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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19762174 No.19762174 [Reply] [Original]

So, I finally got around to trying "biscuits and gravy" for the first time today. I was quite excited, I figured that something as popular as this in the US had to be pretty damn good. Turns out it's stodgy and bland, so please, United Statesians, stop shitting on British food. You clearly have no idea what good food tastes like.

>> No.19762189

Now let's argue about which state makes the best biscuits and gravy. South Carolina here.

>> No.19762190

For me, it's WV

>> No.19762197
File: 98 KB, 974x563, Screenshot_20231002_143329_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He came to America, tried ONE plate somewhere shitty, and passed judgement. Kys

>> No.19762204

I was very disappointed when I learned that biscuits and gravy don't actually have any gravy

>> No.19762207

No, I'm not dumb enough to travel to America to eat your shitty food. I cooked it myself following Yotam Ottolenghi's recipe, which I've no doubt is better than most of your shithole country can manage.

>> No.19762220

>i bumbled through an unfamiliar recipe made up by a european and it SUCKED!!!! america is terrible!
just go back to eating boiled fog and eel assholes you snaggle toothed lime peeler

>> No.19762223

Oh. Troll post. Meh

>> No.19762229

I'm a fucking chef you spanner, I don't 'bumble' through recipes. You just eat shit and think it's good because you've never had good food.

>> No.19762231

Italian hands typed this post

>> No.19762236
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You're a chef? Why are you inferior to bakers/have a smaller peen?

>> No.19762247

The situation in the uke must be pretty fucking dire if theyll hire some dope that can't make a deadass simple white gravy as a chef

>> No.19762252

I think your reading comprehension skills are sub-par there Johnny. I know how to make it, it's just bland and boring.

>> No.19762255

I'll let my patisserie chef know you think she's got a huge cock, I'm sure she'll be tickled pink.

>> No.19762259

Like seriously you had to look up a recipe for biscuits and gravy wtflmao? Here it is the secret recipe only the hilliest billies know:
Step one make the biscuits
Step two put your favorite pork sassy in a skillet and cook it
Step three put in some milk
Step four put in some flour
Step four B if you like thicker gravy put in more flour if you like it thin put in more milk.
Step five put in as much salt and pepper as you like.
Pour gravy over biscuits and eat it bitch if you fucked it up it's a you issue not an America issue

>> No.19762269

At the risk of repeating myself, I fucking know how it's made, I made it. The issue is that it's fucking bland, stodgy and boring.

>> No.19762290

You must be absolute bottom tier to make biscuits and gravy taste bad. I think you just aren't a good craftsman. Have you tried sales? You're arrogant enough

>> No.19762296

>I made it
Post pics then. Why the stock image? Got caught up digging your own troll hole, eh?

>> No.19762298

It didn't taste bad, it was just bland and stodgy. The fact that it's so popular in the States says a great deal about the populace and nothing whatsoever about the dish.

>> No.19762301

Then why did you make it like that retard? You're like a musician who can't read sheet music if you can't get an idea how something will taste just from the recipe. Next time try putting your cock in the gravy to impart a flavor you're more used to faggot

>> No.19762305

Fucking kek, I don't need your approval and I'm not in the habit of posting photographs of my work on this basket-weaving forum. If you are, you should be ashamed of your need for validation and take a good, long look at yourself.

>> No.19762309

If I did put my cock in it, I'm sure it would have tasted better. It's no surprise you cunts are all as fat as fuck, if you think this shit tastes good, you will eat anyfuckingthing.

>> No.19762310
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>I don't need your approval
>I made this whole thread
Legendary captcha

>> No.19762314

Scones and bechamel*

>> No.19762317

>Is that... is that... seasoned bechamel sauce??? Over pastry?????? AAAIEEEEEEEEEE I'M GOING INSAAAAANE HELP ME JAMIE OLIVER
Why the fuck is this food and cooking board so bad at food and cooking?

