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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.87 MB, 2568x2256, CPH 10 13 23 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19799186 No.19799186 [Reply] [Original]

I always find the, "American Week" European grocery store threads hilarious, both in how amazingly ignorant and nonetheless self righteous they are. Let's have a thread about what Americans actually eat. Not poor fag college shit, or Michelin star pretentious crap; just post regular American food. I'll start:
>half and half aloo gobi & buffalo chicken pizza with extra jalapeno
>ginger and carrot vinaigrette broccoli slaw, potato salad, and kimchi
>mai tai
>west coast ipa
>ice cold water from the tap

>> No.19799196
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>ginger and carrot vinaigrette broccoli slaw
>Mai Tai

>> No.19799207
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>> No.19799209
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>> No.19799215
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I've been working on my mai tai recipe. I bought some better orgeat and added a splash of pineapple, but I'm on the fence about ratios - or if the pineapple is even necessary.
Not American.
Comfy...25 years ago.

>> No.19799239
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There’s no substitute for fresh citrus. And for the record, it’s exactly the same with garlic. That minced garlic in a jar is exactly the same as the lime “juice” that comes in a plastic lime-shaped bottle. If that’s your only option you might as well just kill yourself (or, you know, not make something that requires that ingredient). Long story short, we don’t actually eat artificial shit all the time in America. The option is always there, but the vast majority of the population is not in fact taking the low road.

>> No.19799271
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Posted this in the, "what beer do you have in your fridge" thread earlier. Someone posted AleSmith later on. Throw in Port/Lost Abbey and you've got my top 3 SD breweries. Literally if it ain't broken, blah, blah, blah...

>> No.19799282
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Louisiana cuisine is the best in the state, as well as culture. Period.

>> No.19799745

God that looks good.

>> No.19799752

What about the food?

>> No.19799756

>self righteous
Cuz I didn't see any large number of people being self righteous. Just some stupid guy saying that going to Marrakech is basically the same thing as going to Cleveland lmao

>> No.19799764

Yeah, well I think Idaho cuisine is the best in the state, as well as culture. Period.

>> No.19799766

>half and half aloo gobi & buffalo chicken pizza with extra jalapeno
>ginger and carrot vinaigrette broccoli slaw, potato salad, and kimchi
>mai tai
>west coast ipa
>ice cold water from the tap
And what do you have for your entrée?

>> No.19799778

no one eats this much variety of shit in America unless theyre trying to prove something

>> No.19799993
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People often have a salad/sides with pizza in America. And having two drinks with dinner is also perfectly normal - though not usually at the same time.

>> No.19800009

Do not put pineapple on a mail tai. Other than that your ingredients are good.

An ounce each of both your rums there.
1/2 ounce of your Curacao.
1/4 of the orgeat. You're right that is good orgeat
1/4 simple (make sure that you make it at 2:1).
Juice the whole lime and save one of the juiced halves. Sometimes the lime can be very dry so you may wanna do another half.
Shake with crush ice.
Pour over fresh ice and put the juiced half on top with a bunch of mint so it's like a little island with a palm tree. This is important for the nose of the drink.
That is the perfect Mai Tai. You have selected good ingredients there, don't fuck it up.

>> No.19800027

Pour over fresh *crushed* ice

>> No.19800105
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Those are pretty much the ratios I've been using, though this time I did add a splash of pineapple (yeah, I went to a luau once when I was younger where they served bottomless mai tais that were most likely all cheap ingredients and watered down with pineapple and it was awesome), and I don't add simple syrup. I've been thinking about getting a pebble ice maker. I have a bunch of different sized trays, but it's kind of a pain in the ass. It would also be nice to plant some mint again, but the last time I did it took over everything. It's hard to justify buying something for a garnish when it grows like a weed.

>> No.19800145
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>what do you have for your entrée?
More pizza. I'm a simple man.

>> No.19800181

I use a mallet and a lewis bag; cheap and effective and you don't need another appliance. Honestly half the I don't use the mint because of what you just said, I only really have access to it when it's growing in our garden but when I do I very much like it. I've tried a few different specs of a mai tai and this is the one I like the best but as with most drinks there's no "correct" answer

>> No.19800232

>a mallet and a lewis bag
Yeah...I don't really want to be banging on my countertop at 2 in the morning. I also just really like ice in my drinks. If I had a fridge made in this millennium it would be a different story, but at the moment I don't have an ice dispenser, let alone crushed ice. Right now dropping $200 on an appliance seems like a pretty small investment for something that will give me pleasure on a daily basis. But everyone has their own priorities.
You're literally being self-righteous right now.

