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19811334 No.19811334 [Reply] [Original]

which kinda grocery store beer is best recommended for brand new drinkers?

>> No.19811346

you've never tasted beer ever before?

>> No.19811347

Also, drink half as much as you think you should

>> No.19811348

don't you have any friends, pal. You should learn to drink socially otherwise we all know how this is gonna end (sleep tight, steele reserve bro)

>> No.19811357

skip the beer and get a nice handle of grain alcohol

>> No.19811358

Beer tastes like shit and you're going to learn this instantly, if you're not already into alcohol it's moldy bread water. Get some groomer tier drinks like mike's hard lemonade or seltzers and start there instead. Otherwise, if you're really stuck on beer, I'd go Corona.

>> No.19811359

I've tasted beer when offered, but it was only very few times far between throughout my life. I've never been drunk nor actually gone out for beer on my own accord.
I had friends who drank occasionally, but I've fallen out with them

>> No.19811366
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Seconded. When I was on vacation with my parents and had my first drink in Aruba, I was 18 and two beers on an empty stomach had me going

>> No.19811367

Start with any domestic light beer unless you have a family history with alcohol, in that case just grab a steel reserve and enjoy the buzz.

>> No.19811376

Stella and pilsner urquell are good picks for european style beer
Like another anon said, PBR is a classic, miller lite is my favorite “diet” beer, coors banquet is also really good for the money
Mexican beers like pacifico and modelo are pretty nice too, especially with a lime

>> No.19811379

Corona or blue moon, don't fall for the IPAs you won't like them, don't be fooled by the pretty packaging. If you just want to see what getting drunk is like buy some vodka and orange juice, mix them and you have a screwdriver, wa la.

>> No.19811391

I'm surprised kids aren't taught to drink anymore
As soon as I hit 14 my dad and grandpa made me drink a beer or glass of wine cut with a little water every Sunday dinner by the time I was 18 it's was full proof and maybe two beers on holidays like Christmas and New Year's Eve
It's more about safety than anything else

>> No.19811405

My mom is of the "father was an alcoholic so she doesn't want anything to do with alcohol" provenance and my dad drank heavy in his 20's and my mom nagged him out of it. Only way I got her comfortable with it is when a friend gifted me a nice bottle of bourbon as a graduation gift, and explaining to her "look, I sipped some liquor every week while I was at school and I stayed on Dean's List, I just like the flavor :)" and it worked well enough

>> No.19811426

Stroh 80 Rum

>> No.19811436

>I'm surprised kids aren't taught to drink anymore
>As soon as I hit 14 my dad and grandpa made me drink a beer or glass of wine cut with a little water every Sunday dinner
Because supplying alcohol to a minor is a misdemeanor on first offense and possibly felony on subsequent offense, also there's a possibility of CPS getting involved if it's a parent or guardian. American alcohol laws are fucking stupid.

>> No.19811497

>I'm surprised kids aren't taught to drink anymore
they are in europe. it's mostly an american thing because alcohol BAD. there's no culture of casually having a glass of wine with dinner.

>> No.19811502

>don't fall for the IPAs you won't like them
but he'll definitely like that disgusting skunk-ass corona that sometimes has been sitting in the store for almost a year?

>> No.19811513

How old are you? I'm always curious when I hear about someone like this, since I had my first beer at 15.

I'd definitely suggest not getting anything weird. If they have it where you live, Yuengling is broadly considered (and in my opinion) the best 'normal' beer in the US.

I'd also make a case for trying wine or liquor first. Wine gives you a sense for what 'boring grownups' drink in moderation, and liquor lets you experience what alcohol is really like in its pure form.

>> No.19811519

I must be one of the few people that have never experienced this

>> No.19811523

You're in the majority, most people just pretend to like IPAs because of le quirky artwork and SUPPORT *clap emoji* LOCAL *clap emoji* BREWERIES (regardless if they actually produce quality beer or not)

>> No.19811526

Depends on the state, here in CO 16 year olds are allowed to drink in a private residence with parental supervision/permission.

>> No.19811529

>Because supplying alcohol to a minor is a misdemeanor on first offense and possibly felony on subsequent offense, also there's a possibility of CPS getting involved if it's a parent or guardian.
That doesn't really happen on a practical level (especially the second offense part, jesus christ). You're describing something that like half of parents do but you only hear about anyone getting in trouble in these ridiculous scare stories where someone got hurt.

It's important to get used to the fact that US law is set up so everyone is pretty much always doing something illegal but only a handful of obvious laws actually get enforced, and even then sentences are typically way less than the maximum and a lot of people get probation (and a good lawyer can get you out of a lot of charges altogether).

>> No.19811533

I mean, there used to be
And in the Midwest it's still a thing but I'm surprised that it seems to have been shitcanned so hard
Like I said, it's a safety thing

>> No.19811540

I think he was talking about the skunk-ass corona. It has never occurred to me as a concept.

