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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 183 KB, 699x664, confess wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19808216 No.19808216 [Reply] [Original]

Confess your sins.

>> No.19808220
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I'll start: I scrape the cheese and sauce off of pizza, eat it, and throw the crust away.

>> No.19808222
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I use the name of regional dishes and never follow the recipe.

>> No.19808233

I order from little caesars once a week as a cheat day when not exercising. It's cheap and allows me to enjoy stuffing my face.

I've ordered large popcorn from my local movie theater delivered to my door with uber eats.

I ate syrup on scrambled eggs once.Liked it.

>> No.19808237

Wojakspammers are faggots, almost as bad as frogspammers.

>> No.19808250

Based if you serve it to other people like that, I do a similar thing where I lie about the secret ingredient; it ensures they will never recreate it. It's always something they'd never think of (besides MSG) like achiote, fenugreek, or fermented tofu. You are forgiven.
Only the middle one is unforgivable, you can make far better popcorn at home and cheaper as well.

>> No.19808264

When chopping vegetables, I chop onion first. COME AT ME

>> No.19808278
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Suffering for your creations is no sin.

>> No.19808306

I eat my salad last, because I don't want my main dish to get cold while eating something that's already cold.

>> No.19808310

This board has been subject to a minor tranny raid the last week. It's bad

>> No.19808328

>I only use dish soap if something is oily, otherwise it gets plain cold water and a firm brushing
>I cut raw meat on my chopping board, rinse it under cold water, then cut vegetables on it
>I do the same thing with my knife
>I never wash my hands when I pee or poop
I haven't been sick in over 15 years ever since I stopped showering daily and using soap all the time.

>> No.19808356

You got covid twice, shut up

>> No.19808374

I love vinegar so much. I regularly put vinegar on anything, I especially enjoy it on baked potatoes and any sort of pasta dish. Last night I made Alfredo pasta and put rice wine vinegar on it and my roommate informed me I am autistic. I am American.

>> No.19808379

How could I get something that isn't real?

>> No.19808396

Covid is real. Don't be fucking retarded. That's like saying the flu isn't real. Covid has been around for over 20 years.
Wtf do you think the first sars outbreak was?
I hate you dumbass little kids like you wouldn't believe.
You deserve to pick up the scraps of the boomers.

>> No.19808403

guys please dont fag out and turn this into another Covid thread I just wanna discuss silly funny food crimes

>> No.19808420

I failed to use Knorr stock cubes in my cooking.

>> No.19808437

ive been excessively eating for about two weeks now. i have recently had a turn for the better with some chronic health issues and it kind of gave me the space to backslide a lot when it comes to my self care habits. feels kind of bad like now that this big issue has been improved, my own lack of willpower and exhaustion with dealing with chronic illness has made me flee to comfort

im trying to make some changes in my day to day to get back on track though

>> No.19808439

I frequently cook with olive oil on Wednesday and Friday (fasting rules in the Orthodox Church dictate no meat, dairy, fish, oil, or wine on fast days unless otherwise specified).

>> No.19808442
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I don't wash or peel vegetables.
I think it's a waste of time and not washing boosts the immune system

>> No.19808468
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>Food and cooking confessions
>Confess your sins.
I think RICE is fucking BULLSHIT with it's high arsenic content so I cook whole oat groats as if they're rice and it comes out pretty good.

>> No.19808508

That's literally every boomer in the kitchen.

>> No.19808592


I'll buy those round $1 frozen pizzas like Celeste and I'll add a premium cheese on top, a long with a random meat. I microwave it first until the cheese melts a little on top, and then I'll crisp it up in the pan until the bottom cooks nicely. Great easy meal.

>> No.19808610

I ate a lot of frozen pizzas when I was younger so I grew to love the taste of it. But now I can make it a little gourmet with premium toppings.

>> No.19808614

You're full of shit. You're that AI posting tranny

>> No.19808616
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Me too, at a bare minimum I add extra low-moisture mozz and romano, along with black olives (sometimes those extremely salty Turkish cured ones).

>> No.19809264

I eat at cici's pizza at least 2 times a week.

