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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19764891 No.19764891 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else tired of all the ethnic food shilling on Youtube? I'm so fucking tired of Asian and Mexislop in general. Over-salted, over-spiced, and over-sweetened. And so much fucking oil.

What are some channels that cook home-friendly meals that are ethnic-neutral and bend towards being healthy?

>> No.19764958
File: 29 KB, 474x632, pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic of that pan for scale.

>> No.19764987


Go watch Simply Sarah, incel

>> No.19765012

Most westerners were raised by a single absentee parent and grew up eating microwave dinners, can you blame them for not being able to appreciate Western food?
Also foreign food is interesting, big fucking deal. Americans were obsessed with Mexican food for a while, Brits were obsessed with Indian foods for a while, Russians were obsessed with Italian foods. It gets old in a while

>> No.19765024

Channels focusing on health mostly make inedible bland meme food.

>> No.19765032

> Most westerners were raised by a single absentee parent and grew up eating microwave dinners
American moment

>> No.19765037

this isn't even remotely true
here's a vegan channel that makes delicious recipes that are healthy, checkmate kid:


>> No.19765039

Why watch videos or subscribe to any channels?
Why not just look up how to cook chicken breast, pork, steak, or salmon properly, and learn to make basic sauces that go with? Then make a basic carb (a good example would be potatoes of almost any variant) that goes with the protein for lunch and then a salad or some vegetables that also go with the protein for dinner?
Free easy example :
Lunch =Chicken breast and mashed potatoes and gravy
Dinner =pork chops with baked green beans with salt and cracked pepper
Look I don’t actually know how to cook but this is my best guess on what you could make as “neutral” or “vanilla” as I call it

>> No.19765043


>> No.19765047

>shitty clickbait

>> No.19765050

I meant
*why watch videos or subscribe to any popular or seemingly reliable YouTube channels? They don’t make what you want unless they’re KimifromKansas’Cooking channel with five hundred subscribers and bad lighting. People like Babish that are popular or successful to have a production budget are only focused on getting clicks. Not Kimi though. Only focused on feeding herself and her kids and then binging wine while her broke ex husband eats top ramen the umpteenth time in a row this month.

>> No.19765051

Get mental help.

>> No.19765218


>> No.19765332

>spends 2 hours and use 20 ingridients making one dish
>it sucks

the only healthy food channels id recommend are:

eating food as food and not meals is the way to go for me

this guys name is equivalent of Bready in polish, lul

>> No.19765354

*takes 50 minutes to heat up*

>> No.19765369
File: 58 KB, 396x691, 1663562969034401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian and Mexislop in general. Over-salted, over-spiced, and over-sweetened. And so much fucking oil.
asian and mexican are the exact opposites though and only mexican food is disgusting.
the only real problem with chink food is the heat that you need for stir fry. even gas stoves are never powerful enough to really nail it at home. you can do it but it will never be as good as with this kind of heat that you can only have in a restaurant


>> No.19765377

If it doesn't have an Asian, Arabic, Indian, or French and/or British asshole in it, I'm not trying the recipe.

>> No.19765378
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i mean we all hate ragusea and that limp dick weissman but this guy really strikes me as off. something about him, he has alot of skeletons in his closet

>> No.19765385

how tall is he?

>> No.19765434

Watch the cooking at home with Jacques Pepin. French chef but non-pretentious and his cooking at home videos are all things that are pretty easy.

>> No.19765534
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>> No.19765543

White people can't handle spicy food

>> No.19765544

>brown people flooding western countries
>they bring their food with them
>westerners now interested in making their own brown people food

>> No.19765577


>> No.19765584
File: 350 KB, 469x468, 1657928953663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put 15g of spices on your 200g of chicken breast
>call it flavorful

>> No.19765585

You sound like a whiney faggot.

>> No.19765586

>Over-salted, over-spiced, and over-sweetened. And so much fucking oil.
I thought "bland white people food" was a meme.

>> No.19765594

>I thought "bland white people food" was a meme.
Is there bigger cope than niggers insinuating white people's food isn't the best?

Go throw your 5$ spice mix and sauce to your oily goyslop because you cant cook.

>> No.19765596

Why is the man on the right squatting?

>> No.19765599

>Actually using the term "ethnic"
OP, as expected, is a fucking retard

>> No.19765604

To sit on the bad dragon that's on the floor. It makes him focus :)
And yes, it's a Chance unflared.

>> No.19765657


>> No.19765733

What the fuck is "ethnic neutral"? That means white American, right? Because, say, Irish food is also "ethnic food".

>> No.19765796

They exist because if the average suburban white person on YouTube wants recipes for classic suburban white dishes, their moms and grandmas already own a dozen cookbooks full of them. If the aforementioned person is feeling adventurous and wants ethnic food they have to go online. Simple as.

>> No.19765896

Asian stir fry with proper wokhei is godly. To answer your question, Chef Jean Pierre

>> No.19766288

>Carbs for lunch
Sounds like sleepy time. You should just get all your carbs in the morning and down it with caffeine.

>> No.19766434

I stopped taking this clown seriously when I went through his spice list and realized it lacked some core spices of european cooking. This stupid motherfucker didn't have oregano or rosemary on the list. Fuck that bullshit.

>> No.19766813

Bud, you can only make so many vids with American recipes. I mean shit just go look at what Townsends is doing nowadays- he chose a period of time where they only had like 2-3 cooking methods for shit and has then moved onto esoteric shit. If you want to get thrown for a loop go to the Sorted Food channel and I guess proceed to lose your shit or whatever. They're London based so I guess they've had so many types of ingredients for the past 500 years that the ingredient/spices and shit they put together are straight up unhinged. Unironically all their vids where they visit the American Southeast/West/New England are fucking amazing because it's pretty much just America mogging Brit food.

>> No.19766887

feels like a total NPC zogbot but honestly the sterility is what sells

>> No.19767351

>Go watch Simply Sarah
Oh hey a cooking channel I don't know lemme go watch a vide- Jesus fucking christ

>> No.19767356

Jean Pierre cooks ethnic food

>> No.19767357

I like this faggot. And he focuses mostly on western recipes

>> No.19767376

if a channel tends to make a lot of ethnic dishes it's a big turn off to me, even if I generally like the rest of the content. I can appreciate ethnic food every once in a while, but the main problem is that many of the ingredients needed are hard to find, especially where I live. I could buy them online, but they are usually expensive and there's a high chance I would use just a tiny amount for the recipe, and then never again

>> No.19767383


>> No.19767387

>Americans were obsessed with Mexican food for a while, Brits were obsessed with Indian foods for a while, Russians were obsessed with Italian foods. It gets old in a while
We've been making Mexican food commonly in our own households nationwide since the 70s at least, the west coast & south west have been eating at Mexican cafes since the 1900s. also how is Italian food foreign, even in Russia?

>> No.19767393

Mexican food is healthy AF, it's carb light grains, raw or pickled/charred vegetables, beans & a bit of protein of your choice. The only reason it would be over salted is because you're a dork or nig that buys "seasoning packets"

>> No.19767397

white gringos don't even know how to properly season their food, they think you just put spices right onto the chicken. Nah fool you let that shit marinate with some oranges & limes

>> No.19767468
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>wahhh too much flavor!!!!
superior culture indeed