>> No.19811552

corona is a weird beer, it's very regional. where you have a bunch of mexicans yeah it gets pushed a lot. if you're in the middle of bumfuck midwest, chances are it's been in the store for a while. that combined with their clear bottles will have the corona skunked to all hell sometimes. and a beer that needs an additional item to be minimally drinkable isn't a beer i want to drink often

>> No.19811557

Not op, but I'm 31 and have never drank in my life

>> No.19811569

I used to go to parties in Hispanic neighborhoods, they would mostly drink either Tecate, Modelo or Bud Light, Corona was more popular among whites for sure.

>> No.19811572

Yeah I know, I haven't "lived" much

>> No.19811576

I've noticed that Mexicans and other Hispanics (at least here on the East Coast) care about Modelo a lot more than Corona

>> No.19811578

You should probably get tipsy just so you know how you react to alcohol
Understanding how you handle altered states will protect you if you get into a situation like getting roofied
And I say this from personal experience when I was about 38 I got roofied at a Wendy's
Probably got some chick's drink but I got home safe and passed out safe

>> No.19811588

sounds like...Modelo Tiime
this message was bought and paid for by Modelo. drink responsibly

>> No.19811613

kek all of the Mexicans... I mean Texans flooding my state always offer me a modelo when I deliver their pizza.

>> No.19811635

>I've tasted beer when offered, but it was only very few times far between throughout my life. I've never been drunk nor actually gone out for beer on my own accord.
Beer goes with food. Beer is for food pairing imho.
If I wasnt going to do a full on beer session, the beer aisle has some raspberry lambics, good assorted dry or tangy ciders, and of course a schofferhofer grapefuit.

Newbs may enjoy a corona with a nice squeeze of fresh lime wedge, shove it down there, and then enjoy a nice gourmet batch of pico de gallo and chips. Get chipotle or local joint takeout salsa and chips, or guac and chips, even.
Get drunk off a couple of tequilas, palomas, michelas or a frothy frozen margarita first and your food tastes divine. The alcohol lets you go even hotter on the hot chile factor.
Move up to something richer like a gooey cheesy filled chile relleno or carne asada or fajitas, or my favorite mole sauced enchiladas, and transition to a dark beer like Negra Modelo, and lime it up too if you wish.

>> No.19811640

man i had a corona a few weeks ago that hadn't turned and i forgot how decent it is when fresh. why the fuck does corona always go skunky? there's plenty of other beers that must move as slow or slower in the store. i've always wondered this.

>> No.19811645

I think starting to try drinking when you are alone seems insane
I drank during college
Obviously I got fucked up a bunch of times but friends were around to tell me to drink water and not die when I blacked out a few times
Then I learned my limits and only drank for a few more years and quit by 23, and pretty much never blacked out after the initial phase.

So not knowing your limits can be dangerous and it just seems crazy to start when you're older or because you feel like you missed out.

>> No.19811646

i've heard/read a few times that alcohol consumption among millennials and whatever generation it is that's in their 20s now is way down from like every generation before it. could be easier access to/acceptance of weed? i've heard arguments that they're more health conscious? i haven't seen any real research into the topic, although it's possible it's out there. i've spent enough time in the journal salt mine today already.

>> No.19811649

Part of it is the clear glass bottles. Skunking is a lot of the time due to light exposure which is why most beers use brown or green. Cans are more reliably as far as that goes, skunked corona is always in the clear glass.

>> No.19811650

I think it's mostly that the internet and COVID killed socialization, and most people who aren't alcoholics only drink on social occasions. So it's not that younger people are healthier, it's that our unhealthy habits make the last generation's unhealthy habits less appealing.

>> No.19811652
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man don't tell me i don't really like what i like. when someone tells you how they feel you assume it is in good faith that they are sharing something about themselves. that is how human beings build trusting relationships. obviously not talking about beer at this point, but thinking, much less publicly announcing, that you think you know what's in someone else's head better than they do is a bad way to live, and is generally dehumanizing, walls you off from other humans, and leads to enmity in general.

>> No.19811654

Blue moon and put an orange slice in it.

Thank me later.

>> No.19811657

how did you end up in this particular thread, pray tell?

>> No.19811658

Thanks for being Cool online but OP has no friends and drinking alone is much better than drinking around other people anyway. Same goes for most other drugs. The point of drinking is to let loose and if you're around others you are necessarily controlling your behavior - or not, in which case you wake up with less friends, your gf broke up with you, and maybe you're in jail. At home alone it's impossible to get into trouble.

It's also damn hard to alcohol poison yourself unless you act really, really stupid (cold chug a handle of vodka, etc) and generally you will start puking before you do any real damage. With others goading you on and feeding you drinks as in a social situation you will likely drink way more than you would just by yourself blasting ac/dc in the basement.

