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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 184 KB, 1024x1024, CICO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19803439 No.19803439 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of the CICO movement? Should serving vegetables to school children be considered a form of child abuse or grooming?

>> No.19803448

Cico isn't a movement, it's a fact of life.
>child abuse or grooming
I remember when people knew "think of the children" was an obvious disingenuous ploy.

>> No.19803456

>serving vegetables considered a form of child abuse
Yes, we should give them freedom to eat as much goyslop as they want to, so that they grow into healthy consumers who will keep food industries going for eternity. It was always like this anyway, right? It makes sense.

>> No.19803462

When the vegetables in question are either pizza or a napkin, then yes, it's child abuse

>> No.19803467

Is giving poor kids who can't afford food free packages of human kibble that is just pellets formed from a mixture of powered milk, potato flakes, and oatmeal flour, inhumane?

>> No.19803481

It is if you possess the means to provide them with actually passable sustenance without drastic negative consequences elsewhere. It isn't if it's all you can do and better than nothing.

>> No.19803488

Shoot that fucking thing in it's belly, put it out of our misery.

>> No.19803489

what do you mean actually passable sustenance? oatmeal, milk, and potatoes, have all the minerals and nutrients you need to sustain human life.

>> No.19803491

>anon can't recognize AI sloppa

>> No.19803493

You don't need minerals and shit. Calories in calories out. Simple.

>> No.19803497

Fatty seething over CICO

>> No.19803506

I sloppad yo9u mommas shit last night bitch

>> No.19803519

Why are you making shit up? What the fuck is a cico? Exlain yourself you fucking moron.

>> No.19803526

let me guess fatty, dieting doesn't work for, you cut back to only 2 pizzas and 3 boxes of oatmeal cream pies a day and still gain weight

>> No.19803527

Are you some kind of nigger making shit up, cico, what is that?

>> No.19803536

Not a fatty, and not making shit up lijke cico, now piss the fuck off back to california.

>> No.19803548


>> No.19803550
File: 1.52 MB, 1080x1080, IMG_5726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cico is a new-age diet fad where you're supposed to eat the shittiest food imaginable because traditional nutritional concepts like macronutrients and vitamins are too complicated

it was "discovered" by a no-name professor at some shitty community college in idaho who got paid by coca cola or some fast food chain to pretend he ate nothing but twinkies for a year

later it turned out he was eating steamed vegetables and protein shakes and taking supplements, but they didn't want the public to hear that part so they just shilled the "nutrition is a hollywood liberal scam" line and the gullible public lapped it up because people crave simple explanations that validate their resentment towards "the elites"

>> No.19803552

What the fuck is the cico movement

>> No.19803555

>acronym over literal bullshit
It CICO doesn't work, you have to eat PROPER food. If you are eating a lot of crap you will not only feel hungry but you will also gain more weight.
A calorie is not a calorie.
No, but they should be aware of the consequences of consuming such things.

>> No.19803559

red thirteen, John F Kennedy, Pork salad, Apple pencil, Steve Jobs, April 15th 1989 Tiananmen Square Beijing China, Umami, Tibetan Cheese Herder

>> No.19803574

Retard, CICO is purely for Weight loss and weight gain. It doesn't address nutrition, macros, micros, or anything else. You can eat complete fucking garbage on CICO, be malnourished, BUT you will also lose weight. You can be a glutton and overeat, meet your nutritional needs, and also gain weight (in the form of body fat primarily) which has its own separate health issues.

CICO literally just determines if you gain or lose weight without regard for nutrition or body composition. It also literally doesn't necessitate you eat or don't eat anything, you can count calories eating anything. CICO is often used for morbidly Obese people who's need to dramatically lose huge amounts of weight far exceed any small nutritional issues they'll have short term. Jfc

>> No.19803586

NOT ALL CALORIES ARE THE SAME. Don't eat crap, your body isn't a fucking stupid calorimeter just burning shit. It is not that simple.

>> No.19803587
File: 3.58 MB, 4032x3024, Scientology_NZ_e-meter_20170121_155840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Action phrases are words or engrams which cause the individual to perform involuntary actions on the time track. Action phrases are effective in the low tone ranges and not effective in the high ranges. As a case progresses up the scale, they lose their power. Types of action phrases are bouncer, down bouncer, grouper, denyer, holder, misdirector, scrambler, and the valence shifters corresponding to these.

>> No.19803588

mods this thread is just an ai bot talking back and forth with itself

>> No.19803589

I am an American that completely cut Processed foods from my diet over 2 years now. I have been able to lose over 135lbs - 9.64 stone in 27 months. I went from 314lbs - 22.42 stone to 174lbs 12.42 stone. 80% to 90% of the food I now purchase is from the fresh produce department. I also walk at least 2 hours every day. My Doctor informed me I have done what only 1% of the American population can do. I call it box food. Stop eating box food.

