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19699498 No.19699498 [Reply] [Original]

What kinda alcohol are ya drinkin' tonight? And what are ya up to while ya drink? I'm drinkin' some white wine while classic AVGN plays on my TV

>> No.19699516
File: 145 KB, 265x500, Burgandy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had a drink in about 3 months. Going on a trip next week and I think I'm going to have to break my streak and get four or five of these bad boys

>> No.19699521

Damn, 3 months? You deserve it, man. I've been on vacation from work the last 6 days and I've been drinking every night

>> No.19699528

cant believe people buy and drink these cheap "whatever we had left over" white wine blends. at least you didnt get the 4L box but still, have some class.

>> No.19699530

I was drinking every day for a while and it was spiking my heart rate too much and the hangovers were making work intolerable, and I'm not the kind of person who can just have one or two drinks in a night so I had to cut it out

>> No.19699537
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Pic related is actually pretty decent

>> No.19699598
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I'm finishing the last of this stuff. I bought it to make martinis but never bothered with the making martinis part, so I drank it neat.

It's superb, but highly pungent. If you're not a freak that drinks neat gin it might be too much for you to enjoy by itself.

>> No.19699761
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having vodka sodas with campari, lime, grapefruit bitters and a splash of tonic. probably a name for that but whatever it drinks

>> No.19699775
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Picrel. Missed the first time they did a wine/coffee blend. Cooking dinner currently.
Paisano for me with those biggins

>> No.19699790

When I was a young lad first getting into my alcohol addiction me and all my friends would hang at our one buddies house because the parents would let us drink there. His mom taught me that if you start out with a bottle of good wine and save the Carlo Rossi chianti for afterwards you don't even taste how bad it is. Good times

>> No.19699795

I like coffee and I like wine
but mixing them does not seem fine

>> No.19699809

It's not as bad as you think. You taste the wine more, back end you taste the coffee. But it's not overwhelming.

>> No.19699817

Depends on the wine. Port or some other strong, sweet red actually goes quite well with coffee, but mixing a dry Sauvignon or something with it would be gross.

>> No.19699828

This could maybe work if the coffee is subtle but it's Apothic so it's probably vile.

>> No.19699834

>subtle but it's Apothic so it's probably vile.
I'm going assume you drink higher priced bottles. For 13.99 you might as well

>> No.19699837
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I'm not a weeb, but this is my favorite whisky.

>> No.19699843

Unless you've got a body pillow of a waifu, I'd just assume you're a whiskey enthusiast

>> No.19699920

>another normie fell for the Japan scam

>> No.19699933

Straight vodka like every night

>> No.19699938

Breaking a dry spell with shitty wine?
You’re much, much braver than I am.

>> No.19700387
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Dang. What a tremendous loss.

>> No.19700393

damn that would have been fun to see

>> No.19700851
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I gained 22 lbs in 6 months by drinkin g a gallon beer a day.
switched to wodka soda to lose weight I hope.
It's nice, no more bloated gut and my appetite is back.

>> No.19701586
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It do be that way

>> No.19701592

im a whisk(e)y drinker looking to buy my first apple brandy and looking at Lairds's 10th Generation Bottled in Bond for about $45. yay or nay?

>> No.19702820

I can't speak for that specific bottle but everytime I've tried laird's its been really disappointing, I'd much rather drink any cheap calvados

>> No.19702873
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spicy, pure, molasses rum at 58% that i distilled a few months ago and aged for a while with oak chips (and the retard who said you couldnt age alcohol for only a month is WRONG) then steeped with mint and juniper leaves
for this cocktail i mixed in fresh lime juice and a little grenadine
it tastes like how rye whiskey does in a way, probably because i left a lot of the heads of the run in

>> No.19702876

also the mason jar looks like liquid shit in that image but when i hold it up to the light its greenish brown like absinthe because i steeped the mint too long in it

>> No.19702884
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imagine the smell

>> No.19702905

really? is it a quality or distinct difference in flavor? I dont know much about apple brandy, but I assume Laird's uses white oak since its American and Calvados uses French oak, yes? I wouldnt even begin to guess what the differences are, if any, when it comes to the distillation process.

>> No.19702967
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>> No.19703369

Had some Cider at dinner, I'd really like to try mead. Can't find it even at the store that has more speciality items, do liqour stores have it?

>> No.19703382


>> No.19703386

yeah youre going to need to buy yeast and a hombrew setup

>> No.19703404

>not rolling rock or yuengling while watching AVGN
I'm disappointed. Man this makes me want to watch AVGN videos while drinking Rolling Rock now.

>> No.19703422

>paying one hundred dorrar for blended whiskey
shamefur dispray

>> No.19703433
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>> No.19703570
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4 doubles of Titos tonight...

>> No.19703821

>addiction, Japan

>> No.19704173

im a recovering alcoholic and waiting till i go to england as 1) the airport sells 4 litres of spirits for 45 ( which is the price of 1 litre if i was to buy it now) and 2) england sells 8 pc cider for 1 pound.
have the urge to drink so fuck it ayys are real best korea and russia are teaming up so i may aswell

>> No.19704183

Just be careful not to overdo it and start getting blackout drunk and chugging it straight.

>> No.19704186
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Perfect to have with a tin of Friskies

>> No.19704207
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i drank the vodka

>> No.19704209

any point when you knew as an alcohol drinker your body was being hurt?

>> No.19704261

If you're going to go through all the trouble of distilling and aging your own liquor, please also mix it with homemade grenadine instead of R*se's. But steeping juniper in rum sounds pretty interesting, and I hope it tasted as good as it sounds

>> No.19704346

when i was hungover for days and kept puking up food. even water. thats when the real damage is happening. your body needs calories but your stomach is too weak to handle it. i was also puking up blood

>> No.19704350

I bought a Jägermeister for a party but someone else had brought a bigger bottle so I managed to save the entire thing, unopened. It's a shame because I was going to stop having alcohol around the house.

>> No.19704365
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When I died from kidney failure at 22 after seven years of heavy drinking.