>> No.19811661

yea that makes sense. i feel like there's something else going on though. it's so common

>> No.19811667

i dunno. it's a longer term trend than that, and, in general, COVID didn't create many new dynamics but it accelerated ones already in motion is what i think

>> No.19811671
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I think Corona sales spiked as a meme due to coronavirus and stores bought up accordingly, then the meme buying faded and stores are still working through their overpurchased stock from april 2020. Seems to be a recent problem as far as I can tell, I never had skunked corona until the last year or so.

>> No.19811673

Bom Ba Da Bom Ba Dang Ba Dang

>> No.19811693

skunky beers are yuck. I follow your logic and could see that problem being true right now. Alternately, almost every other mexican pilsner or lager is equally delicious, really. The recipes were meant to be straight out of bohemia/austrian beer recipes dating back to the Hapsburg rule.
If you want to go strong flavored, OP, can go to the world rankings and start with the trappist monk approved beers out of Belgium such as Chimay. These win contests but they are an acquired taste. I am a fan of the sour beer. Start there and go bold.

>> No.19811715

nah it's always been a thing. why do you think they advertise to you to use a lime wedge? because the beer is bog-disgusting on its own

>> No.19811723

Agree with this, the two times I drank enough to puke was when I was with others. I've never even came close to that point by myself.

>> No.19811752

Start with the best selling lager in your area, it'll be way fresher than some niche stuff, which gives you a pretty solid foundation to judge further stuff from.

>> No.19811823

That's why I said
>most people
If you're posting on here I'm sure you like it for its own merit and not because you're a bandwagoning hipster who just preordered the latest AnCo vinyl

>> No.19811835

blue moon is a nice 'starter beer'. especially nice if you pour them up and serve with a an orange slice.

>> No.19811838

Devil's Backbone Vienna Lager

>> No.19811868
File: 38 KB, 640x747, A sorry sight if I ever did saw...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on every kind of beer
>offer groomer drinks as a viable alternative
>unironically chooses corona
The absolute state of you.

>> No.19811948

Sounds like some good bros to me.
I can't decide how I feel about Messicans, because I used to work with so many of them who were good-hearted, hard-working people with some genuine values. Mostly first-generation.
But the more American they get, the worse. Like second-generations retards saying "I'm not AMERICAN, I'm MEXICAN" and typing like they're dyslexic.

>> No.19812071
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OP here.
Welp, I decided against it.
Some of you were right, I probably should only drink when I'm around people...
Some of my family and I are planning on a cabin trip in December, and my aunt who's going will likely be supplying the alcoholic beverages, so I might as well just wait until then.
However, I do appreciate all your suggestions and I'll keep this thread saved for future reference :]

>> No.19812147

Your aunt is going to get you drunk and fuck you, be careful.

>> No.19812152

Radler or Mexican piss with lime.

>> No.19812155
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That's the plan.

>> No.19812158
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Not with her pussy, bobo.

>> No.19812169
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Right in the pussy

>> No.19812172
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>> No.19812183

Everybody knows macrobrews are trash, and so are most epic craft beer IPAs. Good beer exists but a noob isn't going to find it at his local walmart. Corona is one of the most flavorless, least offensive varieties which makes it well suited to someone who has not "acquired" the taste for beer yet. The groomer drinks are what they are because they are considered palatable for people who are not used to drinking, ie underage girls and OP.

>> No.19812187

Gay. You took the wrong advice, drinking alone is much better. You want to embarrass yourself around your family? They're going to be teasing you about having your first beer at age 27 until you're 85 fucking years old. You'll want to blast anime theme songs or watch porn and jack off since you're a drunk weeb, but you're hanging out with your family. Drinking around family is THE WORST possible case. Never, ever do this.

>> No.19812196
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For a newbie for beer I'd recommend the joy bus (wow wheat) or a pumpkin porter. Cider is easy to drink but leaves a nasty hangover. High noons are really good vodka soda drinks, then ranch water then whiteclaw.

If you're looking to get absolutely fucked, vodka and super cold/ frozen Gatorade

>> No.19812198

wrong, wrong, wrong. miller high life will set him right.

>> No.19812206

Mom Water is unironically the best in the seltzer category, but pumpkin porter and wheat beers will be absolutely fucking rancid to the uninitiated. Vodka and gatorade is classic and breakfast of champions though.

>> No.19812208
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naw man i mostly drink coors banquet by the 12 pack. quantity over quality, but i do still appreciate quality

>> No.19812210

Start off with a warm beer.

>> No.19812214

in the best state (NY) you can drink with your parents at any age

>> No.19812215

i'm not seeing a problem. why are you even a delivery driver if you're not driving around drunk all night?

