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19706885 No.19706885 [Reply] [Original]

reasons why we will never get free healthcare

>> No.19706888

"Free" healthcare isn't free.

>> No.19706889

It isn't free in other countries. They pay taxes out the ass.

>> No.19706896

Reason 1: Your health insurance system is the primary problem you have. Even with any kind of system implemented it will fuck it all up unless you completely overhaul the insurance companies
Reason 2: American vassal countries are only able to have the healthcare systems they have because America pays for their defense budgets. Even with that the taxes these countries implement are exorbitant and suffocating, and even despite these taxes their healthcares are crumpling under its own weight.
Reason 3: Make an appointment and you'll given Reason 3 in appoxomately 16-18 months.

>> No.19706900

Having to pay out the ass for private insurance so you can access non-emergency healthcare at a reasonable price is basically a tax because any reasonable person in the US would get it if they could. It's a tax you can only avoid is you're a poor decision maker.

>> No.19706991

>because any reasonable person in the US would get it if they could
Yeah, the problem is the large demographics of people who aren't reasonable.

>> No.19707015
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>> No.19707018

>American vassal countries are only able to have the healthcare systems they have because America pays for their defense budgets
Explain Australia and Scandinavia in general

>> No.19707141

>almost half a pound of sugar
Just fucking drink the hfcs straight you animals.

>> No.19707145
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He just explained it

>> No.19707157

predominantly white

>> No.19707162

Finland has mandatory civilian participation that lowers their costs, Sweden offsets the cost by selling equipment (and they're small enough that this actually covers a neutral state's defense needs), Denmark has oil money (also a neutral state with two buffer states before ziggers act up), Australian "defense" is about one step up from Canada (and their healthcare is really in line with the rest of the five eyes states)

>> No.19707220

The US government spends approximately $234 billion a year subsidizing health care, that's roughly $704.82 per head. The average UK tax payer pays the equivalent of $978.16 toward the NHS. That's a difference of only $274 per year, despite the NHS user having no up front costs or insurance bills to pay.

Speaking of insurance, the average monthly premium is around $600 (lowest estimate I could find), of which the employer pays on average 77%, leaving $216 paid by the worker or $2592 per year. That is not counting excess fees, and the fact that the 77% your employer pays comes from somewhere (partly your wages).

This means that the average US citizen pays out of pocket - excluding chargeable excess fees and employer contributions - $2,255.16 more than the average UK tax payer toward health care. That's 332% more.

tl;dr you guys pay marginally less in tax and more than 3 times as much in total despite UK health care being available to every single living person regardless of financial situation.

>> No.19707235

>Unironically defending American healthcare
What level of brain damage do I need to be on to understand these people?

>> No.19707239

Old people cost more healthcare wise than fatties

>> No.19707250

It’s hilariously indefensible. Healthcare is the ultimate American political litmus test. 90iq ideologues itt will start pulling every obfuscation they remember from Twitter out of their ass. Muh whites muh defense muh fats.

>> No.19707289

I don't care I see how the government runs the DMV and the post office and how much they hate whites I have absolutely no desire for them to control my health.

>> No.19707303

You delusional? We have the best hospitals in the world. What do you not have health insurance? I paid 2 grand for my 30 grand surgery

>> No.19707309

As long as you have an adult job it doesn't cost that much. All the fear mongering you hear are for people who make too much to qualify for assistance but to little where healthcare costs break you essentially people that make 20-30k a year. Anyone under and above them is usually covered.

>> No.19707474

i should mention i have the high deductible so i pay more for coverage when i go for check ups and shit, up to 2 thousand, but they cover everything after, even out of network. so if i got fucked up in a car accident and had 100 grand in bills i would only pay 2 grand still.

>> No.19707482

Americans are retarded (especially the right wing ones)

>> No.19707483

You literally cannot use your health insurance outside of the state you buy it in. If you get injured out of state you are expected to fly back to your state before you can get medical treatment.
>Best doctors in the world
Well yeah cause we pay the most. You haven't actually spent any time in a hospital if you think a single doctor agrees with our current health care system retard.