>> No.19704553
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cracked this one open just now, first impressions blew me away

>> No.19704616

eh i'm not a mega autist about taste to be honest, i dont even know what sort of cocktails work, so most of the time i just drink my rum straight or on ice, sometimes with some juice mixed in
it might sound dumb, but i dont really know how i feel about the oaky taste since its noticable when you mix it into anything fruity, i would've been fine with the rum if i left it white
i can definitely reccomend the mint leaves though, its good if you drink it straight or if you mix it

>> No.19704825

Duvel Tripel Citra(it was berry nice)
Chimay Blue Grand Reserve(currrently drinking)
Some Belgian cherry lambic I keep forgeting the name of(will drink)
Feeling nice. Already kinda sloshed might also go for some wine after these because why not lol

>> No.19704831

Lindeman's Kriek is what the cherry lambic is called
Belgian is a safe bet for a certain good time

>> No.19704834
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>> No.19704837

Only acceptable if you literally rawdog a black girl after drinking that`

>> No.19704866

Coors light. Going to the doctor gonna catch a nice buzz first.

>> No.19704889

You goofed. If you’d started with vodka you may have been able to stay semi slim for a while (along with a good diet) but now that you’re a full blown fat al/ck/ it’s gonna be pretty hard to get that weight off.
Honestly I drank a handle a day for almost a decade and what actually made me stop was losing weight.
No amount of hungover shame, health issues, hospital visits, legal trouble, (anything) ever made me want to quit. But, acknowledging that I was a fat piece of shit?
That actually worked.
I downloaded an app someone I know recommended, and I stated counting calories.
There were definitely days I would skip meals so that I could have 8-10 vodka minis, or a few lite beers with friends, but after I began taking my health seriously and counting calories some switch flipped.
I’m okay with being a piece of shit.
I’m not okay with being fat.
Plus, at my tolerance 8-10 vodka minis does nothing. It feels like four beers for a regular person.
It’s just not worth the calories, so I’ve fucked off with that for the most part.
It was an inadvertent success of counting calories, but it’s the only way I’ve ever been able to give a shit enough to get it under control.

>> No.19705101

Just don't get addicted bro

>> No.19705603
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The time for Witches Brew draws near

>> No.19705674

>blended whiskey just HAS to be bad ok???????
Retard tastelet detected.

>> No.19705679

If this was Ireland the entire town would have died from alcohol poisoning.

>> No.19705696

Yay. It's one of the smoothest brandies I've ever had, don't listen to this >>19702820 faggot.

>> No.19705701

That looks tasty. Are the other flavors good?

>> No.19705710

any alky suggests for someone who just wants to get fucked up with minimal drinking but also doesn't want to feel like i'm drinking rubbing alcohol? thanks, i'm new to this shit.

>> No.19705728
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Buy something you can actually enjoy and drink it in moderation

>> No.19705742

Rum on the rocks.

>> No.19705762

Yes. My least favorite is spiced apple but they are all comfy and delicious.
Bottom-shelf brandy, unironically.

>> No.19705783

>cheapest handle of vodka you can buy
>cheapest 6 pack of malt liquor you can find
>throw vodka in freezer
>chase vodka with said malt liquor
you're welcome

>> No.19705794

I want to get my hands on a bottle of Vikingfjord vodka, a bag of swedish fish, a bag of pork rinds, and a kit-kat bar to have a comfy Apetor night, but I'm a burger. I went to Bevmo and 3 liquor stores in my area and none of them had Vikingfjord. How the fuck do I get it, Euroanons?

vid for reference if unfamiliar


>> No.19705795
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As a functioning human being I know drinking this double ipa before working out is bad,
But as a functioning alcoholic I know that this is a tasty, delicious drink that makes my workout more fun!

>> No.19705796

begone satan

>> No.19705801

Try this website
put in your address and it will tell you availability for local liquor stores (might not be exhaustive of all stores)

>> No.19705803
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Has anyone ever had Bierbrand? It's like brandy, only it's distilled beer instead of distilled wine. I am dying to try some. Making it an obligatory goal next time I go to Germany as it seems near impossible to find elsewhere.

>> No.19705809

Rumple Minze.

>> No.19705816
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sheeit. Well thanks anyway bruv

>> No.19705818

Try the 1.75L version, that's the only one I can find near me

>> No.19705819

That is to say, the availability is dependent on the bottle size you selected, so one might be available but not the other

>> No.19705825

Oh it actually says the site doesn't work in your area at all yet, so nevermind (the black bar the top). Maybe you can order it somehow

>> No.19705843

No, but now I'm dying to try it, too.

>> No.19705844

I actually JUST learned about this stuff today after I saw a bottle on the shelf and bought it on impulse. Mine was made from märzen and aged in chestnut barrels. Unfortunately my gerd is being a bitch today so I couldn't get a proper read on the flavor profile, but I got rich, chocolately, fruity flavors with a hint of tobacco. Almost reminded my of a malbec, except instead of red wine flavors it was very intense, deep beer flavors. I'll take a picture and try to do more thorough tasting tomorrow, but it's definitely a winner so far.

>> No.19705855

>it's just potato vodka
Nigger get some Lvov instead. It's way easier to find and I'd bet my left nut its both better and cheaper.

>> No.19705862
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Picrel. Get a thing of heavy cream and a shot glass. Make mini beers.

>> No.19705887

do any of you have cirrhosis but continue to drink? has your doctor told you to stop? do you listen to them?

>> No.19705897

Yeah I'm gonna have to wait. A couple of the liquor stores I went to said they'd order it for me.
You may be right, but it's not about the quality. It's all about the brand. What is Lvov anyway?

>> No.19705921

not him but it’s a Polish vodka. I bought two handles when it was on sale once, it’s honestly pretty good.

>> No.19706095

Kino bottle, most underrated peated islay that is my recommendation for people getting into the category

As a side note the smallest couple of drops of this into most rye whiskies tastes fantastic

>> No.19706321

I think I’m going to order some of this for my brother and suggest he try a couple drops in his old fashioneds.
He’s not a whiskey snob by any means but he has a big collection going because those things are his favorite beverage.

>> No.19706338

I have some jager i dont plan on finishing. Can/should it be used as an antiseptic?

