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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19767928 No.19767928 [Reply] [Original]

What food do your feed to your pets?

>> No.19767930


>> No.19767932

my cat died last year

>> No.19767937

My dog died on Monday. I hand fed her some boiled chicken with some dog safe herbs and a little black pepper before she went. Anons with pets should always appreciate them before they're gone

>> No.19767939

who asked?

>> No.19767951

I'm sorry :(

>> No.19768007

is that a piglet eating sausage?

>> No.19768018

I had a Yorkie who lived to 17 (he was based, did not yap and didn't act like most small dogs) and his favorite morning meal was cooked brown rice, carrot and cooked turkey meat. I would put a scoop on his hard food. Only downside is he would bark at me like Gordon Ramsay as I heated it up.

>> No.19768019

My dog gets lots of veggies, she really loves carrots and yams

>> No.19769355

My dog is turning 10 soon, and I've never let her have people food. What do you think would be a good treat to make for her?

>> No.19769393

>My dog is turning 10 soon, and I've never let her have people food. What do you think would be a good treat to make for her?

>> No.19769422

taco bell, chik fil a, pizza hut, little caesers

>> No.19769436

Your loss was my gain, your pets made for a delicious meal

>> No.19769456

He was 20 and his kidneys failed. He had a good life. I have his ashes with me and his paw prints.

He was old and thin. He would not have made a good meal. He was just sinew and bones.

>> No.19769461
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My cat adores the jerky I make. He constantly stands with his paws on the side of the counter trying to get to it.

>> No.19769498

Make her a grass fed ground beef patty without any salt. She will absolutely love that.

Dogs really love cheese as well, but you should only feed them small amounts.

>> No.19769538

Thanks anon!

>> No.19769542

Dogs can have a little salt, what they're not supposed to have is onions or garlic

>> No.19769548

Onions should not be fed to dogs, but the right amount of garlic is really really healthy for a dog. Roughly 1 clove for a 50+lb dog.

If you want to get really crazy you can make a liver mousse as frosting for a little ground beef cake! :D

>> No.19769550

1 clove per day.

>> No.19769567
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>> No.19769568


>> No.19769570

My understanding was that anything in the allium family is really bad for them

>> No.19769574

Pet food

>> No.19769577

Dogs can have a little garlic, as a treat

>> No.19769618

kys gachasimp

>> No.19769631
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The poison is in the dose. Garlic has many health benefits for dogs and humans.

>> No.19769636

It's soothing watching dog parents. My brother's fiance's dog gave birth to a litter and she make sure all her pups gets treats before she gets one.

>> No.19769639

My dog loved green vegetables, carrots and cauliflower. Also mangos and watermelon

>> No.19769644

Haha the lil porker is the doggos friend. Heckin wholesomerino

>> No.19769656

it was him:


>> No.19769660
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>> No.19769685

That's a cool idea. I'm definitely going to make that for her too

>> No.19769711

I don't have a pet but I look after my mom's dog when I visit because she is a retard
I brush it, walk him, pick up his shit from the yard
I feed him kidney
I don't like pets, they are just fancy toys a d I'm an adult so I don't need toys but it's a golden retriever not just a mutt and I don't like it going to waste, I despise wasteful people

>> No.19769728

I hope to see your creation and the good boy/girl enjoying it one day!

>> No.19769739

If you feed a dog 30 grams of garlic per kilogram the dog is going to bite you
That's an entire garlic every 2-2.5 kilograms

>> No.19769744
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Check out the heart shaped biscuit I made from dog on valentines day. He loved it. :D

That's what I'm saying. In small doses garlic is very healthy for dogs. In obscenely large doses it is poisonous.

>> No.19769745

He looks like a good boy!

>> No.19769765

i give my dog sardines and chester's hot fries. he whines while he eats the hot fries from the spiciness but goes crazy when he sees me with a bag

>> No.19769771


>> No.19769777

That is a very unusual looking cat

>> No.19769779

:D one of the best.

>> No.19769780

He's a jerky bandit

>> No.19769783
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My hunting dog just got me a massive hare, thanks for your service. Dogs are too good for us, truly. Now, I'm drunk.

>> No.19769876

Go back to /an/

>> No.19769888

Dogs are based, and I'd rather see threads about cooking food for animals than fast food threads

>> No.19769901
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Great to see one of my loyal fans! Hope all is well! Just so you know I post more on /ck/ than /an/. :D


>> No.19770050

raw meat is best for them,
feeding them kibble makes them age like shit and die prematurely

>> No.19770081
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He's a dork, thats what he is

>> No.19770087

good fuck dogs

>> No.19770105

The only human food I give her is bits of meat or eggs that I'll wash off if it has any seasoning/salt on it. I can't believe people actually give their dogs shit like "puppuccinos."

