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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19738120 No.19738120 [Reply] [Original]

What's up with white bitches over using the air fryer?

>meet 6/10 wine mom on tinder
>tells me she's a great cook and wants to make us dinner from a new Pinterest recipe she found
>come over to her apartment
>watch her open her phone to follow recipe instructions
>literally just dumps chicken and potatoes in an air fryer
>dumps out dry over cooked chicken, and hardly cooked potatoes onto plate
>no seasoning
>"wow anon, this came out great don't you think?"
>leave after and ghost messages

>> No.19738125

What's up with 4chan incels making up stories that are laughably unbelievable?

>> No.19738139

bot meetup thread

>> No.19738145

Pinterest and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.19738160

>white women being shit at cooking is unbelievable

>> No.19738192 [DELETED] 

Kindly reminder that the most common interacial pairing by several increments is white man- brown hispanic woman.

Despite constant ad campaigns showing white women and black men that is actually the least common interacial pairing possible.

White men are mutting the USA.

>> No.19738197

By that logic who are the white women dating?

>> No.19738202

The top 5% of white males, AKA Chad

>> No.19738208

Not the white couples I see

>> No.19738234

Look at the amount of bench space that monstrosity takes up. It’s basically as big as the convection oven in the background.

>> No.19738405 [DELETED] 

mexicans are already BLEACHED once by based spaniards, it's not like we're out here piping dog-faced deep brown inbred native mexicans. If anything we're breeding them clean from the earth

>> No.19738406

>hardly cooked potatoes

Is that dangerous or nah? I thought you couldn't eat potatoes raw

>> No.19738414

>op on a date
>op not even smashing in his made up story

>> No.19738435
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>>wine mom on tinder
I mean... Dont you have to go outside to do that?

> Pinterest recipe
>no seasoning
boy you lack seasoning...

>> No.19738471

I'll make the logo but also put me in the screencap

>> No.19738480

>could've taught her to cook and potentially smashed

100% fake and gay

>> No.19739047

I believe you, op

>> No.19739051

If you can’t smash a wine mom then there’s something wrong with you

>> No.19739103

Thanks Uncle Ted

>> No.19739132

Am I the only one who doesn't mind "overcooked" chicken?
That's the one thing I want to nuke to hell to ensure not one bit of rawness is left.

>> No.19739138

>That's the one thing I want to nuke to hell to ensure not one bit of rawness is left.
skill issue

>> No.19739166

overcooked thighs and drumsticks are fine
overcooked roasted chicken breast is disgusting, the only way to make overcooked chicken breast good is thinly sliced and fried until well browned

>> No.19739179
File: 462 KB, 1304x979, rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chop up a chicken breast
>chuck it into some rice
>add some mushrooms and green peppers
>bit of soya sauce
>instant delicious meal, zero effort
even if OP's story is fake women ARE bad at everything

>> No.19739220

Just use a thermometer
I’d rather have slightly undercooked chicken than dry chewy chicken

>> No.19739235

Most women have no confidence in the kitchen because hardly anyone in the past few generations has passed down home cooking skills.
And since they are neurotic and cowardly they are terrified to make a mistake in the kitchen thinking the food will be inedible and they will burn the house down.
They are scared of fire and hot oil and big scary knives so they stick to easy pinterest recipes that use crock pots and air fryers.
My wife is exactly like this btw

>> No.19739241
File: 65 KB, 960x769, 1694119101799702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly the inwards of gender

>> No.19739956

Meh. I ghosted a woman this weekand for calling pizza "za". Every man has his line in the sand.

>> No.19739965

Air fryers are trending, and women love trends.

>> No.19739967

Just use a meat thermometer if you're worried.

>> No.19739976

I thought that was just an over exaggerated meme on the internet.

>> No.19740033

It's not the 20's. A bit of raw chicken won't hurt you.

>> No.19740655

white people dont season their fooo

>> No.19740862

Wypipo aintz Caesar daze foo

>> No.19740952

Let me suck your dick bro that looks tasty.

>> No.19740955

>soya sauce
why do you retards from there spell it like that

>> No.19740999

my gf cooks everything in the air fryer. 99% of the time it's fine. she makes hotdogs in it whicu i think is wrong.

>> No.19741011

she got knotted as soon as you left. not so funny now is it?

>> No.19741014

I like to cook chicken in my air fryer and then dip pieces of the chicken in soya sauce. I'm lactose intolerant so I drink soya milk with my meals.

>> No.19741022

LOL my mom does this too and when it came out uncooked the first time I about screamed at her to go back to using an actual oven

>> No.19741206

>screamed at your mom
no father around worth a shit huh?