>> No.19707492

Yeah but that's what's supposed to happen. Fatties aren't.

>> No.19707500

bro i literally just said
>out of network im covered
that means out of my state, covered, for the full amount. i think its cute that you talk like you know what youre talking about though

>> No.19707511

What's your monthly deductible?

>> No.19707520

>not understanding the terms of your insurance policy as an argument

>> No.19707524

i think its 2 grand for the whole year. so basically i pay for everything unless something happens to me. i dont mind because i can afford it and im not on medications or anything so i dont go often

>> No.19707531

That's nearly double what the average person pays for a gold membership to most major health insurance companies. I'm sure you get great service, but the fact you are using that as a defense is mind boggling.

>> No.19707538

really? isnt it smart to pick a plan thats right for you personally? and i thought the argument against health coverage here were the absurd costs? or is 2 thousand dollars now an insane amount? plus ive only hit that one time in ten years when i had my appendix out

>> No.19707541

>Is 2000 dollars a year an insane amount
For your average American yes. What? Are you retarded?

>> No.19707543

America pays for their defense budgets, are you illiterate or retarded?

America doesn't just directly fund defense of other countries, they also directly benefit from shit like the US Navy constantly patrolling roughly 100% of the world's oceans projecting force as a deterrent and actively defending shipping lanes from piracy and shit.

Third worlders are literally too retarded to even understand the ways they're being taken care of.

>> No.19707545

im as blue collar as it gets. honestly i think the average american is just shit with their money

>> No.19707551

exactly, we're much better off in the hands of pharma-medical lobby jews, freedom

>> No.19707556

>I paid 2 grand for my 30 grand surgery
There is no such thing, it does not cost $30k to deliver surgery. That is a figure invented by healthcare providers because the insurance system allows them to charge what they want.

Even if it were a reasonable figure, you've paid for it within 15 years. If you're undergoing $30k surgery more than once every 15 years then you're certainly not an average person in terms of health.

>> No.19707566

the huge costs on surgery like that, or for example 100$ for administering aspirin, is partly because some people skip out on their bills entirely. there is a hospital in my city notorious for all the people that dont pay them. because a hospital cannot legally turn you away if you have a medical emergency

>> No.19707580

>I bought digital jpegs for $100 in this video game but the developer says they're worth $300! What a deal!

>> No.19707598

Lmao, America doesn’t pay for the defense budgets of Scandinavian countries.

>> No.19707640

No they don't pay but did you even read what that guy said?
>doesn't just directly fund defense of other countries, they also directly benefit from shit like the US Navy constantly patrolling roughly 100% of the world's oceans projecting force
They are just doing your job for you

>> No.19707649

>Sven actually thinks there's anything protecting his retarded ass from Russian and Chinese takeover other than the threat of nuclear assfucking from the United States

And you faggots are so proud of your public education system

>> No.19707653

people should raise pigs and harvest their own insulin

>> No.19707659

People should stop producing insulin and let pigs die

>> No.19707660

Does blue collar even pay any worse in 2023 honestly? I work the most braindead useless manual labor blue collar job ever and I get just as much of not more as my friends working in offices.

>> No.19707729

There's plenty of blue collar work that pays great, but retards like to pretend those jobs don't exist or pretend blue collar means working fast food rather than learning an actually marketable skill.

>> No.19707839

>the US Navy constantly patrolling roughly 100% of the world's oceans projecting force as a deterrent and actively defending shipping lanes from piracy and shit.
Yeah that's a great excuse to hand an enormous budget to the navy but it's not actually realistic. The one area that actually has any active piracy is defended by a coalition that doesn't even include the US.

>> No.19707851

I don't have to read the other replies, this guy just destroyed your corporate propaganda nonsense with math and you're mad.

>> No.19707856

Contrarianism quickly becomes brain cancer. Imagine defending Aetna for free.

>> No.19707864

>Don't thread on kikes reeeeee!