>> No.19800273

Why is your water upside down?

>> No.19800289
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I'm not sure what you mean. Must be a problem on your end.

>> No.19800677

I don't know. Louisiana does have some really good Vietnamese food.

>> No.19800770
File: 2.39 MB, 2541x3388, Mai_Tai_Trader_Vics_Emeryville[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put the juiced half on top with a bunch of mint so it's like a little island with a palm tree
I had to look up what you meant because I'd never seen that before. Now I feel dumb, as it's the original garnish, and is literally in the picture Wikipedia uses for the mai tai entry.

>> No.19800777

Looks like something someone who can't handle the bantz when foreigners make fun of American food came up with.

>> No.19800793

>can't handle the bantz
For a murrica x yuro thread, the discussion was actually far more nuanced than that, and had more to do with how one country perceives another country's cuisine when they try to recreate it, and what people crave from back home when living abroad. The whole point of those threads is that the food ISN'T American food, but European food trying to fit European stereotypes of what Americans eat. There was bantz, but as per usual the yuros only embarrassed themselves.

>> No.19800858
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I should mention that the "ginger and carrot vinaigrette" is just something I picked up off the clearance table. There's a ton of meme brands that seem to be going out of business, or at least being dropped by grocery stores, as of late - likely all backed by trust-fund venture capitalists who have no clue what food costs, let alone how to cook. I'd say check them out, but honestly most of them are so flavorless they wouldn't be worth it even at 75% off. And don't sleep on broccoli slaw; it's the braunschweiger of the pre-packaged vegetable aisle.

>> No.19800948
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>> No.19801030 [DELETED] 
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>being a diverse nation is bad because...you have access to virtually anything
>kind of like the mediterranean
>except israel is a mediterranean country
>but their diet is not typical of americans
>but they're somehow controlling america
>except that their entire existence relies on constant american support (money)
>and 90% of american jews denounce zionism
>israli support is actually far more prominent and unconditional on the side of the "they will not replace us" bunch
>and the logical conclusion of the lotr analogy is that frodo baggins is actually a 19 year old brown arab living in one of the most densely populated apartheid urban slums on the planet
The mental gymnastics you people have to go through on a minute to minute basis is outstanding.

>> No.19801229

>this is important for the nose of the drink
I've been watching some videos of people making different mai tais, and in this last one the guy put a lime wedge on the rim (following a recipe) and then immediately got rid of it because he said he hates that garnish, as most people assume it's meant to be squeezed into the drink. I'm definitely guilty of that, but it's also a dumb practice. I've been working in kitchens for the past decade and we're always thinking about presentation, garnishes, aromas, and just generally how to present something that doesn't need instructions. I know people who work in medical technology R&D and even they say the hardest part of their job is making something intuitive and user friendly.

>> No.19801738

that looks fucking good. What is the recipe?

>> No.19801763

>west coast ipa
Moobs or GTFO

>> No.19801869

Oh shit. Is that a retarded /pol/ meme from 4 years ago?! Were you in middle school back then? Or are you in middle school now, and that's why you think it's still funny?

>> No.19801988
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>/pol/ meme from 4 years ago?
either newfag you don't realize 4 years ago was 14 years ago

>> No.19802037

Ah, yes. 14 years ago, when everyone on /ck/ was talking about IPA's, "soy" was first word filtered, and everyone decided that posting anime on 4chan makes you a tranny. Anything else you want to mention just to make it clear just how much you're totally not an election tourist?

>> No.19802178
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see the thing is calling someone a election tourist to boost you oldfag points doesn't work when newfags don't even know which election you're talking about
anyway tits or gtfo is older then /ck/

>> No.19802226

Nobody is calling you an election tourist to "boost oldfag points". Nobody who's been here that long cares about that. It's tryhards who constantly call everyone else newfags while dumping their direct-from-knowyourmeme folder who are obviously desperate to fit in.

>> No.19802249

imo, Americans should take a lesson from Marilyn Manson and listen for once
the baseline food culture is simply lower than in other less goyslop'd countries

>> No.19802256

both of you, post the first /ck/ meme you were personally present for
For me, its the pink himalayan rock salt

>> No.19802279
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/ck/ didn't really have memes early on. I'd say the closest thing to a /ck/ meme was, "/ck/ was never good". It's actually pretty funny in retrospect.