>> No.19762316
File: 40 KB, 468x312, ab67f9cc90adde17ee240a373335dd82--pie-recipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OI luv thethe bithcuits and gravy are thoooooooooo thtodgy! How about a bit o fish head pathty inthtead

>> No.19762321

Tennessee hands down.

>> No.19762323

Yes. I made it to tell you fat fucks over there how shit your food is. What part of that didn't you understand?

>> No.19762327

Nobody ever made that dish to eat. Who the fuck eats fish heads?

>> No.19762329

I understand that you're a larping time wasting faggot. Take your rustled jimmies and your American obsessions and get lost, kid.

>> No.19762333
File: 41 KB, 900x551, Southern-United-States-Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you made it yourself using British ingredients then of course it would be terrible. Likewise, if you tried it anywhere besides pic related it would also be terrible. I'm a Southern transplant to a Northern state and they can't even make a simple buttermilk biscuit, let alone a good sausage gravy.

>> No.19762334

My jimmies are in perfect order thanks mate. Yours seem somewhat jostled, contrariwise.

>> No.19762336

Sure, buttermilk and sausages are different over there are they? Twat.

>> No.19762339
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eurosisters.... i dont feel so good

>> No.19762343
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This recipe is bad and you should feel bad. Who the fuck serves gherkin pickles with sausage gravy????

>> No.19762347

Sausages definitely vary by region.

Its a dish that is cheap and easy. Its a regional thing that people grow up with. I like it but it is so shitty from a nutrional stand point

>> No.19762350

Unironically yes. No culture has perfected overly delicious artery clogging food like the American South.

>> No.19762357

As if WV doesn't 100% belong on that map

>> No.19762361

All complaints can be directed to wikipedia.com

>> No.19762362

That is a shitty recipe. Green peppers shouldnt be there also the cajun spice is something a shitty restaurant would do. That guy can shove the pickles up his ass

>> No.19762370

Right, so you're saying it should be even more bland? How you fuckers manage to eat so much of this shit is quite beyond me.

>> No.19762375

What the fuck is this shit lmao. No wonder you were disappointed. That is terrible.

>> No.19762377

I eat it about once a year. I think your sausage is wrong. The flavor and spice comes from the sausage not green peppers and cajun spice. It also needs a lot of pepper

>> No.19762381
File: 59 KB, 334x327, 7cbba4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 sausages (280g) – we used cumberland
>½ tsp sunflower oil
>1 green pepper (140g), stem, pith and seeds removed, flesh diced small
20g unsalted butter, melted
1 tsp Cajun seasoning
¾ tsp smoked paprika
>1 pinch cayenne pepper
>2 tsp plain flour
>300ml whole milk
>15g chives, finely sliced

>> No.19762382

I used gold medal winning butcher's best sausages. I now feel that they were wasted.

>> No.19762383
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>> No.19762390
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>> No.19762391
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>pork + milk + flour = gravy
nigga that's dollar store ragout

>> No.19762396

Never heard of it. You need breakfast sausage

>> No.19762402

This has gotta be trolling. I refuse to believe even brits are this retarded.

>> No.19762429
File: 22 KB, 500x500, Mini_Glow_Silver_Glow_Effect_2000x2000__58601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% bait. Good bait too, but it's over I think. First OP mentioned he is British, a country known for being a culinary disaster. This brings in the usual "dunk on British food" crowd. Then he mentioned he made biscuits and gravy, a beloved American Southern food that is so simple, every American knows how to make it, setting us up for the "this is how you ACTUALLY make it" crowd. Brits also routinely get very confused by this dish, calling it "scones with béchamel sauce" so a solid dish to troll with. After insisting that it was bland (another great move because Britain is very well known for producing bland foods), he pulls out some Czechoslovakian recipe he found on the internet that seemingly gets everything wrong on purpose and puts a Cajun twist on it for no reason. He set us all up and we fell for it.

>> No.19762434

>cajun gravy
op, just because you and cajuns both live in horrible shit swamp bogs does not mean you can or should eat the same foods.

but honestly that's a bad recipe. you need to use breakfast sausage with a lot of sage, serve with a runny egg, and add a lot more lard and butter. it's peak southern comfort food, it's supposed to be fatty and filling first and foremost. you're not reinventing anything or creating complexity--it's a fucking side dish.

