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File: 927 KB, 1963x1958, Glass_of_Milk_(33657535532).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19736337 No.19736337 [Reply] [Original]

I want to stop drinking cows milk because I feel bad for the cows, but all the "milk alternatives" are just highly processed chemical mixtures that are more similar to cans of coke than they are to milk. What do?

>> No.19736356

Just become waterpilled and have tea or coffee or something when you want to change it up. It may feel weird at first but it becomes second nature pretty quickly, I used to drink like half a gallon or more of milk a day and now only use it for cooking occasionally.

>> No.19736363

Sheeps milk.

>> No.19736364
File: 78 KB, 687x679, Tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switch to Bulls milk.

>> No.19736372

Do you take extra vitamins? I'm worried about calcium or vitamin d deficiency

>> No.19736384

>vitamin d
Go outside.

>> No.19736387

The cows are happy to give you their mild, otherwise they would tell you or run away.

Do the cows run away?
Do they tell us about their "mistreatment"?

No, the shut the fuck up, you goblin-fucking shit-eater.

>> No.19736402

Drink goat milk then. Goats are cool.

>> No.19736414

They make appliances that make nut milk. You can control exactly what goes into it. No need to worry about the extra shut. Works as long as you like nut based milk

>> No.19736943

>Take oats or nuts
>Take cold water
>Mix in mixer
>Filter through nutmilkbag
Congratulations, you now have "plant milk" without any chemical additions.

Time to make up another excuse you fucking retard. If you want to drink milk, drink milk. If not, don't. But don't pretend you care if you don't, that's just pathetic. You value your enjoyment gained from consuming milk over the suffering of the cow, just say that, like 90% of the public seem to be able to.

>> No.19736945

If you dont milk the cows they burst. And then have to wipe cow bits from all over the place.

>> No.19737776

oatly actually tastes pretty good, probably the best altmilk out there.

>> No.19738045

why is your picture rotated

>> No.19738117

Try Goat's
It changed my life.

>> No.19738130

>because I feel bad for the cows
get from a local farmer then, cows MUST be milked and it is a relief for them.

>> No.19738132

did you even read the post fuckface?

>> No.19738157

Animal husbandry is around 12,000 years old. Homo sapiens are around 300,000 years old. The fossil record shows very clearly that prehistoric humans had thicker and stronger bones than modern humans do.

You don't need milk to get calcium and past that, you don't need milk period, certainly not to the point that you would need some kind of non-dairy alternative.

>> No.19738164

>Congratulations, you now have "plant milk" without any chemical additions.

That's not milk, bro. It's literally just oat water. OP is concerned about missing out on the nutrients he's getting from milk and putting oats and water in a blender are not going to magically fill them with micronutrients.

>> No.19738179

reading is for fags

>> No.19738232

Try oak milk, it's pretty good but you can't really use it for most thing you would use milk for.

>> No.19738245

>I want to stop drinking cows milk because I feel bad for the cows
Then buy milk from organic, small-scale farms that give their cows free run. Factory farming is fucking cancer, and CAUSES cancer.

>> No.19738738

Buy a herd share from a local organic dairy farm near you and become a raw milk enjoyer.

>> No.19738991

I must see art of this.

>> No.19738995

considering OP's faggoty concern over cows I suspect he has a built in nut milk extractor and uses it often

>> No.19738998

I've got some nut milk for you right here. Open up.

>> No.19739005
File: 254 KB, 1076x1343, Screenshot_2023-09-25-13-28-30-061_com.android.chrome-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right to empathize with the suffering cows are going through, anon.
Just look for non-sweetened stuff with minimal ingredients, Joya is just one example, there are many more.
You know how to read labels right?

>> No.19739007

literally everything causes cancer

>> No.19739015

Yeah, even breathing causes cancer. I just read about that in the latest söience article.

>> No.19739018

Everything you are a part of forever is the result of a twisting pathway of innovation, destruction, and death. Industrial agriculture is the umbrella of factory farming that includes much worse consequences than cow eugenics slaughterhouses. Monocrop fields of pesticide drenched fertilizer cocktails that salt the earth after razing it which wipes out the local ecosystem then attracts pests and scavengers inciting crop death and plague that requires more toxic chemicals. Everything is processed, packaged, and shipped for thousands of miles. Imagine every component of that; where one screw on the ship carrying a single bag of peanuts originated and everything else. You're just making it harder on yourself by trying to practice these pointless acts of self-righteousness in the face of the abyss. You'll go back to cow milk, the sooner you accept it the better.

>> No.19739020

but cows suffer great pain if they are not milked regularly, you are actually doing them a favour by getting rid of their milk

>> No.19739095

Make cashew drank yourself.

Milk naturally has emulsifiers. The fats in vegan dranks don't, that's why they need extra ingredients for shelf life. Less relevant for DIY.

Lactose is around a third as sweet as sugar and there's a ton of lactose in milk, obviously. So vegan dranks generally add some sweetener, you can use honey for that naturalistic cred.