>> No.19809306

i drank xl polar pops everyday for a month

>> No.19809316

I use mayonnaise as a cream substitute for some dishes, like mashed potatoes or some soups

>> No.19809442

I grew up in a rural Alaskan town and now I live in Colorado so I eat out at fast food joints I always saw ads for but never had in my town as a kid. I fucking love Taco Bell bros.

>> No.19809456

I've never made lasagna and think doing so is cost prohibitive compared to frozen.

>> No.19809705

I remember eating cheese mashed potatoes in elementary and now that i'm adult I still make it. Although it does make me feel childish.

>> No.19809854

i cant cook Italian food to save my life, ive fucked up every dish ive tried except chicken cutlets. The best thing ive made Italian is lasagna, but thats nearly fuck-up proof. I`m pretty good at cooking otherwise, its just the sauces I cant get right/cant find a good reciepe for because those guinie fucks dont wanna share grandmamas reciepe

>> No.19809936

I haven't used my cone dripper for anything but filtering bacon grease since switching to instant.

>> No.19809986

i rub salt on my asshole whenever it itches and put the remains back in the container
every time guests come over and have dinner at my place 90% of them said that my salt tastes/smells weird

>> No.19809992

I made a pie for the first time yesterday and it didn't taste very good. I forgot a lot of the steps like letting the dough rest and shit like that. But Grandma really liked it so it couldn't have been that bad

>> No.19811375

>People rename feels guy
I hate newfags.

>> No.19811425

Whenever I make a dish that turns out to be a massive hit, I'll sabotage the recipe with a missing or errant ingredient so that when they make it, it'll taste like shit and people will come back to my house to eat thinking my cooking is superior. I've done this at least eight times.

>> No.19811493

what are you sick with?

>> No.19811496

nice larp, pig brain

>> No.19811501

how do you know people well enough to have supper with them?

>> No.19811512

>meet people at work
>mutual interest clubs (ham radio, gun club, D&D, etc)
>eventually feel confident enough in your cooking abilities to invite people you trust to your home to break bread together
It's either that or your first crack at entertaining a guest will be the first girl you invite to your home, and usually you want the mistakes worked out before then.

>> No.19811531

Meant to reply to this post.

>> No.19811772
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>dnd gun owner has a better life than me

>> No.19811774

eating a box of arugula and a 81% ritter sport for dinner, other than that i've had a cucumber td and some coffee. y'all starvemaxx or nah

>> No.19811794
File: 3.00 MB, 4000x3000, 20230925_133100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love has station nachos. I sometimes get drunk on my lunch break, slam some nachos, then go back to work and struggle to stay awake the rest of the afternoon

>> No.19811827

I haven't cooked anything in two months

>> No.19811885

dude, i love gas station nachoes and gas station hot dogs slathered in a pool of their chili and cheese machine when drunk. you sir are living the dream. been years since i've done that.

>> No.19811889

It's been warm I always slow down in the heat

>> No.19811896
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i like cooking chicken in cream of mushroom soup

>> No.19811901

I’ve seen this webm millions of times and I still don’t understand what he thought the end goal was

>> No.19811922
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Forgive me father for I have sinned

I bake boneless chicken breast in the oven at 350F for 30 minutes at least twice a week. I

>> No.19811931

because men are retarded

>> No.19811951

He should have put the fish on the rack thing perpendicular to the way it is in the webm and flipped the other side of the rack over the fish, so when he goes to flip it, he won’t lose it

But in the webm if he successfully flipped the fish, it would have got stuck on the grates on the grill and he would have lost it that way

>> No.19812003
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My gf is so fucking fat she loves to eat literally a tik tok foodie how do I make her lose weight without making her feel bad I love her so much bros

>> No.19812021
File: 49 KB, 634x481, IMG_3359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this heresy

>> No.19812033

My parents said I can't marry her until she loses weight becasue it might damage our chances of having a kid, I'm a /fit/ fag and I love to binge after working out but I feel bad for my gf becasue I want her binge with me becasue we both feel guilty

>> No.19812069

Get her into whisky and send her to bed without dinner
Kinda works for my wife but it's pretty slow

>> No.19812339
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I have never been to prison but I like making 'prison food' at home

>> No.19812346

I have microwaved tap water for instant coffee.

