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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19776499 No.19776499 [Reply] [Original]

Hey all,

So this girl I just started dating invited me over to her house and I discovered she still eats kids cereal. I think she had boo berry and count chocula. I asked her about it and she told me she likes lucky charms and especially peanut butter captain crunch. I told her "yeah, I remember eating that stuff".

I know you guys are going to tell me not to worry and people should just eat what they want if they aren't a fatass, but I still think it's kinda odd and hope it's not representative of something different. She isn't fat and has a nice tight body and very beautiful so I guess I am making something out of nothing.

>> No.19776505

Tell your bf I said hello and then go back

>> No.19776514

You can't into reading comprehension can you?

>> No.19776531

If she’s a real women and not ugly, who cares what she eats? Just enjoy her and fuck her. My last gf had a bookshelf in her living room full of Clinton and Obama shit, but she was hot so I didn’t care other than razzing her for it a little but the first time I was there

>> No.19776547

My reading comprehension is nearly as good as my larping faggot detection skills, stupid larping faggot

>> No.19776581

I am not going for that stuff quite as hard but my God, can't believe you'd date a liberal if you aren't one yourself.

>> No.19776586

Women love cereal bro, that never goes away. Almost every chick I know still likes sugary cereal.

>> No.19776598

There is a difference though between sweetened cereal like granola and special k etc and bright colored sugar bomb cereal with kids cartoons on the front of it.

>> No.19776603
File: 79 KB, 374x495, fucking mallows how do they work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the image quickly and thought top left was the guy from ICP, so now you have to see this image too

>> No.19776622
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I am not really seeing it.

>> No.19776635

>Women love cereal bro, that never goes away.
that is because women are mentally children

>> No.19776638

I am talking about sweet kids cereal. I have dated women in their 30's who are professionals that wear designer clothes, live in expensive apartments ect. When I went to their place, they would have Apple Jacks, Capt Crunch, Lucky Charms. It is very common. Another thing is most of them were terrible cooks and didn't know food/wine very well.

>> No.19776646

Well, it's good to know that other older still successful women do it. I think she is OK in the cooking department so far.

>> No.19776648
File: 2 KB, 244x226, 1348764844816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grain-based breakfast with milk and sweetener (cereal)

>grain-based breakfast with milk and sweetener (oatmeal)

It turns out da jooz weren't lying when they said a bowl of cereal with milk is part of a balanced breakfast. The fatasses are the ones who eat 4 bowls of cereal every morning and wash it down with a quart of milk and don't exercise. There is literally nothing wrong with breakfast cereal, sweetened or not as long as you don't binge on it which can be said about just about any food that isn't cabbage or equally calorie deficient.

>> No.19776677

women joke on twitter about how men never stop eating cereal

>> No.19776679

I get Count Chocula every single year when it comes back. I love it. The new Caramel one was okay.

>> No.19776682

>Fucking magnets, how do they work?
if youre a juggalo and see his face regularly then I could see how your brain would fill in a quick glance with that image.

>> No.19776685

the short answer is that ur retarded and judgmental
the long answer is she likes cereal

>> No.19776687

why do americans get all the cool cereal? here in kangarooland the only kids cereal we got is fruit loops

>> No.19776697

I bet you'd be fine if your gfriend was into diaperplay.

>> No.19776698

end yourself

>> No.19776729

Because it was all invented and made in America

>> No.19776738

You are sick. Leave this thread.

>> No.19776785
File: 61 KB, 800x600, 1696643900964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a monster
>assembled from body parts found in graves that no one bothered to dig deep enough
>the doctor picked a jaw with only one fucking tooth in it
why is life like this

>> No.19776868

all cereal is children's cereal, anon.

>> No.19776870

there is literally no difference.

>> No.19776893

Cereal is good. not the chemical slop you posted, though.

>> No.19776906

Youre mentally a child because you care about being seen as grown up and mature, it’s cereal get over it

>> No.19776908

>and especially peanut butter captain crunch
Well it's fucking delicious so how could she not?

There is absolutely no problem with enjoying the taste of halloween cereal and sugary cereal. The question you should be asking is:
>How much is she paying for these cereals, per box and aggregate per month?; and
>Does she acknowledge paying the price for these cereals as a luxury treat? Or does she treat these cereals as part of her baseline diet like one would bread / butter / eggs / bacon / etc.?

>> No.19776932

Who the fuck eats this monster cereal? I sure as hell don't because that shit is way too scary.

>> No.19776987

She seems to eat it as a treat or for breakfast when her mom doesn't make bacon eggs etc. She is OK with SPAM and scrapple which is cool.

>> No.19777009

>won’t cook for herself when her mom doesn’t
just go ahead and dump her

>> No.19777020

Is it really good to have a full hot breakfast every day though? Bacon, eggs, sausage, etc? It would be nice if she liked big Nabisco shredded wheat blocks or more normal cereal like corn flakes etc. She knows how to cook pretty well like I said. She is responsible for cooking for her family some nights.

