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19749734 No.19749734 [Reply] [Original]

Any good finds lately bros? There's a Dominos around the corner that I can consistently find fresh pizzas in from canceled orders or what have you.

>> No.19749754

i just steal. will probably begin dumpster diving soon though, better returns and i can consolidate my gets to one stop

>> No.19749772

When I worked at Domino's, the employees would always eat any cancelled/fucked up orders within minutes. Is your local store fucking up so much that even the employees can't finish it all.

>> No.19749792

I don't know what the deal is but I usually will go on a busier day like a Friday or Saturday around 5pm and find something easily.

>> No.19749795

if you learn the snack truck schedule youll usually find stuff right after they leave convienience stores

>> No.19749805

Found a big tub of tuna/egg salad that's only four days past expiration. Ate it straight with a little worchestershire.

>> No.19749810


>dumpster dive with bro when we were like 12
>never really find food but find lots of shit we can smash
>computer monitors, lightbulbs, bottles, whatever
>pop into a dumpster and its just bags and bags of bottles, fucking jackpot
>smashing bottles all over the place like little shitheads
>pull another bag and start to reach into it without looking
>bro tells me i should look inside before sticking hand in
>good idea, open bag and peer inside
>couple bottles, but theres like 30 dead cats inside
>like ripped up half cats and cat heads all over
>start screaming and feel sick
>friend looks inside and starts screaming
>we run away and never tell anyone about it

Our neighborhood was mostly trashy Mexicans. My dad always told me they used cats to train their pitbulls to fight but I never believed him until that.

>> No.19749840


>> No.19750226

where are my divers at

>> No.19750253

Found a stack of 10 or so 5-gallon buckets from kikkoman's soy sauce. Not food, but I have a bunch of free 5-gallon buckets. Pretty easy to wash out

>> No.19751528

i sometimes go to a local IGA at like 3am and was all good for a while i made it look like i was never there and all but all of the sudden they’ve put lights up and a camera up so haven’t gone back also has a pizza hut near and haven’t had any good finds because 80% of stores will lock them up my best finds were 13 red bull zeros and 5 loafs of fruit cake, never found any booze or good food really besides cured deli sausages.

>> No.19751537

When Block Busters went out of business there was one near my school that emptied all of the perishable goods and whatever stuff they weren't going to resell into a garbage skip and I went afterschool and took 2 year's supply of Cadbury Cream Eggs and some other chocolates. I went back the next day because I saw some porn DVDs but was too afraid to take them the first day, but the neighbourhood was pretty ghetto and it had been completely looted by joggers. Even to this day I regret not taking some of the promotional/branded shit they had in there that could probably be resold for a good sum online today.

>> No.19751549

Americans really have to dig in the trash to feed themselves? Where is your taxes going?

>> No.19751558


>> No.19751565

I live in a European welfare queen nation and there are dumpster divers everywhere. Funnilu enough, it’s mostly old people who don’t know how to spend money and who lost their chance at getting something during the best years of European economy.
Even an idiot boomer can get something out of it, so if you’re a European boomer resorting to dumpster diving, you must be really a huge fucking idiot.

>> No.19751572

people do weird shit to cats. when I was a kid we were always finding mutilated cats in vacant lots and shit.

>> No.19751594

>we run away and never tell anyone about it
Thanks for blocking an investigation and making the world worss

>> No.19751599

Could be they just had an encounter with a dog. Cats can be dumb as shit and just stand their ground and try to look big instead of running away, as if that will deter a predator 10x its size.

>> No.19751773

Cats are an ecological disaster anyway. Strays should be shot.

>> No.19751780

I know I shouldn't type this because god watches everything I type and he will make my life worse for typing and saying this, but I almost think cats should be fair game because those psychos torture the shit out of anything they catch

>> No.19752571

Not food related but one time when I was taking the trash out for the liquor store I worked at I found an entire drum set in the dumpster. Ended up taking it home and learned drums.

>> No.19752574

It's like Indian food but for free.

>> No.19752588

nice what brand of drums were they? cymbals too?

>> No.19752610

Pearl brand. They are definitely not the best but it's they're good enough considering they were free. It only came with high hat cymbals + stand. I ended up buying a used ride and crash later.

>> No.19752618

nice find man

>> No.19752619

Songbird wings typed this post

>> No.19752622

Thanks for making my day, my lifespan, and the IQ of everyone reading your stupid ass comment worss

>> No.19753615

>why were you dumpster diving
Congrats, now you’re a criminal too. Just shut the fuck up and stop trying to help. You’re only gonna get arrested or killed.

>> No.19753623

All predators do. Your food. No one gives a shit about preys feelings when they’re hungry.

>> No.19754000

found the abo

>> No.19755066


>> No.19755091

Cats are the biggest vector for spreading bed bugs. Don't be surprised if your cat brings them in at some point.

>> No.19755095

Fuck cats desu

>> No.19756032

You could easily just say that you were walking nearby and smelled something really foul

>> No.19756044

Fuck you desu

>> No.19756062

found the spic

>> No.19756063

post paw

>> No.19756086
File: 76 KB, 900x900, stingy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the Cincinnati police tho in particular about this.

They got like a sixth sense about literal garbage cans due to the city's war on the homeless. Yet when I'm on my late smoke break at work I always hear the gunshots ringing near 8th street. I call it the '7pm bus to heaven'. Police don't do shit about that.

But somebody might be getting something free? Alert the Avengers!

>> No.19756102

But dumpster diving isn't illegal as long as the store owning the dumpster hasn't already asked you to leave. Cops can tell you to move on but that's about it as far as I'm aware

>> No.19756226

Stop eating garbage OP

>> No.19756233
File: 176 KB, 760x863, 1675021459894172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But dumpster diving isn't illegal
it is in the hellhole known as Cincinnati! I HATE THIS CITY!

>> No.19756518

i found what i thought was a half full bag of voodoo potato chips with the top rolled up to protect the freshness. well you may have guessed by now that my initial delight quickly turned to disgust when i realized it wasn't chips inside

>> No.19757468
File: 15 KB, 647x607, 1695422444657814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have my qualms with cats but I've never escalated to that level of violence. Jesus.

>> No.19757507

I have thought about it
When I see something that nobody is going to get like it's overstocked and about to get past expiration date, why the hell shouldn't I?
I mean if anything I'm saving them the effort of having to throw it out and the cost of taking it to a landfill
By the way how is it fair that I'm paying the same taxes for the garbage disposal service as a store that throws several times the amount of trash I do in a week in a single day?