disgust. Supper consisted of about 300 grams of black bread, served with about 25 grams of sausage, or margarine, or a tablespoon of marmalade or cheese. The bread served in the evening was supposed to cover the needs of the following morning as well, although the famished prisoners usually consumed the whole portion at once. The low nutritional value of these meals should be noted.

>> No.19812460 [DELETED] 

It is wholly necessary to replace the ethnic white population of Europe with brown and black immigrants to prevent this from ever happening again.

>> No.19812474 [DELETED] 

My sister must be on a similar diet. I always hear her talking about black bread and sausage with her friends

>> No.19812491

the soup and bread doesn't sound that bad as long as you bully the weaker jews who are going to die anyway and steal their rations

>> No.19812505

>potatoes, rutabaga, and small amounts of groats, rye flour, and Avo food extract
No clue what "Avo food extract" is but that sounds fine enough. Not appetizing, but edible. Seems odd that it'd somehow turn out so bad that new arrivals couldn't stomach it.

>> No.19812567

Jews love to overreact, theyre like Italians when it comes to food.

>> No.19812568

Except when you read accounts from survivors of the camps, they talk about endless nights of everyone constantly getting up to piss because their main food was thin soup.

>> No.19812591

Most Europeans weren't eating much better. Nearly everyone was starving.

>> No.19812717

It's just basic peasant food, and I would wager it was the normal fare for prisoners of that era even during peacetime. And it's not like they were getting small amounts, either. A pint of soup is a full meal, and a half pound of bread isn't bad neither. People have thrived on worse for a lot longer; go look up what European serfs ate for centuries, not much different than this. The only thing they're really lacking is protein, which begs the question why they weren't being fed peanuts. Cheaper than sausages and cheese, and fills broadly the same role. They also can be dried and kept for years.

>> No.19812741 [DELETED] 

wholly based

>> No.19812747

I'm very very intrigued. Where can I read that?

>> No.19812751

she's gonna do remarkable things in the kitchen, oh for sure

>> No.19812782

Who the fuck grew peanuts in Third Reich-era Germany?

>> No.19812869

>People have thrived
lol lmao

>> No.19812888

Why were they fed anything at all in a "death camp"?

>> No.19812958

Would rather just fight for the Nazis, surrender to the Americans, and get sent to one of their PoW camps

>> No.19812968

That's what I was asking, why weren't they? They grow like weeds in most any temperate/hot environment, which is why they're so popular for food aide.

>> No.19812986

That's the thing. 90 years ago, Central Europe was a lot colder than today. Peanuts need long periods of relatively warm weather to grow properly. The location was unsuitable for peanuts (in fact it still is).
A better question is why didn't they research wide-scale lupin cultivation. Lupin can grow on marginal lands, and is a hardy crop. While it's true that most lupins are toxic, there are varieties with low alkaloid content, and those can be further reduced via processing (steam curing, fermentation).

>> No.19812992

slave labor

>> No.19812995

Because putting that much effort to feed prisoners is retarded?

>> No.19813005 [DELETED] 

I wasn't referring specifically to feeding prisoners. One of the big freak-out points of the Nazi government was food source instability, due to the risk of blockades. However they didn't really do anything about it. Well apart from pulling a literal nignog-tier chimpout, causing the death of several million people.

>> No.19813006

Not to mention the lampshades & soap, masturbation-to-death machines, and freezing people so when they fall out of the freezer they shatter.

>> No.19813007

>go to summer camp while whites are sent to die on all sides
>complain for gibs ever after
So grateful the last week has made the holocough fable completely forgotten.

>> No.19813011

>was colder than today
Wrong. Perhaps you are thinking of 12k years ago.