>> No.19803619

If you hsd to lose 135 lbs then condolences.

>> No.19803686

"Not all calories are created the same" is a pro-CICO stance, not an anti-CICO one. You need to get all of your essential macros and micros in while still adhering to your calorie needs, because getting all of your nutrients but being Obese is self defeating. Being aware of "Empty calories" is CICO in action not a refutation of it.

>> No.19803695

Anyone notice how the cico cultists have incrementally been turning their dogma into literally nothing?

>calories are all that matter, cucks!
>noooo we didn't't mean THAT we just mean that in addition to this long list of other things that matter, calories matter too!

>> No.19803698

Anon a calorie is literally a unit of energy. That's like saying not all kilograms are the same or not every meter is the same.

>> No.19803701

>calories in
>calories out
>but discount this and that
Just invent a better theory/acronym. And there is more to it too, you can be fat and perfectly healthy.

>> No.19803709

They are not when you are considering how people interact with food. It is just like gasoline, consider that different engines/cars will get different things out of it. That shit is a stupid simplification of reality. People should be honestly thinking about satiety, well-being feelings and their weight. It is that simple.

>> No.19803714
File: 658 KB, 550x474, 1641116369673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can be fat and perfectly healthy.

>> No.19803728

Calories in calories out pertains to weight loss and weight gain, and nothing else. If you eat a calorie deficit, you will lose weight, if you eat a calorie surplus, you will gain weight. Lots of foods are calorie dense while being devoid of nutrients and even volume that satisfies hunger by filling your stomach, meaning that you are spending a huge amount of your calorie budget on food that is worthless. Which in turn means that you will either be malnourished if you stay within your calorie range to maintain a healthy body weight, or you will have to exceed your calorie range and over time become obese to meet your nutrient needs. Note that obesity's health problems undermine getting proper nourishment, and lots of fat fucks are both over fed and yet undernourished because they only eat high calorie low nutrient crap.

Calories in calories out doesn't disregard the need for nutrition, it reinforces it. Because you only have a budget of X calories to get all of the nutrients you need without gaining weight and incurring negative health effects due to obesity. Calories in calories out is directly opposed to empty calorie slop not in favour of it. It only exists to explain that nutrition and body weight exist on different axes and are caused by different things and you have to appease them both.

>> No.19803764
File: 9 KB, 194x259, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no but when I said "defund the police" what I really meant was that there should be more accountability like if the police spend $200 million on laser drones they should have to justify it and also like if they're spending all that time in schools shouldn't that be under the department of education budget?!?

>> No.19803770

Why do amerischizos make literally every topic about their retarded domestic politics?

>> No.19803776

>a sum
There are also plenty of phytochemicals that promote well-being. This calories shit is stupid. Just think about it for a second, would you drink as much water as you drink soda in a day? If you take out the shit that "messes with your brain", suddenly you don't even need to make any fucking sum, you just eat and stop eating when you feel that you are fine. It is that fucking simple. Don't eat crap, and you won't ever have to worry about any fucking sum of shit.

>> No.19803792

Anon the point of measuring food energy in calories is to remove that extraneous information. Yes 100 calories of pure sugar looks very different, has different nutrients, and provides different levels of satiety from 100 calories of oats. No one is disputing this. But they both provide 100 calories of energy.

>> No.19803798

Soda has calories in it. Water does not.

>> No.19803800

>But they both provide 100 calories of energy.
They don't, that is the whole point of this discussion of calories not being the same. Especially if there is SUGAR in it. Seriously, you have no fucking idea, how fucked up things actually are.

>> No.19803806

And that measurement of calories is what dictates weight gain and loss, and that's also relevant to a person's health. If you eat 2000 calories worth of food which meets your nutritional needs, that's preferable to eating 4000 calories worth of food that meets your nutritional needs, because despite getting all of the vitamins minerals and nutrients you need from both, one means you're obese.

Calories in calories out is about being aware of calorie dense foods and nutrient devoid foods so that you can meet your nutritional needs without also consuming so much you become a fat fuck.

>> No.19803807

100 calories is 100 calories. This is an indisputable scientific axiom..
You're arguing with physics. Next your going to tell me a pound of bricks is heavier than a pound of feathers.