>> No.19707025

abv isn't high enough for cleaning purposes
also it'll just make everything sticky

>> No.19707503
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First time making my own alcohol. Can mead kill me?

>> No.19707507

I only drink 4.5% light beer because I'm an alcoholic.

>> No.19707516
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Just stop being addicted

>> No.19707530

Learn about something new every day on this site desu mangs

>> No.19707535

Make a rudimentary pot still and distill some beer.

>> No.19707573

Me too. But now I end up drinking like a 36 pack of it in four hours so it's probably worse for me

>> No.19707581

For me, I don't do something stupid on light beer.
If I buy a bottle of scotch, I'll drink half and act a fool.

>> No.19707592

Love Port Charlotte, try the PMC 01. Beautiful stuff

>> No.19707645

Be careful with the drink, guys.
Just got out of a funeral; the man had died from cirrhosis.

>> No.19707734

That guy? Me

>> No.19707740
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>> No.19707754

Quit hogging that delicious, alcohol soaked liver deadfag.

>> No.19707757

life shouldn't be so terrible

>> No.19707825 [DELETED] 

>Wave of depression starts up
>Get drunk
>Switch to a good mood, feel better for several days
I try to not drink during this period so that the effect doesn't get diminished

>> No.19707833

You faggots have one joke

>> No.19707834

Also it only works if I drink liquor that I actually enjoy. If I slam back crap I'll feel worse.

>> No.19707846

That's why I stay away from vodka, I don't want get shitfaced, but if it happens while I'm enjoying some bourbon then that's helping me enjoy myself more

>> No.19707890

I've been cut back massively on my alcohol intake.
Not totally sober, and I don't want to be. But I've gone by from 50 units a week down to 5 on Saturdays until I get my health under better control.

One of the more surprising changes is how much my taste profile has reverted in the last 6 weeks.
I used to love the taste of straight whisky. It was like nectar to me, genuinely sweet and caramelly. I tried it for the first time in a while last night, and now all I can taste is the alcohol.
I guess I should be thankful. But it makes me feel like I lost something if anything.

>> No.19707900


based fellow buzzed lifter

just don't get too fucked up and go for pr's lest you hyperextend a joint

>> No.19708055
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Is it bad to drink stuff like brandy or rum out of a glencairn glass? I normally drink whiskey and those are the only drinking glasses I have, and I like them a lot (I also only drink neat). Also using a glass with a stem on it makes me feel like a fag tbqh

>> No.19708112

I drink about four hard monsters, two occasions a month. How fucked is my liver and brain, boyos?

>> No.19708119

didn't say it was bad, just overpriced
that shit used to be 35 bucks

>> No.19708122

Probably not at all as long as the rest of your diet is fine. The main worry is cancer risk but by the time that has the chance to develop the singularity will be here and it won’t be an issue anymore

>> No.19708262

stem is nice as it keeps the oils from your hands away from the rim so it doesn't affect the smell.

brandy goblets look nice and are better for more relaxed sipping but not as good as tulip shaped for first impressions.

also brandy is typically bare minimum abv and the size of the bowl will dilute your liquor quicker because the alcohol that clings to the glass above the rest will evaporate quicker, so not as good for long pours.

>> No.19708281

>not drinking 100 proof brandy

>> No.19708314
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2 of these puppies
i was running 4 of them every night until I got esophageal varices. now i'm at only 2 of them

>> No.19708415

Making my first cider too with a very similar setup to yours. Had a first taste test today, I'll report back if I die.

>> No.19708703
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Happy Friday everyone!

Rid my motorcycle into town to get my bacardi for the next week. Weather is getting nice.

>> No.19708808

Literal piss.
Molson gang 4lyfe

>> No.19708811

Anon, please tell me you aren't going to drink all that in one week. You have so much to live for.

>> No.19708863

Lol no he doesn't. Besides hanging out with us, of course.

>> No.19708877

No. I drink every other day. When I do drink, it is usually somewhere between half and a third of the 1.75l bottle.

>> No.19709970
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gin and thinking about how i blew it with my ex a decade ago

thanks alcohol

>> No.19709991
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That sounds like a comfy setup. I might actually do this.

I'm going to have some vodka in a couple hours at 2 am because I have a problem. I don't care anymore though.

>> No.19710020
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I used to drink big bottles of wine like pic related because it's cheap and high ABV compared to beer. But it's awful. The acidity and shit punish you the next day and drinking a lot of wine gives you diabetes inducing amounts of sugar. I switched to Steel Reserve and Colt 45

>> No.19710022

>You have so much to live for.
you dont know that

>> No.19710030

>I drink every other day. When I do drink, it is usually somewhere between half and a third of the 1.75l bottle.
So you drink at least a fifth of vodka every 2 days, averaging at least a mickey every day. I'm guessing a major health issue is gonna fuck you up in 2025 at the latest. Then you'll have many painful years of regret after your ability to enjoy life is permanently taken away (by (You)).

>> No.19710034

So? He can do whatever he wants. Life is pain. If this is the only escape then so be it.

>> No.19710044

>Life is pain. If this is the only escape
It's not though. Even if you don't want to do anything productive and just want to do drugs, there are other drugs that provide a much more effective escapism experience and won't turn you into a permanently sick dying person for the last chapter of your life.

>> No.19710047

No other drug gives the same feeling. It is the only escape for some. Not interested in your DUDE WEED LMAO bullshit.

>> No.19710056

Not sure why you're talking about weed, nobody mentioned it. If your excuse for using a drug that quickly ruins your health (while slowly and painfully leading to your death) is that you just don't know what other drugs are out there, that's only borderline understandable. Since you're using the internet right now, it's very easy for you to learn this information. Drugs are probably the third most discussed thing online after woke shit and porn.

>> No.19710070
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Picrel mixed with Diet Dr Pepper is my go-to comfort drink

>> No.19710072

sounds awful

>> No.19710306

I had a fifth of vodka twice last week and had a six pack of redstripe a few hours ago.
I like cheap vodka and red stripe.

>> No.19710331


>> No.19710406

Insanely based.