>> No.19813018

>they gave us potato soup and sausage and bread and marmalade, we barely survived!
how horrible

>> No.19813040

you forgot the holocoaster

>> No.19813042

you forgot the corpse models

>> No.19813049

Well that’s because Hitler and bunch were retards who were more worried about ideological purity than long term planning for anything that wasn’t engineering

>> No.19813060

>"Hmm, our food inputs are not secure; they can be subject to blockades and hostile interference"
>"Should we improve the efficiency of our agriculture via mechanization, and research new food crops?"
>*hits meth bulb* "Nah, fuck it, let's get a good old-fashioned chimp-out going on"

>> No.19813071

Soup is not a meal

>> No.19813081

To be fair, this sounds like the typical university student diet

>> No.19813125

Base National Socialists were just making sure the education-and-correction camp guest stayed well hydrated.

>> No.19813200 [DELETED] 


>> No.19813243

You forgot the gas chambers with wooden doors and post-war soviet constructed smoke stack

>> No.19813248

Seriously? Why would they just build a smokestack after all the war stuff had ended?

>> No.19813261

You forgot the Looney Tunes shotgun that bends through the wall and shoots the trigger-puller in the face

>> No.19813280


You can demonstrate that wooden doors would make a gas chamber useless by locking your garage door and then get in your car with the engine running. Live stream it and you'll instantly prove the holocaust to be a lie and save the White race single handedly!

>> No.19813296
File: 74 KB, 708x900, the-gas-chamber-at-san-quentin-bettmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an american gas chamber from the same time period

>> No.19813299

>This is an american gas chamber from the same time period

>> No.19813305

The better question is why didn't they harvest kudzu. Every part of the plant is edible and nutritious. Makes more sense than the freaks trying to feed us bugs full of chitinase.

>> No.19813308

wasnt there cremetorium right next to the wooden door? seems rather unsafe

>> No.19813310

You think Monsanto discovered GMO blends on their own?

>> No.19813318
File: 31 KB, 350x471, 029-17[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how a normal German delousing chamber (and lice require more Zyklon B not less since they don't actively suck in the surrounding air like a living breathing mammal does) looked like, felt strips made it air tight.
This was even discussed in German scientific literature of that time:

>> No.19813323

>and lice require more Zyklon B
this is a lie. Germar Rudolph debunked it like 50 years ago

>> No.19813324

Winner writes history

>> No.19813327

Sounds super efficient, fucknuts

>> No.19813333

>guy who makes a living selling holocaust denial books says facts aren't true
wew lad

>> No.19813340

then source the amount of needed to kill human. That number is repeated again and again but actualy comes from experiments with rabbits.

>> No.19813343
File: 50 KB, 640x481, service-pnp-cph-3b40000-3b44000-3b44400-3b44415r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which begs the question why they weren't being fed peanuts
Why WEREN'T they being fed peanuts? It's like their captors didn't even care about their health.

>> No.19813351

Kudzu didn't appear in Europe until after the war.

>> No.19813355

Yeah, we usually don't experiment with lethal poisons on humans.
Neither did Rudolf.

>> No.19813359

Yes. Life during the pre- and early Modern periods was in many ways superior to today's.

>> No.19813363

Be the change you want to see in the world and throw out your computer.

>> No.19813364

Holy fuck at least their noses were still being fed look at them honkers

>> No.19813369

the point is your number is lie. And unlike you Rufolf studied executions in US.

>> No.19813371

you forgot the prince of persia electricity traps

>> No.19813378

Lethality of something is always studied on animals and then extrapolated to human mass for blatantly obvious reasons.

Neither Rudolf nor the US prison system experimented on humans to find the minimum lethal dosage so how would they have any better data on this?

>> No.19813380

Anyone who doesn't realise those "survivors" are full of shit beyond this point is either a moron or has a vested interest in perpetuating the hoax.

>> No.19813381

>Prisoners received three meals

>> No.19813383

>And unlike you Rufolf studied executions in US
you mean fred leuchter?

>> No.19813385

>Lethality of something is always studied on animals and then extrapolated to human mass for blatantly obvious reasons.
yes, and you used number for rabbits and claimed it proves something. You are dishonest rat
>how would they have any better data on this?
amounts are known, times of death are known, 1000s of examples. Why wouldnt they? But thats besides the point. At best we dont know the amount.

