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19775773 No.19775773 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread, we discuss scummy restaurant industry practices. Cutting corners, bad ingredient substitutes, hidden fees, misleading offers, anything goes.

A common, widely known example to start with: most restaurants use substitute, fake mozzarella because the real thing is expensive. So those nearly 10 dollar mozzarella sticks you're paying out the ass for are actually just cheap substitution cheese.

>> No.19775812

Restaurants often don't update their prices on the internet and just charge the customer more when they place an order because most people don't care enough if the price is off by a few dollars. It's illegal, but most people don't care enough to create a stink, and if they do, the restaurant will likely just lower the price for the one customer who complains.

Many restaurants will never update their prices after putting up their website for this very reason. It makes their prices look artificially low, and if the person is already calling in the restaurant, they probably won't back out even with the fake prices. The employee will just lazily stonewall you with "Sorry, our website isn't updated". It's actually kinda genius.

>> No.19775817

Any restaurant that sells wine by the bottle is making insane margins.
They get the wine for like $2 per bottle, sell it by the glass for $10. By the bottle for $60.
Restaurants in general are a scam at every level.
They prey on the ignorance of the aspirational classes and the unreservedly wealthy.

>> No.19775836 [DELETED] 
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Restaurants need to curate their clientele and exclude certain minority groups such as Blacks and Latinos for the safety and comfort of their customers.

>> No.19775842

>racist that capitalizes Black
worst of both worlds

>> No.19775846

every table gets a free salad bowl, any unfinished salad gets thrown into a big trash can rinsed off and served to another table again

>> No.19775883 [DELETED] 
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Yes, Blacks are a race or a subspecies. Whatever you want to call it. Not racist. I just want to keep things comfortable and safe and tailor my cuisine and restaurant experience to those who aren't that race/subspecies. I fully acknowledge they have a right to exist, but they do not have a right to be catered to everywhere. There are plenty Black and Latino restaurateurs that I am fine with them catering to their own or whoever they wish to curate/exclude.

This is all about a reasonable effort to ensure the safety and comfort of my customers because I have evidence that violent crime and theft is much more likely if I cater to them as well. Simple.

>> No.19775932

A lot of fish at restaurants isn't the species they claim it is. It's often a much cheaper fish being sold as a something else. This isn't always the restaurant's fault, sometimes it's the supplier, but plenty of places do it knowingly.

Prime rib is another good example. Very few restaurants are serving USDA certified prime ribeye roasts. It's almost always choice or even select grade beef.

>> No.19775985

i mean, it's real mozzarella even if it is cheap low moisture stuff. the DOP kind wouldn't work in most applications, it's way too wet.

>> No.19775998

no idea what shithole you've worked in. its pretty standard to toss all leftovers. even if an entire plate is untouched, if it's been served, it cannot be served again

>> No.19776026

Nigga you goofy, no one is getting wine wholesale for 2$ a bottle.

>> No.19776049

It wasn't long ago where you could go to Trader Joe's and get two buck child fuck. But yes, it is a bit higher now gorgeous house wines.

>> No.19776057

Oops *chuck
*for most

Wtf is my spell check doing? Christ.

>> No.19776082

Damn I was wondering why some sites don’t even have a pricetag.

>> No.19776104

I used to deliver ingredients to a small kiosk type place that would serve deep fried food to drunk people at night.

Once, spotted a dead bird in the deep fryer.

Obviously, I told the one worker present.

>Aww, yaa, they do be like that. Da hot oil gets em in da mornin. We get em like once a week. We change the oil once twice a yeaar.

>> No.19776561
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Most Asian restaurants outside of Japan that offer wasabi as a condiment use imitation stuff usually in a tube that is basically European Horseradish, some green food coloring, and maybe 1-2% of the real deal. The plant the real stuff is grated from is one of the hardest to cultivate in the world requiring the roots to be submerged under clean running water as it grows. It is said the real stuff is nasally spicy but described as "cleaner tasting" and not as not pungent severe as the pesudo stuff.

>> No.19776576

That's not really shady know, I think most people realize it's not real wasabi

>> No.19776582

based Stimpson J Cat poser

>> No.19776588

i worked at an upscale restaurant as my first job, and the multi millionaire owner would eat steamed shrimp and shit out of the dish trough before it got shoved into the trash.
it'd be covered in pepsi and tea and stuff.

>> No.19776604

>Two buck child fuck
My fucking sides

>> No.19776618

This is like that double pricing tactic some places use. Even big chains use the tactic, though they do it in a legally much safer way. The real shameless small business scumbags will advertise a deal they never intended to honor(some even right outside their store on a blackboard), then when you try to order it they go "oh sorry, we're not running that deal anymore." They'll also conveniently never get rid of the advertisement or update it. Their goal is to just get your foot in the door since many customers will still pay or at least order something else in the store.

Big chains do this same thing but they avoid the illegal aspect of it by, say, offering a really amazing deal(like Subway offering 50% off all subs or something) in a coupon, but have it be restricted to "participating locations," which of course are almost none. So it will get you to either call or walk in the store asking about the deal, exactly what they want. Another way to legally get away with it is just have the offer be REALLY short(one week or one day) so that you sell out but you still get tons of people trying to get in on it or asking about it days after.

I hate how much they abuse basic human nature and kindness. The restaurant industry in general heavily preys on human psychology, like tipping, in order to squeeze extra money out of everyone.

>> No.19776627

I didn't until very, very recently. Like 2 weeks ago. Who knows it's not real wasabi outside of Japanese people? It only became an internet info trend in the last year or so.

>> No.19776832

Here in Australia, you can get generic redand white wine for $3 a bottle, RETAIL.

A restaurant orders 1000 of them, at wholesale prices, then puts a fancy label and makes up some bullshit for the wine menu, and a sommelier is hired to complete the illusion.

Middle class retard boomer pays $60 for this $2 bottle of garbage tier cabsav merlot blend, and compares delusional tasting notes with his equally delusional wife.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

t: i'm a winemaker

>> No.19776855

>2-3 dollars a bottle

Cheapest I've seen it go is 7.5 at dan murphy, bws, firstchoice etc.

>> No.19776858

>pic depicting the average Ohioan

>> No.19776888

See pic.$3.79 a bottle. Discount when you order bulk.

It was $3 for the longest time, but inflation I guess.

If you buy boxed wine, it's even cheaper. Like 5 liters for $12.

To give some perspective, I make 30L batches of wine for about $10 in ingredients, so that's 30 cents per liter. And I'm just some clown. Imagine the scale at huge wineries. Even at $2 a bottle they are making a huge profit.

>> No.19776896
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Bowlers Run Shiraz. Awful stuff. But slap a fancy label on it, and dumbass restaurant customers will pay $50 for it and congratulate themselves for having such refined tastes and class. Lol.

>> No.19776907

I'm sorry anon but you are wrong. People have known this for years. Just because you found out something new, doesn't mean it's new to everyone else.

>> No.19776918

>almost 4 stars for a 3.79 wine
well good thing I never eat at restaurants, but that's good to know

>> No.19776923

Mind telling me where is your trade joe's? Asking for a friend.

>> No.19777021

Just because you know it doesn't mean everyone else does.