>> No.19707872

ding ding ding

Even no skill manufacturing pays acceptable wages everywhere. But if you're the kind of retard that frequently calls in, you're out at least 20% of your income. Couple this with the numerous habits they have, like binge drinking, smoking, fast food and processed food and things are now 400% more expensive for them. Now couple that with the fact that hardly any of them DIY things anymore, and its no surprise they not only live paycheck to paycheck (this isn't a problem really, unless you're borderline getting yourself canned or your business going under), but also can't accumulate wealth in any fashion.

Cars are always my favorite, everyone looks at it wrong. You don't get rid of the car because the transmission replacement is "more than the car is worth", you only get a new vehicle when the cost to replace the vehicle exceeds the cost of replacing the the part.

You really have to try everyday to be poor in America.

>> No.19707882

Yes somehow everyone should be middle-class and the mass of poor and homeless people got there by self-sabotage.

Nice job defending the plutocracy, kike.

>> No.19707898

>reason 2
Is absolute bullshit. The US is paying so much for its military because a) your politicians are corrupt b) you need to maintain enough military to wage war in SA, Europe and Asia at the same time c) if you don't a competitor will rise d) you need to maintain your status as world hegemon to direct trade into your country.
Military spending would not make a difference to the welfare state of European nations.

>> No.19707921

>The one area that has any active piracy is the one that the US isn't defending
Wow, you're almost there.

>> No.19707931

>You really have to try everyday to be poor in America.
thank you for saying it for me. lol at the guy who said 2k was a lot of money. even for the average dipshit american they waste more than that on fast food every year
>Military spending would not make a difference to the welfare state of European nations.
maybe not yeah, but if the US pulled out you guys would have to up your game or you'd have russian and chinese ships patrolling your waters for you instead
get a job loser

>> No.19707934

I would love to see your definition of that, or poor for that matter. Because I just fired a junkie this week who decided to stop showing to work this after having attendance problems in six weeks of employment, which is the longest he's held a job despite the fact he's two years older than me. Most of the people I walk out is over attendance, and its entirely due to misplaced priorities, insufficient planning, and lastly is just poor life choices. Its so fucking hard to get fired over attendance that I can't believe I do it all, there are so many protections in place for people that I'm shocked its an issue.

But yeah, I'm sure there's some noble poverty stricken family man somewhere that scraping by in slave labor conditions somewhere. Rather than people who trade lower wage work for an easier and still low skill job.

>> No.19707940

>but if the US pulled out you guys would have to up your game or you'd have russian and chinese ships patrolling your waters for you instead
I love how yuros love to pretend they don't depend on the US to keep them safe despite the fact that none of them meet their agreed upon defense spending goals for NATO and every time the US does anything that even slightly hints at decreasing involvement in their regions their politicians start shitting their pants and accusing us of abandoning our allies.

>> No.19707945

>maybe not yeah, but if the US pulled out you guys would have to up your game or you'd have russian and chinese ships patrolling your waters for you instead
Our waters are on our coasts. That territory is easily patrolled by what boats there are in Europe. If the European waters even need constant patrolling. You think the Swedes will launch raids on English monasteries again or what?

>> No.19707950

>The dipshit living in a country that's only got any actual wealth because of oil reserves thinks they'd be perfectly fine if their bodyguards just decided to tell them to go fuck themselves tomorrow

>> No.19707967

Against what dangers is the US navy guarding European waters? Give me some actual examples.

>> No.19707972

Just because the US health care system is bad doesn't mean the UK health care system would work here. If we already have to deal with a similar tax system for our health care but have extra costs associated later down the line, don't you think aftloading it with taxes would just increase that price beyond what the UK pays per capita? The major issue with healthcare around the globe is jews squeezing money out of illness and culling the central problem would get most of the fluff like these generally useless numerical comparisons out of the way.

