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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 803 KB, 3105x1365, foods-10-02094-ag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19751483 No.19751483 [Reply] [Original]

There is nitrate/nitrite in the vegetables you eat. You will die from bowel cancer.

>> No.19751718

>Beta vulgaris
Sounds about right

>> No.19751719

I will die by my own hand if I keep hanging out with you.

>> No.19751733

Fuck, really? So that's what it is and why it's bad for us? I mean, humans shouldn't be eating vegetables anyway. It all makes sense now.

>> No.19751753

>You will die from bowel cancer.
Well that's a bummer. Guess nothing matters
Robbing the liquor store.

>> No.19751756

We evolved to eat Buffalo Wild Wings and that is why my friends and I decided that what we like best is what is healthiest.

>> No.19751842

Nitrates and nitrites are good for you.

>> No.19751844

It's just all fat and nitrates

>> No.19751846

>>You will die from bowel cancer.
>Well that's a bummer.

>> No.19751848

Shut up Meadow

>> No.19752539

Then how come vegans live longer with less bowel cancer

>> No.19752636

Is there anybody who doesn't live longer with less bowel cancer?

>> No.19752643

Lol that's actually pretty funny

>> No.19752679

Nitrates themselves aren't cancer-causing. In processed meats they form nitrosamines, which do cause cancer.

>> No.19752681

Took me a minute, lol

>> No.19752682

>fucking leaves
good thing I barely eat those shitty, bottom of the barrel "vegetables", then

>> No.19752714

There is little evidence humans ever survived off of vegetables, fruits, and berries in any meaningful way and didn't even consume them really until more recent civilizations (romans and then on, and some a little before them) and that most humans until then never ate plants except incredibly rarely. Humans can't even digest any vegetable, fruit, or berry which is why they are such a good choice for fiber - but the fact science has told us "thing our body does not want and cannot handle" is what is HEALTHY is insane and people who believe it may as well get a 10th covid shot.

>> No.19752726

You actually believe this, don't you? lmao
I bet you believe a man in a dress is a woman because that's what your husband says you are, right Nancy? lmao

>> No.19752740
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Just because you can't digest it doesn't mean the body doesn't want it or can't handle it. The body handles it just fine by shitting it out, and clearly wants it because it promotes gastric motility. Why do you think cats eat grass even though they are obligate carnivores? Think before posting retarded shit.

>> No.19752816


You are fake intellectuals who just repeat things you were told because "they'd NEVER lie about x, only Y!!!!". Prove to me what a nitrate is, prove to me grass (which humans do not eat so your point is invalidated anyway) helps "gastric motility", prove to me undeniably that humans should be consuming plants (which nobody in history did prior to the advent of semi-modern farming as a way to fill the stomachs of plebs/under classes without wasting real food). Actually, better yet, just go eat your plant and bug burgers - the only reason they even introduced plants into the modern diet so heavily in the last few hundred years as a "healthy choice" was to get you used to eating plants which are full of bugs as it is and to get used to the concept of fake meat as a consumable thing that is BETTER for you than meat. "But I eat it WITH meat" - that's called slowly weaning you off of meat and carbs and on to a replacement, what do you think a fucking salad is? lol. Keep being retarded because you went to middle school and think they'd never bullshit you though. Calling me stupid won't magically change reality.

>> No.19752829

I have a penis. You have a vagina. That automatically means I don't need to prove anything to be right since God Himself already proved it by virtue of making me a man and you not, Sally.

>> No.19752844

everytime i think i've seen the bottom, carnitards are always discovering new levels of retardation

>> No.19752884

Checked. Carnies are legitimately just kids who throw a fit about eating veggies in adult bodies.

>> No.19752887

you're mixing up your stereotypes here champ

>> No.19752890

buddy you can't play both the "this is how people ate in the past and it's the only right way to eat" and "eating bugs is bad" cards at the same time

>> No.19752899

Humans evolved from creatures that spent millions of years eating fruits and leaves. The ability didn't just disappear, it shaped our digestive system fundamentally. Anything else we eat is a lesser adaptation.

>> No.19752913

if you take longer than a minute to shit, and need a special chair for it, you're not physiologically adapted to your current diet

>> No.19752927
File: 66 KB, 473x498, IMG_3611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently read that all the meats labeled No Added Nitrites use celery juice for the same purpose which is filled with nitrites and allows them to get around the labeling

>> No.19752948

That is accurate. Also cherry juice, iinm.