>> No.19710456

I bought a bottle of Glendalough double barrel because it was on sale cheap as hell. What a waste of money, a shitty corn whiskey barely aged 3 years, it tastes worse than a cheap bourbon or even a cheap Canadian whiskey. Easily one of the worst Irish whiskeys I've ever had.

>> No.19710533


>> No.19710621

Well... since I've been doing it since 1998 and still travel and maintain a large homestead, I guess I an alright.

>> No.19710637

Also, Marijuana is federally still illegal dumb fucks so even if the state I lived in legalized that trash (which I believe should always have been legal since I have constitutionalist/libertarian tendencies) I still couldn't use it since federal superscedes state/local law.

>> No.19710734


Got invited to a house party next month. Will this get me pussy or will everyone go ewww the incel is making cocktails, don't drink them. Looks really easy to make. Maybe I can also put a few drops of blackberry syrup in the end for color.

>> No.19710744

>aldi has a home brand IPA
>its good
Learn something new every day. Also had a Hertog Jan Grand Pilsener, not normally a fan of blonde beer but if it has the HJ logo on it I will at least try it. And it was good. And I tried some Kuyper Wild Strawberry, which tasted alright; it was very flavorful but is more of a mixing drink than a straight shot.
Got three beers from the Lidl to try, but will only try one today since I dont wanna overdo it.
Bacardibros are built different
Either they respect you for being unique, in which case you win, or they think you're a gay faggot retard, in which case you win by learning to find better company. Most likely though you'll just be one guest among many and no one will give a shit

>> No.19710765

Is this a gay faggot retard cocktail though? I don't drink. I have no idea about anything. Also I'd have to replace the Chardone with Bols raspberry liquor (cheap), but it looks fine to me.

>> No.19710792

>no family of your own
You're old as fuck. That's sad. And no don't try and backpedal. You would have said you had a wife and kids if you had it.

>> No.19710799

It's ok, he's not a woman. He can still cum in a young pussy and produce an offspring.

>> No.19710822

>Is this a gay faggot retard cocktail though?
It's a martini mix with sugar on the rim what do you think people will think based on looks?

>> No.19710829

I'm not doing the sugar on the rim part. That's too much effort.

>> No.19710833

Plus to be honest all alcohol is gay to me so is there even a difference? What's a non gay faggot retard from reddit cocktail in that case?

>> No.19710834

been getting through 750ml bottles of clan macgregor in 3-4 days for the past couple of weeks.
hard to describe the pain i feel. subtly sharp pangs.

>> No.19710836

Tom collins

>> No.19710843

Being older is sad? Well... I guess. I mean... it's not like I am an exception. We are all going to get old. It's not like anyone can cheat life and be like Hahaha! I stayed 20 year old longer than you. Lol

Also, yes. No family or kids. I couldn't achieve what I did if I had that burden to bear. I am so glad I don't have to worry about that shit. What about you? Enjoy trying to insult random people on the internet to try to make yourself feel better? Lol. OK. I was young and full of myself once. Hopefully you get over it.

>> No.19710850

Make it with gin instead of vodka, get rid of the sugared rim, and use a very dry sparkling wine (because chambord is so fucking sweet) and it would probably taste pretty good, actually. As for whether it will get you laid, it depends on whether the people there already like you or not. So you're probably metaphorically screwed instead of literally screwed.

>> No.19710851

Do holes like that one?

>> No.19710852

Also, that only happens on my trips to Phnom Penh.

>> No.19710856

I like you old guy. You're cool to me.

>> No.19710857

Thanks buddy. :)


>> No.19710861

Yeah you sound happy retard lmao

>> No.19710874
File: 170 KB, 1000x563, 20230916_112452_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for a little while. Got up this morning feeling fine like usual. No hangover. Gotta cut down some tree-of-heaven with my chainsaw in a bit. Not drinking tonight but will tommorow. See you then!

>> No.19710875

Ok I'm taking notes. I wasn't doing the sugar rim regardless, that's literally gay and too much work for me. I don't even know what kind of glasses I'll have access to, or even ice. It's an airbnb for 15 people, not someone's house. Might have to use plastic cups. Which one of the Martinis would count as very dry? Is the Prosecco a good option? In my mind it's great because it solves the need for fresh juice or something I guess.

>> No.19710887
File: 379 KB, 1200x675, 20230916_112955_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't project your insecurities. Now if you will excuse me, I'm gonna go cut down some invasive trees on my beautiful piece of property on this cool early fall like day.

Have a great one everyone!

>> No.19710893


>> No.19710895
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>> No.19711006

If you got invited why would you be making the cocktails? That’s more of the host’s of the party job. Bringing beer, wine, or liquor to use is one thing, but making drinks when it isn’t your party is a little weird.

>> No.19711010

There's no host. We're 15 people (most of which are girls, and very few of them obese and retarded) renting an airbnb. Everyone brings things. I figured I'd try and make some gay cocktails.

>> No.19711021

Isn't partying at airbnb is
and even
>illegal (not going to specifics)
Please you sound like barely 20 years old.

>> No.19711026

Bro I'm an ESL I don't know what it's called in English. It's literally a big house you rent to party and fuck in. I don't mean some apartment. It's a house with a big yard, pool, big dining room, equipped with a big sound system, etc. It's in a secluded area. It's not illegal, you're not bothering any neighbors. Does that not count as an airbnb? Do you guys not have parties like that where you're from?

>> No.19711033

Ahh this makes sense. No, I have never heard of people renting an apartment just to have parties in there and I've lived abroad in few countries.
Airbnb in particular has rules, this is why I commented this one first.
Good luck!

>> No.19711042

Now tell me about the cocktails.

>> No.19711173

You don't need any, get some sprite and coke plus citrus and ice just in case and perhaps coffee and milk. Then see what people have.

>> No.19711175

That wont make me stand out and look cool.

>> No.19711177

Of course soda and perhaps orange juice.

>> No.19711181

If you're drunk enough you're cool. It's a skill mastered by the few.

>> No.19711189

I don't drink.

