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File: 162 KB, 1200x800, well_done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19787828 No.19787828 [Reply] [Original]

What's even the point of a well done steak? It's uncuttable and inedible

>> No.19787836

sounds like you have shitty knives and shitty teeth.

>> No.19787844

To be a hill for contrarians and people afraid of red to die on.

Sounds like you're a faggot bitch

>> No.19787855

>Sounds like you're a faggot bitch
bring your dull knife and rotten teeth over here and say that

>> No.19787856

Why would I choose a steak poorly done instead of a steak well done?

>> No.19787862

I've never had a cavity and my knives shave my arm hair against the grain. Try again bitch faggot.

>> No.19787868

Sounds like you have shitty taste. Are you actually defending a well done steak on the cooking board on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum?

>> No.19787876
File: 2.43 MB, 960x540, Beef.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only plebs can't appreciate well-done steak. they say well-done is inherently overcooked and can't even differentiate between cooking a steak to an internal temperature of 160F and 170F, they'd say it's the same. did you know well-done steaks are actually more flavorful? when protein is cooked to well-done it contracts and squeezes out excess water. this means the flavor of the steak is concentrated. people who like less than well-done are basically saying "wow this watery steak is great". most carnivores who eat raw meat don't even chew it, which is why less than well-done is actually chewier, but people act like this is better for some reason. when meat is well-done the muscle fibers shred apart more easily, this is better for us since we actually chew our food. something like a lion or wolf just tears off chunks of meat and swallow them whole, people don't do this, so less than well-done is actually chewier. steaks are overrated anyway, it's like a bare minimum of effort to actually prepare them. i'd rather have a good braised piece of fatty meat, that's way better, especially once the fat has started to melt and become buttery. notice how a lot of people just cut the fat off the steak and don't eat it because it's chewy? that's wasteful and you're missing out on something that could be really good. i dunno why steak has gotten to be such a premium product with so many strange rituals surrounding it. i guess people just fell for the marketing of it being a premium product and eating an undercooked chewy steak making them cultured and superior. i'd even rather just have a good burger over a steak. welcome to good burger home of the good burger, can i take your order? who loves orange soda? kel loves orange soda. is it true? i do i do i do-o. benis.

>> No.19787882

I'm not reading all that shit about why you're a retarded faggot bitch

>> No.19787887

I like it when the cut is thinner but I don't want to bite into your pic.

>> No.19787896
File: 479 KB, 395x298, Buuuurrrrrpppp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not adding anything to this discussion. You're not even uploading fun pictures. Worthless waste of space.

>> No.19787918

There is no discussion to be had. People that """"prefer"""" well-done steaks are retarded bitch faggots. There's no reason to discuss anything with a bitchy faggot retard and say a bunch of shit that's demonstrably false to pretend they have an actual leg to stand on, but they're just faggotty retarded bitches that are wrong about a lot of things.

>> No.19788030

tldr I still have my baby teeth

>> No.19788586

>What's even the point of a well done steak

>> No.19788641

>hmfph I like CHEWING on my dry piece of meat
fuck outta here

>> No.19788645

>Bloody edges
Enjoy your "well done" salmonella morsel

>> No.19788654
File: 49 KB, 293x472, 1605853860567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinda want to make asmongold's $2 steak to remember what it's like being a 12 years old and poor

>> No.19788657

Cook it brown and stay around. I am not going to risk my life just to impress some foodie faggots.

>> No.19788661

It's a good side for 'chup.

>> No.19788677

>people still don't know about reverse burned steak
>get drunk
>decide to reverse sear a steak
>season with s&p
>on a rimmed baking sheet and wire rack
>into a 215 F oven
>pass out because drunk
>wake up to apartment filled with light white smoke
>smells like heaven though
>steak is well done, black on the outside, but tender as filet
I wouldn't do it again, but it was delicious and tender.

>> No.19788683

The fact you think people do it to impress other tells a lot about your mental state

>> No.19788699

You can definitely do a well-done steak that's still juicy and tender in the middle, but it has to be done low and slow, so not at the temperature that you grill other steaks on. So if you order one at a restaurant you're just asking for trouble.

>> No.19788702

I've eaten probably thousands of steaks in the last 25+ years. None were purposely cooked beyond medium and most were medium/med rare. You're just being a bitch.

>> No.19788704

Are you a vampire? Do you really like the taste of blood in your undercooked steak? No, you are literally doing it to impressed your fake alpha buddies. I bet you also surround yourself with bourbon and cigars because thats real manly men do with their manly men bros.

>> No.19788710

>taste of blood
Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot. Considering suicide you literal waste of oxygen.

>> No.19788723

You're fucking delusional bro.
1. Never been sick from eating a medium rare steak in my life. So much information out there that it is safe. I'm iffy about ground beef cooking, I veer to well done there
2. There is no taste of "blood" because there is no blood present. It's a nice juicy and tender steak that I can enjoy the full flavor of it.
Do you really find it unbelievable that when I'm making a steak for myself, nobody is around at all, that I'd grill it the way that I like, which is rare to medium rare?

>> No.19788821
File: 1.09 MB, 1200x588, crowdcow-uploads.imgix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No blood except for all the blood oozing out of the uncooked meat.