>> No.19770108

My yorkie is getting up in age. Not sure how old. 15 maybe?
He's a real bastard, hates anybody who isn't me, hates cardboard boxes, going bald, completely deaf, hardly any teeth, has to have expensive special food because he has kidney problems, can hardly pet him (he does like me holding him however)
I fucking love him.

>> No.19770142

My dog's usual meal is Costco Kirkland signature kibble mixed with a can of Costco wet food.

Growing up my parents would feed our collie mostly kitchen scraps and he lived to be 90 in dog years. I don't think it matters that much. If they're getting enough food and they're moving around enough they're probably going to be OK.

>> No.19770161

I gave my puppy a piece of chicken and he just swallowed it without chewing
Dumb puppy

>> No.19770168

no, raw animal based diet is straight up better.

>> No.19770176

Its difficult to do that inexpensively and if you make your own recipes it is also difficult to ensure they do not get any vitamin deficiencies.

>> No.19770178

Wow, I've been posting alongside you and your pup this entire time.

>> No.19770185

>Its difficult to do that inexpensively
not really, many people find it more economical than buying "premium" kibble
>it is also difficult to ensure they do not get any vitamin deficiencies
how? animal tissues have everything they need in one package in the perfect ratios

>> No.19770252
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It's true! Hopefully I haven't called you mean names before.

Can you do a rough price comparison on a raw diet you would feed your dog vs a premium kibble? I can get very high quality custom raw blend from a rancher friend for like 3ish dollars a lb, but it's still more expensive than basically all kibble, and I would need to buy powdered bone as well.

Even the BARF diet recommends a certain amount of fruits/veggies. I wish I could find the dang calculator I was using.

Recipe in my picture passed the aafco nutrient recommendations and stuck within the barf percentages.

>> No.19770278

The dog gets high quality kibble with omega oil and a little treat sprinkled on top. Usually I get a Costco chicken, shred it up and that lasts her about 2 weeks, I freeze half the day I get it then thaw it back out. She’s very picky and doesn’t really like wet food so it is what it is.

The cat gets medical level wet food because he has kidney disease. He begs and pleads for meat and cheese but it would only hurt him :(. On his real last day he’ll get a little salami

>> No.19770285

You should've chopped his paw off and turned it into a good luck charm.

>> No.19770683

My dad kept giving my lab small bits of chocolate. She died 2 months ago at 10y. I moved out years ago and didn't know she died until some time later. Parents won't say what the cause of death was.

>> No.19770717

Whatever scraps are leftover from dinner.

>> No.19770742

Humanity's taming of wolves and resulting creation of and lasting friendship with dogs is very literally what caused us to become the dominant species on the planet. "People" who hate dogs are still third world savages today, and actively deny the most basic fundamental nature of our place in the world, all "people" who hate dogs very literally deny what it means to be a human being and their opinions and lives are thereby as worthless as the opinions and lives of 65IQ abos fucking chickens and eating their babies

>> No.19770751


>> No.19770757
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My condolences anon
Comfy life for a good cat

>> No.19770782

>tfw no yeehawing cousin wife

>> No.19770789
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>anon's dog moved on?

>> No.19770792
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I feed my cat frozen meat blocks, and give him dried sardines for treats.

He's a picky eater with a sensitive stomach who won't eat most of the things I try giving him, and if he eats anything that even slightly upsets his stomach he'll puke his guts out. Like he won't eat kibble but if he finds a piece of a potato chip or a spider on the floor, he'll eat it and throw up. I've had him for a year now and I honest to god don't think he's gone a week without throwing up.

It's annoying as fuck but I put up with it because he's the sweetest cat I ever had.

>> No.19770814
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Pretty much whatever I ate, my dog also ate. He lived to be 15, which was three years beyond the usual expiration date for the breed.

>> No.19771023

White women do!

>> No.19771029
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Dry kitty kibble mixed with unsalted raw peanuts for the hedgehogs.
Wet tinned catfood for the cat. Sometimes with a whole chopped up raw sardine or sprat mixed in. She also supplements her diet by herself.

>> No.19771033

I'm sorry for your loss. I know how much that hurts.
I'm sure you gave her the best life a dog could ever wish for.