>> No.19741221

Do you have autism? I did not literally start seething with smoke coming out of my ears as my mom handed me a dish she took care to make, I just corrected her because one bite in and it was evident she made a mistake. My dad sat right next to me, and he's not proficient enough in cooking to notice the problem, so of course I was reasonably miffed. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension and learn to recognize this thing called "exaggerating for effect" instead of being a snarky little faggot all the time.

>> No.19741311

not reading your autistic screeching paragraph kid, sorry

>> No.19741325

I just lold at the mental image of an autistic manchild screaming at his mother because the tendies she made for him weren't exactly to his liking. Thanks for that.

>> No.19741472

You should apologize to your mother, you overgrown toddler.

>> No.19741475

Anon, we’re IN the ‘20s.

>> No.19741817
File: 106 KB, 268x470, pol gf boba.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I dont play around with risking food posioning. If its to well done just put some sauce on it

>> No.19741819
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>> No.19741821

because soy is filtered to onions
you underestimate how WASPY white chicks wnt want to touch ethnic foood

>> No.19741822


>> No.19741826

The bitch needs to learn to do her job right

>> No.19741827

i haven't eaten a chicken breast in 6 years. it's thighs or bust in this house. way tastier and more versatile and not so dry.

>> No.19741883

>Pinterest recipe

And you still said yes? Dude just fuck a gourd or something, this is some desperation.

>> No.19741898

how do air fryers work
do you need to spritz some oil in there or what

>> No.19741900

not on ck you tard

>> No.19741904

it's an easy bake oven for "adults"
My manager thinks it's magic, he puts all his favorite frozen meals in it and they come out "amazing". I guess if you're used to garbage, it's like top tier garbage, so yea.

>> No.19743198

It's a small convection oven rebranded for retards like the whore in OP's story who think "air frying" is borderline magic

>> No.19743225

ngl between the toaster oven and air fryer, I only turn on the oven about once every two months. Just don't need it. This probably also has a lot to do with diet. I stopped buying frozen slop a few years ago. The toaster oven and air fryer handle meats and vegetables fine, though vegetables require a little practice. What those two can't handle, the stove will. I only use the oven when cooking for others or shit that's too big to fit in the toaster oven.

>> No.19743228
File: 24 KB, 474x337, 1695759610996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could've taught her to cook

>> No.19743236 [DELETED] 

They're also great for people who just want convection toaster ovens in a variety of new form factors, and aren't bothered by the stupid name because they aren't autistic pedants. Tell me, do you hang out at Costco near the air fryers and hand out "well, akshually" pamphlets to anyone who strays too close?

>> No.19743237

>she makes hotdogs in it whicu i think is wrong.
People are weird about their hotdogs. Everyone likes them different. I don't think there's any wrong way to do it. Air fryer adds a crispy skin. Boiling makes them soft and most. Butterflied+fried enhances the taste

Now, microwaved - there's just no excuse for that shit. If you're interested in cooking enough to be on /ck/, then you really shouldn't be using a microwave for hotdogs.

>> No.19743248

literally EVERYONE uses air fryers nowadays

>> No.19743250

No, because I don't care if retards and women waste their money on the new meme thing same as they did with instant pots beforehand. Not my problem. But you know as well as I do that nearly everyone who uses an Air Fryer thinks it's some kind of fantastical modern contraption that cooks things in a never-before-seen way that cannot be replicated by any existing device. If you do tell them that it's just a convection oven you will be met with confusion and disbelief. Last point: deleting your posts is extremely queer and low test conflict avoidant behavior.

>> No.19743260

>instant pots
whoa now. slow down. them's fightin' words. those pots are a godsend for low-effort cooking. Rice, stew, soup, steamed vegetables, even bread (somehow, never tried). If I'm just cooking for myself and now concerned about fine-tuning, instant pot it is.

>> No.19743269

90% of the time I see people using air fryers. It's manchildren

>> No.19743280 [DELETED] 

>them's fightin' words
But that's why he's here. For "conflict", to demonstrate his "high test". Every successful 4chan argument "won" gets printed, three-hole punched, and lovingly placed in this month's color-coded binder.

>> No.19743301

It’s not really white it’s more like single moms. I had one make a pasta casserole. Disgusting, overcooked macaroni in a baking tray topped with salt, pepper, and bell peppers.

>> No.19743315

It's not incels, it's shills.
No one even uses the term wine mom. ESL

>> No.19743332

"Wine mom" makes perfect sense in his little story. Only an ESL would think that it's wrong because he's never seen those two words next to each other before.

>> No.19743380


>> No.19743482

I'd add cheesecake to that list. Yes, I was skeptical at first as well, but turns out the things can do a fairly decent facsimile of a NY cheesecake in half the time it takes using the old steam in the oven method.

>> No.19743564

>eating on corelle
enjoy stomach cancer

>> No.19743573

Shills for what?