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19715014 No.19715014 [Reply] [Original]

do you do anything special with a meatloaf?

>> No.19715021

Yeah where I'm from we put hardboiled eggs in the middle.

>> No.19715085

I guess I should make some hardboiled eggs, not for meatloaf, that sounds weird, but for other stuff.

>> No.19715134

Everyone in the whole of Yurp seem to do this. I don't, but everyone else does it. Also gherkins or cornichons.

I find meatloaf with ketchup or barbecue sauce so utterly bizarre but Americans here have told me they think meatloaf with gravy is weird.
>why not just make Salisbury steak, then?
Since you posted a ketchup meatloaf, I would guess a meatloaf made with wine-caramelised onion in a mushroom gravy would be different for you, yeah?

>> No.19715140

I'm going to go get some mushrooms! Good idea. I have chicken stock!
The idea is the ketchup cooks down as it bakes and forms a sweet crust.

>> No.19715160

Depends on where you're from, if you're from the midwest and parts of the east gravy is normal and ketchup is weird

>> No.19715166

Add msg.
Of course, make sure you have a good recipe beforehand. It doesn't turn crappy food into good food, but it'll make good food taste great.

>> No.19715188

>The idea is the ketchup cooks down as it bakes and forms a sweet crust.
Oh, I'm aware. I actually made one that way once just to test it for myself. I didn't really care for it, 2bh. Felt like it was begging for gravy. Made for a decent enough sandwich once cold, though, just didn't feel like it went well with mash and veg at all.

>> No.19715189

>I find meatloaf with ketchup or barbecue sauce so utterly bizarre
American here, I've never heard of people using either ketchup or barbeque sauce, are you sure you aren't mistaking tomato sauce. I've never seen meatloaf topped with anything but a tomato sauce made with tomato paste, tomato puree and a dollop of honey, jelly, or jam to sweeten it a bit.

>> No.19715208

Nope. Ketchup. As evidenced by >>19715160 and >>19715140 not questioning or correcting me for saying it was ketchup, it's clearly a pretty well known way to make it.
Are you sure you're not having spaghetti and meatballs lmao

>> No.19715218

Neither >>19715160 nor >>19715140 are americans though.

>> No.19715222

chill it overnight and make sandwiches. not really special but I like it better the day after

>> No.19715225

No one else uses the weird "Midwest" to refer to a region of their country.

>> No.19715228

I don’t think you’ve ever had a conversation about meatloaf. ketchup or barbecue sauce is the standard, though it often has stuff added to it. your way sounds just fine, but a less popular version

>> No.19715232

Garlic, shallot and garlic dill pickle blended with hot mustard and a slice of caraway rye toast, a little smoked paprika and a hit of dark soy, light soy and worcester, mixed in with lean (but not extra lean) ground beef.

The sauce is a little different every time, but usually molasses, hot pepper jelly and hot mustard.

>> No.19715265

I like to make a sandwich with it

>> No.19715279


>> No.19715300

Well, I now know what Ragusea sounds like. Didn't even know that was him until about thirty seconds in when I noticed his pic in the top left corner of the video.
Smoked meatloaf sounds nice, but I didn't bother watching more than that. I doubt he'd do anything else I haven't seen before.

>> No.19715528

its really great for a hiking lunch too, sandwiches with ketchup and pickles

anyways frens back from the grocery store
I got mushrooms and I'm sauteeing a pound of bacon and 3 diced onions together.
the meatloaf is a family size pack of ground beef, the sauteed bacon and onions, some diced sage, woostyshire sauce, eggs, breadcrumbs, and chicken stock and topped with ketchup mixed with honey glaze (you want a lot of glaze it will cook down)
this is enough for a 9x9 pan
then I bought 2 small cans of whore tomatoes and and I'm going to reduce the rest of the chicken stock and add the tomatoes and add sauteed mushrooms to that for a gravy

im so happy its fall frens
summer was stressfully hot

>> No.19715596
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I’m gonna make a really basic meatloaf tomorrow
>Italian style breadcrumbs
>ground beef (of course kek)
>an egg
>some milk
>whatever seasoning I feel like adding
>that black sauce that starts with w that’s hard to pronounce and spell
>might add an Italian sausage too

I also have some brown sugar I might mix with the ketchup, is this advisable

>> No.19715619

oh shit i forgot to buy more breadcrumbs, oh well still have some

I just write woostyshire, its easier that way

>> No.19715640
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You can use crushed croutons instead of bread crumbs

>> No.19715648

I've been meaning to try making croutons myself.
I feel like that could get me to eat salad.

