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File: 118 KB, 1677x674, Screenshot 2023-09-17 at 13-56-54 Aspartame hazard and risk assessment results released.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19713537 No.19713537 [Reply] [Original]

Completely unnecessary ingredient.
Possibly causes liver cancer.
Recommended for soft drinks and other foods.

Please help me understand the safe limit argument for unnecessary ingredients that could cause cancer in my fucking LIVER!


And no I'm not the clown that goes around posting about plastics being unsafe, sugar being unsafe, fructose syrup being unsafe, sex being unsafe, life and anything that causes happiness being unsafe etc lol!

>> No.19713549
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I'm going to cum inside you now.

>> No.19713553

Thanks anon, but no for frog posters.

>> No.19713559

it MAYBE causes cancer in doses that far exceed normal human consumption. even for the fat fucking truck driver who drinks a big gulp of diet coke isnt getting that much aspartame

>> No.19713560
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Wasn't asking.

>> No.19713571

*Gulps and slowly raises hands*
I didn't mean to offend you at all bro, this isn't supposed to be anything offensive. I just wanted to discuss the superfluousness of aspartame and then these damn faggot frogs showed up trying to ruin the thread again. You know how those queers are, right?

>> No.19713585

It turns out that the symptoms of Aspartame are 1:1 with normal allergic reactions. You are simply allergic to aspartame.

>> No.19713594

>JECFA also considered the evidence on cancer risk, in animal and human studies, and concluded that the evidence of an association between aspartame consumption and cancer in humans is not convincing
Wow it's fucking nothing like it always is. No idea why retards want Aspartame to be poison so fucking bad.

>> No.19713625

>Completely unnecessary ingredient.
It's necessary if you want something sweetened without extra calories. But there are other alternatives if you don't like aspartame.

>> No.19713650

Literally everything apart from maybe pure distilled water has some potential to cause cancer, it's a case of balancing risk levels against becoming Howard Hughes.

>> No.19713703
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>we injected more of this chemical anyone would ever drink directly into the bloodstream of rats and 1% of the time they got cancer

>> No.19713706
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>> No.19713723

>sugar being unsafe
Yeah, obesity is a just a meme.
You know what definitely causes cancer as well as a bunch of other significant health issues plaguing western countries? Excess calorie consumption such as the sugar in a drink that aspartame might replace.

>> No.19713731

This, why would anyone listen to them after they’ve proven they know absolutely nothing?

>> No.19713755

alcohol will cause you more health problems at lower dosages

pretty much my benchmark for giving a shit is asking if something is worse than smoking/drinking. I don't think we should ban either even if both are absolutely terrible, so if you can't meet that threshold why should I give a shit.

>> No.19713763

So it’s all made up, yes?

>> No.19713766

>Buy sugar free product
>Take sip
>It's insanely sweet
>Look at ingredients
>Artificial sweetener toward the top
I don't understand we can't have food that isn't sweet. I don't want sweet shit constantly, but everything either has sugar or artificial sweetener in it.

>> No.19713782

I don't drink soda or eat candy. I put some in me cofee . Is it better than putting sugar? Yes. Refined sugar is literally poison.

>> No.19713789

>Literally everything apart from maybe pure distilled water has some potential to cause cancer,
Utter bullshit.

>> No.19713840

We're talking in the context of OP's question. Guess how many things are in IARC Group 4 - Probably not carcinogenic to humans.

>> No.19714136

sugar addicts who want to desperately justify their addiction by saying "well diet is worse!"

>> No.19714141

I just want a regular drink and even ice tea usually has sweetener in it.

>> No.19714155
File: 273 KB, 1480x1600, Western-lowland-gorilla[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how thick are people around here

Group 2B: "Possibly carcinogenic to humans" There is some evidence that it can cause cancer in humans but at present it is far from conclusive.
IARC definition and list of compounds

What makes you not understand Possibly cancer causing. This is after 40 years of fucking research.

Its not Group 4 you knucklegragging moron.

You want conclusive evidence that you are being poisoned before you change your ways right. Inconclusive is toooo wooly. What a baboon.

>> No.19714187

I don't know who you think you're arguing with but it's not me.