>> No.19812349

I don't like sourdough bread. I just can't. Something about the sour and yeasty flavours cross-mingling just repels me. I can identify good sourdough bread but I still can't enjoy it.

Also I despise whatever's seen as the 'default' version of any food. Like vanilla ice cream, apple pie or strawberry jam. I can enjoy pepperoni pizza but it bores the shit out of me.

>> No.19812379
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>I don't like sourdough bread.
Same. It seems like everywhere I go, people are using sourdough instead of the normal bread variety: sandwiches, rolls, baguettes, pizzas. I hate it. The strong flavour makes it about as versatile as those bricks of Scandinavian rye bread, but nobody seems to care. It's just not a pleasant flavour.
Also, I think Idahoan instant mashed potatoes are better than 99% of people's homemade mashed potatoes, and it's not even close.

>> No.19812392

He should have flipped it with tongs and gotten an oven tray in case it slipped off the rack.

>> No.19812396

The secret is that you have to slice the onions very thinly, that's what I learned from Goodfellas.

>> No.19812401

I've given it an honest try dozens of times, it just doesn't work for me. I'm mostly on the side of "try it at least once before deciding you don't like it". So I try to reserve judgement on a lot of things. But I'm almost 40 and I buy my own food so I'm not going to pretend to like something when nobody else is around.

I feel like most people are too judgemental with foods they're unfamiliar with. But as long as they give it an honest try, they're justified on passing on a particular item.

>> No.19812404

savage ...

>> No.19812458
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It was garlic in the movie, queer

>> No.19812467

Literally any sort of group that has a mutual interest. Church potlucks are a great place to get your feet wet making a dish that you can share with people.

>> No.19812506
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I buy this product and I enjoy it

>> No.19812547

based vinegar bro. don’t let anyone stop you. try sour beers if you haven’t already

>> No.19812555

I have developed a wheat allergy over the last few months. all I eat is ham and cabbage pancakes and ice cream

>> No.19812571
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I like to microwave my leftover carbonara for breakfast. It scrambles the eggs and then I put sriracha on it. :^)

>> No.19812583

you ate a whole bar of chocolate you fat sow

>> No.19812832

I almost always used jarred garlic when cooking if I'm not using garlic powder
when I was a teen I used to eat seasoned breadcrumbs mixed with salad dressing (usually ranch, caesar, or italian)

>> No.19812906

Chicken marsala or meatballs are easy, Parmigiana is impossible to fuck up.

>> No.19812916

I don't blame anyone for using a mincer tool but why? You could get botulism my dude.

>> No.19812955

it's cheap and I've used it for ages with no ill effect, and I never notice a taste difference compared to fresh garlic

>> No.19812990

you will not notice any ill effect before you are dead on your floor covered in vomit. respect god's creation and don't risk the satanic poison of botulism, use fresh garlic to ward away evil spirits...

>> No.19812994

There's no way you don't notice a taste difference. Jarred garlic tastes absolutely nothing like the real thing. It's the #1 reason why I don't use it, otherwise I would.

>> No.19813001

I really only like one particular brand my local store sells and have hated any other I've tried, so I get that
but I don't notice a difference in terms of when I'm adding it into stuff. just my personal taste of course

>> No.19813073
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That’s nothing to be ashamed of, there’s just something so appealing about that tangy taste. Try picrel on random stuff, perfect way to add that vinegar taste without needing to have it in liquid form

>> No.19813082

never cook peppermint with rice

>> No.19813501

How can you fuck up a tomato sauce?

>> No.19813505

I crush ramen, pour the spice package on it, and eat it raw as a snack.

>> No.19813528
File: 288 KB, 1024x768, dom-chix-box-02-2-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Domino's soggy hot wings

>> No.19813541

I despise pho. I have tried it several times on many different occasions and it's still just a hot bowl of watery garbage. I think everyone around me pretends to like it because it's ethnic food and they want to appear hip, but I stand my ground. I'll do banh mi every day of the week, but pho is the saddest creation

>> No.19813549

Jennifer Kesse is in Lake Okeechobee.