>> No.19802687

This used to be a slow board. It was more like inside jokes rather than memes.

>> No.19802693

>you can only eat one or two things in a meal or you're being pretentious!!!
Go throw some nuggies in the microwave you fag

>> No.19802771
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It was also just a generally much older board, with a lot more females. Obviously as time went on people moved out and had to learn to cook, so /ck/ started getting a lot more traffic from other boards. There was also a mobile app at some point that apparently defaulted to /ck/ for some reason, so the board got a huge influx of new posters from a random glitch.
No need to be rude, but yes, the thread subject was meant somewhat jokingly, in that "American food" just means we can eat pretty much whatever we want, whenever we want. I did also add the part about poor college slop and high end restaurants to put some context on it so that people didn't just post Maruchan or Alinea. I do still find it amusing that I can make the laziest cook-along thread and get 100 replies saying it looks amazing, but if I throw together a much more interesting meal that involves some take-out and pre-made stuff from the grocery store people lose their mind, and act like I'm everything wrong with /ck/. It's the FOOD and cooking board, people. Just because you can't turn a thread into a vertical for special ed students doesn't mean it's off-topic.

>> No.19802777

Based. Green Flash was the shit 15 years ago. Can't say I've had anything of theirs for a while now though. I was the anon who posted Alesmith btw. Probably the best all around brewery in the state

>> No.19802835
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Lol. I frequently post AleSmith IPA in "everyday drinker" threads, or whenever I see someone bring up German purity laws. It would probably be my desert island beer, and I also think it's funny to post a beer that's literally just named "IPA" in threads that are obviously about macros/lagers, since those people seem to think that IPAs are somehow not real or "authentic", despite the fact that they're literally popular with brewers because it's the one style that pushes the basic 4 ingredients in beer as far as they can go without adjuncts. Between their IPA and Speedway lineup, they're definitely still one of the juggernauts. And pretty much everything they do is solid; I don't even like Mexican style lagers but I picked up their Sublime beer because I grew up on Sublime, and it was actually great (still not my thing, but really good for the style). That said, I really, really like Port Brewing. (Not Pizza Port; they're okay.) As far as old-school SoCal breweries go, they're probably my favorite. You should try Green Flash Palate Wrecker if you happen to see it around. I kind of love that everything about it is unintentionally trolling everyone who hates IPAs, but it also both lives up to its name while being an amazing beer that's huge and complex and nuanced and just everything different from what the people who think IPA is just, "lol, we added way too much hops to cover up the taste of the shitty beer we made." There's obviously a million other breweries, but I don't go out as much as I used to, and I'm kind of sick of everyone doing hazies. So yeah, I have no shame in falling back on the OG's.

>> No.19802850
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Soup flavored soup with the vegetables that the supermarket throws out.

>> No.19802866

What the fuck? Are you that crack whore looking 30-going-on-60 lady that was dumpster diving in the back alley this morning? I don't care if you're going through my shit as long as you don't make a mess or make a lot of noise at 4am. But when you climb out of the dumpster and smile at me and tell me to "have a good day", don't get fucking offended when I don't answer back with, "you too!" You're a garbage person. You literally just crawled out of garbage.

>> No.19803015

Dumpster diving is honest work for the starvation line lady or gentleman. It's not like she came up and tried to hug you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear like some of the crazier ones.

>> No.19803640

I once had a homeless lady come up to me at my work and tell me she'd "been watching me all day. Did you know that? Did you know I was watching you?" It was kind of creepy but also felt like she was trying to be sexy. She was not sexy.

>> No.19803650
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>american thread
>eurosharts instantly flood it with their impotent seething

>> No.19803723

One of my top 3 IPAs

>> No.19803831

This thread was such a dumb and petty idea. What was even the point of it?

>> No.19803856

>why do people post oc on the food and cooking board
Did your Ragusa thread get deleted again? Or is it just that time of the month?

>> No.19804254

The recipe for what? There's like 7 different things in that image.

>> No.19804285

A few years back one of the bars near me hosted AleSmith during beer week and put all 5 of their current Speedway Stouts on tap. I showed up early and ordered the full flight, expecting it to get busy. Not a single other person who came in ordered them. I went and talked to the rep who was sitting at the bar eating a bowl of soup looking depressed and was telling him how it didn't make any sense, and people around here didn't know what they were missing. I was probably a little tipsy after 25 ounces of 12% beer. I don't think I've seen any of their beers on tap near me since. They're sold in all the stores, but it's like people don't know about them or something.