>> No.19762440

stop being a dickless tattletale and take the bait, enjoy the ride.

>> No.19762449

You're right, I should have just let this one ride and enjoyed it. I apologize.

>> No.19762451

yall niggas postin in a bait thread

>> No.19762467

Try Snoop's recipe:

It was my first making any and I tried the recipe from his new book. They turned out amazing.

>> No.19762468
File: 67 KB, 750x503, IMG_0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is your “sausages”
Whataburger sausage makes the best biscuits and gravy. Fairplay sausage used to be the best in the United States but they sold the factory off and it’s no longer made

>> No.19762481

I can guarantee you that this has no resemblance ot the ingredients of the top quality butcher-made sausages I used.

>> No.19762486

Post the recipe. I've still got half a pint of buttermilk left, I'm prepared to give it another shot,

>> No.19762492
File: 86 KB, 462x522, jermad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is how Italians feel when they see our versions of their food. What the fuck.

>> No.19762496

it’s from their website. you can check it yourself

>> No.19762504

>sage breakfast sausage, no casing must have red pepper in it
>canned buttermilk biscuits
>break sausage into bits, cook off in pan going a bit overdone to get grease out
>remove sausage
>add equal part flour, stir with silicone spatula or wooden spoon
>cook off until nutty and aromatic (5-10 minutes
>add cold whole milk to pan, simmer to 3-4 minutes
>add milk if too thick
>season with a bit of salt, ton of fresh black pepper
>assemble and eat
It’s that simple

>> No.19762512

I see youtube versions, I ain't got time for that shit. Post a link or fuck off.

>> No.19762520

Yeah, that sounds exactly as bland and boring, with added black pepper.

>> No.19762526

that’s why you pick good sausage. I live in the land of biscuits and gravy and I can assure you this is the recipe everyone is using. you can make homemade biscuits but there isn’t a large enough taste difference to waste the time and energy and any texture difference is lost in the gravy

>> No.19762530

Depends on what you want. I like heavy sausage and spice in mine. Red Eye is also good.

>> No.19762534

shit b8 bong

>> No.19762536

Right, so all you fat fucks are shitting on the recipe by Yotam Ottolenghi - a celebrated chef reknowned for his masterful blending of flavours - and the best you can come up with is leave out the spices and green pepper and add a shitload of black pepper instead? Priceless.

>> No.19762540

>bland, stodgy, and boring
you bear the mark of a poor chef if you cannot make a simple dish stand well on its own; complexity is not a standin for quality.

>> No.19762543

What ingredient do you think I missed out?

>> No.19762544

Not sure what that bullshit in that pic is supposed to be but it sure as hell aint biscuits and gravy. Leave it to brits to fuck up every single thing they try to cook.

>> No.19762545

British people are not qualified to talk about food. It's universally understood that they have the worst food in the entire world.

>> No.19762547

I'm pretty sure that the recipe isn't the issue. I think the issue is just that the dish is bland and stodgy, suitable for fat fucks and autistic palates.

>> No.19762552

Remind me again how many Michenlin starred chefs the US has produced please.

>> No.19762555

dawg, it’s a poor people breakfast dish. a grilled cheese only has 3 ingredients

>> No.19762574

>Biscuits and gravy thread
>Not one mention of seasoned squirrel or rabbit meat instead of sausage
This board is full of hive dwellers I swear

>> No.19762576

Honestly, I think that squirrel or rabbit would be an improvement, but I still don't think it would make it worth eating.

>> No.19762581

why would we? They’re so lean you have to make the gravy with butter anyway

>> No.19762586

You use heavy cream or half and half instead of milk

>> No.19762664
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Ah, that must be what's missing, the corn syrup.

>> No.19762668

They fought on the side of the union in the civil war, they literally do not belong with the rest of them.

>> No.19762671

Our side won cotton cuck.