>> No.19813584

i had fried chicken and chips with a can of pepsi for lunch every weekday for about six months.
sometimes for dinner as well
the man in the shop put my order in as soon as I walked in, even if there was a massive queue

>> No.19813605

I sometimes reuse onaholes the next day without rinsing because it saves money on lube.

>> No.19813689

You realize their grans didn't have a cookbook for it either right? Just figure it out, it's the easiest shit to figure out anyway. It's also extremely easy to make better even Americans figured out how to make it better

>> No.19813718

don't backslide anon. i know it's tempting but the climb back is always more painful. better to try and maintain your good habits for as long as possible

>> No.19814089

I like canned tuna (oil one), bread and ketchup sandwiches (plus salt and pepper). Sorry

>> No.19814100

>But Grandma really liked it

Anon, I…

>> No.19814109

>I bake boneless chicken breast in the oven at 350F for 30 minutes at least twice a week.

I do that too, but I use the chicken as an ingredient rather than the meal.

>> No.19814137

My daughter does that and I put it on mine to double up

>> No.19814232
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>(sometimes those extremely salty Turkish cured ones).
Marmarabarlik...Those things are insanely addictive.
I've knocked out a whole package in a sitting before...then 3 gallons of water for the rest of the night. Still worth it.
My "SIN"?
Thin crust pizzas from tortillas.
The trick is to brush them with either Olive oil or melted butter before topping.
I guess technically, they are sort of Pizzachos.

>> No.19814278
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based trips. I do this with chicken teriyaki. In the sense it's just pieces of sauteed chicken, with rice and broccoli and a sauce that is apple cider vinegar, soy sauce and brown sugar.

>> No.19814292


>> No.19814315

I used a cookie cutter on a stingray and they served them as scallops in a restaurant I worked at as a kid

>> No.19814585

When I make spaghetti, I break my pasta in half before putting it in the pot

>> No.19814592

i-i-i-is she ok??

>> No.19814597

Post tits, slut.

>> No.19814873

He's trying to flip it over.

>> No.19815188

i put honey mustard and lettuce on my meatball marinas from subway

>> No.19815190

Sometimes I add a pinch of salt to my fresh squeezed OJ to bring out the flavor, lord forgive me.

>> No.19815218

I killed my wife.

>> No.19815612

>Also, I think Idahoan instant mashed potatoes are better than 99% of people's homemade mashed potatoes, and it's not even close.

Just so you know, if you don't have Corn Starch or Flour or whatever instant mash works as an amazing sauce thickener. Especially if you use the flavored ones like the one in your pick. Makes some neat ass gravy.

>> No.19816624

yup, I regularly use mashed potatoes to thicken soup or sauce48HKP

>> No.19817307

if those things are as tight as your budget, I might not fit

>> No.19817309

I want a supreme taco. Definitely with sour cream.

>> No.19817314

why? she was a great cook! The ramen was always al dente

>> No.19817735

same but they're too expensive now

>> No.19818959

I don't think ketchup on eggs as actually that bad

>> No.19818962

are you me?

>> No.19819048

soulless image

>> No.19819238
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>> No.19819251
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time to watch lost in translation x)

>> No.19819256

Based I do this too. Good source of iodine and minerals.

>> No.19819259
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>> No.19819305

My mom used to make me egg and honey sandwiches. Such a great combo!

>> No.19819566
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>Guards, seize him!

>> No.19819577
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>> No.19819584

I don't see how gas station nachos can be any different from regular nachos. I'd bet its probably one of the safer foods to eat in a gas station tbqh.

>> No.19819611

Same, never liked it and I don't get it. Feels like the whole world is just trolling me

>> No.19819617

i dump all the oil down the drain at my rental

>> No.19819640

Based me too. We keep getting increasingly desperate notices posted in the elevator
>This is a reminder not to put cooking oil into the drain
>Do NOT put cooking oil in the kitchen sink (pic of grease clogged pipe cross section)
>The strata is investigating violators and you WILL be fined


>> No.19819642


>> No.19819654
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I eat spaghett with ketchup

>> No.19819800

I'm god damn sick and tired of the countless knife sharpening videos constantly and smugly contradicting each other. You guys need to settle down and stop being edgy like a 15 yo. As a result of not finding anything basic and useful I just don't sharpen my knives, good thing I have ceramic knives.