>> No.19752953

I don't eat vegetables or processed meat. Now what?

>> No.19752957

All of the great apes are omnivores necknuts

>> No.19752965

Everything you eat has nitrites including all meat because there're nitrites in your saliva
Literally everything you eat

>> No.19753018

>the absolute state of ketolard poltard historic sense
>"they'd NEVER lie about x, only Y!!!!
>romans and then on, and some a little before them
what is you or your ketolardMDs basing your opinions on if it isn't they historians?
yes, but the vast majority of their diet is herbivore. insects or canibalism is the exception

>> No.19753148
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>bro prove me X Y and Z
Anon you made the claim against conventional wisdom that veggies are actually bad for you, that the body cannot handle them, and that the body does not want them. You're supposed to prove these things. But I'm generous so I'll post you a study you won't read.

>"Fiber shortens overall transit time by about half."
That is proof that fiber helps gastric motility. You can test this yourself if you actually care about the issue and you aren't a retarded shitposter by making a log of your GI patterns with very low fiber, then increasing fiber for a month and seeing how they change. This is very well-documented but if you're a fiber truther then try it yourself, and you don't even need any special tools.
But you won't because you're a homo who just wants to feel like you're in the know about something others aren't.

>> No.19753156

Why are you taking the schizophrenic futuretroon seriously? Pay her no mind and let her lose her shit further until she eventually hits rock bottom, cuts off her dick and lives happily ever after.

>> No.19753164
File: 656 KB, 498x280, 1687065589949483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come to 4chan to call people stupid and look at porn. I enjoy arguing with people even if they're probably trolling or clinically brain-damaged.

>> No.19753185

Can't argue with that. Godspeed.

>> No.19753272

As a cross dressing femboy me and all my friends are vegan, dipshit. But other than that you are right.

>> No.19753274

Good thing I photosynthesize

>> No.19753548

based enjoyer

>> No.19754731

There is no escape.

>> No.19754754

>You will die from a disease, which at most 1% of the population dies from
Fuck! Gotta stop eating at all then

>> No.19754769

cancer is a leading killer. the leading killer in china. lifetime risk approaching 50% in some places.

>> No.19754854

>There is little evidence humans ever survived off of vegetables, fruits, and berries in any meaningful way
Except for all the fossilized feces we have that show we were eating 100+ grams of fiber per day

>> No.19754856

Shut your goddamn pie hole anime watching faggot. No one asked your worthless opinion you little cockhead.

>> No.19754857

people who get into fad diets are all either schizophrenic or thick as fucking bricks. i need to become a billionaire and fund a rat poison diet fad so i can end this wave of human trash

>> No.19754859
File: 552 KB, 1920x1080, 1696062576225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which nobody in history did prior to the advent of semi-modern farming
Oh here's proof. Pic related is full of fiber

>> No.19754898


>> No.19754914

A dangerous fusion of /x/, /pol/, and the keto diet

>> No.19755205

And in America, gun deaths are the number one killer of children. I don't see anyone turning in their glocks for glockenspiels, tho.
Do you honestly think the death cult that is the United States really give a shit about which foods're unhealthy?

>> No.19755483
File: 11 KB, 370x320, 1625266896967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one asked me to grace (You) with this reply either but here it comes, bundled with another anime image free of charge.

>> No.19755487

>in America, gun deaths are the number one killer of children
you don't really believe this shit, do you?

>> No.19755519


>> No.19755568

You will suffer the fate of Elvis.

>> No.19755574
File: 579 KB, 615x437, Stevie-from-Malcolm-in-the-Middle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many *inhales*

>> No.19755579
File: 57 KB, 640x392, qoaqfpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19755584
File: 7 KB, 187x187, 1_Bj1T4cGqUJ_5JAAeLa8JAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you want? *inhales*

>> No.19755589

educate yourself, chud

>> No.19755597
File: 311 KB, 1800x1501, nejmc2201761_f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19755610


no vy00z4u lol

>> No.19755903
File: 2.06 MB, 300x189, 1329715828138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less than a .01% chance to die of gun violence
It needs to get higher but I'm happy about the trend, fuck those retards.