>> No.19762702

Yeah exactly. I’m on that side, my family comes from New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. I was just explaining the actual reason why West Virginia is not a southern state.

>> No.19762725

Did you know there is a mountain range called Appalachia? Maybe that has something to do with the naming of the Appalachian region...

>> No.19762803
File: 39 KB, 453x576, lie on the internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turns out it's stodgy and bland
hmm well every other brit who tried it says otherwise. so you probably made it wrong.

>> No.19762811

Yes but the Appalachian region is irrelevant to whether or not West Virginia is part of ‘the south’ or not.

>> No.19763371

>I'm a fucking chef you spanner, I don't 'bumble' through recipes
you're digging the hole deeper anon you might want to shut up.

>> No.19763380

>The issue is that it's fucking bland, stodgy and boring.
ooooohhh! you are talking about bangers and mash. now it makes sense.

>> No.19763407

>Yotam Ottolenghi's recipe
>For the biscuits
>250g plain flour
>¾ tsp demerara sugar
doesn't belong in biscuits
>2 tsp baking powder
>⅛ tsp bicarbonate of soda
>Fine sea salt and black pepper
>100g fridge-cold butter, cut into small pieces
>130ml buttermilk

>For the Cajun gravy
first mistake is biscuits and gravy is not cajun
>4 sausages (280g) – we used cumberland
>½ tsp sunflower oil
not needed if you are adding oil you are using the wrong sausage.
>1 green pepper (140g), stem, pith and seeds removed, flesh diced small
doesn't belong in gravy
>20g unsalted butter, melted
>1 tsp Cajun seasoning
doesn't belong in gravy
>¾ tsp smoked paprika
doesn't belong in gravy
>1 pinch cayenne pepper
I'll allow it but needs more
>2 tsp plain flour
>300ml whole milk
>15g chives, finely sliced
doesn't belong in gravy

if you made this recipe and called it bland then you fucked up. it's not sausage and gravy but it would not be bland.

>> No.19763410

Literally who and I did a search and could not find a recipe
I'm assuming you made scones with a nice plain bechamel

>> No.19763419

>Yotam Ottolenghi's recipe
this is a proper recipe for biscuits
2 cups White Lily Self-Rising Flour
OR 2 cups White Lily Self-Rising Flour
1/4 cup lard or Crisco
3/4 cup buttermilk or 2/3 cup milk
2 tablespoons butter, melted

oven to 475°F.
PLACE flour in large bowl. Cut in shortening with pastry blender or two knives until crumbs are the size of peas. Add buttermilk, stirring with fork just until flour is moistened.
TURN dough onto lightly floured surface. Knead gently 5 to 6 times, just until smooth. Roll dough into a 7-inch circle that is 3/4- to 1-inch thick. Cut out 7 to 8 biscuits using a floured 2-inch biscuit cutter. Place on baking sheet, about 1-inch apart. (For softer biscuits, arrange so that edges almost touch.) Shape dough scraps into a ball. Pat out until 3/4-inch thick. Cut out additional biscuits.
BAKE 8 to 10 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven. Brush with butter, if desired.

personally I use this recipe:
100% white lily self rising flour
62% milk
22% lard

being a chef I should not have to explain it to you.

>> No.19763424

not if you use good breakfast sausage, and if it's too bland for you then add cayenne that's what I do.

>> No.19763428

I use a mixture of farmer john and jimmy dean.
farmer john for fat, jimmy dean for flavor.

>> No.19763437


>> No.19763448

And that's just like, 10 states, they're adding more

>> No.19763474

>Turns out it's stodgy and bland
tastelet detected

>> No.19763493

he makes it wrong but it would still be good

>> No.19763582
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Thread. Op is a fag as usual. Thread over, anyone who posts after this is an equally large faggot

>> No.19763607

>Yotam Ottolenghi's
Was that a sneeze?

>> No.19763651

>buttermilk and sausages are different over there are they?
Absolutely. And you want to use the kind of pork sausage known as breakfast sausage, used for patties. It has a lot of flavors going on. Ideally, you'll want one with sage.

