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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 450x518, 20230920_222537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19725071 No.19725071 [Reply] [Original]

We have declared war on Spain


>> No.19725156

Odd choice to put it in a sandwich, in a wrap no one would have batted an eye.

>> No.19725192

You don't understand bRiTiSh CuLtuRe. It's basically rule 34 but for food.
>if it exists and it's edible Brits will have made a sandwich of it
Lemme find you a few examples.

>> No.19725196
File: 198 KB, 640x853, tesco-lasagne-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19725201
File: 400 KB, 2500x1988, Marks and Spencer sushi sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19725214
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>> No.19725218

I don't like paella so i wouldnt eat this anyway. I only like 2 of the sandwiches at the shops and one is the seasonal onion baji.

>> No.19725222
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This kind of proves the point.

>> No.19725434

That sounds great. Would eat this at a restaurant, idk about grocery store samwiches especially from a foreign country

>> No.19725440

More like declared war on the shitter entIroightlads?

>> No.19725554

Tesco’s slogan should be “keeping it weird.” Even here across the pond I know of their odd sandwiches.

Also inb4 lgbt sandwich.

>> No.19725583

M&S ain't much better, Ameribro. This is just the state of life in Bongistan.

>> No.19726345

Makes you proud to be British, dunnit lads

>> No.19726354
File: 803 KB, 3125x1988, 1972 prices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real disgrace is £2.20 for a fucking sandwich

>> No.19726368

12p in 1972 works out to just over £2 today, dummy

>> No.19726375

Most mild curry chicken in a sandwich is great. Same concept with Coronation chicken really which everyone find acceptable in a sandwich.

>> No.19726387

According to the Bank of England's own inflation calculator, £1 in 1972 costs £11.26 today, so a 10p sandwich should be £1.13 today, and a 12p sandwich should cost £1.36. £2.20 is a rip-off. Disgusting how worthless our money has become, especially recently.

>> No.19726391

UK is pushing for a cashless society, everything to be paid for by digital method. Scary how we put all money into banks which one day could just not exist and you have lost it all

>> No.19726392

>Scary how we put all money into banks which one day could just not exist and you have lost it all
how was this ever not the case, banks have always been disgusting amoral entities which can just decide your money is theirs
nothing has changed

>> No.19726422

Rather than the banks not existing, I'm more afraid of being locked out of my digital money because of wrong-think or other bullshit, there are already multiple examples from countries all around the world including the UK about the dangers of letting businesses, government and banks completely control access to your own money. There's even a thread about a US bank on /biz/ right now >>>/biz/56158093

I flat-out refuse to go into any business that is card-only, cash is essential not only for freedom, but just as a basic common-sense backup for when cards don't work.

>> No.19726451

I wish I had tried more of those prepackaged sandwiches while I lived over there

>> No.19726460

>all money
the fact that everything is bought and sold with worthless paper that has a defined value of "trust me bro" should be infinitely more concerning

>> No.19726464
File: 264 KB, 1020x574, wasp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19726488

fuckin this
money has been a figment of our collective imagination since we got off the gold standard, and even then gold was only ever worth anything because shiny metal make feel good

>> No.19726493

You have to go back

>> No.19726496

>There's even a thread about a US bank on /biz/ right now
>citing a subject's dedicated board as an authority
you don't trust /v/'s opinion on video games
you don't trust /ck/'s opinion on food
you don't trust /pol/'s opinion on politics
and you certainly don't trust /biz/'s opinion on business

>> No.19726783

puts a smile on my face knowing we can annoy countries just by putting their national dishes in between some nice bread

>> No.19726787

you're like 2 decades late, Steven Spilberg was the first to popularize it, he opened a restaurant and the restaurant flopped, sick shit

>> No.19726801

That happened already with a youtube cooking channel with a bunch of british lads on it, nearly caused an international incident when one of them made a paella burrito.

>> No.19726838
File: 31 KB, 320x320, 246478462_10160063901255815_2745393041326296964_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's true

>> No.19727583

l i v e r
s o s a g e

>> No.19727600

>reduced to 18p
In all fairness, this one was clearly a step too far

>> No.19727624

I don't see why. It honestly sounds like it'd be quite nice, actually.

>> No.19727650

>With cinnamon bread
I'd try it.

>> No.19727664
File: 42 KB, 700x700, IMG_5001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man sandwiches such as these are one of my biggest guilty pleasures.
My fave being the humble egg and bacon sammie

>> No.19727802

all sandwiches get reduced after lunch time and then even more by the evening, i'd get 12p sandwiches in my local tesco

>> No.19727876
File: 98 KB, 506x1200, prawns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fooken prons

>> No.19727882

>>if it exists and it's edible Brits will have made a sandwich of it

>> No.19728398
File: 120 KB, 1078x779, 3DD50835-8425-46F3-A541-22F9F7DE57D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19728415

All of these sandwiches look disgusting

>> No.19728440

Applies to japs too, must be an inbred islander thing

>> No.19728456

I'm from Naples and we do the same thing with pasta. You could name almost literally any vegetable and we'll find some way to make a condiment of it for pasta

>> No.19728503


>> No.19729259
File: 48 KB, 640x480, sddefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too crazy, but in Hawaii and Japan, 7/11's have egg salad and chicken teriyaki sandwiches. They are pretty good.

