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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 640x336, shrinkflation innit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19768047 No.19768047 [Reply] [Original]

How is shrinkflation affecting your grocery shopping?

I've noticed "family size" bags of chips no longer fill me up, so now I have to buy 2 bags at a time.

>> No.19768059
File: 349 KB, 1063x683, IMG_0977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man you are so fat that only your hands have grown bigger not products became smaller as you hold them

>> No.19768067

quantity avenue > quality street

>> No.19768075

>I've noticed "family size" bags of chips no longer fill me up, so now I have to buy 2 bags at a time.
Life is hard when you are pregnant and you have to eat not just for yourself, but the 8 fetuses inside of you.
Do you know the names of the fathers?

>> No.19768083

And last but not least, Kwankwan

>> No.19768085

6 by 6 different men named Jahquis, 2 by Darnell, and none bh Paul.But Paul said he's willing to step up raise them all like they were his own though since I told him I was ready to settle down. Finally found the love that I DESERVE.

>> No.19768089

I've lost 40lbs because I cant afford food anymore so...thanks?
At the same time it's been months since I had a steak or vegetables and it's just mostly been bologna sandwiches

>> No.19768097

based you get yours sister
remember your worth

>> No.19768115

I used to buy bologna all the time but ever since covid the bologna is always cleaned out and I'm forced to buy something more expensive because all of the dirt cheap shit is gone already

>> No.19768131

The trick is to buy buckets of cheap lard and eat it by the spoonful. So filling, and mostly tasteless, which is good because you would get sick of it if it tasted like butter.
Or get vegetable oil and a shotglass. Take a shot every time you feel hungry. Less effort required than a spoon.

>> No.19768372

no worries, you'll be dead before shrinkflation makes you eat 3 bags at a time

>> No.19768446

>I've noticed "family size" bags of chips no longer fill me up, so now I have to buy 2 bags at a time.
he snorted.

>> No.19768450

I've lost weight by eating out more often.

>> No.19768510

OP here, I forgot a lot of femanons browse this board. I'm not fat, I'm just a man who eats like a man.

>> No.19768525

It doesn't because I'm not some dumb fucking cooklet that buys most of their groceries from the center aisles of the store.

>> No.19768527

>weighing 150kg is a normal weight I'm not fat

>> No.19768532

OP is a stupid obese nigger but he's not wrong.

>> No.19768536

>OP here, I forgot a lot of femanons browse this board.
Are you surprised that femanons would browse a "Food & Cooking" board?
I can't imagine any other board that a femanon might consider even remotely interesting.

>> No.19768541

> I can't imagine any other board that a femanon might consider even remotely interesting.
/co/, /y/ and /cgl/ you tourist

>> No.19768552

I have a shopping calculator and I notice things keep increasing in price by .50 cents, sometimes even a dollar.

>> No.19768559

We don't buy a lot of packaged food so not much. I noticed our preferred brand of bath soap is 6% smaller, tho.

>> No.19768625

Do they actually mention the quantity on those boxes?
There has been a recent push to do away with excess packaging.

>> No.19768628

Shrinkflation doesn't affect me when pretty much buy all my food is discounted, on clearance, or discontinued.

>> No.19768640
File: 1.71 MB, 1015x1179, 1695348312301095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of these "You're fat lol" posts. I workout 5 days a week for 2 hours just so I can eat whatever the fuck I want and still stay in shape.

>> No.19769736

Retards, women enjoy fucking anything, if not everything, up.

>> No.19769751

I'm not sure what's worse; this particular cost control of reduced quantity, or they change the ingredients which negatively affects the [quality] while maintaining the [quantity].
I've been encountering the latter, but worse, they raised the price.
I loved buying cheap breakfast sausage, a brand that tasted good, but since the Kung Flu scandal, it tastes worse and noticeably cooks differently (less juicy).

>> No.19769758

shrinkflation made my penis smaller

>> No.19769770

i got stuck with erectile dysfunction....

>> No.19769903
File: 42 KB, 720x480, 1516579370878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally all staple foods are rising in price every few months except eggs which have finally come down and stabilized
I'm getting real sick of eating eggs all the time, bros.

>> No.19769937

vegetables pork and beef are all fine you just eat a nigger diet of chicken and soda

>> No.19769953
File: 72 KB, 327x309, 1512357125448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19769970

I don't notice the shrinkflation but I feel like everything is sold as family size now. Idk if that's just my grocery store, but as a single fuck, it's annoying that there aren't smaller portions.

>> No.19770024

It's great because just like Britain, just gets smaller, faker, and fruitier.

>> No.19770047

Women don't enjoy movies about boats

>> No.19770058

What is your pedo anime image supposed to mean?

>> No.19770064

>pedo anime
she's a hag

>> No.19770065
File: 117 KB, 404x404, 1505969410139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ok dude?

>> No.19771589

post body then fatty

>> No.19771609 [DELETED] 

Martin Luther King Jr Blvd >>>>>>> quality avenue

>> No.19771612 [DELETED] 

No I found out I'm trans

>> No.19771666

I'm so sorry to hear you're going to die.

>> No.19771672
File: 262 KB, 601x600, 1696351247900729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this reads like a GOP talking point. Look shrinkflation isn't real, and this is the strongest economic recovery in history Jack!

We're building back better!

>> No.19771680

I tried that and I can't stomach lard, makes me gag

>> No.19771682 [DELETED] 

Say what you want but I'm riding with Biden in 2024.
No really I want to gay ride his cock

>> No.19771698

Genetic lard ass

>> No.19771699

>can't afford food
>spending his time posting on 4chinz

>> No.19771705

>/pol/ out of nowhere
Unironically go cliff diving my guy

>> No.19771731

>i eat more goyslop than you, i'm more of a man!
americans are grim

>> No.19771747


>> No.19771851

Updooted my kind stranger. Like that incel was totally bringing down the vibe of this sub board. Did he even think about how out of place and hurtful his post was. I mean this sub is for cooking not racist nazi incels.

>> No.19771985

i forget which brand but some microwave dinner trays and boxes are purposely manufactured larger to look more filling

when you actually cook the food and take the plastic off, you can stir it all onto one side and realize the tray is not even half full.

>> No.19772067
File: 1.38 MB, 1420x1080, No_Weenies_Allowed_072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erm, sir this is 4chan. if you don't want to hear about the niggercrats I'd recommend you post here

>> No.19772073

If you don't understand by now, you've already lost

>> No.19772080

It has actually helped me. Since I do not buy potato snacks, candy or chocolate anymore due to the ridiculous small sizes compared the ridiculous high prices.

>> No.19772660
File: 367 KB, 800x600, Bernie-Brewer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourselves. Wastes of air.

>> No.19772726

Go play in the traffic Biden bot

>> No.19772846

>Are you surprised that femanons would browse a "Food & Cooking" board?
Considering none of them cook, yeah.
Actually that explains the prevalence of fast food and general slop threads. It's all they know.

>> No.19772864

>food costs over 500% what it should
>only discussion is "well um you don't really NEED more food so..."
>nearly double the posts compared to unique IPs

>> No.19772878

Milk is also cheap..

>> No.19772916

Remember what they took from you

>> No.19773001
File: 123 KB, 720x400, 1423693327476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm whiter than the surface of the sun, but can no longer drink shitloads of milk without blowing it out my ass.

>> No.19773022

Get your gut bacteria checked

>> No.19773031

Only affects "people" who use chavermarkets.

>> No.19773128

not at all. my whole plant foods still come in the same standard weight packages they always have