>> No.19819805

Beef has no flavor. I use it as a way to up the fat in something; ground chuck is good in this regard (burgers and stir-fry, ). But steaks and stew meat? I would rather get something else.

>> No.19819916


>> No.19820059
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satay chicken is my very favourite pizza
pizza snobs can kiss my ass, and no I'm not dutch

>> No.19820133

But why? It's perfectly cooked already

>> No.19820139

This isn't a confession, it's the truth. The best part of a steak dinner is the mashed potatoes

>> No.19820144

>stop being edgy
>Sharpening knives
Input some gay pun here

>> No.19820894
File: 135 KB, 1300x650, beans-and-cheese-on-toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some mornings I'm too lazy to do any chopping or frying, so I just have beans on toast. Non-bongs think it's a meme, but if you've grown up with the beans it just becomes your default lazy food.

>> No.19820963
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I add mayonnaise to instant mashed potatoes

>> No.19820979

I used to raid the trash cans during breakfast and lunch in middle and high school because people would toss their sandwiches and sausages in there without regard. Did it for a while. One time I even ended up with 5 or 6 sausage biscuits, completely uneaten, still wrapped, fished right off the top...

I'd still do it if I had the time and energy to source such food waste.

>> No.19820987

Dude I soak my chips in malt or AC vinegar whenever I get em. Refuse anything aside from plain, salt, or pepper chips for that reason. Sometimes jalapeno

>> No.19821268

Based and redpilled

>> No.19821447

One of the things I love the most is shellfish, and since this past August I started getting stomach pain and indigestion whenever I eat shrimp. Happened today again, ate it at lunch almost 8 hours ago and it's still going around in my stomach causing me pain. I am utterly devastated.

>> No.19821476

I drink the juice from pickles.
I drink the vinaigrette that's left after eating a salad.
I add extra oil and vinegar to salads in a Pizzaria and dip my pie in it.
I snack around two jars of pickles every week and sometimes add one jar of pickled peppers. Obviously I drink the juice from all of them.

>> No.19821539

I eat tuna straight out of the van with a fork.

>> No.19821559

How's work after getting tipsy during the break?

>> No.19821683

I used to make pork katsu with curry rice and sushi for my roommates but in reality it was basic pork schnitzel, stew with a spoonful of curry powder mixed in, and a splash of vinegar on normal rice cooker rice to prove a point about Japanese food but they enjoyed it so much I never had the heart to tell them.

>> No.19822125

>buttered toast
>brown sauce
Bri'ish garbage/rubbish plate; simple as

>> No.19822152

When the oil is all brown and can't be reused anymore I make a special sauce with it by mixing it with mayo and wathever I have in the pantry

>> No.19822213
File: 2.60 MB, 4000x3000, 20231020_195820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made a steamed burger because of the stupid fucking Simpsons bit. It tasted really good. Guess which one in this pic is steamed and which one was cooked in a pan

>> No.19822221

When I was in college I thought a White Russian was vodka in milk and served that to my guests from out of state.

>> No.19822231

Not as bad as my fuckup, I thought you could sub coffee liqueur for Java monster. That was a fun Halloween alone

>> No.19822235

That sounds delicious

>> No.19822252

right one is steamed. left one has a dark crust on it.

>> No.19822258


>> No.19823706
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Cream cheese is even better.
I mixed vodka with pic related. Dorm mates thought I'd invented a new cocktail.

>> No.19823836
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>> No.19823840

I use limes in place of lemons no matter what in 100% of recipes. Lime hollandaise fucks.

>> No.19824206

It is and that's the problem. I was a novice drinker at the time but I downed 6 or so and it hit me like a truck. Made watching shitty horror movies fun though

>> No.19824209

I don't even use a fork, just my bare hands

>> No.19824219

Bored, feels like everything I haven't tried is either ultra unhealthy or impractical for singles or requires foreign produce. Going to become a lazy housewife type cook now.