>> No.19788830

Yeah, that’s not blood. It’s myoglobin

>> No.19788917

the meat tastes better than when its raw and the texture is satisfying.

>> No.19789118

You don't eat pork and chicken then

>> No.19789584

> Some of us have self-control around alcohol, especially when cooking is involved.

This is how people die in house fires, idiot.

>> No.19789589

The point is I got drunk, cooked my steak too long and my dog can have it cuz she's been a loyal bitch for many years.

>> No.19789732

Blood is much thicker than that. Are you legit retarded?

>> No.19789739

How are you risking your life? As long as it's not pork or chicken you'll be fine. As long as the outside is cooked you're good.

>> No.19789742


>> No.19789805

Why don't you ask my mom?? Bitch mind as well boil the meat at that point

>> No.19789918

the only way to have a well-done steak that tastes remotely decently is to use a cut with a lot of marbling. it's still a huge waste, because it would have tasted 10 times better if cooked medium rare.
if it's on the leaner side, it comes out absolutely inedible. Some steaks taste noticeably drier and tougher even when cooked medium, I can't imagine how shitty they would turn out if you cook them for longer

>> No.19789946

>if it's on the leaner side, it comes out absolutely inedible. Some steaks taste noticeably drier and tougher even when cooked medium, I can't imagine how shitty they would turn out if you cook them for longer
Growing up I thought I didn't like steak because my only exposure to it was my mum occasionally buying the absolute cheapest low quality beef cuts and then frying them until they looked like scraps of burnt leather which she'd stick between two pieces of bread and butter and would laughably call a steak sandwich.

Sometime around the age of 20 I finally tried a medium-rare steak at the pub and realised I'd been missing out on the finest meal there is, it was so tender and juicy and flavorful. It's been 15 years now and nothing makes me happier than a simple meal of steak and chips.

Even my mum has had a turnaround during that time. She's stopped buying cheap cuts and bothers to let it sit out at room temp for 40~ minutes beforehand, seasoned with salt and pepper, cooked medium instead of turning into a charcoal briquette. She grew up in poverty and simply didn't know any better.

>> No.19790158
File: 70 KB, 646x927, 8ix847b8T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't do well done without fucking it up you're just a shitty cook, cope all you want.

>> No.19790180

>What's even the point of a well done steak?
so your kids have to chew and dont end up jawlets

>> No.19790353

Your bitch isn't loyal. I've been taking her to the pound for a while if you know what I mean.

>> No.19790585

>well done

I prefer medium rare, but will eat any decent steak from blue rare to medium well…
My fiancé is a culinary trained chef, and she likes only thick cut tender fillets or loin steaks cooked to about a 10 second window between medium well and well done….she knows that it’s “wrong” but has tried steaks cooked to every degree and knows what she likes. I’ve tried a bite of hers and it was still moist and flavorful but just a bit firmer texturally than a medium, so that magic window just before it turns to leather is there, just ridiculously small.

She has a bit of supertaster genes, and will regularly critique things I made that myself and others found delicious.
No cilantro is a big one, she says it tastes like dish soap splashed onto the meal.

I made Italian herbs garlic mashed potatoes last week and she snubbed it saying she could tell I used the dry Italian seasoning and the store bought stuff is out of balance with too much oregano…all while me and her friend ate the whole batch of them… she asked her friend if she didn’t think the oregano was too overpowering for the balance but she was already getting seconds…

As much of a pain in the ass it is dealing with a fussy eater, it’s even worse when they are a chef and can out cook you on a whim.
At least it makes every compliment that much better, she genuinely loves when I make homemade gnocchi or braised Cajun or Baja chicken. She tells me that my cornbread is the best she’s ever tasted and has me make one when we visit her sister’s family because her nieces love it too.

>> No.19790687

I still prefer well-done and I say it with full confidence because your bitch ass wouldn't say half the curses you wrote there if you were in front of me
Also anon wasn't even that confrontational so it's weird you're so angry, did DeMarcus do something to your mummy? :)

>> No.19790691

well-done retards are always like "if you don't like a well-done steak it's because you don't know how to cook it", but they never explain how you're supposed to properly prepare it.
there's no way you can make a well-done steak that is juicier and more palatable than a medium-rare one. that's how physics and chemistry work.
if you want something that is somewhat similar to a well-done steak but it's actually good, you have to prepare a BBQ style brisket or something like that, but it's a completetely different cooking method with different cuts of meat.

>> No.19790693
File: 1.71 MB, 249x348, my back.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite time to eat steak is when its well done on the charcoal grill and then i take the left overs the next day and reheat it in the oven
i dont know why but it just seems so much more flavorful the next day

>> No.19790717

Hold on a second cake-boy.

I like my steaks med-rare but I can also eat them well done.
Once you sear them off, if you heat them on a low heat, you can cook them right through, it's no big deal and actually makes for a better eating experience.

>> No.19790742

I'd call you a retarded bitch in real life, and 10 years ago I'd call you a faggot too. You'd be dumbfounded that your garbage taste would be made fun of, because you're a retarded faggot bitch.