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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19752056 No.19752056 [Reply] [Original]

Why is grocery shopping so hard?

>> No.19752058

I badly want to impregnate this cat

>> No.19752063
File: 221 KB, 678x623, 1695680767455590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comic page is retarded. What's wrong with walking next to someone and simply saying "oh, excuse me, I need this item here" and getting what you want then walking away? Who is this written for, mentally deficient invalids? I bet the people who "relate" to this are the same dumb shits who are scared to order food over the phone.

>> No.19752071

I'll take the sheep.

>> No.19752090

This page is always amusing to me because one of the first posts replying to it is almost always some anon who pretends he isn't a completely dysfunctional sperg despite deriving some second-hand offense from a webcomic.

>> No.19752097

>dumb shits who are scared to order food over the phone.
I hate ordering food over the phone, but I'll do it. I don't get delivery, tho. Pick up only.
And I tell people to GTFO out my way when I need X, Y or Z at the supermarket. Or, more accurately
>hi, pardon me, just need to squeeze behind ya. thanks
>hi, couldja grab that thing there for me? thanks

>> No.19752141

I also want to plap plap the cat

>> No.19752165
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I like to sidle up to people that are standing in front of what I want to buy, grab it and say "wow it all looks so good huh" or some other stupid bullshit, boomers love it and everyone else is uncomfortable

I'm only legitimately annoyed by retards that stand in the middle of the aisle with their cart staring at their phone or a bunch of people standing in an aisle talking, oblivious to everyone trying to get around them. Fats in their mobility scooters too but I don't want to get close to them and risk smelling them so I just come back to the aisle they're in later.

>> No.19752175
File: 108 KB, 1024x1024, 1693328982424990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a mom with three kids, I go grocery shopping all the time and I'm a FUNCTIONAL sperg, thank you very much. I'm not offended by the comic, dummy. I just think you're retarded for relating to it. Truth hurts I guess.

>> No.19752176

For me it's the milf golden retriever

>> No.19752189

It's common courtesy and convenience for everyone involved especially if it's a couple shopping and theyre talking to each other about the food. Shits annoying. Also I gurantee you do the same thing when it's a big ghetto looking black/gypsy/mexican/wiggerneck

>> No.19752195

>wahhh I'm offended: the post
LARP troon pretends it has kids. Funny

>> No.19752199
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>cat wants the fish
>sheep wants the salad
>monkey wants the bananas

>> No.19752208

I want to have intercourse with this cartoon depiction of an anthropomorphized cat

>> No.19752212

minorities live in your head rent free

>> No.19752215

Big ghetto looking blacks still usually move for you if you ask in my experience unless maybe you're shipping in the big ghetto looking black neighborhood market dressed like a peacocking wasp

>> No.19752219

They, in fact, live in yours.

>> No.19752241

I'm >>19752097
Now that you mention it, most of the random conversations I have about food are with Black women, lol. I didn't even notice until now but 9 times out of 10, if an exchange beyond "excuse me" happens at the supermarket, I'm having it with a Black lady.
The other day, I was buying one of the few junk foods I buy, Jamaican beef patties, when this hijabi Black lady asked me if they were spicy.
Another time, I asked this woman to scoot over so I could grab something and she struck up a convo and asked wtf it was I was grabbing
>oh, they're turnips
>"oh that's a root? I only ever seen the greens."
>yeah, they're basically a really big radish you can have raw or cooked
>"how you cookin' them?"
>well my family are from [insert Asian country here] and we shred them and carrots to make a rice dish
>"oh I thought you was white"
>lol, yeah, everyone does
And if I've got my son or his mother with me, they really like to chat me up because she's one of them and my kid's half.

>> No.19752251
File: 18 KB, 321x316, 1692972977713103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't live somewhere with blacks or Mexicans. The few Mexicans here work at the like two Mexican places in town and I've never seen them outside the kitchen.
Holy shit, just admit you want to fuck trannies already. I hate gays, but I hate closeted gays more. Just be yourself, no one cares if you desperately crave bussy in 2023.

>> No.19752271

Pretty sure I covered all bases but asian. Never seen a retarded asian yet not sure what they're called either
I saw this big motherfucker with a mullet at my local target get in a full on fist fight with one of the workers a few months back. Walked past him in an aisle only 10 minutes before. Just southern things

>> No.19752276

milf cat

>> No.19752281

>Never seen a retarded asian yet not sure what they're called either
I met a retarded homeless Asian guy on a train in Manhattan once. He asked me if I knew how to get to some shelter near Chinatown but I had no idea.
Never even seen a homeless Asian in there US before but I've definitely seen retarded ones.

>> No.19752284

sexo gato

>> No.19752285

>my son or his mother
im sorry to hear about the divorce

>> No.19752301

Not even married. idk wtf to call her. "Girlfriend" seems too childish.

>> No.19752325

My son's mother.

>> No.19752334


>> No.19752367

children out of wedlock?
sorry anon, eternal damnation for you

>> No.19752373

What a strange belief. How are people like you getting gf's and starting families wtf. Does she introduce you as her sons father?
My girlfriend
My partner
My fwb
My fuckbuddy
My rag
My hooker
My boo
Tyone's girl
My babies momma
Other choices arent great

>> No.19752386

>Has never seen the boomer spread were they leave their shopping cart in the exact position necessary to completely block access to what you are trying to get them spend up to ten minutes looking at something different
And because they are boomers you don't get to shove their carts slightly to grab something without sending them into a tantrum

>> No.19752419

You'd be surprised how little it actually comes up but we don't correct people who jump to the conclusion that we're married, as rare as it is that they actually say something to that end.
idk how she refers to me at work or wherever when I'm not around. Probably just by name, since that's what I do.
I do jokingly call her my babymomma and my female, tho, at like cookouts and gettogethers.
I find it hilarious.
When we ran into an old friend some months back, I introduced her as "my sortakindanotreally wife, Anonette, and this is our son, Anon Jr."

>> No.19752429
File: 89 KB, 1536x1024, goat_nibbling_on_some_lettuce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that too, subtle but great.

>> No.19752546

Hello I’d love to marry you. I would care for your children as if they were my own