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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19739619 No.19739619 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute state of America. How can any self-respecting person buy this?

>> No.19739644

> buy never ending pasta bowl
> come in the next day for a refill
> when refused, claim false advertising
> Jew layers slam dunk on Olive Garden, you are awarded free pasta for life as compensation

>> No.19739667

Never-ending shit at chain restaurants are a scam, you're at the mercy of your waiter who's at the mercy of the kitchen and their manager. They'll bring you two plates early on and then fuck off for the next hour in hopes you'll feel full and stop asking for more. You really have to be a firm fat fuck to get them to bring more, you have to be one of those arrogant lard-asses that flags down a waiter to get them something. Or just be at a table ordering a lot of drinks and they'll begrudgingly bring you more food while taking drink orders.

>> No.19739677

I remember when endless soup, salad, and breadsticks was fucking $6
What the hell happened

>> No.19739692

it's pretty fantastic for a starving college student

>> No.19739733

um it says right there limited time only

>> No.19739939

>$14 (plus tip, plus tax) for unlimited pasta
>A 16oz box of dry pastsa cost $1-2, at most.
>A jar of marinara sauce costs $2-5 depending on quality.
>Takes under 10 minutes to cook and plate.
>Get more than two small bowls
Why is this a "deal" again?

>> No.19739970
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I have never stepped foot into a Olive Garden. I kind of want to experience how awful it is, is it like going to Applebee's run by lazy managers and staff aka downright garbage?

>> No.19739979
File: 236 KB, 1008x756, image001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We lived in a golden age and didn't even realize it

>> No.19740001

That's why you college kids are starving, you're fucking retarded with money when mommy and daddy aren't buying your groceries

>> No.19740026

>those arrogant lard-asses that flags down a waiter
you're are a beta male, probably sub 100 IQ

>> No.19740032

This. People who buy pasta, no matter how tasty, are retards.
>but but but but i dont has time to boil water cause cause cause my cartoons
Fuck you.

>> No.19740125

2021 happened

>> No.19740129

Remember that one anon who bought a pasta pass and was eating every meal at the place trying to review every combination? He lasted a few weeks before just disappearing, I assume he died of a cardiopastular disorder.

>> No.19740130

You mean August 26th, 1920 happened.

>> No.19740167

Republitards ruined the economy

>> No.19740218

about half the country does not know how to boil/steam pasta

>> No.19740227

>show up when it opens at 11am
>work on laptop while eating pasta until close at 10pm
>pay $10 cover at goth nightclub and work on laptop until close at 2am

any reason i shouldn't do this?

>> No.19740245

I used to do this with cici's, would show up for lunch. Get a nice quiet booth in a corner and read a new book while munching on pizza and people watching.

>> No.19741720

>starving college student
fuck off faggot everyone going to college today is coming from a family with money, you aren't fucking poor or experiencing food insecurity at all

>> No.19741732

>faggot makes thread crying about americans
>doesn't say what country he's from so people can't make fun of him for the retarded shit his "people" do with food
Tale as old as time

>> No.19741735

flyovers truly believe this

>> No.19741757

That shits 11 near me now

>> No.19741758
File: 779 KB, 292x360, piggie slop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even literal sped kids can make pasta anon real broke niggas gotta learn how to streach a buck and eating out is a luxury

>> No.19741766
File: 1013 KB, 1375x721, manlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not horrible or anything, if you live in a decently sized city you probably have a local restaurant that might be better.

Chains thrive off of adventureless travelers and boomers who know the chain and want it to be the same anywhere across the nation

>> No.19741767

Turn the screens off and go outside.

>> No.19741792
File: 67 KB, 497x458, 1685357055362262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything will be great when my team is in power
>*it isn't*
>it's the other team's fault!

>> No.19741837

We need Donald blump back before this crapshow consumes us all. I will eat my own poo before a commie dystopia becomes a reality.

>> No.19741846

>only allowed to leave when you finish your meal
>it's a never ending bowl
And that is how I got trapped at Olive Garden.

>> No.19741863

I already did, the "starving college kid" trope is so faggity, if you can afford to go to college you're not "starving"
I went to community college while living in sec8 and could afford food, its not hard

>> No.19741929

how dare you mock my cornslop!

>> No.19741938

Olive garden fucking rocks, it's near fine dining.

>> No.19742100

You bet! Can’t attack me if you know nothing about me. I’m surprised nobody’s brought up the phoneposting

>> No.19742106

craft beer law is the meme. restaurant laws are just labour base and culture with accountability at a premium

>> No.19742172

The price is different across cities and times of day dummy, it was never a flat six dollars ever

>> No.19742267

>How can any self-respecting person buy this?

You raise a good point. The lunch buffet at my chinese spot is cheaper, and they'll make you all the fresh pasta you want with fresh beef, chicken, and shrimp. By the way, the starter price of $14 there is most likely without meat.

>> No.19742272

Lol this is probably a troll, please tell me it is. You can buy a microwavable bowl for macaroni and cheese and the boxes only cost 60 cents in my city. Still tastes good without milk and butter. Even if you bought a weeks worth of milk and butter, you would still be spending less making pasta in your dorm or whatever.

>> No.19742278

>We lived in a golden age and didn't even realize it

The prices look nice but I hate that the advertisement was curtailed to drunks and marijuana junkies driving around intoxicated at 3 in the morning. And probably for hungry gangbangers as well.

>> No.19742288

Are you trying to say "catered"?

>> No.19742297

Yeah I guess you're right. Thanks for not making me look like an idiot in the future man. But anyways it bothers me that the special is geared towards drug addicts.

>> No.19742300

He's a fucking retard, anon. We both know he's an ESL shitter.

>> No.19742319

Found the pothead reddit poster.

>> No.19742516

I remember pasta pass anon. came back the next day and he never returned.

>> No.19742529

it says pasta bowl, not soup, salad, nor breadstick. you fucking retard.

>> No.19742569

nah poor people are going to college too but it's a jewish debt trap

>> No.19742677

>marijuana junkies
lmao did you fall out of the 1960s and land here

>> No.19742690

if you need to smoke it every hour of the day yes I think you are a junkie. If you smoke it every other day then no I don't think you're a junkie. Do that math.

>> No.19742699

you phrase yourself like an old man lol
should I get off your lawn, grandpa

>> No.19742728

Spicy nacho chicken my beloved

>> No.19742787

i was born in 1990 but if you think i'm a grandpa I take that in a high regard. I go from my own experiences and beliefs that people that smoke every hour of the day are likely to be slackers and non-achievers. if you smoke marijuana a couple times of the week then you are more likely to be successful.

>> No.19742858

that's a great business model actually
>pasta is cheap
>sauce is cheap
>pasta dishes have a great satiating power
realistically, how many fucking pasta bowls can you eat in one sitting?

>> No.19743322

I can go to my oriental buffet and get more food with meat for half the price at lunch. Xha2sv

>> No.19743330

photoshop every degree that works there into the pic and you can turn it into school too

>> No.19743343

>In muttland, insolent waiters bother you unprompted