>> No.19715661

Ketchup is sweet as it is. I don't think you NEED brown sugar unless you're using tomato paste and kind of making your own bbq from scratch - and even then.

>> No.19715670

you can add some balsamic vinegar or apple cider vinegar

>> No.19715681

That’s a good point, thanks king

>> No.19715687

Mom used to put a block of cheese in the middle and I'd call it meatloaf surprise. Nowadays, I just eat that shit straight out of the fridge until it's gone because I'm in charge of the special occasion meatloaf now (I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR LOVE BUT I WON'T DO THAT). I can't even be bothered to make a sandwich out of it like >>19715222 >>19715265

>> No.19715708
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>Chili Sauce

>> No.19715763

I'm an American, well, half
I'm French but I don't even know if I have French citizenship anymore, grew up in Kansas and Colorado
Both are ketchup states

>> No.19715898

my meatloaf is in the oven
im cooking the mushrooms down now

>> No.19715908
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I make it with ground turkey, since it’s cheaper and healthier. I also use oats as filler to try to stretch it a bit, in addition to bread crumbs.

>> No.19715913

im not sure of the oats my man.

>> No.19715919

do you put them in a food processor to chop them up?

>> No.19715922

i still haven't made mashed potatoes and I am tired

>> No.19715924

They disappear into the meatloaf.
I buy quick cook oats which are already cut up.

>> No.19715927

well if it tastes good it tasted good. nice tomato glaze.
I just know if I bit into meatloaf and my teeth caught a whole oat I'd be weirded out lol

>> No.19715943

Yeah, I would too. Not an issue with quick cook oats. They’re a good stretcher for meatloaf.

>> No.19715980

>I've never heard of people using either ketchup or barbeque sauce
>I've never seen meatloaf topped with anything but a tomato sauce made with tomato paste, tomato puree and a dollop of honey, jelly, or jam to sweeten it a bit.
You've never heard of meatloaf topped with ketchup, but you basically make your own ketchup to top your meatloaf? What?

>> No.19715983


i always see this when im night stocking. is it just ketchup with some chili powder or something?

>> No.19715984

my garbage disposal just gave out

>> No.19715988


i think this is an old recipe. a lot of old people who are dead now in Wisconsin used to do this. i think it has something to do with the depression.

>> No.19716072

make sure to put a tray under your meatloaf
my kitchen is filling up with smoke as the meatloaf finished its final cook lol
almost done!

>> No.19716114

Post pics plz. I'm eating a corn dog

>> No.19716124
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Nah, I just get the costco one whenever I get in the mood for it, which is maybe 3-4 times a year.

>> No.19716132

When my mother goes to Jesus I will finally be able to cook a decent meatloaf. She insists she loves meatloaf but her idea of meatloaf is to chop up a bunch of onions, bell peppers, and tomatoes, mush them into ground beef, add little to no salt, then bake the fuck out of it until it’s dark brown on top, crumbly, and a pool of gray goo on the pan. Whenever I make a proper meatloaf, you know, with BINDING and SEASONING, she just picks at it and makes faces. She’s real good about eating everything else but not meatloaf. I take her to the Cracker Barrel sometimes and used to get my meatloaf fix there but she ALWAYS asked multiple times why I would order meatloaf at a restaurant so I quit ordering it. Please somebody invite me over for a meatloaf dinner.

>> No.19716136

Fifteen bucks for meatloaf and mashed taters? Yikes!

>> No.19716143
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Its pretty good, I should have added a bit of honey to it and the gravy - which is canned tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, and homemade chicken stock reduced down, I fixed that problem and dumped some honey on the plate
its good and tender, its just weird without mashed potatoes, I have to make that when I get up tomorrow, I spent all week cooking a family dinner and I'm going to try it again this week

>> No.19716148

I don't like eating a ton at once so instead of a loaf I form them into little balls. I call them meatloafballs.