>> No.19804319

The green sauce. I'm American and can do without all the other try-hard bullshit op tried to impress us with by driving to four different stores.

>> No.19804360
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>roast tomatillos, garlic, jalapenos and serranos
>blend it all, minus the garlic skins
>thin it out with water and add salt to taste
>stir in finely diced white onion and cilantro

>> No.19804422

:thumbs up:

>> No.19804804

I'm in LA and very rarely do I see their stuff on tap at bars or restaurants. Usually it's just beer bars that have it. Luckily my local total wine always has .394, party tricks, and IPA in stock. There's been a number of breweries that have come close in recent years but alesmith is still at the top for me

>> No.19804845

I'm a bit further North, and it's just weird. You can get Green Flash at BJ's, Ballast Point has been everywhere since they got bought out, Modern Times is very common to see, along with Karl Strauss and Belching Beaver. But you really have to go to a small place with 12+ rotating taps that really curate their selection to ever see AleSmith on tap once in a blue moon. I'm pretty sure most of their beer at my Total Wine gets bought by the people who work there and me.

>> No.19805857
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That's how I make it, anyways. The one in the picture was actually left over from the last time I picked up Mexican food ;)

>> No.19806378

>see what other people are eating and criticize it because oc pics of food are interesting and nobody here is going to cry if you make jokes
>discuss regional and national differences between foods
>beer discussion
>detailed conversation about mai tais
>ask for and be given recipes
>advice on grocery store clearance items and budgeting
>general al/ck/ industry banter
If you’re not interested in any of those things, why do you even come to /ck/?

>> No.19806472

Based, Cajun food mogs everything on earth.

>> No.19806550

>I always find the, "American Week" European grocery store threads hilarious
wtf is that comma doing there?

>> No.19806556
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Where else can you get fried chicken from the gas station?

>> No.19806598

Yeah, AleSmith IPA is a classic. Recently, it's been available here in Nipland for a very, very reasonable price. I'd thought they'd been bought by some equity firm or some such allowing them to wage a price war, but no. Who knows. I'm enjoying it nonetheless.

>> No.19806630

You don't know what self righteous means.

>> No.19806697

Lmao Americans can dish it out but they can't take it
Truly the most oppressed class on /ck/

>> No.19807262

Are you the lonely diner anon?

>> No.19807293

I had an average day of American food yesterday.
For breakfast, I had dimsum. There was xiumai, hargow, lotus rice, chicken feet, pork riblets steamed with black beans and chili, beef rice roll, lionshead meatballs with Worcestershire sauce, salt fried squid, yu choi in oyster sauce, congee with duck tongues, red bean sesame balls, bean curd skin rolls etc etc etc you know: normal American food.
For a late lunch, we went out to afternoon tea at the Four Seasons where we shared a bottle of champagne. I had a pot of Margaret's Hope FTGFOP with several tea sandwiches including cress ones, ones with coronation chicken, smoked salmon with parsley butter, roast beef and endive with honey butter, simple cucumber sandwiches and a few others I don't recall. Desserts were served. I had the individual Sacher torte and was surprised it was pyramidal. Very American.
For dinner, the wife cooked. She made deviled pork and homemade roti which we had with coconut stewed breadfruit and dasheen leaves with salted pork tails. You just can't get more American than that.
It was a lovely and perfectly average day of American food.

>> No.19807351
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Sounds like a lovely day, but a little more eventful than what I'm used to. I typically do dimsum for lunch (never really liked congee - and it seems like a weird thing to order out). A light lunch of champagne and tea sandwiches sounds really nice after that, but did you start with the pot of Margaret's Hope or have it along side the champagne? Seems a little weird. I enjoy both, but not necessarily at the same time. I'm going to guess your wife is hapa-filipina? Or maybe Indonesian? Your dinner sounds kind of like an East Coast play on Hawaiian food. Did you also have rice with that? Or was the roti your only starch? I've never been big on breadfruit, but otherwise it sounds like it could be good. I know a lot of people think taking pictures of their food is lame, but you should share some pics next time. I wouldn't exactly call it average, but it's definitely three meals only an American wouldn't think are weird to have in one day.