>> No.19739109

If we stop milking them, their udders will explode from the pressure. Is that what you want, op?

>> No.19739625

Buy a cow yourself and be extra nice to it.

>> No.19739728

You used to drink 2 liters of milk a day? Wtf is wrong with you Americans. Learn portion control. Damn

>> No.19739773

not almond milk. get almond milk. it's yummy in my tummy

>> No.19739775

Drink milk from a human.

>> No.19741054

Buy a goat

>> No.19741056

I dont buy milk anymore. I buy a thing of kefir and heavy cream. kefir is nice to sip for a treat and heavy cream is the same but is also valuable for cooking

>> No.19741057
File: 348 KB, 500x499, 1518494574703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hindu people literaly worship cows and a good % of them still eat dairy. if they can find a way you can too

>> No.19741066

Make your own almond/cashew/barley milk. Maybe see if you can find decent horchata?

>> No.19741071

Make your own oat milk

>> No.19741077

Dude if you don't milk a cow its extremely painful for them, their calves don't drink enough to help. Cows would die in the wild without human intervention due to millennia of selective breeding. Drink the milk, save a cow from achy boobs.

>> No.19741079

How did cows survive long enough to be domesticated by humans if they die when they aren't milked?
I wonder what the average lifespan of a human would be if they couldn't pee unless a cow stimulated their genitals.

>> No.19741296

That's not that much. I used to drink three gallons a day.

>> No.19741302

They used to produce less milk than what it would take to hurt them. Over generations they've been bred to produce more milk than their calves can drink so humans can consume it.

>> No.19741309

This. Oat milk is the best alternative. I actually enjoy it more than cow milk these days.

>> No.19741346

>This. Oat milk is the best alternative. I actually enjoy it more than cow milk these days.
My fave cow milk alt is lactose-free cow milk.
It's like milk with none of the negatives.

>> No.19741617

It's not actually milk it is just named that because of the color and consistency.

>> No.19741635


>> No.19741652

under 600 milligrams a day, bone problems are more likely

if you're a normie with a grease based diet, you're going to need to supplement one way or another.

>> No.19741760

>if this retarded person eats glue then you can learn a lesson or two from him

>> No.19742318

Drink goat milk or buy from a small farmer that treats his cows right

>> No.19743094

>I feel bad for the cows
Sounds like semen might be the best suited beverage for you.

>> No.19743129
File: 615 KB, 1800x1200, 1613422130_602ade32e8d9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy 100% grass-fed milk, ideally from a local farm.

>> No.19744685
File: 172 KB, 460x400, treefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you climb in my hole and find out

>> No.19745506

good thing i'm not a homo
milk rules

>> No.19745722

Cows need to be milked. The calf doesn't drink all the milk anyways.

>> No.19745744

Try artifically inseminating a cow without it being locked/constrained in a metal holder so that it stays still while you shove cum up it's pussy.

I actually drink milk, but it is definitely disturbing and fucked up that cows need to be raped so that we an enjoy dairy.

>> No.19745803

Change your mindset so you stop feeling bad for cows. Feeling bad for cows is a recurring thought which is damaging your health and inconveniencing you. It's really easy to exercise conscious control over your own emotions and beliefs, though this seems to be a skill that we have intentionally forgotten. You should practice samatha meditation until you have a good understanding of how the inside of your head feels and how it works, then meditate on the feeling of feeling bad for cows, and probe how it actually feels and where it comes from. Much like how a word will start to sound like nonsense if you say it over and over again, you can make yourself realize that this idea is nonsensical and do away with it. For a complete novice I expect this to take about a month of concerted effort, however you will reap significant benefits from the exercise, reaching far beyond the milk situation.

>> No.19745976

>feel bad for the cows
do you retard know that if we don't milk the cows while they're lactating, it could result in infections and discomfort for the cow?
Go euthanize a couple animals in the name of 'helping' them PETA freak

>> No.19745999

I don't like the attentive milks, but I've made two different ones myself to see if I could. They're easy. I soaked oats (and soy, when I made soymilk) in boiling water with a little coconut oil, blitzed it smooth then strained, squeezed and added just a dash of salt. After cooling, I set it in the fridge and once chilled, I tried it and it was decent enough. If you're afraid of muh kemmykuhlz, making it yourself is fine.
Oh, and coconut milk, which I've actually made several times.

>> No.19746110

>probably the best altmilk out there
It tastes like almond flavored water but costs 300 times what a glass of water and some oats does.
It tastes offensively bland.

>> No.19747002

>tap water
>canola oil
No thanks

>> No.19747012

>Soy is unique in that it contains a high concentration of isoflavones, a type of plant estrogen (phytoestrogen) that is similar in function to human estrogen
You wanna be a tranny?

>> No.19747107

Get a girlfriend/wife, impregnate her, and then suck the milk straight from her titties. As long as you keep sucking she'll keep making it. One time will probably get you up to 5 years of fresh, free milk anytime you want.