>> No.19824282
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I do this but I eat it off the crust and pretty I'm a chimpanzee eating someone's face

>> No.19824300

I used to scrape the cheese off when I was a kid, but how can you not like the sauce?

>> No.19824305

Go back to plebbit

>> No.19824430


>> No.19824682
File: 2.38 MB, 2889x2889, ratstreamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fry ramen in a pan after boiling it.

I don't measure water for rice, and don't own a rice cooker; I make it all wet and then babysit it.

I don't use egg washes on my pastries or bread.

I make soup by simmering meat (or fish) for only a couple hours and add onto it then.

I cry every day, and like it.

I subsist mostly on takeout now, since I have roommates, and am too embarrassed to cook properly.

I posted in al/ck/.

I have eaten discarded takeout off of people's doorsteps and out of trash cans.

Despite finding a can of confit on the side of the road, I have never actually eaten confit. I have no idea how to handle confit properly.

I think the bread in (canadian) MREs is pretty good.

I have actually unironically tasted both dog cock and dog cum. (it's better than human dick/cum)

I don't like game meat (deer moose etc). Not for the flavor, but it's very tough and I dislike the texture.

Not really weird depending on the cuntry, but I've had horse. I like horse meat.

I have eaten computer punch cards.

Despite having owned both charcoal and gas grills, I have never personally grilled. Always electric ranges and pans.

I have never personally dressed an animal or gutted a fish, nor prepared a whole small animal (like a rabbit) or frozen whole fish.

I don't think I've ever had rabbit.

I have never owned my own cast-iron, or at least not used one extensively at home.

>> No.19824740


>> No.19824989

I think we're gonna stop confessional threads after this one.

>> No.19825052

holy grim. i went to alaska to work for a season and was not really surprised how fucked up and depressed everyone was. everyone i met just wanted to get drunk or high and have a pissing contest of who raped/got raped more. i'dve fuckin brained myself if i grew up there good job getting out, enjoy your taco bell bro, you earned it

>> No.19825060

>I have never personally dressed an animal or gutted a fish, nor prepared a whole small animal (like a rabbit) or frozen whole fish.
I don't think most people these days have

>> No.19825129
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>I don't think most people these days have
From what I've heard from others, I'd be surprised.

git gud for me who didnt

>> No.19825135

>comparing drinking animal cum and eating out of trash cans to not personally butchering cows
I don't know what you think is normal but that's not it.

>> No.19825138

>I'd be surprised.
surprised they have, or surprised they haven't?

>> No.19825168
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>surprised they have, or surprised they haven't?
I'd be surprised they haven't slain and dressed game, and I'd be surprised if they find my lack of experience in that kind of thing to be normal.(in that my not having done it is normal.)

Everyone else is so experienced, they're all experts, everyone is off hunting and field butchering game and cooking it better than rosette bearing kitchens despite having nothing but a knife, a fire, some branches, and a dead bear.

And that's before any other culinary transgressions of my own;

I also don't know how to temper chocolate properly.

I can't bake for shit.

I don't use egg washes.

I prove my yeast with flour instead of sugar.

I make my rice in a pot instead of a rice cooker (machine)

I only own two pots.

I only own one baking sheet and one oven pot.

I don't even know the name for a pot you put in the oven.

I don't even like fowl.

When I brewed booze, I just decanted, I didn't filter beyond straining.

I have not cooked for myself properly in months; the shame and having roommates precludes much more than boiling or baking vegetables.

I'm sure there's other stuff I could think of, but not cooking often if at all is the real big sin. There before Dionysus, he'd call me a fucking fraud for thinking he'd weigh my heart against a feather and know mine will break His scale anyway. Anubis will obliterate me with a Vector Cannon and before I fade away to the abyss, my only hope is my ashes could maybe season something. Lords of lords know I not only can't cook for shit, but that I won't either.

>> No.19825177

Just, start doing egg washes, what's the problem.

>> No.19825180

I have not baked bread in at least two years.

>> No.19825196


>> No.19825207

Same, I tell myself to do it every other day, but the time requirement means I keep putting it off. I will put sugar in my next loaf, and bake a second loaf for my parents.