>> No.19813387

no, i mean Rudolf

>> No.19813391

Why are you arguing with a holocaust denier on a cooking board? Do you think he's amenable to reason? Do you think he even understands or respects the concept? Unless he has a good recipe for roast jew he's not worth the time of day.

>> No.19813395

he did all his studies in west germany before taking a job in southern germany at the max planck institute
fred leuchter did a previous similar report about he trace amounts
you're reading the wrong wiki page

>> No.19813397

Nta but nobody should eat them due to their insane amount of genetic diseases and parasites

>> No.19813399

>amounts are known
How are they known?
How would they even find that dose before the executions? Can't do animal experiments, those are "lies".
And do you think they used the absolute minimum lethal dose in a prison execution?
Like saving ten cents on an extra ounce of HCN was worth the risk of ending up with a half-dead prisoner in pain on the front page?
Instead of simply using a dose that would easily kill a prisoner a hundred times over?

>> No.19813401

well i guess you are going to have to read Rudolf to know what he wrote about. You are typical reddit retard expecting surface level knowledge in everyone because thats how you operate

>> No.19813405

fred leuchter was a execution equipment salesmen

>> No.19813409

>How are they known?
because theyk now how much they pumped in.
>How would they even find that dose before the executions?
they dont need to
>Like saving ten cents on an extra ounce of HCN was worth the risk of ending up with a hal-dead prisoner in pain on the front page?
>Instead of simply using a dose that would easily kill a prisoner a hundred times over?
now you sound like a revisionist

>> No.19813411

and? i am talking about Rudolf you dumb fuck

>> No.19813415


>> No.19813416

yeah thats what i thought
cope and seethe

>> No.19813419

>they dont need to
Exactly! They just went with complete overkill.
Which is great for killing your prisoner but not helpful at all for finding the minimum lethal dosage, which you know is the thing we're talking about.

>> No.19813422

Can you guys just stop with the jew shit I need a break from /pol go larp on Hoi4 or something autists

>> No.19813428

They pumped x amount. It killed prisoners in y time. Its the most scientific measuerment we have.
Also you shouldnt say stuff like
>Which is great for killing your prisoner but not helpful at all for finding the minimum lethal dosage,
because it demolishes your arguement

>> No.19813434

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.19813436

How would you have felt yesterday evening if you hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch?

>> No.19813609
File: 23 KB, 750x423, FB_IMG_1696221813961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone arguing about "noo it was enough nutrition!" Or "noo thry got more than that!"

Either way it was a waste of good food.

>> No.19813640

>Could you do it?
why would i care?
the germans are irrelevant and the jews didn't get gassed.

>> No.19813705

>Could you do it?
Gas 6 million jews? Yeah, I could. Don't ask me how though.
Ummm stop asking questions goy.

>> No.19813720

Auschwitz wasn't a death camp, it was a huge complex of dozens of camps.
Only the Jews that weren't fit for work were killed, the others were used for forced labor.

>> No.19813733

More people died in Allied camps after the war than died in German camps during, ackshually.

>> No.19813797

More people are eaten by Satanic cannibal cults in the USA every year than died in both world wars combined.

>> No.19813858

The chimneys wasn't built after the war, it was reconstructed. When the Nazis were retreating from Soviet advances they either demolished the buildings or they just got destroyed in the conflict, and the Soviets put them back together with varying degrees of accuracy based on witness testimony and blueprints they could find. You can find pictures from during the war and the chimneys are there.

>> No.19813873

My point was feeding them peanuts would've been cheaper and more efficient.

>> No.19813882

Soviet. Don't group the western allies in with the Soviets, it's disingenuous

>> No.19813896

Germany doesn't grow peanuts.