>> No.19803811

>Stop browsing /ck/ for a few years
>Bored on a sunday and decide to check the catalog to see if there's something other than fast food and e celebs and le ebin egg fort how does he get out
>It's another episode of CICO retards thinking 1000 kcal worth of olive oil would and 1000 kcal of chicken breasts + vegetables would be processed the exact same way by the body because MUH THERMODYNAMICS
Never change /ck/

>> No.19803813

>cico is a new-age diet fad

>> No.19803816

>no but when I voted "leave" what I really wanted was to hurt people I don't like and experience no adverse outcomes for myself, I didn't mean annihilate the economy and resurrect zombie sectarian conflicts and turn the country into a balkanized impoverished laughingstock

>> No.19803819

You're probably right only for the fact that if someone tried to eat 1000kcal of just olive oil all at once they'd probably vomit it back up.

>> No.19803820

And do you honestly think that our brain doesn't have anything related to satiety when it comes to food? This is the crazy shit, you guys have been fucked up so much that you even forgot how it feels to actually eat like a "regular human being".
Check this experiment out, if you take sugar out of the equation, suddenly babies start eating what their body seems to need. Wow, the body subconsciously knows what is good for it? Crazy right? Who the fuck would imagine that such thing was possible? Living beings looking for things that they need? Mind fucking blown

>> No.19803826

>uh dude it works on my machine
Yes, of course it works in your machine, but people are different, fucking retard. KEK

>> No.19803833

Being satiated does not increase or decrease the caloric content of the food you've just eaten.
I can promise you that the way your body digests food is, at the biochemical level, exactly the same as mine.

>> No.19803841

>Check this experiment out, if you take sugar out of the equation, suddenly babies start eating what their body seems to need. Wow, the body subconsciously knows what is good for it? Crazy right?
Babies will eat lead paint chips because they taste sweet.

>> No.19803842

>being satiated
Do you even understand what that word means?KEK
And it isn't the same. I'm almost 100% sure that different people are suited for different diets, and ideally you should be eating what your grandparents used to it or a mix of it with something else.

>> No.19803846
File: 232 KB, 800x1406, cocacola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if calories are all that matter for health, why do cicotards go into sepsis when exposed to facts?

>> No.19803851

>you can hack the human brain
You just discovered how sugar fucks everything up, Einstein.

>> No.19803854

But babies want it so it must be good for them?

>> No.19803860

Hey boomer I don't know where you think you are but my grandparents grew up in the 60s and ate mcdonalds and coke just like everyone today.

>> No.19803863

>people don't eat it
>babies want it
And I'm not even sure if they would indulge on that crap if given a lot of it like you are saying. All things considered they just want to bite whatever, and people happen to paint it with lead.

>> No.19803869

>he thinks that his McDonald's haven't changed since the 60s
Watch that fucking video, retard. You are being played by the food industry. Either that, or you are a fast food shill being paid to say crap like that here.

>> No.19803881

Please tell me how fucking McDonalds was actually healthy in the 60s. I really want to hear this.

>> No.19803886

I don’t understand the point of this thread, this is literally just chat gpt talking to itself, you can tell where it just loses track of what it was originally supposed to be talking about

>> No.19803891

>actually healthy
Were your grandparents actually healthy? And did they used to eat McDonald's every fucking day? Would they eat as much as you did? Were the portion sizes the same?

>> No.19803901

Goal posts moved

>> No.19803902

Yeah chatgpt, the bot that can't answer anything except in a totally neutral "respectful" tone and in 5 paragraph high school essay format, is definitely behind this shit flinging

>> No.19803907

Did they? Are you eating the 60s McDonald's and feeling worse than eating 2023 goyslop? I'm literally asking that.

>> No.19803911

Also, that dude in the video is literally American and he would eat that shit back in the 60s as a kid. You are clearly a fucking retard.

>> No.19803920

It's a triple-double-reverse blackflag anti-keto thread.

>> No.19803925

I accept your concession.

>> No.19803932

>fat fuck studying rhetoric to justify being fatter
Huxley literally knew this would happen back in the 60s.

>> No.19803938

Say it: "I'm loving it". I bet you don't even say that to your parents KEK

>> No.19803955

The piggification of the western male, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.19803971

>autists arguing over the semantics and literal meaning of a snappy slogan/title for a more complex stance
Niggers "eat less to lose weight" isn't a fucking novel controversial stance.

>> No.19803982

I mean it clearly is to at least one person in the thread who thinks the food-energy in any given calorie changes with the wind.

>> No.19803993

You still have yet to tell me how mcdonalds I'm the past was healthier than mcdonalds today. You see to have an awful lot of confidence for someone without the willpower to control how many calories they consume.

>> No.19804001

>literally in that video
>implying that I eat crap
You are just a retard.