>> No.19825637

>I have actually unironically tasted both dog cock and dog cum. (it's better than human dick/cum)
Is this true?

>> No.19825646

It's been a long time, but yes. I apologize for nothing. it was a fun time for both of us, I hope.

When I die, anubis will have a hard time even picking up my heart, let alone weighing it.

>> No.19825667

In the past I've baked many batches of cookies and other confections. Just for me.

That's it.

>> No.19825716

Shut up, you've never faced a challenge in your life.

>> No.19826174

which one have more more of a seared bite?

>> No.19826175

My knife skills suck

>> No.19826188

Doesn’t matter, God doesn’t exist.

>> No.19826222

It isn’t very delicate or anything but damn is it nice to have a hot bowl of pho on a cold and rainy autumn day.

>> No.19826289
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was recently to india and got my suspicions confirmed during that trip
indian food in sweden is better than indian food is in india

>> No.19826348
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>> No.19826451

>stock photo
But it's not really a sin, I use them myself all the time as a flavor booster in sauces. My beef stroganoff is half sour cream and half stock cube stock, my teriyaki is half self-made teriyaki sauce and half stock, etc etc.

>> No.19826463

I ate almost nothing but MREs by choice for five months straight after I lost my house.

>> No.19826559

Sometimes I just put a stick of butter, garlic powder, and salt and microwave it for 30 seconds and drink it. I'm not even fat I just like the flavor and texture.

>> No.19826821

if you actually order popcorn from a movie theater to be delivered to you you're a psycho it's so overpriced
you can buy the orange popcorn salt and the same oil they use (or even melt your own butter, tastes better imo) to put on your own popcorn at home

>> No.19826829

it's less about germs and more about pesticides

>> No.19826854

It ain't much of a choice when you're poor desu. Kids are super fucking wasteful if they don't grow up in hardship.

>> No.19826883
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I'm sorry you exist.

>> No.19826925

Sometimes I grab a handful of raw spinach, rinse it hand and all in water and eat it in one go. Doesn't taste good but at least it has vitamin k

>> No.19827188

based, vegetables are good for you

>> No.19827497

I left a girl that was hurt pretty bad off a ledge near a trail by Stone Mountain, GA back in 04. I don't think she would have lived but I never went back and never climbed down. It's been a long time since I said anything to anyone about it.

>> No.19827588

i think this is just autism

>> No.19828709

>premium cheese
Kek, americucks

>> No.19828721

Doesn’t taste anywhere near as good as real mashed potatoes. My guess is you’re a bad cook.

>> No.19830025

Waaah waaah waaah cry more nerd.

>> No.19830346

Man the fearmongering really radicalized the easily manipulated like you, huh

>> No.19830361

Why wouldn't a gun owner have a better life than a non-gun owner?

>> No.19830413

Drinking cum and eating out of trash cans may be normal to urbanites but never hunting your own meat is just weird.

>> No.19831405

I don’t use iron skillets

>> No.19831407

It's fine if people leave me alone. I have my own office so I can usually just fuck around on my computer, watch youtube, play games on my phone, close the door and take a nap, or just keep sipping vodka from a water bottle until 5:00 then go home and try to act sober so my wife doesn't know I'm day drinking

>> No.19831798
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Instead of eating my almonds normally, I pack about 20 into my cheek at once, let them soggy up (will sometimes swish water around in my mouth to expedite the process), and transfer them one by one to the opposite side of my mouth where I crack them down the middle and eat each half one by one. Sometimes when they get soggy like that the skins come off really nicely and I'll just play with the almond skin in my mouth for like 20 minutes

>> No.19831863

Every month, I go on a binge and eat that cheap slop of Tuna for a $1.50, I purchase in bulk on sale and eat it everyday for two weeks till my next paycheck, My supermarket recognizes me as the Tuna-fish guy and the older & younger cashiers practically call me it now anytime, I seen.
if I make Pasta it must have tuna on top and if I make myself a sweet treat like Cinnamon buns, I add half a can on the side to even it out for my taste buds. I've been doing this for over a year now and I predict, I lowered my lifespan by a good five years but it evens itself out because I don't smoke.
I had a blood test done during a regular check-up a few months back and the doctor noted I had abnormal amounts of metal, I'm slowly becoming a man of iron whilst you cradle in your inferiority.

