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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19783987 No.19783987 [Reply] [Original]

why is brown the tastiest color?
>toasted bread
>steak crust
>cooked bacon
it's so good, it also became a verb. No other color can compete.

>> No.19783993 [DELETED] 
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It is truly the tastiest colour

>> No.19783997

fuck off

>> No.19784001

This AI bs is getting out of control. Make it stop!!

>> No.19784037

You forgot

>> No.19784073
File: 181 KB, 1024x1024, 1696128184167824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's so good

>> No.19784077

Don't like it? Not our problem.

AI is the future. Embrace it or get left behind.

LMAO was just about to comment this! This thread was definitely started by a p****t.

>> No.19784079

idk, ask Alton Brown

>> No.19784484
File: 100 KB, 880x420, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19784501

Maillard reaction turns things brown.
>toasted bread
>steak crust
>cooked bacon
All brown from maillard reaction.

>> No.19784505

It's not that brown is the tastiest as much as it's the most common.
It's hard to even really call it a "color". It's kinda like grey in that instead of removing a hue, you add the opposite hue to get it. You can only get green from yellow and blue, but you can get brown from any color if you just contrast it right.

My point is, brown is tasty because anything tasty can be made brown. But not everything brown can be made tasty.

>> No.19784565

You're right, it's how everything looks after I finish cramming.

>> No.19785277

you forgot about dookie cough

>> No.19785322
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>> No.19786636
File: 1 KB, 1920x1080, red-color-solid-background-1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red is actually the tastiest colour.
>tomato soup
>chilli con carne
>rare steak
>red peppers
>red onions
>chilli peppers
>goulash (it's pretty red)
>chicken tikka masala (some versions are quite red)
>strawberries and raspberries

>> No.19786991

Jesus Christ the left cat is absolutely cursed

>> No.19787010

Redfags step aside, white is the tastiest color
>whipped cream
>vanilla ice cream
>all the best cheeses are white
>wedding cake
>alfredo pasta
>fine bread
>bechamel sauce

>> No.19788033

cursed image

>> No.19788042

"I'm white which goes with everything
But I can come in any color

>> No.19788047
File: 152 KB, 800x450, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remind me of this guy

>> No.19788053

Remind me again, it was her own shit or am I thinking of something else?

>> No.19788058
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And if it’s this color I won’t eat it.

>> No.19788065

i love blue drinks and sweets

>> No.19788081

The only blue food I can eat are berries.
Can’t stand black food like squid ink.

>> No.19788097

I read a fun hypothesis somewhere that we evolved cooking old scavenged meat really aggressively to make it safer to eat, so maillard stuff is delicious. No idea if it has any basis in fact

>> No.19788109

brown does not exist, it's just a darker pigment of orange https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh4aWZRtTwU

>> No.19790008

What about purple? :)

>> No.19790010

>thinly veiled bbc thread

>> No.19790014

Yeah, only thick veins are acceptable

>> No.19790017

Eat da poo poo