>> No.19729265

>chicken teriyaki sandwiches
that sounds good to me but I'm thinkin it's gotta be on a nice sub roll, typical sliced sandwich bread wouldn't cut it for me

>> No.19729273

Waitrose is top of the range high quality food. And its to promote the meal deal, for 50p extra you get a snack like crisps or a tub of fruit plus a drink.

>> No.19729279
File: 440 KB, 622x725, 1684546409719780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a wrap no one would have batted an eye

>> No.19729286

But a burrito is pretty much a paella in a wrap? Its mainly rice and meat. Its just changing the name for a gimmick

>> No.19729290

Imagine the smell

>> No.19729302
File: 210 KB, 2000x1000, AA1el3rX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19729780

Well shit. But yeah what that other anon said, it's just a burrito.

>> No.19729785

Calling Spaff a chef is a bit rich considering the entire setup of Sorted is that he's a "normal" and his chef friends are good at cooking while he does stupid shit.

>> No.19729927

I see lots of people putting mac and cheese on sandwiches in America thoughbeit

>> No.19730003

mmmm air dried sammich, handled by a paki

>> No.19730009

>handled by a paki

>> No.19730010

>sandwich med ägg och bacon
Finns are just playing a game of telephone with english

>> No.19730014

>The migration of people from Pakistan to Britain in the 1950s and the 1960s was not something new, but part of a history of migration that began hundreds of years earlier.


>> No.19730027

>greentexting jewish lies

>> No.19730036

ah okay, you are mentally ill. I'm sorry i even bothered to live in the real world.

go paint your roof blue

>> No.19730046

>Catch 22 of admitting the depth of the problem and arguing that it's 'new' and 'unnatural'.
England hasn't been majority Anglo-Saxon since the 15th century. There has never been a culture of supporting the native population. You are Paki-Pole-Flemish vermin and always were to some degree.

>> No.19730262

That's swedish, as in sure you know. What you might not know is that lotsa stuff is sold in bilingual packaging in Finland.

>> No.19730272

look at that picture again and see how fucking thin those 'wiches are
out in the open too, bet they used bare hands and fly spit all indian style

>> No.19730279

It is click bait. I do actually quite enjoy the sorted channel .

>> No.19730985

>Waitrose is top of the range high quality food.
lol no it fucking isn't, it's a psyop for idiots who have to think their goyslop is special goyslop of distinction

>> No.19731000

Now go look up how much a tiny ass colour TV in 1970 would be in today's money, then proceed to shut up.

>> No.19731012

>banks have always been disgusting amoral entities which can just decide your money is theirs
Protip, that would cause literally fucking everyone else to withdraw their money from that bank. These sorts of rugpulls are the very reason why foreign investment in China is so low.

>> No.19731016

Oi OP gettin 2 years in the can for this thread innit

>> No.19731029

>mom found the sandwich shelf

>> No.19731042

Bitch you could almost sell sandwiches for that price right now if you skimped on ingredients THAT hard. Fucking hell I could eat a stack of those, there's nothing to them. Also note the cheaper salad ingredients pushed to the front hard to make them look fuller, with the egg and tomato being the worst offenders.

>> No.19731044

The same people who say this then invest all their money on some over-valued shitcoin with no real world backup just from the faith in "trust me bro"

>> No.19731058

How old are you?

>> No.19731090
File: 14 KB, 290x290, tiramisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, could I get past. I need to pick up some essentials.

>> No.19731324


10 years ago maybe. definitely not what it was but i mean brexit init

>> No.19731328


this is leng tho, routinely eat a whole one

>> No.19731348

I hate this kind of argument, it's so dishonest. A dozen pakis a year hundreds of years ago is absolutely not the same as the hundreds of thousands we are getting now.

>> No.19731401

Bongs deserve it and more.

>> No.19731425


do you think people seeking asylum make up a large proportion of our net migration?

they don't, they were 8% last year.

even if you could teleport them to hell or whatever you weirdos want to do you wouldn't be solving any of this country's actual problems.

>> No.19731439

importing problems doesn't solve their home countries problems either. we can look for solutions after finding the portal to hell

>> No.19731448

I don't think any of those "asylum seekers" are actual refugees, they are all immigrants, and yes, sending them back can solve a lot of actual problems.

>> No.19731496

I'm often confused by UK immigration law. Don't citizens of the UK and colonies (literally CUKCs, lol) get preferential entry or right of abode in any UK nation or have I got that wrong?
That would be pretty much the only way I can understand why there are so many browns in Britain.

>> No.19731519

Does the meal deal also reduce by 1.62 pounds?

>> No.19732812
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>> No.19732901
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As an American I will now declare war on Italy.

>> No.19734514

>Mature Cheddar
For that price, I'd expect Vintage Cheddar. Pret's a bunch of gouging gits.

>> No.19735906

sounds delicious, butter chicken pies are top tier too