>> No.19707973

How about Russia which made all of you shit your pants recently

>> No.19707981

>Our waters are on our coasts
i know what the baltic sea is. and youre right you guys can defend your waters.
im just saying some of these other countries are bullies and they WILL take advantage of any ground they can get. imagine suddenly you cant leave the baltics into the atlantic cuz of all the russian ships. remember Georgia in 2010? or ukraine in 2015, which by the way is the same war that is actually just official now
not him, but examples above ^. if you dont project your power and protect not just your shit but the shit around you, other countries will take advantage of that. another example might be china building those islands in the south asia sea that they constantly proclaim to be their land and military zone. there are actually some funny videos of us navy getting threats from them and just ignoring it like "nope nato says we can be here"

>> No.19707994

Okay. Enjoy your saturday morning cartoon worldview.

>> No.19708023

>Somalian piracy
>one article
>all of these other countries have a coalition
>the US must do nothing there then
What an idiotic article, written by a complete buffoon, read absolute midwits. Do you have any idea how many patrols the Navy has conducted in that area?

Go fuck yourself, dusting off an old surplus destroyer and squeezing it through the Suez to scare some starving somalian pirates doesn't mean shit.

Since Scandinavia was brought up, how many nuclear subs capable of launching SLBM's are there? Do they maintain a nuclear arsenal as a credible deterrent? No? Why not? Do we even want to get into their conventional fleet, let alone readiness?

Fuck being a European must be so grand, not only do you have everything handed to you, you can also be completely oblivious and act superior for it.

>> No.19708024
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>Used to rent a room to a fatty fatty boombalatty
>He complained about feeling like shit all the time because all he drank was pic related
>Tell him to drink more water
>His reaction was to make Kool-Aid
>Went through actual fucking POUNDS of sugar per week
>He went back to dollar store soda once I started keeping my sugar in my room
>Had to tell him to get gone and I'm the bad guy as if anyone else would let him get away with not paying rent for several months
Fun fact: he's the only person I know who actually identifies as a communist. The last time he even tried to get a job was really his mom getting him a job and he embarrassed the fuck out of her by showing up an hour late and high on his first shift.

>> No.19708028

i looked it up and its the south china sea. apparently china is building these islands on coral reefs claimed by vietnam, the phillipenes, and some other countries.
Ill link one article but its all pretty interesting to read. and also a good example of if you cant project your power someone else will project their power onto you.

>> No.19708042

LOL smoothie king has real pumpkin smoothies

>> No.19708065

I always try to be nice to these guys but still get insane US hate from them. Like I think sweden is cool or denmark where my grandfather is from but they just have this euro complex that makes them snooty. and they dont even know what state im from, makes no difference to them

>> No.19708068

Your renter complained about feeling like shit, but he never made the connection that his diet was causing it. Mostly because he's a pleasure addicted degenerate with no self control in addition to being absolutely retarded.

Poor people are poor because they work hard at it.

>> No.19708094

The geography thing I always get a kick out of, my state is larger than all but Germany, and none of the Euros I met while over there had ever heard of it. I don't hold it against them, its not one of the populous states or wealthier, but they act like its so incredible that I sometimes forget which order the Scandinavian countries go, or who is who in the clusterfuck that is Eastern Europe.

Europe is awesome, they have lovely views, solid infrastructure for the most part (thought it has quit a lot of downsides), wonderful food culture everywhere, even the southern portion is industrious compared to the rest of the world, and have awesome history. But my God, there are downsides galore to living there, and their healthcare is one of those things.

>> No.19708123

I get a kick out of it too. My state is large land wise and has like 25million pigs at any time. at 50 million pigs a year each Scandinavian person could get two pigs a year just from my state

>> No.19708161

I'm working right now faggot

I also make more than you, cope and seethe

>> No.19708165

This you? >>19707543

>> No.19708179
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Do europoors think it's possible to make apples-to-apples comparisons between US health care system and UK health care system? It's laughable to even consider what you said as anything even remotely meaningful.

For starters, what makes you think lumping govt health care expense and employer provided health care expense into 1 variable? That's dumb and you're dumb. Not saying you might not also be correct, but how you came to that conclusion is fucking stupid and you should feel bad.

