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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 151 KB, 1200x800, cheers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19711622 No.19711622 [Reply] [Original]

Taking food, slapping them together and saying "Cheers" like you do with alcoholic drinks is fucking cringe. Stop doing this.

>> No.19711637

No one is doing that and if they are, they are really fucking gay and I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.19711644

My coworkers do it all the time and I roll my eyes every fucking time. Fuck them.

>> No.19711651

it's because they're millennials

>> No.19711654

Yup it's 100% a millennial thing that's for sure.

>> No.19711668

I don't like toasting in general, it's a completely unnecessary disruption and it's usually for no reason
someones just like "to a night with the boiz!" ayyyyy lets all awkwardly clink glasses and spill our drinks now

>> No.19711680

Why are you eating with your coworkers?

>> No.19711681

>you dink it

>> No.19711683

I have to during "team building" work outings. I get to go to Buffalo wild wings are hear about people's kids and about how bad Drumpf is for 2 hours when I would rather be home plating Remnant 2

>> No.19711688

That sounds fucking truly horrible. I'm retired now but the last 10 years of my career had to be carried out solo because the average human being is a fucking nightmare

>> No.19711701
File: 2.87 MB, 406x720, 1669742721200210.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get to have X Y Z conversation dictated to me
Can't say I've ever had this issue, I can find at least some level of common ground with even polar opposite to me sort of person. Usually it's about food/cooking because most people enjoy cooking at least something and everyone enjoys eating.
If you keep changing the subject when people talk about their kids they'll get the hint you don't want to hear about their kids and they at least limit it if not stop entirely. And that's with the roasties who live to talk about their autistic 5-year-old shitting their pants.

>> No.19711704

This, i would want to be around 4channers like us in real life, we could talk about anime, vista, our shared admiration for Hitler, and our violent fantasies towards women

>> No.19711717

I have a Mexican coworker that won't shut the fuck up about Hitler

>> No.19711719

I hate anime, don't know what Vista is, Hitler was literally a loser, and I've never wanted to hurt anyone.
And you will absolutely never be a woman

>> No.19711743

I'm a peak millenial and I don't do that.

>> No.19711762

Never seen anyone do this so it's simply not my problem.

>> No.19711775

Girl I hang out with wants us to ding our forks together before eating whenever we eat out. Weird chick.

>> No.19711906

Are you having sex with her?

>> No.19711907

My wife and I do this with oysters.

>> No.19711910

I shouldn't answer that. I work with at-risk youth.

>> No.19711915

Is she at-risk of having sex with you?

>> No.19711933

We do just fine and it's great being able to reroute childrens lives for the better.

>> No.19711934

Do you reroute your penis into any of your coworkers?

>> No.19711946

Dude c'mon... all my coworkers are in their 30s-60s. I am not a geriatric fetishist.

>> No.19711948

This is common knowledge and only faggots on food shows and YouTube so it.

>> No.19711952

>I am not a geriatric fetishist.
Why not?

>> No.19711966

>didn't give me a straight-up no. dodges the question instead
Have fun "mentoring" them, anon.

>> No.19711973

I've literally never seen anyone do this in real life ever.

>> No.19711974

Jesus Christ just stop, anon. Unlike most people on this site this guy actually carries himself with some dignity.

>> No.19711976

yeah it's like hanging out with high school friends, it rules

>> No.19711980

You should answer that and the answer should be no, you fucking creepster

>> No.19711981

I worked at a rehab place and these druggie chicks were constantly trying to fuck me. Didn't want any weird diseases so I gladly accepted handjobs

>> No.19711989

I too am an autistic retard who is bothered by normal social customs. When I meet up with my friends to go see marvel movies we don't waste time "fistbumping" or exchanging pleasantries.
Like "oh hello it's you how are you like we haven't already texted about this". "Oh yes let's touch skin to skin for no reason it's not gay at all".

>> No.19711995

I have one or two friends where they just don't like shaking hands its weird. They just don't do it otherwise they are socially fine. Anyone else know people like this?

>> No.19712002

Druggies are disgusting people, I don't know why you'd want that sort of hand on your cock to begin with, especially since even working minimum wage you have more to lose than they do. Depending on the facility and the state that's probably a felony and people like that will blackmail you for drugs/privileges.

>> No.19712007

I do. I'm taking one on the AT tommorow.

>> No.19712020

Some people just aren't as comfortable with touch when it comes to acquaintances, depends on the culture/upbringing/baggage.

>> No.19712132

Could be germophobes or some other niche phobia and that's not weird at all or indicitave of social retardation/autism.

>> No.19712163

Literally me

>> No.19712887

Based Mexican

>> No.19712953

its a cityfag thing
also 90% of the time 4chan complains about """millennials""" they're actually complaining about early zoomers
zoomers turn 30 next year, millennials are all in their 40s, married with kids and dont have time or money to leave the house, let alone eat out and do cringe shit anymore

>> No.19712981

>ITT everyone reveals they are unironically autistic or otherwise emotionally stunted

>> No.19713012

>millennials are all in their 40s.
I think your math sucks. Some millennials are in their 40s but not many yet.
I'm a xoomer and I'm 45

>> No.19713075
File: 176 KB, 500x282, 1f362643b7007a1ff84630d33e8e5a7fdd9a3c7006da5afba99f3070092603f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that someone sincerely enjoying their life?!??!
>Omg that's so cringe and gay and disgusting

>> No.19713078


>> No.19713104

Nobody is going to take the druggies word over yours. They're more likely to beg harder, offering up more of themselves than they might have been willing to than before, after catching a glimpse of hope from your minor acceptance. If you don't let them produce any evidence, there's nothing for them to blackmail you with.
Also don't be stupid and lend your dick to multiple girls in relatively quick succession, nor continue lending if one does attempt to be stupid.

>> No.19713151

I mostly just do it because my husband hates it. I go out of my way to call it 'cheersing' instead of 'toasting' too.

>> No.19713296

I do it. So the fuck what bitches

>> No.19713471

calm down you fucking square

>> No.19713627
File: 283 KB, 2500x1250, 1694757006053511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking newfags man