>> No.19807415

>congee out?
Eh, I wouldn't have, but I haven't had duck tongue in a while.
>Margaret's Hope alongside the champagne?
Actually, the champagne was had with the dessert and I messed up explaining the meal structure. There were options and suggestions for wines to have with the sandwiches and tea but wife and I and the couple we were with are not much for drinking so we just went for tea alone (she had a pot of "Lady Grey," which swapped the bergamot typical to EG for... something... I can't remember what) and had the champagne with the sweets rather than a dessert wine like a quartet of plebeians (she had a circular flourless chestnut cake layered with chestnut creme and glazed with crunchy bitter caramel on top).
We'd been to tea there before and drank with the meal but I can't for the life of me remember if we had it with the tea or if it was served as a separate course with different sandwiches or something. I don't even recall what wine it was not if it was even from a bottle or if we'd simply ordered individual glasses.
She's Trinidadian, so kinda hapa, I guess? AfroIndian
This thread made me realize that I inadvertantly lied in the drinks thread. Twice. I said I have had a drink in years but had one yesterday and had one on New Year's last.

>> No.19808295
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Made clam chowder with salt pork and chicken stock I made the day before

>> No.19808304
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Chicken stock

>> No.19808324
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>> No.19808369

Imagine all this shit so you can drink like a complicated woman.

>> No.19808676
File: 47 KB, 500x335, korean_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That green salad recipe!

You seem like such a pleasant person. I like your cooking too, it all looks amazing. Unfortunately with Crohn's and my cystic acne, I limit myself to avoid agony. Keep on rocking!!!!

>> No.19808737

didnt /ck/ originally contrive poaching shit in nyquil
>remember that thread where the two drunk dudes from cincinatti made sausages out of spaghetti o's, hohos and like, shrimp

>> No.19808786
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My American dinner. Didn’t realize I ran out to of sour cream

>> No.19808804

To add to this American food is basically summarized by anything you can cook over a campfire, is native to our land, or can be easily stored, canned, or dried for future use. I think meat and vegetables are quintessentially American. You won’t find many cultures that eat like bodybuilders. And then obviously stews, soups, etc

>> No.19808862

>why do you even come to /ck/?
Most of the posts on /ck/ are made by bots, shills, or shit-tier trolls.

>> No.19808943
File: 2.82 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20221225_184951074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spiral cut honey ham
green beans
sweet potatoes
mashed potatoes
baked beans
cheap vodka

>> No.19808960

pecan sweet potato casserole (no marshmallows because its sweet enough)

>> No.19808994

That's a huge tenderloin portion, a true porterhouse. I hate when I go to the butcher and the "porterhouse" is just a t-bone steak. Enjoy

>> No.19809044

that's a serious porterhouse

>> No.19809058

>bots, shills, or shit-tier trolls.
I'm all three. Try Coke Y3000, the futuristic flavored soft drink designed by AI.
Y3000. Because Y2023 kinda sucks.

>> No.19809117

Diggin the fetus ham.

>> No.19809510

>how to get a _ to eat a ham

>> No.19809899

huge fooking prawns mate

>> No.19809956

how is it I can tell these people are anglo just by looking at them?

>> No.19810229

The one to our right is that nikocado or however you spell it guy, isn't it? I've no idea where he's from or what he sounds like as I've never watched any of his videos outside of webms that used to get posted here but I was under the impression that he was Hispanic.
I've absolutely no idea who the Chrissy Metz impersonator to the left of the photo is.
Could very well be Chrissy herself for all I know

>> No.19810341
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Had a long day running around in the sun and felt like having something easy and light that i could eat in bed while blasting my AC.
>shrimp cocktail
>simple chilled pasta salad with peppers and cherry tomatoes
>cheap vinho verde
>mango and peach probiotic drink in a styrofoam cup (bad for the environment)

>> No.19810355 [DELETED] 

i dont deny all criticism towards us but yuros really need to clean their own houses before worrying about us, youre being slowly erased but you just sit around complaining about americans

>> No.19810398

That makes a lot more sense between the roti and dasheen. On the West Coast they're typically just sold as taro leaves or luau.

>> No.19810411

I lived in New England for awhile, and the best tip I ever learned about chowder is to cook the potatoes in clam juice.
Can't remember the last time I saw someone actually using wings to make stock.

>> No.19810431
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>dry curaçao
>aged rhum agricole
>navy strength jamaican rum
Imagine thinking these are the components of a girly drink. I'm guessing you think all women are complicated (anatomically).