Try this next time:
1) Get a 1 lb tube of Jimmy Dean's sage sausage, or similar.
2) Cut it open and scrape the meat paste into a deep skillet that you've already heated up on medium heat.
3) Brown the meat. This is where a lot of home cooks mess up: they gray the meat. No, get some good color on it.
4) Fill a 1/3 cup measuring cup with AP flour.
5) Sprinkle about a third of that over the meat and stir it in until it's absorbed. Repeat with the next two thirds.
6) Stir it around for a minute to cook off. Don't worry about the sludge that's forming on the bottom of the skillet.
7) Pour in 3 cups of whole milk (must be whole milk).
8) Bring to a boil, stirring with a flat-head wooden spoon to scrape up the sludge and keep the milk from scalding on the bottom.
9) The instant it starts boiling, reduce the heat to low.
10) This is when you pop your biscuits in the oven. When they're ready, the gravy will be thick enough.
11) You did make biscuits, right? Buttermilk biscuits with ice-cold butter in the dough, rubbed through your fingers until most of the butter is pea-sized nubs but kept cold, worked as little as possible before cutting, and now ready to bake into glistening flaky laminated goodness that will make a croissant wish it had lived a better life. You already made these, of course.
12) Do stir the gravy now and then to prevent scalding and skinning.
13) Finish with plenty of salt, and way more freshly ground black pepper than you think is enough. Do taste as you go, of course.
14) Pop a hot biscuit on a plate, and ladle a generous dollollop of gravy on top. Don't be stingy. This is comfort food, not a diet.
15) Enjoy!

>> No.19763652

>makes shitty bong recipe for shitty bong palatte with shitty bong ingredients in crude approximation of an American dish
>gets shitty bong result
>I'm a chef
That explains everything, lol

>> No.19763655

They'd probably call you a few unpleasant names if you tried calling that monstrosity "biscuits and gravy" down here.

>> No.19763701

Can you share the recipe? I have no idea who the person is you named and I don't see their recipe searching online. I wanna know if their recipe is especially bland.

But to be fair, biscuits and gravy aren't a delicacy or anything they are just cheap and easy to make. It's literally biscuits with gravy on it. So if your biscuits and your gravy taste good it will still just be biscuits with gravy on it. It's mostly a nostalgic food for people that grew up with it. I have no idea why you would expect high things from a buttery pastry with gravy on it.

>> No.19763721

For the biscuits
250g plain flour
¾ tsp demerara sugar
2 tsp baking powder
⅛ tsp bicarbonate of soda
Fine sea salt and black pepper
100g fridge-cold butter, cut into small pieces
130ml buttermilk

For the Cajun gravy
4 sausages (280g) – we used cumberland
½ tsp sunflower oil
1 green pepper (140g), stem, pith and seeds removed, flesh diced small
20g unsalted butter, melted
1 tsp Cajun seasoning
¾ tsp smoked paprika
1 pinch cayenne pepper
2 tsp plain flour
300ml whole milk
15g chives, finely sliced

To serve
Gherkins, pickled jalapeños or lemon wedges

It sounds good to me, but this is a very pretentious form of biscuits and gravy. No one eats biscuits and gravy like this in the states.

>> No.19763879

I bet you didn't even season it with pepper because it would have been to spicy for you. I bet you also didn't use spiced breakfast sausage because you would die.

>> No.19764566

Sharts have to eat this carb garb to offset the coffee shits

>> No.19765274

make your own, its really just pork, rosemary, thyme, pepper, and salt. I see a lot of recipes with marjoram and/or nutmeg, too, I havent used them, might be why I felt the ones I made were missing something, though it was very close so maybe I just needed more of the ones I used

>> No.19765291

Agreed. I had biscuits and gravy once when I was at a conference in the southern US and after a few bites it lost its allure. Plus I felt like garbage afterwards, what a shitty way to start the day.

>> No.19765647

it's time ti's time it's time once again for tanks cooks. you probably forgot to add msg

>> No.19765758

Don't be a dick, I'm British, I love a lamb Madras. Pepper isn't even hot, it's just peppery.