>> No.19771260

I make sandwiched alot for lunch and use boarshead meat, always rip half a slice off and a corner of some cheese for the pepper at my feet, but she gets a taste of everything. She's 11 now but in reasonable health.

>> No.19771348
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I like to feed my gfs cat ham slices and if I get kfc, I feed him a bit of wicked wing.

>> No.19771352

peanut butter mostly

>> No.19771517

White rice, boiled chicken, carrots, tomatoes and some dog food

>> No.19771858

I feed my dog chicken bones. It's pure FUDlore that they're are deadly to dogs.

>> No.19771867

Time to rethink dog food:

>> No.19772240
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>> No.19772242

Cooked or raw? I think only cooked are dangerous.

>> No.19772259

Cooked. Dog is fussy and doesn't like raw poultry. She eats goose bones just fine too, and those are way more dangerous, as they're completely hollow and break into long jagged shards. Just takes her time chewing thoroughly and leaves a pile of bone fragments that she's not stupid enough to try and swallow.

>> No.19772267

Extremely irresponsible advice.

>> No.19772272

he's not giving advice dingus

>> No.19772306

Dog has eaten every single chicken bone that has entered my kitchen in the last 8 years (I eat chicken a couple times a week), as well as the bones of about 100 geese. Never once choked.
You Karen's think a wolf would die if it ate a chicken. Your panicked attempts to snatch their bone away is the only reason they ever choke. Let them chew their food in peace and they'll be just fine.

>> No.19772313
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her dry-kibble is Iams for elderly-dogs (small breed) & she gets wet-food for dinner as well (Cesar)

she also gets some of what I eat, so long as it doesn't have too much sodium/nitrates/other preservatives in it

>> No.19772316

my dog will jump on me to get the banana i am eating. Sick fuck goes insane bonkers for bananas. On the anniversary of the day we adopted him we give him pig ears and chicken livers with banana on top of his kibble.

>> No.19772395

Big petfood doesn't want people feeding their dogs chicken bones because it hurts their bottom line.

>> No.19772676
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these guys. I own a chameleon. And the crickets eat carrot and a gel called "bug jelly".

>> No.19772714

Please tell me you didn't let the meat go to waste

>> No.19772736
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Diet cat food on a timer. At least she's cute

>> No.19772740

Who cares about cats?

Answer: virgins, incels, roasties, spinsters and trannies.

>> No.19772752

People who make their pets fat shouldn’t be allowed to have pets.

>> No.19772762


I got her from the lady next door who was getting too senile to take care of herself or her place, so I'm trying to de-fatify the cat. I'm going to get her a copy of Starting Strength tomorrow

>> No.19772799

i had a cat that used to throw up a lot
turned out he had leukemia
poor bastard only lived 4 or 5 years, cool ass cat though

>> No.19772811

Rabbit meat for my dog

>> No.19772862

Our poodle - schnauzer eats soaked dry kibble mixed with one of these: cooked meats - ground beef, salmon bits, chicken, chicken liver or here fave..roasted rabbit.

>> No.19772889

Did you let your dog eat it?

>> No.19772924


>> No.19772974

birds: homemade mix of millet, safflower, sunflower and other crap
cat:stella and chewy freeze dried coated kibble, sous vide chicken breast tenderloin.
dog: was fromm but now he likes the same stuff the cat eats )dog version of course(

>> No.19773370

on the weekends when I cook breakfast I make my dog an egg. he sits while we eat then he gets to have his egg. I am not entirely proud to say I picked this up when I was a child from my unbeknownst to me demented with alzimers depresson era grandmother. she would "fix an egg" for basically anyone for any reason. and when she started getting nutty that behavior was extended to my childhood dog

>> No.19773373
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I feed my pomeranian Godzilla melons.

>> No.19773376
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>> No.19773378
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>> No.19773383
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Gotta give my pom lattes too

>> No.19773394
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Who makes their pom birthday cake?

>> No.19773405
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>> No.19773409
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>> No.19773588

the problem is that onion/garlic poisoning is cumulative over the short term. if you feed them too much on a day-to-day basis it will make them incredibly sick.

>> No.19773602

Did you read the thingy? Just can't be a dumbass about it. 1 clove a day for a 50-80lb dog is plenty for the health benefits.

>> No.19773823

I have a male Sheprador and a bitch german shepherd and I feed them both blueberries, apples and melon, carrots, raw spinach, peanut butter, cheese raw eggs or greek yogurt on their kibble, steak, pork and chicken scraps.

