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19734413 No.19734413 [Reply] [Original]

I bought Pliny and Heady Topper from the same grocery store last week, both bottled/canned less than two weeks earlier. Everything may be terrible, but that's pretty cool. What little things have you found that make you say, "I guess things really aren't THAT bad"?

>> No.19734436

those are both good beers. i recommend going to the russian river brewery if you ever get a chance, it's pretty cool and located in a really nice area by some redwoods etc

for me? it's coming home from the food bank with some fancy groceries that rich people didn't want, so the store didn't sell them, and donated them. also recently the home grown tomatoes and chili peppers have been nice.

i had a s'more last night that was pretty good.

>> No.19734490

People seem to have stopped camping so Ive had free reign over any site and any spot I want. Toilets are clean too. Other than that everything is too expensive and gay and retards are wearing the mask again

>> No.19734505

I was wearing the mask (and big dark sunglasses) before coronavirus and I will continue indefinitely. No need to expose my face to the AI data feed cameras which are spaced every 5 feet in every city and store.

>> No.19734548
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AI can still make out your facial features through a mask if you are clean shaven. You need to go Jihadi John mode, and grow a big bushy beard so the mask doesn't conform to your face.

>> No.19734819

Why do you live in a city? They know who you are brah

>> No.19734838

>camp sites
Why go to a site in the first place? I've always thought the entire point of camping was to get away from other people. Do you just not like walking more than 5 minutes, or...?

>> No.19734880

I do have a bigass beard so all set there
I live in the country but I go into cities or walmart etc for various things, and when I do, I mask up

>> No.19734939

Because everything is flat and laid out and there's a shitter and bear box if I'm in that type of area. I'm not some innawoods hermit who wants to prove anything

>> No.19734949
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>recommend going to the russian river brewery if you ever get a chance
I'm actually not too far away; a couple places in my neighborhood get a keg or two of PtY each year and have tasting events. I just never find myself in that area.

>> No.19735881

What could you possibly need from Walmart? I really hope you're not buying food there. Do you have zero self-respect?

>> No.19736063

Heady is good, but it's kind of been ruined with how overblown hazies have become. West Coast IPAs are still superior, and will be around long after hazies go back to being a niche regional thing.

>> No.19736426
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I recently discovered that for some reason V8 is like a third of the price on Amazon compared to the grocery store.

>> No.19736691

>everything is flat
Lol, have you ever even gone camping? You typically look for a nice flat spot in a good location to set up camp. You don't have to be innawoods or even go far off a trail.

>> No.19736712

The meat aisle at the grocery store. Yeah, it's gotten a lot more expensive, but it's crazy to think that I can have meat every day if I want, while it was like an incredible luxury for our medieval ancestors. Driving too. I live just off the pacific coast highway and when I'm bored I love blasting music and just cruising down the coast.

>> No.19736718

Not the anon you're replying to but you're talking about two essentially different activities, not different "levels" of the same activity. Car camping is super fun and has its place. Same with the innawoods /out/ off the grid shit. When I car camp, I'm usually trying to connect with other people. I bring friends, or I bring a ton of beer and wander across the site to join a cookout and strike up new conversation. It's a vacation - you're doing it to get away from work, house chores, and to break up your life with a different experience. Not necessarily to get away from others.

>> No.19736723

They have algorithms that can ID people just on their gait.

>> No.19736867

Yeah, no need to make it any easier on them than it needs to be though
It's the nearest store by far and unfortunately my ted larp is still kind of half assed, not making my own clothes out of squirrel hide or refining my own aspirin from tree bark etc just yet.

>> No.19736928

Really dislike Heady Topper, Lawson's sip of sunshine is the superior Vermont beer

>> No.19737242

So if I just walk half a mile and set up camp that's camping to you vs setting up camp at a legit site?

>> No.19737272

No. Obviously it depends on the location. "Legit" camp sites with designated stalls and bathroom facilities are typically in at least somewhat scenic spots, whereas pulling off the road and walking half a mile in a random direction before setting up your tent is completely retarded - if you want to lock me into a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for what constitutes "camping" and want to take it to the absurd, as seems to be your intention. I don't think there's any set distance you have to "walk" to a campsite for it to be "real" camping, but I would say that if you're not at least parking half a mile off a highway, and walking at least half a mile from your car to where you're sleeping, it's pretty iffy whether or not you're actually camping. If you can see RVs, or encounter anybody driving an RV (e.g. in your smelly concrete bathroom) then you're definitely not camping.

>> No.19738119

>Really dislike Heady Topper
Do you really, really dislike it? Or do you just dislike how it's one of the only Vermont beers most people in the country have heard of? (Seriously though, what don't you like? It's not my favorite style but I've thought Heady was solid the few times I've tried it.)

>> No.19739082

NTA but Sip of Sunshine is objectively a better beer

>> No.19739614

So again I just have to walk a short distance and then it's camping to you. That's retarded. There's a difference between the lakeside campsite rv park and the one a couple miles off the highway in bear country m8. Shut up

>> No.19740723

last time i was in CA i bought a couple of bottles of pliny. for some reason the bevmo didn't have them but whole foods did, plenty of em too.

>> No.19740798

Where do you live where you found both of those beers together? Last I heard, Heady Topper finally expanded out of Vermont but is officially still really only in New England

>> No.19740815
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People will enjoy the wilderness however they please. Nobody "gives" a "shit" about "your" autistic "definition" of "camping."

>> No.19741402
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>where do you live where you found both of those beers together
NorCal. And I got them at Whole Foods, lol >>19740723
BevMo is weird. Sometimes you can find really amazing things you don't see anywhere else, but for the other 90% you have to go to Total Wine, which always has cases of Pliny in the walk-in when it's released (as do most grocery stores; and plenty of bars have it on tap). I always kind of figured Pliny gets less distribution than Heady, and it would be really bizarre to find Pliny in New England. Then again, everyone out here has been doing NE style for the last ~5 years, so it makes a lot more sense that we'd be getting Alchemist rather than vice versa. Hadn't been inside a Whole Foods in probably a decade, but had to return an Amazon package and decided to look around. For some reason their "rewards card" is just having an Amazon Prime account. I hate just about everything about it except that they carry some really nice stuff.

>> No.19741560
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It's a cool place but holy fuck do I hate IPAs being overserved (and I hate IPAs themselves).

>> No.19741580

I forget sometimes how many other anons are in the area. Russian River is pretty solid, I was always partial to Anderson Valley and North Coast. Lot of great brews around here, but yeah the IPA infestation is real.

>> No.19742256

it's interesting how in the last 10 years breweries that had hot shit like pliny have managed to get it to where you can at least get it easily at the right places but out of state distribution is still very limited. though i guess with the glut of craft beer atm maybe there's no point in doing that.

>> No.19742825

Pliny the Elder always had local distribution. It's Pliny the Younger that you pretty much need to go to the brewery to get.

>> No.19743077

North coast is the shit. One of the few out of state breweries I still buy from. All I really see from them anymore is old Rasputin though which is sad

>> No.19743101

Why are IPA soyboys still a thing? I was sick of IPAs 15 years ago when is this shit going to end

>> No.19743143

I'm not crazy about hazies, but their Foggy Day is pretty solid. Nothing you need to go out of your way for; I just think they're one of those breweries that always seem to do a solid job.

>> No.19743176

whole foods in my experience has a great beer selection. not the place to go for the best deals, but great for imports and "famous" beers (e.g. pliny)