>> No.19765792
File: 695 KB, 1920x1249, vov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the Vol-au-vent.

>> No.19765821

Are those cubed yams?

>> No.19765831

Dude. They're carrots.

>> No.19765833

I don't even bother with gravy. I just use lard from bacon or breakfast sausage instead.

>> No.19765837

What kind of limp brown cancer patient carrots are you growing? Carrots are bright orange.

>> No.19766728

Bro I used to live in England and I've made it for my friends who lived there and they fucking loved it, clearly you did it wrong you stupid fuck.

>> No.19766738

The rest of the union will never know of Tudor’s, and it makes me sad. God I wish I could get back to that state. Pepperoni rolls.

>> No.19766758

Ironically the biscuits at Biscuit World are terrible. Good tendies though.

>> No.19766771

There is a lot of truth in this
I've brought plenty of American food back to France and people fucking get it instantly
Even--really, especially--American-style crunchy tacos
My parents used to fill my luggage with jeans, taco seasoning, and ranch dressing mix every time we went back to France

>> No.19767173

>scones and béchamel
what is wrong with you maniacs

>> No.19767298

Right, so your friends love bland and stodgy food, you dumb prick.

>> No.19768246
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I've never replied to bait, ever. This is nuclear, OP. I must reply. Never before have I been stirred so vehemently by a post. You win. I'm probably going to be cursing under my breath for the rest of the day whenever I remember this. It's unreal.

>> No.19768327

frankly even if that were what was made I can't imagine it even being considered bad.

>> No.19768936

Kek, baby palate detected.

>> No.19769009

And yet they wonder why everyone thinks Bongs are fucking retards

>> No.19769018

The two people I know who make the best biscuits and gravy are both from Indiana, so I think they belong on that map

>> No.19769023

I live in FL now and they have bread at publix that is perfect for making pepperoni rolls.
What is keeping you away from WV, friend? It's by far the easiest state to move to in my opinion. Was born and raised there.

>> No.19769035

What the fuck is that abomination.

>> No.19769072

>Turns out it's stodgy and bland
Most people have no fucking clue how to make it properly, and most restaurants are using prepackaged gravy mix with no seasoning and barely adding any sausage, which is why I tend to avoid ordering it even at restaurants that serve generally good food.

For some reason this is the dish that filters people even though it's the easiest shit in the world to make.

>> No.19769077

>Manage to fuck up literally the one step that matters, making the roux

Literally kill yourself

>> No.19769124

>Starting your biscuits when the gravy is already done
You don't know that the fuck you're doing timing-wise but at least you understand how important the pepper is, the number of times I've seen someone try to serve sausage gravy that's pure white without a trace of pepper anywhere makes me wish we'd just go extinct already

>> No.19769133

Shouldn't you be at dave and busters for your wifes personal trainers birthday party

>> No.19769140

how do I get sausages that aren't nothing but fucking gristle

>> No.19769141

>Step three put in some milk
>Step four put in some flour
>Step five dilate

>> No.19769152

This is how we can tell you don't know what the fuck you're trying to make. You don't buy it in links, it's sausage, it comes packaged in a tube, or if you get it from the butcher they'll pack it up loose for you. If it's got a casing it's not the right shit.

>> No.19769157

not everyone lives near a butcher citynigger

>> No.19769170

Get a meat grinder and make it yourself

>> No.19769175

but not buying from a butcher is slop. Make up your fucking mind

>> No.19769177

Sounds really specific. You got cucked hard, huh

>> No.19769200
File: 821 KB, 720x955, Screenshot_20231004-164353-667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the EggSaints #33 with grilled biscuit, alligator sausage, tomatoes, poached eggs, and sausage gravy.

>> No.19769247

No, the recipe clearly presumes that you prepped the biscuits before starting on the gravy. Then you put them in the oven while the gravy thickens so they're both ready at the same time.