>> No.19708186
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I doubt it.

>> No.19708214

>Amerifats create a retarded nuclear arms race with the soviets, hurr you should be so lucky that we stockpiled enough to deter them.
this is your brain on corn syrup

>> No.19708222

Hell the UK health care system doesn't even work there and anyone with half a brain knows it. The UK is about the worst possible example you could give for nationalized health care.

>> No.19708225

that shut up the yuropoors real quick lol

>> No.19708236

Second guy you quoted is me, not the first. Get fucked yurofag, I gave up on being polite to you retards years ago because you people continually make it obvious that you have no idea why your lives are as easy as they are and act like entitled assholes while shitting all over the people who enable your lifestyle. I hope Russia goes full retard and starts nuking everyone just because you'd die first.

>> No.19708239

Eurofags don't even understand that US states are more similar to their idea of a country than the US itself is, of course they don't understand why saying
>Well muh UK health service
Is a retarded argument

>> No.19708251

When you consider that the alternative was that the fucking Nazis were going to develop nuclear weapons and obliterate your entire continent full of inbred retards, yes you should count yourself lucky Olaf.

Or do you think that if the US hadn't snatched up all the German scientists and gotten the bomb first that the Soviets just would've magically never figured it out and would have become a fully peaceful communist utopia?

>> No.19708260

The US almost has almost as many niggers in prison as each Scandinavian country

>> No.19708269

This is beyond retarded. Thanks to USGAY we're now completely fucked. Should've supported the Nazis and let them stomp the Russians, but guess what, Americans are so in love with the Jews that they worship shit like Seinfeld and instead fucked up the world like they did basically everywhere afterwards. Got btfoed by literal jungle monkeys and cave dwelling sandniggers. America is the last you'd ever want to have your back. it's like the fatty who gets koed and then says but I got a gun at home I'll come back latereeeeeeeeeeeee.

>> No.19708274

When you practice Jack Nicholson's speech from A Few Good men in the mirror, is it usually oiled up and naked or do you prefer to cosplay?

>> No.19708295

Americans are very shit with their money, absolutely. Healthcare costs could still be lower, though. Administrative bloat has hit the healthcare industry hard

>> No.19708299

So you think every poor and homeless loser deserves government gibs then? Go ahead and lend your house to them, idiot. I dont care about them here so why do you?

>> No.19708313

Say a woman is the homemaker taking care of kids and her husband is the breadwinner. Then the husband dies in a work accident. The company is found not to be at fault so there's no chance to sue for a settlement. Now the woman has to not only be the breadwinner but also the homemaker. This is a situation that has happened numerous times.
What reason do you have that the wife shouldn't get some government assistance in this situation? The government are leeches anyway, half our taxes get thrown to bullshit. It's only fair that people like that woman get some financial breathing room.

>> No.19708325

fug i forgot to quote you
>the mass of poor and homeless people got there by self-sabotage.
uh, yes they did, dipshit. or did you manage to become poor and homeless just from your own incompetence
mother gets insane gibs here. my sister as the anecdotal example. when she had her first kids and wasnt working she did qualify for food stamps and they go a long way if you use them right. than and me and my mom helping out.
dude im in no way against gibs im just against taking them, unless i really need em,

>> No.19708360

>the mass of poor and homeless people got there by self-sabotage.
I dont just think this its the truth, unless you are out of your mind crazy you wont be homeless in the usa for long, if you can take care of yourself. and thats what this country is all about really. because you get every opportunity, gibs, housing, classes. you wont make it only if you are an insane schizo that thinks every postman and fedex guy is stalking you

>> No.19708548
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Actually it’s because of the MIC

>> No.19708573

>truly corporate consolidation, stagnant wages and ever increasing housing costs have nothing to do with homelessness
What a retard

>> No.19708586

You heard the man, eat 14 glazed donuts instead of drinking that.

>> No.19708603

no one is forcing you to consume slop, just don't drink sugar, easy