>> No.19813906

>varying degrees of accuracy
>The chimneys wasn't built

>> No.19813913

Photography was invented by Nicephore Niepce which is an anagram for "epinephrine CEO", as in kidnapping children to drink their adrenal fluids, coincidence???? I think not

>> No.19814543

Oy vey and the waiting lines for the rollercoasters? Don't even get me started on the pretzels they gave out with non kosher salt, I couldn't even eat the thing! It was hell I tell ya!

>> No.19814602

And such small portions!

>> No.19814619

I wouldn't eat any of that because none of this actually happened

>> No.19816389

As a diabetic, I'd be dead rather soon.

>> No.19816394

Jews weren't ripped out of their homes and deported into camps? Whole countries bore witness to that.

>> No.19816415

Why is it when I google "avo food extract" the onyl result I get is from this particular account of the camp? What even is this shit? I tried googling "food extract" and got nothing.
"nazi food extract"
"avo" food extract
"culinary food extract"

What are you hinting at, OP?

>> No.19816458
File: 130 KB, 700x604, 23552_img_7563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVO is a German company which makes spice blends and shit.

>> No.19817626

>they weren't built by Soviets after the war, they were just built by Soviets after the war

>> No.19817848

>using google to search for things
there's your problem. use a different search engine.

>> No.19818000

Which is why i specified American. They would ship you to the other side of the globe to one of the safest, most stable places on Earth at the time

>> No.19818009

300,000 at most and mostly from syphalis

>> No.19818234
File: 43 KB, 780x438, 1644004521648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you fags just fuck a black dude and get over it already? You people seriously think of black penis more than women do.

>> No.19818326

f u homo

>> No.19819473

prove it

>> No.19819783

>actually get fed
so the jews did better than the soviet army and the eastern front.

>> No.19819829

Not the unsweetened tea oy vey the maximum shoah

>> No.19819861

They got treated better than aussies captured by japs

>> No.19819866

>or “tea”—a herbal brew.
>herbal brew
>herb brew
I see what they did there

>> No.19819911

>Could you do it?
>(...) These beverages were usually unsweetened
Oh God, no.
T. American

>> No.19819928

It's fasting except you never get to refeed

>> No.19819931
File: 83 KB, 433x679, IMG_1806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Scheissmeister was a prisoner put on duty to guard the latrine, so that no prisoner could spend more than two minutes there. As Samuel himself says in his book, “When the Germans noticed that the prisoners were going to the latrine too often and spending too much time there, Lalka ordered the Vorarbeiters [sic] [Jewish foremen of a labor detail] to go to the storeroom and procure two rabbinical black suits and a couple of black hats with pompoms on them. Two prisoners were equipped with whips and ordered to don this getup. It was their job to make sure no more than five prisoners entered the outhouse at any one time and that they spent no longer than one minute inside. Alarm clocks dangled from their necks on strings. They were called the Scheisskommando – the “Shit Detail”. The Germans enjoyed their joke raucously….” Samuel adds that the Germans purposely made the prisoner who was the “master” of the Scheisskommando look ridiculous. “It was incredibly humiliating.”
Wow... Could you do it?
What did the Scheissmeister eat, /ck/?

>> No.19820006

Hilariously based

>> No.19820039

Now who still says Germans dont have any humour?!

>> No.19822070

>masturbation-to-death machines

>> No.19822086
File: 72 KB, 328x349, Vito2.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a joke.

>> No.19822099

man the holocaust sounds pretty comfy

>> No.19822867

Some Holocaust survivors™ have claimed that the Nazis had machines to masturbate their Jewish prisoners to death. One of the many, many strange ways of execution the Nazis allegedly had that could only be thought of by a group of deranged psychopaths.

>> No.19822880

>Some Holocaust survivors™ have claimed that the Nazis had machines to masturbate their Jewish prisoners to death.
This was claimed by the Australian Bernard Brougham, who is not Jewish at all, in his fake memoirs "Stolen Soul" under the fake name "Bernard Holstein" published in 2004.

>> No.19824042

Oh if you dont like it then start guessing what jews provided to ukrainians with regards to food.