>> No.19810445

Did you cook that in a pan? The only reason I never do porterhouse at home is because I don't currently have a grill.

>> No.19810591

That steak alone is my tdee

>> No.19810599

I think it's just a really small potato.

>> No.19810685 [DELETED] 

90% of yuro threads that aren't "do Americans really" are either kebabs or shilling American youtubers. The other 10% are just low quality forced memes.

>> No.19810742

Christ we have had America hate threads on this site since atleast 2005 /b/ but somewhere along the lines(2014) you niggers forgot how to ignore bait and now the spam is fucking constant.

>> No.19810750

Checked. I just freeze wing tips until I get enough. Cheapest way to get good clam juice where I live is to just buy the cans of baby clams and half of it juice.

>> No.19810870

pvre sovl

>> No.19810888

'cado is the bastard son of Peewee Herman and a ukrainian sex slave

>> No.19811687

You can buy a bottle of straight clam juice if you really want to. It’s pretty cheap.

>> No.19812019

Too soon.

>> No.19812038
File: 40 KB, 749x731, Jews are crybaby weaklings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't use anime pics you slimy jew rat

>> No.19812040
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>Oh shit. Is that a retarded /pol/ meme from 4 years ago?! Were you in middle school back then? Or are you in middle school now, and that's why you think it's still funny?

>> No.19812281

>belching beaver
i don't think ive ever seen that on tap anywhere here. they've got a real good peanut butter stout

>> No.19812813
File: 15 KB, 400x324, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green Flash was popping the fuck off before overexpanding and getting bought out twice. I actually saw some bombers of their West Coast IPA at Don Quijote in Japan in 2016. Damn shame that they got largely fucked and had to close down Cellar 3.
I also love Port Brewing. Wipeout (and Green Flash West Coast) were the only two beers I remember my dad really drinking besides Stone IPA when I was a kid/teenager. I remember picrel bottle when they first branched off from Pizza Port. It's now clear they had the same designer.
I agree on AleSmith. It's my favorite brewery and I still go whenever I visit my mom. Shame I never really made it out there with my dad.

>> No.19812964

does that taco bell dog have a little plastic thing in it where he says yo quiero taco bell when you squeeze it

>> No.19814126

>and nonetheless self righteous they are
what's that actually? how a shelf in supermarket can be "self righteous"?

>> No.19814270
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>remember picrel bottle when they first branched off from Pizza Port. It's now clear they had the same designer
I don't know why everyone is changing their designs to make them as boring as possible. I loved the artwork on the Port bottles when they still came in bottles. Mongo is probably my favorite of theirs. From what I remember it was two brewers who had a falling out, which is why Port and Pizza Port have a few beers with the same name, as they were developed by both of them when they still worked together. I think Port is the much better brewery, but Pizza Port gets a lot more exposure because it's also a restaurant franchise.
Yes, but the battery has been dead for years.

>> No.19814291

Brazil vibes. Toxoplasmosis got people cramming every square millimeter of pizza with toppings. 0 restraint

>> No.19814301

Why do you keep making this thread? Are you that butthurt?

>> No.19814316

This is the first time this thread has ever been made.

>> No.19814331

> best in the state, as well as culture
What an unusual thing to say

>> No.19814341

I don't think he knows what he's talking about, or is even American. Usually "Louisiana cuisine" means either creole or cajun, so if you're going to call something "best in the state" you'd usually list one of those.

>> No.19814359

Ironic shitposting...

>> No.19814453

I had him too, also a christmas version where hed say feliz navidad amigos

>> No.19814673

Polish cuisine is the best in the country, as well as culture. Period.

>> No.19815076

When I think “Polish American food” nothing specific comes to mind. Just kind of the most generic flyover shit people eat as children but wouldn’t think of as anything of note.

>> No.19815139
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1440, 20231018_181743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actual American Food
Wednesday night Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, canned green beans and pink lemonade because i was out of green tea

>> No.19815191

Dirt specs on plate

Clean your food.

>> No.19815203

its fresh ground black pepper though i do need to clean my keyboard

>> No.19815213

Don't put dirt on your food.