>> No.19711227
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Which epic other drugs can I obtain that fit these criteria?
>need only spend a total of 7 minutes (3 minute one way walk to the store, 1 minute transaction) to obtain
>are perfectly legal
>can be obtained spontaneously (no prescription, no relationships needed, nothing needed besides cash and id)
>don't fucking suck
Let us know big anon

>> No.19711229

It's probably not particularly good by most standards but I like it.

>> No.19711232

I bought a bottle of mystery liquor today for 9 bucks, I may drink that

>> No.19711413
File: 975 KB, 1081x1835, CiderSept15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started a batch of cider yesterday too. Already have bubbles on the filter. Made with store brand apple juice and Lalvin QA23 yeast.

>> No.19711540
File: 2.35 MB, 2971x3056, IMG_20230916_150226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am now 6 months sober after 7 years of being a hardcore alcoholic. When I quit, I had to go to detox center, I was basically locked up and heavily sedated for a week. Ativan for anxiety everyday and some other stuff to keep me from having a seizure. I had really really bad shakes. While in detox they set me up for a month long stay at an inpatient rehab/sober house thing. Spent a month in a huge converted house with 16 other addicts. Was an interesting experience. It was half alcoholics and half heroin users.

I've fucked up here and there though, in the past 6 months I've gotten drunk 3 times. So technically I have "relapsed", but hey, those 3 times I did not have a fun at all and felt sick, really showed me I'm not missing anything and I'm better off sober. They say I can never drink again, but honestly, if I maintain this sobriety for another year, I'll test out drinking on special occasions only and see how it goes.

The best part of not drinking is I have gained my natural appetite back, I love eating again and I'm always hungry, feels amazing after almost a decade of having a fucked up hangover stomach.

>> No.19711542
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I'm at work right now. I'm drinking a few of these.

>> No.19711551

Man I had no idea alcohol addiction can be this real. Always thought it's a meme compared to heroin.

>> No.19711624

Why is being drunk in public not allowed? I want to drink a beer and walk around the park taking photos for a few hours. Why has society decided I can't? Why do we hate freedom and being human and enjoying the world?

>> No.19711678

He said rid instead of rode and is a moto-fag. Let him go

>> No.19711690

Are there any local ordinances that prevent you from drinking in public?
As long as it is concealed in a non-glass container, you'll be fine...

>> No.19711697

Don't bars typically count as public spaces? How do bars even work where you are?

>> No.19711754

For me, it's whiskey and combing through photos of me and my ex

>> No.19711760

Watch Leaving Las Vegas

>> No.19711774
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For me it's

>> No.19711786

Yeah, I'm actively pro-alcohol and think that it's a boon to humanity, but overinduling in it is wildly destructive. There are definitely people out there who should not drink, or should stop drinking forever.

>> No.19711799
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you just need the right container like pic related then they cant do anything by their own rules

>> No.19711807

A dry prosecco would be great. Should be labeled 'extra dry.' Just means it has a low sugar content. I'm not sure what you mean by 'which martini counts as dry.' Are you talking about Martini vermouth? The recipe doesn't call for any vermouth, and I wouldn't add any. Vermouth is great but not everyone likes it. Just get gin - any kind is fine, Gordon's is cheap and perfectly decent - a dry or extra dry bubbly, and the chambord, and that's literally all you need. Just remembet to add the sparkling wine *after* you shake the gin, chambord, and ice. Otherwise it'll explode all over the place.

>> No.19712056

What's the problem?

>> No.19712072

Yeesh... I don't think I would want to regularly drink siamese beer.

>> No.19712209
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Homebrew mead

>> No.19712216


>> No.19712218


>> No.19712224

Are you a member?

>> No.19712225

Nope. I get my honey from HEB. Cheaper than even Costco atm. $20 for 5lbs

>> No.19712231
File: 65 KB, 600x900, cab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think im becoming an alcoholic, bros.
I have gotten 1 bottle of pic related every friday night for over 2 weeks.
It's empty by Sunday

>> No.19712239

Lightweight. Try harder.

>> No.19712240

Whooa one bottle of wine per weekend? You alright big dog? Need somebody to drive you to rehab, or just straight to the hospital you think?

>> No.19712258
File: 192 KB, 2048x1512, 319572853_8503178993086041_303835643785686041_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homebrewed mead is amazing btw if you get it right. I can never go back to store bought brands ever again after making my own

>> No.19712261
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>> No.19712279

Can't sleep without the booze in me.

>> No.19712294
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holy based. i like you, anon.

>> No.19712405

hello bacardi ranch man

>> No.19712442

Just do what you want to do. If grills find it interesting they'll make it easy to talk to them. Towards the end of the night they're gonna really like the person handing out the tasty silly juice.

>> No.19712562
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i wanna say it gets better anon, but this happened in 2014 and it still upsets me
she was gorgeous and had huge tits, man i really fucked up

>> No.19712600

I bet you sleep much better, too.

>> No.19712615

the thing that helps me is remembering the things that fucking annoyed me about them. like sure, it's easy to look back at things with rose tinted glasses, but the reality is you two separated for a reason (unless she dumped your ass, then i am truly sorry).

>> No.19712624
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she did dump me, my only solace is that she got fat and dyed her hair stupid colors and got ugly piercings. coulda saved her

>> No.19713161

good goin', you didn't commit and now shes some other retards problem.

>> No.19713327
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Just pic related is what I'm looking at that's available at my local store for the champagne, and also the Bols because we don't have Chambord. What if I topped all that with a few drops of blackberry syrup for color or some shit?

>> No.19713381

What did you do to get dumped or was she just the issue all along?

>> No.19713519

Hello. No working outside today. Doing some research on my upcoming trip to the orient and getting my plans in order. Will start drinking around 5pm. See you then!

>> No.19713535
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having some pic related whilst watching some horror kino

>> No.19713546
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Today I will do research and educate myself on alcohol so I can be better prepared for any potential social interactions.

>> No.19713586

You mean like you are to research it's effects regarding social interactions or do you mean you want a basic primer on drinking culture in general including children having the ability to consent, terminology, types of glassware and what types of drinks go well with what?

I'd be glad to answer any questions regarding Rum, Whiskey/Scotch including single malts and blended.