>> No.19812232

Yeah don't get drunk around your family you'll never live it down, seconding the drink alone and indulge in all your weeb hobbies guy.

>> No.19812410

Hear if there's anyone in a similar situation to me

>> No.19812496

What are you drinking /ck/?
I'm alone with a sambuca bottle and it's addictive af

>> No.19812516

Was legal growing up. We went out and shot at guys blowing up mail boxes growing up in the country. It was fun.

>> No.19812944

>It's important to get used to the fact that US law is set up so everyone is pretty much always doing something illegal.

I live in shitty state, you can actually get charged with a DUI for riding a bicycle home from the bar here.

>> No.19812971

PBR while I buy more stocks of PBR for the ridiculous unsustainable dividends. Yes I am aware that it is an volitile investment long term.

>> No.19814476

It's definitely a culture change in younger people, a lot of my cousins are 16-20 and they do dabs and comedically strong edibles like no tomorrow but having more than one beer is iffy to them, hell another cousin in his late 20s who was a literal heroin addict (now just a complete stoner) told me alcohol was the worst drug out there

>> No.19814756

>literal heroin addict says alcohol is the worst drug
Very common opinion. People only like alcohol because it's all they've tried, every other drug is miles better.

>> No.19814814

If there was any justice in the world you'd be thrown in prison for riding a bike at all

>> No.19814822

Get a couple of those "build your own" 6 pack things and get a wide variety of different brands and styles. Don't worry too much about what you pick, as long as everything you pick is different and new to you. Pay attention to what you like and what you don't like, and you'll figure things out from there.

>> No.19814836

Depends on where you live. In Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, or the UK, the regional staple will be the way to go. For the rest of Europe, it's going to be Carlsberg or Stella.
In the US, I'm not sure. PBR and Blue Moon are decent, but I don't know the rest, except that Bud Light is piss.

>> No.19815056


>> No.19815105

My mistake, he meant it was the worst drug as in the most dangerous, which has me confused to this day

>> No.19815116

>Negra Modelo
>owned by Tranheiser Bush
I'll have a Dos Equis Amber, thanks

>> No.19815163
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Get 2 tallboy Voodoo Rangers, usually on sale at your local 7/11 for like 2 for $4.
You can thank me later.

>> No.19815224
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Best beer you can get pretty much anywhere? Either Blue Moon or Guinness. But if you’re gonna become a proper alcoholic, you should learn which brewers are in your area and give them your business.

>> No.19815328

Quit while you're ahead and don't before you ruin your life.

>> No.19815343

don't drink alcohol. it's poison and alters your judgement and can easily ruin your life like it has done with so many other people.

>> No.19815391

moderation is the word

>> No.19815404

Less so than, say, religion, which is usually where this sentiment comes from. OP "gonna drink for the first time" buying from a grocery store is concerning, though, is he some 21 year old American never taught how to drink? Addicts have been created from less.

>> No.19816343


>> No.19816345

Get a good session beer, it has low enough ABV you won't overdrink your first time

>> No.19816379

>which kinda grocery store beer is best recommended for brand new drinkers?
Mix and match
Different types of beer taste different. If you haven't had beer before, you have no fucking clue what you like and what you don't like.

>> No.19816382

I just had no friends

>> No.19816385

just buy some fruity flavored vodka

>> No.19816392

>Because supplying alcohol to a minor is a misdemeanor on first offense and possibly felony on subsequent offense, also there's a possibility of CPS getting involved if it's a parent or guardian. American alcohol laws are fucking stupid.
Incorrect for multiple reasons. But the primary one would be that consumption of alcohol under 21 is not illegal if the alcohol was given to you by your parents or guardians.
Some bible belt states might have some weird shit like minor BAC laws. But generally all the underage alcohol laws are about selling as a merchant, serving with a liquor license, driving, or fraudulently pretending you're not underage.

>> No.19816838

I have never understood peoples compulsion to drink alcohol. I get it I guess for social outings but like why do people turn the legal age to drink and feel the need to do so.

Its probably just me being antisocial because clearly im the odd one out but its so weird to me. I probably am primed to avoid it cause all the men in my family growing up were serious alcoholics and not the fun kind.

>> No.19816848

A heavy stout or red ale
Strongest one you can find

>> No.19816887

I will agree that alcohol is a shit teir drug. But if you are going to drink Id say Blue Moon is a safe choice for beer starting out if you want beer. Its got decent taste and doesnt have that nasty chemically feel of some of the cheaper lagers. Sam Adams is good too but I havent seen it around lately. I started drinking shandys with my Dad every now and then when I was 14 because hes British. Shandies made with cider might be a good starter.
But if you just want to get druk to see how it is, you could just go with the bottle of vodka and something to mix it with.

>> No.19818398

Keystone light only consume in the morning though