>> No.19831929

A person not from my neighborhood showed up at our local dog park and her dog attacked mine and at least four other dogs. She now comes every morning and told someone to fuck off when they asked if they could keep her dog on leash. So basically no one can come from 7:30-8:30 when she’s chain smoking and on her phone while her shit dog howls and waits for its next victim.

Until last week when I may or may not have theoretically put warfarin in meatballs and left them in the park right before she arrived and when she left I may have gone in to dispose of the evidence and protect other dogs but they were nowhere to be found. If I did it, which I did not, I would be content by not seeing the dog for 5 days.

>> No.19831931

I knew a guy that would put a werther’s original in his cheek and hold it there while riding the train, ended up having a huge cavity basically rotted two teeth that used to be in constant contact with the candy kek

>> No.19831937

You'd like a balkan salad.
Lettuce. Vinegar. Salt. Pepper.
Basically how my grandmother used to do, and me and my brother would fight over who got to drink the leftover when the lettuce was gone.

God I miss her, every meal was like a buffet. There were no less than seven different dishes to chose from after the soup.

>> No.19831999
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Some people think that they can cook.


>> No.19832330

i had the opposite happen to me when i was taking lots of ibuprophen for a toothache once. someone told me to just sit it against the gum and I burned a fucking hole in my cheek and ruined the gums at the fucked up tooth even worse. My dentist even slyly commented on it like "SOME PEOPLE think it'll absorb better if you do that but just eat it; it's not a topical. But you're smarter than that right? ;3"

>> No.19832332

If it's hot out I'll eat salad as a dessert to cool back off.

>> No.19832336

and wax. a lot of food in the west is waxed for appearance. it's nontoxic but can fuck up your cooking slightly.

also some stuff just has inedible or less palatable bits. the poopy looking bits on mushrooms arent leftover manure or anything but still dont taste great and reduce to a bad mouthfeel sludge when cooked. simply washing potatoes can get a lot of the small eyes off. stuff like that

>> No.19832339

i ate little caesars ONCE and thought i was going to have a bowel blockage that night and then had horrid liquidy shits in the morning. i legit almost took the day off the next day and was going to straight up admit "I went to the little caesars around the corner last night and I don't feel so good now and dont wanna shit myself at my desk"

luckily i woke up very early (from intestinal pain) and was fine by the time I had to go in but damn

>> No.19832362

i found a knife sharpening video that didnt have music and was very no nonsense and it worked for me. but i already was more than 80iq so i figured that grinding metal away to get an edge is the point (heh) and most of what I needed was proper technique in holding/moving the blade

the video i found was a dude building a jig to hold his knife at a good angle against the stone

>> No.19832365

a lot of recipe sites still say it is and that the "white" part means you skip the kahlua

and even before bad recipe sites, i knew a lot of people who did it that way and would passionately say white russians are garbage drinks for garbage people because they did the obvious thing and it was fucked up

>> No.19832393

Seek mental health assistance IMMEDIATELY

>> No.19832574 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19832786

I cook gnochi in tomato sauce with canned tuna and throw some gouda on there too

>> No.19832804
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I like hotdogs slathered with ketchup and mustard and nothing else, like a child.

>> No.19833723

Systemic pesticides aren’t going anywhere and even ones on the outside aren’t really being washed off considering how superficial most people wash (ie quick rinse) their produce.

>> No.19833756
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I buy $5 walmart knives and they last indefinitely being sharpened biweekly with pic related. Anons who buy special equipment like honing rids, whetstones and other shit for their $500 faggot knives are just desperate for some kind of identity and filling the void with consooming.
>in b4
Don't care, it cuts just as well

>> No.19833763

They spray once every 2 weeks. You can't wash anything off as the pesticides grow with the produce. The produce is poisoned to its core as a result. Potatoes, apples, carrots and celery are among the worst.

Bio is not better. They're still allowed to use petrol. Because petrol is bio.