>> No.19713662

Anything, starting with how to open a champagne bottle, as you see in the webm.

>> No.19713686

So I assume your friends are more upscale social drinkers who usually only partake in alcohol consumption at soirees.

So really all you need to know is some info about wine, champagne and possibly after the women are excused, a brandy or single malt scotch. Might want to learn how to smoke a cigar properly as well. See if you are interested it dipping cigars in whiskey, cognac and the like to give a unique flavor in the smoke you draw.

>> No.19713724

I don't have any friends. I also don't smoke. Got asthma.

>> No.19713737

Jack's hard cider > citizens cider

>> No.19713739

I can hear the DOOM music in the background

>> No.19713748

pics are required

>> No.19713769

you right

ironically enough, i was more concerned with getting drunk and high than spending time with her

>> No.19713801

Maaan I never understood how people get into drinking.

>> No.19713807

Funny you mention that. I made the columbine.wad way back in the day and one of my middle school friends (Andrew Wylie) went on to make to make Star Trek TNG Total Quake Conversion and Titanic Quake. He also made a few wads and a few Unreal maps.

>> No.19713811

Me and Andrew go way back. He's one of the boys.

>> No.19713856

Yeah, he had a AOL website and a site at planetquake but he has been completely removed off the search engines. It was only 25 years ago. Here is a what I could find still online.


>> No.19713922
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Is the Jager gone yet?

>> No.19713930

go get a fucking white chip and stick to this shit or you're toast bub. fucking been there... you'll never drink normal, anon. quit while you're ahead.

>> No.19713957

I wish people wouldn't come into an alcohol based drinks/cooking thread and try to encourage people to not consume alcohol.

It's just as bad as liberals who go into online hunting forums and try to encourage people there not to hunt/use firearms. If you don't like the stuff, don't participate in the thread. IMHO.

>> No.19713961

interesting. i recall a time when alcohol threads were banned here.

>> No.19713966

the people telling people not to drink enjoy drinking

>> No.19713983

I dunno man. This is an alcohol fan thread. We want to talk about and use this miracle substance in our food and drink. Let's not be subversive and encourage people to STOP using it.

I mean, if it's not your thing, I understand. Cool. Whatever. But don't come into a thread and complain alcohol is terrible and bring up alot of irrelevant drama. Let's encourage each other to share and discover new ways to enjoy alcohol more.

>> No.19713984

I don't think anyone did that in here.

Were they? Where were alcohol threads had then?

>> No.19713990

Sort of, for just the reasons I mentioned. Off topic shitposting and drama. Yet when we do talk about the food and drink, they are fine.

>> No.19713997

Ok I guys I just ordered a Chambord. Hoping I don't get the call that it's actually out of stock. How many cocktails can I make out of a 500ml bottle? Like 15? Maybe I should order another one.

>> No.19714001

Is getting Dom perignon worth it for a special event?

>> No.19714066

Alcohol is great because it allows me to actually laugh at comedy like a chuckle when I haven't had a true sober laugh since I was a child. It lets me relax and become more invested in programs. It will even make me cry sometimes for a characters plight while I haven't cried sober since I was also a child. It's kinda nice. Refreshing.

>> No.19714069

Alcohol just makes me sad and suicidal.

>> No.19714080

Try watching a good movie or cartoon/anime. You gotta get in a better mood before your emotions become amplified. I've also been sad or angry and alcohol just makes those feelings stronger.

>> No.19714084

I'd never drink by myself though. I'm talking about social situations.

>> No.19714105

Oh. Well OK. It's just some of the media I consume us usually just stuff only I would like and when I do drink I can act dumb or laugh/cry without others judging me.

Maybe try going to better parties/social situations because either you are carrying baggage to that party or the people there aren't the kind of people you are truly chill with and making your mood bad. I dunno. Give alcohol a chance in different situations/surroundings.

>> No.19714108

I propose a segregation. vodkaniggers and unironic drinking just to get drunk need to go to /b/

>> No.19714122

>the people there aren't the kind of people you are truly chill with

Those people don't exist. It's a me issue. The whole world is against me. Other than that I can't think of any alcohol that tastes good, but I'm trying to get into cocktails now since you can make them sweet. Rose to be honest is pretty good, but of course that's for bitches and it's embarrassing to drink. I'm very curious about absinthe as well even if just for the novelty, but I don't have anyone to try it with.

>> No.19714140

>unironic drinking

C'mon anon...

>> No.19714146

How special? It's not really particularly better but wasting your money like a fucking retard can feel good and make a special event a bit more special. Like if it's one in a lifetime event that you will come back to (and you're not poor/struggling) then it might as well be "worth it" but only from the splurging viewpoint, don't expect it to be a culinary amazement.

10-15 sounds about right but honestly for me it's best straight, no rocks or anything. Though admittedly Chambord is a bit overpriced and you're better off making an infused liquor yourself, bonus points if you grow your own fruit.

>> No.19714151

I had absinthe a couple times. Mostly in New Orleans. Doesn't do shit. Bought some bottle with alot of wormwood in it and it was just a liquorice herbally flavor. No different than regular alcohol. No "green fairy" or any drug like effects otherwise except a slight stomach ache and alcohol. It's a nothingburger.

>> No.19714154

>you're better off making an infused liquor yourself, bonus points if you grow your own fruit

Lmao anon I'm literally searching up how to open champagne bottles still >>19713546. I'll just buy another bottle if they have stock. The gin and champagne for the cocktail thing are both 1l so two 500ml bottles of Chambord will work well. As long as the people at the party want to drink my shit in the first place at least.

>> No.19714167

I've always heard it's not supposed to do shit in the first place and that that's either a meme, or that kind of absinthe is illegal in the first place. But I don't know shit. it's more for the process of making it and the aesthetics for me. Kind of like a tea ceremony thing but for white people are not weaboos.


Look at all the shit this goofy bitch does before she starts drinking.

>> No.19714170

If you're offering any drinks at all and especially expensive cocktails then I'd love to be your friend but I have no friends and don't go to parties.

Infused liquors are simple as fuck though, just google it. Basically prepare fruit, add sugar, add spirits and water, leave for a month or two or so, then pour into bottles and let them sit a few months to mature.