>> No.19815254
File: 740 KB, 720x485, Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 19-15-23 mud cookies - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but dirt is food

>> No.19815554

>actual American food
I made mac 'n cheese with corn on the cob the other day for my family. Hard to get more American than that

>> No.19815557
File: 126 KB, 855x407, IMG_2803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic. Sorry it's shit

>> No.19815560


>> No.19815561

Thank you! I hope you like it, anon :)

>> No.19815573

>can't imagine family as anything other than a mother son relationship
Oh no no no

>> No.19815580
File: 3.36 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20221225_163853743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you missed the point, not American dishes but the average meals Americans eat on the daily

>> No.19815589

quiet gay guy no one cares

>> No.19815616

its odd you look down on families coming together and contributing to dinner

>> No.19815746

qrd on the mac set up?

>> No.19816314

>canned green beans
Why would you do this?

>> No.19816960

He cooked one ear of corn and is going to eat 10 pounds of mac and cheese by himself.

>> No.19817065

>American food
Pick one

>> No.19817162

Anon...what kind of a rock have you been living under to think that pizza isn't massively popular in the US? It's probably one of the most consumed dishes in the country. I don't even.

>> No.19817383

You do understand that when someone makes an OC thread it's not the same thread as the last OC thread they posted, right?

>> No.19817633

I don't know why southerners love that shit so much. Even soggy broccoli from a frozen bag with some oil and salt taste better than those mush sticks.

>> No.19817673
File: 110 KB, 1000x667, IMG_8709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always kek. A lot are just lads with good banter but there are always a few who seethe so hard about America that they insist we eat nothing but McDonald’s and frozen nuggies. Deep down they know it’s not true. Posting some regional American cuisine

>> No.19817682

pedophile freak faggot

>> No.19817693
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Not a fan myself but these are very popular with the brunch crowd

>> No.19817785
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>> No.19818581

I’ve never been a fan of brunch, but I’ve also never met anyone who doesn’t like eggs Benedict. What’s wrong with you?

>> No.19818600

>I've never been a fan of brunch
What's wrong with you homo?

>> No.19818645

I would literally kill for a meal like that right now

>> No.19818651

>navy strength
The fuck does that mean? We use alcohol gradings in the civilized world (and even in shithole 9th world countries) to determine certain alcohol strength

>> No.19819010
File: 1.64 MB, 1494x903, Screenshot from 2022-10-18 02-08-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it was just a basic Wednesday night dinner and i needed some kind of side that was plant based and thats what average American home cooked meal consist of.
>pan seared lemon garlic pork tender loin, oven roasted carrots and canned green beans.

>> No.19819012
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It’s the hollandaise, it’s basically warm mayonnaise maybe mixed with mustard, and I like both of those just fine but warmed up and loosened up I really don’t care for it. Especially added to a poached egg, the whole thing is just too wet. I recognize others love them and that’s fine, I’d eat one if it was in front of me but I wouldn’t order one. I’m more of a classic omelette or scramble fan.

>> No.19819036
File: 55 KB, 450x596, 57413dbcb49ffa739f85ea7ad389e8af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>navy strength
>rum that is bottled at 57% abv.
it was a real actually a important distinction because it wasn't meant to be drank straight, it was for mixing with water to make grog

>> No.19819101

Thanks, a good history lesson

>> No.19819133
File: 162 KB, 1500x1125, beautiful-depression-glass-pink-tumbler-and-decanter-bedside-or-desktop-carafe-tumble-up-5949ef601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mirin' that bedside water carafe/glass combo pretty hard. I've got one as well but it's packed up in a box with my other glassware while I move.
>picrel is the same color and sort of shape but not the same one I have.

>> No.19819172

whhat type of sandwich?

>> No.19819272
File: 463 KB, 1400x1400, IMG_8713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a muffaletta sandwich, a classic from New Orleans. We can thank the wops.

>> No.19819427

that sounds lit

>> No.19819479

Anyone here had Heady Topper? I know the brewers are typical Yanks but I'd really like to know how that yeast acts on the grains in that thing.

>> No.19819485

Excellent green sauce. That's basically my chili verde base right there, minus the kale and lima beans.

>> No.19819557

I've never saved, let alone reposted, a Simpsons meme, but I actually kind of like this one. It's ironic, because you would only learn the word "Schadenfreude" in a college level literary theory class, and conservatives/republicans think higher education is just brainwashing. So they would google the word only to realize that they were being laughed at. Of course all that would do would make them double down and insist you wasted thousands of dollars just to use big words just to be pretentious (literally every, "stop saying umami! it's just called savory!!!" thread). But then you're not just looking at the neighbor over the fence and having a circle jerk talking about how retarded they are. You're actually making them mad. Maybe it's petty, but to your point, that's literally the only playbook they comprehend.