>> No.19777022

I buy it when it shows up at Grocery Outlet for $1.99/box.

>> No.19777031

as long as she doesn’t show signs of dependency I guess

>> No.19777039

Nah, she is pretty independent and kinda free range and her mom and brother is fine with it. Though she does rely on me for my car lol.

>> No.19777043

>She isn't fat
So then it isn't a problem.

>> No.19777044

I buy and eat cereal because making bacon and eggs every morning would necessitate me having to wake up 20 minutes earlier every day to accommodate the extra time spent getting ready for work. I do it on the weekends because then I have all the time in the world to cook and relax while eating breakfast with a cuppa joe. During the work week I want to maximize my sleep schedule and just wolf down a serving of cereal with milk and head out the door.

>> No.19777074

This totally makes sense, but is it cookie crisp or some kids cereal or is it more normal and less sugar bomb cereal?

>> No.19777086

Cereal is good but a girl in 20+ year old eating kid cereal is :0 but if he is good looking just go for him and treat him and fuck her and also that cereal is something i never seen in life

>> No.19777092

>I know you guys are going to tell me not to worry and people should just eat what they want if they aren't a fatass
No I'm going to tell you that that cereal is poison and you should ween her off of that crap before you two have children

>> No.19777102
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It depends because I never spend more than $2.50 on a box of a cereal at a time, but it's usually a sweet cereal because it tastes good and I only eat one serving with a whole milk or full fat yogurt so I'm not especially concerned about the heckin' carborinos. I think the last 3 boxes I bought were:

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Tres Leches (this was on the verge of being TOO sweet)
Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros
Puffins (original flavor)

>> No.19777117

No, she is fourteen and a student and still lives with her folks. She cooks sometimes and is fully capable of it but like the previous guy said you don't cook a full hot breakfast every day and cereal is good to get something in your belly quickly. I just don't understand why she hasn't moved on from sugary kids cereals. I was eating corn chex, muesli, shredded wheat and wheaties when I was like 9.

We aren't talking about that stuff yet.

I use to like cinnamon on my cereal but if you get anything now that has cinnamon on it it's bound to be cinnemon sugar. There was this delicious cinnamon cereal that wasn't sweet at all that was at Ollie's (discount stuff chain) years ago but then it just disappeared. It had something to do with the Andes mountains I think.

>> No.19777127
File: 31 KB, 600x602, 1445695675422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, she is fourteen and a student and still lives with her folks.
Underage b& or based?

>> No.19777136

She is but I am not.

>> No.19777139

It only takes 2 minutes to make eggs. But bacon takes time. If you're okay with cold bacon you can cook it ahead of time and fridge it. Or you can get some microwavable breakfast sausages and have an egg and sausage sandvich on white toast in less than 5 minutes.
If you shower in the mornings and are quick and consistent you can make soft or hard boiled eggs at the same time.
You could also put bacon in the toaster oven before you shower, flip it or turn it off when you get out, then make the eggs after you get dressed.

But yeah I feel you. If I didn't work at home I wouldn't have eggs anywhere near as often. In fact most of the time I can't stomach anything until at least an hour after I wake up.

>> No.19777147

She’s still a kid you retard pedo

>> No.19777152

>2 minutes to make eggs
Yeah sure, but it's not as comfy if I don't have bacon or sausage to go with, which is what takes longer. I've eaten cheese scramble on toast or in a tortilla and it's good, but it really needs the meat for maximum comfy.

>microwaved sausage
Grim. I don't own a microwave, anyway. No specific reason why aside from maximizing my counter space.

>> No.19777153

Get a life.

>> No.19777164
File: 427 KB, 640x699, C-C-C-CUNNY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to know how old you are before I can decree whether you are based or cringe, anon...

>> No.19777178

Early 20s. Not really relevant to this thread though. I just think it was weird (and not exactly healthy) to watch her make a bowl of the stuff that afternoon.

I got what I needed out of the thread anyway. Other women do it but it's generally unhealthy so just hope she weans off of it at some point. Thanks,

>> No.19777179

Holy based cradle robber anon.

>> No.19777183

Nah, we are a good AG based community and it's very normal. There have been much longer spreads. There is a fourteen year difference between my mom and dad. No shitting.

Guess this will be my last post to not attract the "coomers" have a good night everybody.

>> No.19777214

>but it really needs the meat for maximum comfy.
Agreed. I don't make eggs unless I have at least one form of meat to go with it.
They pan fry fine as well. But honestly they're surprisingly good microwaved. Four to five links on a folded paper tower for 90s. I only use a microwave for less than 10 things, maybe even less than 5 things, and they are one of them.
>No specific reason why aside from maximizing my counter space.
Mine's above the stovetop, doubling as a vent and light. I wouldn't buy a microwave either if I had to get a countertop version.

Now I've talked myself hungry. I'm going to have breakfast for fourth meal and plan to wake up at 4pm.