>> No.19714183

Bless you anon but I'm definitely not making my own.

>> No.19714196
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Can weedies hang out? Alcohol hurts my brain.

I am enjoying some Creme de la Chem, Mephisto Genetics. Grew it myself!

Probably going to play Baldurs Gate now.

>> No.19714207

Weed is trash.

>> No.19714215
File: 97 KB, 1720x3024, 1676839464511988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can everyday meth/speedball users and cookers hang out? Alcohol is unhealthy and weed puts dirty smoke in my lungs.

>> No.19714227

>weed puts dirty smoke in my lungs
What year are you living in, bro? You can get weed edibles even in states where weed is still illegal.

>> No.19714235

Poor absorption method. Yeah, I could use vapes but I am not a homosexual. Also, weed like meth/coke/speedball are federally illegal everywhere so it doesn't matter what states say. The Supremacy Clause in our constitution makes that very clear.

>> No.19714245

The Farm Bill of 2018 makes hemp legal in all 50 states. Through some kinda loophole, they can extract enough Delta 9 THC (AKA "real weed") from hemp to make legal edibles. I live in the absolute last state that would ever legalize weed, but I get Delta 9 edibles at the corner store.

>> No.19714282

Oh so you are taking the thc from hemp not Marijuana. That is a little different. I dunno. The last time I looked into weed was in the early 2000s and I didn't like it. I just remember people saying eating edibles is just a poor way (like most drugs) of getting the stuff in your system.

>> No.19714288

I dunno about that but for ~$20 you get enough to get absolutely fried for a week straight.

>> No.19714292
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Trying bourbon and bought pic related. I like it, it's not bad at all (love the smell btw). However, that's only drinking it neat. I tried putting an ice cube in it, and the effect of watering it down slightly made it taste fucking disgusting. I also tried putting a single drop of water in it and it had the same effect. Watering it down at all made it taste awful. Is this normal?

>> No.19714315

No, I'm assuming the alcohol burn manages to conceal its flaws but if you water it down via ice or water the burn gets weaker and no longer hides them, and you happen to particularly hate the flaws it posseses.
Or alternatively you have taste bud cancer and shit taste and just dislike the flavor of bourbons. Try some 80 proof bourbon to compare.

>> No.19714332

Heaven Hill stuff in that price range is lower quality than you may expect. they are all extremely thin on character. good news is that once you upgrade to upper middle shelf you wont taste ethanol as harshly as any low end HH shit again unless you're dumb or unlucky.

>> No.19714337

I tried it again to see if maybe my memory was hyperbolic (used a drop of water) and paying more attention right now, it seems like the flavor on my tongue is lighter but the aftertaste is worse. I don't have a developed palette so that's the best I can do.

>> No.19714342

I bought four bourbons, Evan Williams BiB, Evan Williams 1783, Old Forester 100 Proof, and Wild Turkey 101. Only tried the BiB.

>> No.19714379
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>> No.19714385

>puking up blood
Dang, that's a medical emergency. Did you have esophageal varices?

>> No.19714415
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Is Don Julio tequila any good? I bought two tiny bottles of it for $5 each (blanco and reposado) to try since I've never had tequila before.

>> No.19714429
File: 56 KB, 768x512, mint-julep-r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19714458

Tried the 1783. Taste seems similar but not as strong. Easier to drink with less burn. Smell is less pronounced. Proof is lower (90).

>> No.19714464

Most kids will like a long Island ice tea or screwdriver.

>> No.19714472

>I'll test out drinking on special occasions only and see how it goes
I have some results from the field about how this is going to go, you might try asking around with other experienced addicts and see what they say too. Not that it matters, since you're better than me and all of them too and you can totally handle it while the rest of us are just fuckups.

>> No.19714497

i just bought an 8 pack of cider to wash down my steak with lel. i only wanted one but the prices of it were cheaper in the multi pack so ill make it last maybe.im 22 this month so i figure ive a few more years of hard drinking before i have a REAL problem. the problem i had was drinking spirits with monster. was putting a good few litres of solvent through my system a night. i puked up blood when i drank 4L of spirits within a day ajd a half (cap morgan, bells whiskey, jameson and smirnoff vodka) and wasnt eating much at all so i just wont go that hard again. ran out of mixer so was sipping it raw.

>> No.19714498

For tequila yeah but tequila is a gnarly alcohol. It employs some sort of stockholm syndrome i.e. each time I have tequila I hate it but after a few months I crave it again.

>> No.19714502

ulcerative colitis...

>> No.19714523
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cup cost me 50 cent and i stick it in the freezer so it stays really cold and add ice.

>> No.19714524

>Alcohol is unhealthy and weed puts dirty smoke in my lungs.
As if inhaling fucking battery acid is some how cleaner than a god damned plant. Also you are an affront to humanity. Bury the doll and light yourself on fire and pray for peace in your sacrifice
>inb4 fucking stoner
I don't smoke. I drink

>> No.19714548
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Roommate left a case of Whiteclaw Surge when they moved out. The Pomelo and Açai taste decent.

>> No.19714554


>> No.19714565

You should invest in double wall vacuum insulated tumblers. I drink all my mixed drinks out of one. Ice lasts much longer (no melting) doesn't sweat, fingers stat warm, don't need to freeze the mug. It's a win-win-win.

>> No.19714584
File: 1.38 MB, 4032x1816, EB (6) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it's platinum silicone.

>> No.19714598
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>> No.19714610

>check out thread for discussion of tasty alcohol
>it's all alcoholics

>> No.19714651

>go into a thread about Star Trek
>It's all trekkies
>go into a thread about a video game
>It's all gamers

Color me surprised. So what can I do you for?