>> No.19716171

I make them in muffin cups sometimes. The grease is gonna soak through a paper muffin liner, but at least it would be easier to remove.

Anyways, if I did it again I would use a bit more acid, and a bit more sweetener, and maybe a little something a bit spicy. Its good, just a bit bland. I need to hit up the farmers market next weekend and get real ground beef.

>> No.19717415

No. It's almost literally just less thickened, chunky ketchup. What few differences there are beyond those still vary Brand to brand but the basic differences are as I described.
I have no idea why it's called chili sauce, since it has no chili in it at all whatever. It's good, though.

>> No.19717428

I'm half-ish American. My dad is half but he grew up in the US before leaving the country at 18 so while I was born in Yurp, I've had access to American citizenship since birth. All I had to do to move and live in the US as a citizen was apply for a "Consular Certificate of Birth Abroad" or whatever it's called and that's it.

>> No.19717454
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do soft-boiled you disgusting animals.

>> No.19717521

I make a 1lb meatloaf with a whole small onion smushed in it, and then I make mashed potatoes (3lb of russets) and I mix in the meat.

>> No.19717535

Rogue Raguseoid object detected
Velocity undefined

>> No.19719042

>Everyone in the whole of Yurp seem to do this.
We never have in my family. First time I heard about eggs in meatloaf was on this board.

t. Finn

>> No.19719083

I served it once with caramelized onion bechamel and cranberry sauce. It was kind of like Swedish meatballs. Everyone seemed to like it.

>> No.19719106
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We're talking proper Europe, my Asiatic amigo, not Finland.

>> No.19719266

making mashed potatoes now

its just a binding agent, it doesn't really dramatically alter it

>> No.19719282

I learned recently that putting pork rinds in it instead of some of the crumbled toast/whatever bread component, while making it denser, improves the flavor. I also like using spicy peppers instead of bell peppers. I think next time I make it I'll try sauteeing the peppers and onions first too, now that I think about it.

>> No.19719285

This is just a keto thing

>> No.19719290

I dont cook

>> No.19719317

no experience with pork rinds but generally you should create a bowl of aromatics that you combine with the meat, bread crumbs, and egg:
peppers, onions, scallions, herbs, spices. maybe half a bullion cube.

>> No.19719324

Probably, but everything's better with pork fat. I might toss some diced or blended chicharron in my next batch.

>> No.19719344

cook up diced bacon with diced onions and add that to the 'loaf

>> No.19719583

I don't do keto, I was inspired to do it after I learned mexicans cook with pork rinds instead of just snacking on them.

Yes, that is how you make meatloaf. I didn't say that was ALL I put in it...

>> No.19719594
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I made some tonight, I added spinach to it and wrapped it in bacon. pretty good but I prefect having more texture to it. Gonna add some celery and carrots next time, also, some carmelized onions really make an amazing meatloaf.

>> No.19719597

fellas im finishing a place of homemade meatloaf with tomato-chicken stock-mushroom gravy and mashed potatoes

>> No.19719602
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>its just a binding agent, it doesn't really dramatically alter it
They're talking about boiled egg in it like this, not raw egg mixed in.

>> No.19719698

Over 4lb of it, yes.

>> No.19719703

I've made this for years and absolutely love it every time. I just omit the bacon.

>> No.19719709

Not really but I do like dipping a bite of meatloaf in creamed corn.

>> No.19719728

A kingly portion. I withdraw my outrage.

>> No.19719731

do you not eat pork?

>> No.19719942

>I just omit the bacon.
Uh, why? You say that as if it's an answer to a question.

>> No.19720468

Sometimes I feel like it's easier just to make Japanese hambaga at that point then to go through all the trouble of meatloaf. Sure, the red wine sauce is a little tricky but it tastes better than ketchup.

>> No.19720798

I mix ketchup and Worcestershire sauce

>> No.19720805

Serve it with Cumberland sauce.
Life changing.

>> No.19720807

I put mustard on it as a condiment, with the ketchup as a baked layer

>> No.19720863

sandwiches with beer
it's a fantastic bar snack

>> No.19721184
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I am very wary of meatloaf ever since I received the most brutal food poisoning in my life a few years ago. I'd rather have diarrhea for a whole month than experience whatever that was for one day, I'm shivering just thinking of it.