>> No.19769255

>farmer john for fat, jimmy dean for flavor
I find Jimmy Dean a bit on the meh side. But too many local brands are way too greasy. I recently discovered Tennessee Pride Sage, and it's not bad without being too greasy, but I still have to doctor it up a bit.

>> No.19769271

i'll offer two secret ingredients for cooklet anons to up their sausage gravy game: a fair amount of nutmeg and an egg yolk or two

>> No.19769382

>fuck up foreign recipe
>it's the foreign country's fault
I say this as a guy that likes British food

>> No.19769531

When it comes to a simmer it's already thickened, that's how bechamel works. You need to have the biscuits in the oven already when you add the milk or your timing is dogshit.

>> No.19769535

Nutmeg yes, egg yolk literally why?

>> No.19769559

Gives the gravy a velvety texture

>> No.19769706

i dunno i quite like 'scuits n 'avy

>> No.19769746

If you need an egg yolk to do that you don't know how to make gravy

>> No.19769768

try it next time you make biscuits and gravy and tell me it doesn't improve the gravy. that yolks add richness and texture is like culinary 101 level stuff

>> No.19769793

>Make American Food
>Based on bongistani recipe
>Bitch about it being tasteless.
This isn't even good bait OP.
This isn't ev

>> No.19769920
File: 25 KB, 450x450, 1691809572883256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sister got me tudor's socks as a gift. I fucking LOVE TUDOR'S


God if tudor's ever came to my state I would probably be as fat as your average West Virginian. For those of you who don't know, that's very fat.

>> No.19770057

Tennessee Pride is the best sausage for gravy, fight me
Recipe goes like this
>1lb sausage browned
>melt in 2 tbsp of butter
>about 1/3 cup of flour
>mixed in till absorbed
>3-4 cups of whole milk
>stir in 1 cup at a time until desired consistency
>seasoned salt and pepper to taste
If you want a really good time, make some biscuits like the red lobster ones with the cheddar and garlic herb butter

>> No.19770082
File: 182 KB, 1200x771, US-cultural-regions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a little more complicated then that

>> No.19770311

I always find it hilarious that people consider Virginia part of the "deep south", it's painfully obvious nobody making these charts has ever been here

>> No.19770323

For mine I go heavy on the thyme and use a nice Columbian chorizo for the sausage. Don’t forget your MSG and thyme. Love u guys

>> No.19770346

Virginia was the south, Quebec is the north, North Carolina might as well have been another continent.
Just because Virginia because a suburb on NY doesn't man it wasn't the south like a single generation on ago

>> No.19771061

black pepper should be added at least 3 times at 3x the amount you think you need
>after the roux sets
>when you put it on the dish
>when you actually start eating it
>a little more after the first bite
>then go ahead and add some more

>> No.19771184

Now try making a scone base pizza.

They're pretty dry and need to be cut into squares instead of slices, but they taste amazing.

>> No.19771197

I made some biscuits and gravy recently. I'll post my pics

>> No.19771262

This is like if I made a full English with French fries, American BBQ baked beans, Italian sausage because I can't find black pudding and covered the whole thing in A1 sauce because I don't know what HP sauce is.
Then claiming a Full English breakfast sucks.

>> No.19771972
File: 142 KB, 785x927, 1635597949577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only pesudo-secret ingredient should be a whole pile of black pepper, as previously already mentioned. It's a quintessential learn-from-family-and-perfect-the-nuance type dish that you get better and better at over the years. And if a single thought about health, or "elevating" it enters your head, it's already over. You never understood it to begin with.
Yup, only place you're going to find biscuits and gravy better than Nashville Biscuit House is if you're southern and your grandma is still alive.

>> No.19771978

Do you own her?

>> No.19771982

Literally no one in the entire western hemisphere does this. That guy should khs.

>> No.19771994

>shit b8
>gives an additional (YOU) for free
You're a retard

>> No.19771998

dumb esl poster who also can't cook

>> No.19772028

why are poor americans so defensive about their poverty cope slop? even italians don't get this angry about pizza

>> No.19773968
File: 139 KB, 1200x864, FUCKDOCTORDEATH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19773982

i like it with brown gravy