>> No.19714756
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busted out the straw as the ice makes an annoying noise when i take a swig

>> No.19715158

Cheap vodka and sparkling water, get yourself a sodastream and you're all set

>> No.19715220
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Last week I had orange juice cocktails with peach scnapps and vodka and neat whisky. Pic related. Canada house, was nasty as shit. Tonight, Miller high life piss water. It's smooth and all but leaves something to be desired with the watery flavor. Always preferred a full bodied 8% for the extra kick. Bout to bump some tunes. Rock on alcoholics

>> No.19715495

Love some heinies and steinies
Stella is still my go-to i think
aside from the 6% IPAs i buy to get nice and hammered

>> No.19715867

I'll bite this bait... When you go back to drinking it never returns 'normal' or gets better. You can find ways to control it or hide it but the genie can only stay in the bottle for so long.

>> No.19715887
File: 3.90 MB, 1960x4032, 214234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gods gift to poor alcoholics

>> No.19716006

Just wanted to post that you, with a soda stream or similar clone, can have nice premixed cocktails ready to go whenever you want from the fridge.

>> No.19716065

What are the undisputed "spirits" aka healthiest alcohols?
There's red wine obviously.
For hard liquors, the only ones that come to mind are
>Mezcal (Tequila is mezcal FYI)
>millet whiskey

>> No.19716075

spirits are distilled liquors, and red wine is absolutely not one of them.

>> No.19716127

the latter 2 will be significantly different

the 1783 used to be 43% abv and 5-6 years old. now its 45% but 3-4 years old.

I hate to say it, but it's a decent 95-5 rye. very dill forward and not overly complex, but fine for sipping or cocktails.

>> No.19716164
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>> No.19716170


>> No.19716437
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cant wait to go to england and get this shit again

>> No.19716683

These are designed for professionals.

>> No.19716684
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What are the main cons of drinking everyday a bottle of red wine?
Switching from beer, since I was getting kind of fat and wasting more than 10 cans a night. Also uric acid

>> No.19716745
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>ordered Chambord yesterday
>get a call this morning
>hurr durr we don't have it in stock
>are you expecting any then?

Then why the fuck do you have it listed on your website you stupid faggot?

>> No.19716757

Alcohol damages your brain cells and all the health benefits from wine can be achieved by taking a supplemant.

Decaf green tea is better for you desu as a drink if you want something good to constantly drink

>> No.19716957

I think I like the 1783 better. There's something nice about how strong everything is with the BiB, but the 1783 is simply more pleasant to drink.

>> No.19717067

Tried these neat. I expected them to taste awful for some reason but they didn't, the taste is actually pretty good and the flavor is interesting, the aftertaste is also good. However it's very floral (?) and sweet, and it's not something I could drink much of at one time. I poured both 50ml bottles into glasses to try them and I couldn't finish the second one.

>> No.19717075
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>drinking vodka
I don't own a TV or a computer and don't use any phone apps except chrome.

>> No.19717091
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Now that I poured it out I want more of it.

>> No.19717177

>blackout drunk drinker every day for several years here
Felt fine, but woke up one day to have major liver problems. And just when things were about to turn around for the better. Thought i was going to die for sure this time. Managed to survive but came out scarred and tattered for life from this ordeal. You will stop the drinking on your terms or its liver cirhosis. Liver cirhosis will kill you.

>> No.19717298

if you just cover your glass in between sips/sessions, a pour will last about 72 hours without water.

>> No.19717473

Poured my whiskey down the drain :)

>> No.19717625

you will buy more :)

>> No.19717637

Adding water can make some stuff taste better. Usually water makes bourbon taste worse because by law it has to be aged in new charred oak barrels, so typically adding water just makes it taste more like wood. You’ll have a much better time adding some drops of water into single malt scotches.

>> No.19717678

Or just picking up something a little higher proof. Had some heavens door single barrel cask strength last night. I usually drink bonded bourbons neat but I didn't mind a cube in this 116proof shit. Not a bad pickup for $55.

>> No.19717730

Normally I can drink decently, usually around 500-700ml a night 2-3 times a week, but on Friday I drank a 700ml (I always use lots of ice so I don’t get dehydrated) and chugged at least 2L of water before bed and had the worst hangover when I don’t normally get hangovers. I don’t throw up either and I was throwing up just stomach acids and blood all day. Is this the end? I still had about half a bottle so I drank the 500ml of vodka on the Sunday, but I didn’t enjoy it like I used to. Normally I can get drunk and sing and dance and laugh by myself in my room, but this weekend something changed and I just sat at my pc not even doing anything.

>> No.19717765

It’s called alcoholism anon, it catches up to you, especially if you’ve been at it everyday and you’re approaching your mid to late 20’s. For me it a switch tripped one day and I couldn’t no longer handle heavy daily drinking

>> No.19717807

the older you get the harder alcolhol is on your body i started getting 2 day hangovers at 28. also you're building a tolerance drinking that much that often so either quit for a while or w/e

>> No.19717892
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Bros... imagine immortal elves were real. Do you think it is a sad thing that they are fair and immortal while we grow sick and die? I cry often alone in front of my pc, drinking, and thinking about the steady loss of life as a human.

>> No.19718076

Don't drink for a while and if you start back up then do it in moderation, only drink smaller amounts and not every day.

>> No.19718079

I’m 29 now, so I guess it’s just getting old that kicked in

>> No.19718090
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Don't let yourself get upset by things that aren't real. We can create ideals in our minds that make real life seem terrible in comparison, but those things are not real -- they are made-up and exist only in your head, and you shouldn't let them have any power over you. Use your imagination to make you miserable is self-induced suffering.

>> No.19718116

Dude yeah, you need to take a nice long break from drinking

>> No.19718121

Also if you start again then approach it differently and drink things because you enjoy drinking them, not to get drunk. Change what you drink if needed.

>> No.19718123

damn these threads used to smell a lot less alcoholic. I don't blame anyone, life has been hard lately and I've been letting my drinking get out of control lately too.
I know because of how dull it feels to be sober. Being inebriated isn't much better, but bourbon just tastes so damn good...

>> No.19718129

Getting a buzz or lightly drunk feels good but actually getting full-on drunk makes me miserable. Had to stop drinking any hard liquor because of that. I drink maybe 6-10 beers a week tops.

>> No.19718207

I'm about to turn 29 in a couple months and I'm at the point where heavy drinking just makes me sleepy.
I should have partied harder in college when my body could handle it. Getting old is gay.