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File: 228 KB, 720x900, 25620-2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19792690 No.19792690 [Reply] [Original]

what beer do you have in your fridge right now?

>> No.19792703
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>> No.19792704


>> No.19792718

Some pumpkin shit my wife likes

>> No.19792893
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Got some zombie dust, two hearted, and bells porter

>> No.19792899

fucking Michelob Ultra, but I also have a few saugatuck stouts.

>> No.19792901

>Got some zombie dust
I used to go to the 3 floyds brewery when it was just a shack in a parking lot.

>> No.19792903

I don't drink.

>> No.19793076

I dont mind the cringe zombie death metal marketing because it was earnestly done during late 2000's to mid 2010s zombie fad. And it tastes good

>> No.19793079

none, I just moved across the country and I've got no idea which local beers are good

>> No.19793101
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Same as always

>> No.19793129
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Oh man I love the Coop's, but I drank so much Cooper's Pale and Sparkling back in 2020 that I ended up with full auto brewery syndrome and it was a nightmare for like 2 weeks. Ever since that episode I've gone away from it.

But currently swilling pickerel, it's lovely. Also love me some Young 'enry's Newtowner and Fat Yak

>> No.19793139

I miss the zombie fad like you wouldn't believe. I also think Zombie Dust is a good brew.

>> No.19793279
File: 354 KB, 1000x1000, Goose-Island-Tropical-Beer-Hug-6pk-12-oz-Cans_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its discounted to $8.50 after tax. it's not good but it gets the job done

>> No.19793368
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Modelo Negra, only 3 left

>> No.19793669
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>> No.19793742

I haven't had a drink in nearly 4 weeks.

>> No.19793746

Your point being?

>> No.19793767

This thread made me break off the cap of one my last three modelo negra bottles. it's refreshin

>> No.19794147

I'm out of money

>> No.19794200

Got the last 2 cans from a 6 pack of Lone Star. Going to a bud's for drinks and anime later so I'll probably use them to keep the buzz going when I get home.

>> No.19794204

a can of steel reserve so i can get trashed tonight

>> No.19794216

Big Wave. Three lads recommended it.

>> No.19794217
File: 484 KB, 1440x1440, prost.marzen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably doxxing myself posting this but FUCK IT'S SO GOOD.

>> No.19794243

Reddit containment thread. Hope you basedboys have fun.

>> No.19794260

>a can of steel reserve so i can get trashed tonight
One can of s steelie and you'll be trashed?
Go wake up in a homobar or something.

>> No.19794266
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These looked breddy gud so I copped ‘em

>> No.19794271

Beatles music cunts when everyone knew the Clash blew them away

>> No.19794280

>drinking the liquid jew

>> No.19794285
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That doesn't look quite right.
It looks like a pickled punk for Halloween.

>> No.19794293

This stuff is BOGO every once in a while where I’m at, and when they are I grab them.
12 high-ish abv beers for $10? Sign me up.
I really can’t stand IPAs but I like fruity beer and this one registers somewhere in the bearable middle of the spectrum.

>> No.19794304
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> beer hug
You know that you're being made fun of by everyone...

>> No.19794343

moved out of the midwest and those are the only 3 things i miss.

>> No.19794370

You can probably source and mix your own zombie dust in the Midwest, just test for fent.

>> No.19794515

>zombie dust
You two should get a fag room waiting for tumble weeds

>> No.19794540
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picrel and Heineken

>> No.19794545


>> No.19794552

Modelo Especial

>> No.19794554

>What is the most overrated thing on Earth?"

IPAs currently in 8th place


>> No.19794876
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thoughts on stouts?

>> No.19794927
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>> No.19795018

man I prepartied a whole 6-pack of those once and I ended up just completely fucked that night. The Coopah's Extra Stout is delicious but in moderation

>> No.19795236

I'm smashing the Asahi Superdry, find a better macro dry lager, you will lose.

>> No.19795257
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I'd much prefer Coopers red, but at $44 a slab this is decent swill

>> No.19795270

Based coopers enjoyer, personally more of a Sparkling longneck fella myself though

>> No.19795280

Anyone who picked lobster never haid maine lobster that is for fucking sure.

>> No.19795316

Sapporo, Stella (for my sister), and Battlemage Summon Ifrit

>> No.19795609

I was gifted a king size chocolate pumpkin dark lager, it was disgusting but in the way that makes your inner child content and happy.

>> No.19795676
File: 252 KB, 1233x1296, AleSmithIPA4pkCans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19796384

60 Minute IPA!

>> No.19796389
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>> No.19796658

non i buy beer then i drink the beer
i'm not saving it for later

>> No.19796669

it $12 buy one get one free at publix which is a great deal for a 10% IPA

>> No.19796891

I always save one for later to stave off a hangover.

>> No.19796900

Bells Two Hearted, Pilsner Urquell, some 750's of New Glarus Belgian Cherry Red, Old Rasputins, some Budweisers, some Sam Smith Porters, and a couple random other beers

>> No.19797136

That comes across as 100% gay, who comes across with beer names like that? One has to be a serious fag to stand up to a bar and order a New Glarus Belgian Cherry Red and take that seriously.

>> No.19797245
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Too many.
I keep collecting different beers and drinks because I am bored.

>> No.19797299

all terrible selections

>> No.19797316

Frastanzer, Mohren

>> No.19797397
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>> No.19797405

Truly you are the man with no taste.

>> No.19797482

Is this a joke? If so, it’s hilarious.

>> No.19797493



>> No.19797551

It is my fridge and my beer so fuck off.
What other beer should I have that isn’t extra hoppy with hop oil lucky charms soi milk collaboration 9% IPA?
Why does the craft beer market suck so bad. Why. Why. Why??

>> No.19797604
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dude just drink some pilsners if you're around the american southeast I'd recommend Tiny Bomb. Shit's good.

>> No.19797611

yeungling lager
can't find the black and tan cans anywhere rn

>> No.19797615

fuck those guys, I do this sometimes just to try new things

>> No.19797668
File: 242 KB, 720x400, Tripel-Karmeliet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leffe Blond
Grimbergen Blond
Brand Dubbelbock

Looking to stock up on picrel since it's on sale right now

>> No.19797717

I am in Boston so northeast. I will keep an eye out for it anon.

>> No.19799150

my brother before Christ with the coopers
for me, its their extra stout and sparkling ale

>> No.19799167

A sixpack of Asahi and a bottle of Duvel.