>> No.19819583

Anon...an example of navy strength rum was literally posted 20 minutes into the thread >>19799215
It's one of those *civilized* bong things, like "stones".

>> No.19819628
File: 1.53 MB, 2410x2329, Spotted Cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a thread about it last month. It's funny because if you just discovered NE/Hazy style in the past two years when it blew up you probably wouldn't even recognize Heady as the same style. It's a lot more like West Coast IPAs with how big it is. It's not "juicy" or "fruity" or "milky" or whatever. It's just a bunch of hops perfectly balanced with a solid malt backbone, like any IPA. It's different in that it's unfiltered.

>> No.19820488
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>> No.19821823

fucking advertisers sensationalized wings and they went from the cheapest cut of chicken to one of the most expensive.

>> No.19821833

I am jealous of Asian food options in USA. In Europe only thing you have is SEA sweet and sour dishes. Also, apple pie is a popular dish with European people's. So I never understand why American make it 'national dish' maybe pick one that has origin in your area yes.

>> No.19821902

>So I never understand why American make it 'national dish' maybe pick one that has origin in your area yes.
America grew apples like you wouldn't believe making them super prevalent kinda like Italy with tomatoes even though they're from America

>> No.19821923
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1440, 20231020_185600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pure American phoned in dinner
Pan seared chicken
baked potato
canned cranberry
cornbread stuffing

>> No.19821939
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>canned cranberry

>> No.19821953

My phoned in dinner tonight was beef skewers, rice noodles with sweet and salty soy sauces, leftover eggplant in chilli sauce and sauteed yellow pumpkin.
Took all of 10 minutes (outside of the dry marination of the beef).

>> No.19821957

America is a bit bizarre in that it's one of very few places where they eat practically none of their native fruits. Sure, there are some people who eat persimmons or pawpaws or marionberries or scuppernongs but the majority of Americans haven't heard of any of these and, if they eat fruits at all, eat only ones introduced to American land.

My brother loves that shit. I only like proper, homemade cranberry sauce.

>> No.19821958 [DELETED] 

>being a diverse nation is bad because...you have access to virtually anything
Science says: diversity actually destroys community by ensuring people can't come together over common goals/morals. OWS was destroyed by identity politics. Identity is the best tool for destroying cohesion and unity.
>but they're somehow controlling america
The rich ones are, and Jews are very buddy-buddy with each other. Very strong in group preference they have, especially compared to white liberals, who have an out group preference. If whites did what Jews did in America, all the systemic racism claims would actually be correct. Well, they still are correct in a sense, Jews are very racist people and covet power like no other.
>except that their entire existence relies on constant american support (money)
Money and tech. Gotta have that military tech to defend themselves from the poor arabs they have as neighbors. Not a hard position to take - draining free money & resources from your enemies while pretending to be an ally is a very smart thing to do.
>and 90% of american jews denounce zionism
I see you posted no source for that. Given there is very little media dedicated to denouncing zionism compared to what is committed to denouncing Nazism, a similar ethnic supremacy movement, we can see where actual support lies. Remember, it is political death to support Nazis, but nothing will happen if you support zionists - except you getting elected.

Also, the zoomers don't support jews because jews told the zoomers the dark skinned people are on top of the oppression Olympics, so all the lefty support of Palestine is not a surprise at all. Maybe the jews in charge were surprised because they expected their NPCs to accept the new programming automatically instead of running with the old programming that islamophobia & colonialism is bad.

>> No.19821975

>Science says: diversity actually destroys community by ensuring people can't come together over common goals/morals.
Which studies published where and by whom?

>> No.19822176

sounds good
i really didn't feel like cooking tonight and i'm quite broke so i've been using up old canned goods and whatnot from the pantry

>> No.19822199
File: 745 KB, 1440x1080, cajun-vs-creole-graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cajun is brown, creole is red. Creole tends to be the more urban type of food whereas cajun tends to be the more rural type of food. The main difference is that creole cooking tends to be bland and heavy on the tomatoes. Cajun tends to be spicy and uses a lot more butter and heavy cream to make sauces rather than tomatoes (thus why it is brown instead of red). Creole does not use crawfish and cajun does not use oysters.

Other than that, it's another cityfag vs ruralfag debate.