>> No.19773930

She used to eat Pedigree, but I switched to Cesar and Purina as they somehow became less expensive.
She also liked rice. She was Shih Tzu, not that it matters.

>> No.19773944

>Just so you know I post more on /ck/ than /an/. :D
I still find you annoying

>> No.19773947

cute boy

>> No.19773954
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You can't please everyone!

>> No.19773956

in fact I'm surprised by that. you fucking spam /dog/

>> No.19773964

I adopted a family of gophers last year and I feed them various roots and tubers. Three weeks ago they broke out of the enclosure and ransacked the pantry so regrettably I had to shoot them all with my grandfathers German service pistol. Heil Hitler my friends. Heil victory.

>> No.19773966

please stop spamming your dog in /ck/

>> No.19773970

Isn't it interesting that the world oldest dog never eats dog food?

>> No.19773975
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I do not spam dog. Do not be ridiculous. I just post somewhat frequently on there, and I always try to post good advice on topics I'm familiar with.

That guy posting all the AI bullshit the other day spams dog. There's a difference if you weren't aware.

>> No.19773989

you are like 10% of the posts and its all your dog in water and I am bored of it. and youre probably just as dumb on /ck/

>> No.19773996
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Wrong, and typical of someone who lacks true cognition and suffers from both short and long term memory loss.

Your contribution is what? More complaining? Or do you just squeal about pitbulls and how collie-type dogs are ugly and neurotic?

>> No.19774015

>Check out the heart shaped biscuit I made from dog on valentines day. He loved it. :D
Christ youre either out of your fucking mind or just a woman

>> No.19774037
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I was making a shitload of square shaped dog treats for him and decided to make a heart shaped one because it was valentine's day in like a week. :D
That dog has really helped me through a lot. He deserves it.


>> No.19774059

Can you fuck off back to your containment thread

>> No.19774082
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Hahahahaha. NO!

How about this? You stop being a negative nancy. Lighten up a little. If you aren't having fun on 4channel I would consider taking a lil break from the internet. Go play fetch with your dog or teach him a new trick.

>> No.19774095

cat food

>> No.19774128
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I make my pom eat all the eggs

>> No.19774138

Did you know you can give dog raw egg, shell and all? The shell has good calcium, and the membrane is really good for their joints! :D

>> No.19774156

Sorry to hear that my friend. My dog passed away in 2017 at the age of 16, he was absolutely full of bean up until the last few months, at 15 he could still jump up the back of the couch and sit with me. I still miss him and if I have a few drinks and think about him I start to cry.

>> No.19774163

the three share 1 can of fancy feast divided equally with one treat pushed in and a little dry food on top, each with their own bowl.
expensive fuckers. pickiest cats i've ever had, and i'm thinking they're going to be the last pets i take care of. my last kitty was the happiest motherfucker with 1 can once a week, his obsession was drinking water from faucets.
cost is a factor, but god damn losing my pet wrecks me and now i have to do it 3 more times, and these are from the same litter so having to see if they know their brother or sister is gone.

Might get a dog one day, never had a dog, and the loss will kill my weak heart.

>> No.19774177

What's with all the faggot animal haters in this thread? Does ck suddenly have a bunch of fucking muslims posting here?

My dog and cat eat everything, I feed them a lot of human food. They both like coffee, beer, sausages, spaghetti, fried eggs etc. My cat won't eat anything deep fried because she's a fancy lady who wants to keep a trim figure. But my dog loves chicken kiev, burgers, lamb shanks. He doesn't seem to like anything too spicy though so I don't put jalapenos on his quesadillas.

>> No.19774180

One tiny can of food a week? My cat eats two a day.

>> No.19774287

>cooked and dry
give em raw

>> No.19774301

I feed my dog with dog meat.
Its cheap and its meat and dogs love meat.

>> No.19774324

Are you chinese or something? How do you get enough dog meat to feed your dog?

>> No.19774411

Pretty much the same with me. I got him when I was 7 and he died when I was 27 so I had him for my entire conscious life. I fed him formula from a bottle when he was a kitten and the day before he died I hand fed him wet food in my arms. Every day I would come home from work and he would run down the stairs to me. I would put him over my shoulder and show him the view out of all of the windows he couldn't reach. I would also do bird whistles for him to excite him because he loved the sound of birds. I loved him more than anything.

>> No.19774627

Not going to kill my dog just to impress bad owner, thanks.

>> No.19774705

chocolate-covered raisins