>> No.19714234

If you read and assess the studies (I doubt you are capable of this one usually needs a statistics or at least a research course to understand how to appraise literature) you'll see why it's a non-concern

>> No.19714314

basically for a lot of these alarmist scientific studies, they take rats and pump them full of the ingredient until they get cancer and die. Then they say the ingredient has a potential cancerous/toxic effect. Then when the industry it affects gets angry about the fear mongering, the scientists have to walk it back and say, well the evidence is unclear because we aren't able to test out what that safe limit is in humans. but usually they are able to tell that the amount is something higher than physically consumable like 500 diet cokes per day. If you took a rat and pumped it full of water until it died they could make a case that water is toxic. its all propaganda

>> No.19714320

my stepmom drinks almost a gallon of Walmart brand sweet tea a day because she thinks it's healthier than soda and cannot be convinced otherwise

>> No.19714482

>sugar addicts
If you can't stay physically fit and eat a balanced diet that includes sugar, then you are the one who has a problem.

How can claim others are sugar addicts but you NEED a replacement for sugar or you can't live.

It doesn't cause liver cancer. Anyways, fake sugar tastes disgusting.

>> No.19714512
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aspartame and other artificial sweeteners gave my good friend, jack scalfani, 4 strokes

>> No.19714535

>If you can't stay physically fit and eat a balanced diet that includes sugar, then you are the one who has a problem.
>How can claim others are sugar addicts but you NEED a replacement for sugar or you can't live.
holy mother of projection batman
I like to have a coke zero once in a while
most of the time I just drink water
cope and seethe you obese tugboat

>> No.19714760

there is no evidence it causes cancer. same with pronouncements made about red/processed meat.

>> No.19714964

no he had those because his church members cheated him out of a chili contest win

>> No.19715244

I don't drink soda, I only drink water because I'm not addicted to flavored water. Ironic, you wouldn't need to deflect at me if what you said was true. If you mostly drink water, a regular can of coke would be reasonable, but you clearly down 2 liters of coke zero a week.

>> No.19715722

THIS!!! it's fucking impossible to find bottled tea that isn't abysmally sweet anywhere that's not a healthy supermarket (whole foods, e.g.). even in regular supermarkets the 'healthy options' either have aspartame or monk fruit or stevia but still taste like garbage.
coke continued honest tea which was the only mainstream tea that had some low sugar tea options afaik, but i like harney & sons and just ice tea (16g sugar/60cal) when i can find it.

>> No.19716150

look at the other things ranked in the same group. (and then kill yourself (nigger))

>> No.19716162

>And no I'm not the clown that goes around posting about plastics being unsafe, sugar being unsafe, fructose syrup being unsafe
sugar industry shill, kill yourself.

>> No.19716180

>Acceptable limit 40mg/kg
>77kg person can consume 3080mgs a day
>This is the equivalent of 15.4 cans of diet coke
Seems like a non issue

>> No.19716207

It's "possibly carcinogenic" because they don't have enough evidence to say that it is or isn't carcinogenic. Think of it this way: Even if it can cause cancer it doesn't do it often enough that they can be sure it even happens. The safe limit is well above any normal intake of the substance for adults and is probably set there based on some non-cancer toxicity at ridiculous doses.

tl;dr you can drink pepsi max but probably don't buy the stuff in bulk and try to live off it

>> No.19716225
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 24798 - closed_mouth glasses looking_at_you smile stubble variant_el_perro_rabioso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MY GUY!!!! It only causes cancer for certain if you drink like 10 zogsloppies a day!!!
How retarded must someone be to think this excuses anything

>> No.19716247

Aspartame isn't in anything you should be consuming anyway so I'm not sure what you're trying to argue.

>> No.19716763
File: 79 KB, 900x900, F3VW3P5WgAAnaPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>besity causes cancer
>bese fucks are more likely to drink diet soft drinks
>somehow this means aspartame causes cancer
The WHO is a fucking joke.

>> No.19716766

What’s the chances aspartame is linked to cancer when most of the time it’s served in some sort of plastic container? Leachates.

>> No.19716829

It really is, but fear and/or outrage generates clicks so here we are

>> No.19716838

and even more coke zero

>> No.19717119

>If you can't stay physically fit and eat a balanced diet that includes sugar, then you are the one who has a problem
A balanced diet has zero reason to include refined sugar lmfao.

Just eat some fruit every now and then and you are golden. Stop being a big sugar shill

>> No.19717270

And the paper straws.