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File: 256 KB, 2048x2048, BeefLiver_2048x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19701441 No.19701441 [Reply] [Original]

Im going to buy cow liver tomorrow because I noticed it is cheap in the market. Is it good if I just fry it or boil it? What spices should I add?

>> No.19701477
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>> No.19701480

Than you.


>> No.19701516

dont fucking boil it for fucks sake
Just do a nice liver and onions recipe

>> No.19701604

Why? We used to boil liver for cats when I was child

>> No.19701613

OP is a very cute cat girl so it could work.

>> No.19701721

Eat it raw u chump

>> No.19701737

Boiling removes flavor from the thing into the water

Just sear the liver in butter for a while, be careful not to overcook it because the texture will get really bad. Sweetness from caramelized onions work to counteract the bloody organ taste.

>> No.19701741

boil.. it?? why the hell would you do that?

>> No.19701747

slice it thick and fry it for a while (not too long, unless you like chewing concrete)
white onions, apples (just not too sweet) and marjoram go well with it.

>> No.19701764

My grandma used to bread it like chicken-fried steak, I liked that a lot

>> No.19701850

I can try a little peace like that
Im not sure if the boiling is bad if it removes bloody organ flavour
I dont know. Im not a chef. I remember my grandmother boiling it
I think I am going to try different methods. I will buy 500 grams of it tomorrow. Now I will sleep

>> No.19701870

sleep tight, for tomorrow the journey awaits you

>> No.19703390

dont be stupid bro, boiling meat most of the time is the worst way to do it, do this:
>chop onion into strips
>salt and pepper liver
>flour beef liver just enough so its dry
>get pan mid-hot, put a decent bit of butter
>put in onions, let get a bit softer
>make room for liver, put in the center with the onions still in the pan
>cook until the liver no longer bleeds/the liquid coming off it is clear
Beef liver is very metally, so if its a problem for you, buy calves liver next time, shit is great

>> No.19703457
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Not op what where can I buy liver that’s actually good? As in, doesn’t meat the general identifying markers and standards for what is considered poor quality or potentially unsafe to eat liver? I bought frozen sliced liver recently and when I thawed it it was discolored, crumbly and mushy in spots, nearly falling apart on the whole, and smelt like piss and shit.

>> No.19703604

my local grocery sells it refrigerated with all the other cuts of beef. They sell all kinds of organ meats though so it may be a special place

>> No.19703680

> They sell all kinds of organ meats though so it may be a special place
It is. Almost No major grocery chains sell any offal besides frozen beef and chicken liver and gizzards. Aldi for example doesn’t sell anything. The only one in my area that offers anything more is a small regional chain. Though the quality of their meat is a bit more questionable than typical supermarkets.

>> No.19703721

Try chinese techniques

>> No.19703743

onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion onion

>> No.19703750

ginger and sesame oil

>> No.19703906

>fry it a little but not too much
>don't boil it
Do you really eat liver "pink" like that? I've only had liver in a restaurant once and I couldn't tell what they did with it exactly.

>> No.19704596

You should try polar bear liver

>> No.19704627
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Looks like you got your answer, anon.
Just had to drop in and drop this:

>> No.19704633

This guy loves the D.
and K

>> No.19704634

Enjoy your vitamin a and copper poisoning

>> No.19704670
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that generally only goes for the livers of predators.
Copper poisoning is nothing to fuck around with though. I knew a guy who got a bad case of it one time,(Chemical exposure, not food,) and it fucked him up so bad that even after a year of intensive chelation treatments, he blew up to ~320lbs. from being ~175lbs.(probably a defense mechanism against the toxins,) and his personality completely changed. It was like he was a different person.
It may have eventually worn off, and I think I'd heard he got back to his normal weight years later, but he was never the same.
I'm reminded of that whenever I see some retard making dope pipes out of copper lamp parts.
Verdigris is poisonous in high concentrations.

>> No.19704711

All I do is season flour with garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper, dredge the liver shake off the excess and then fry it in a pan with some butter. It doesn't take long at all, you don't really want to over cook it and you do want it to be kind of reddish in the center, it gets tough quickly if you cook it for too long. It's very likely that you can take it out of the pan well before you think you need to.

>> No.19704914

Eating liver from predators causes acute vA toxicity. Get too much vA over long time and our livers become just like the ones predators have. Liver is basically a dumping ground for it. It is too toxic to keep in circulation and there is no quick way to just excrete it out.
It becomes a problem when the liver gets full, at this point there is more vA in liver than one of polar bear.(there is a case study of this happening)

There are people who have gotten vA toxicity bunch of different ways, eating too much carrots, sweet potatoes, liver, cod liver oil, supplements. There is a kind of asymmetry of how vA is easy to overconsume, troublesome to limit and zero vA diet is basically impossible. At the same time, the only way to verify high vA is to take a liver biopsy which is invasive operation cutting part of the liver. Your blood vA levels never show up high until your liver is full or somehow damaged or you just took a megadose and it's high temporarily.

100g of beef liver is about five days of vA (assuming 3000IU RDA) single dose. My local stores sell it in about 400g chunks. It's just not worth it to start cooking minidoses like that in my opinion and I still want to eat things like eggs, carrots, greens and dairy which also have vitamin A. Actually I need those other foods to have nutritionally complete diet.
For this reason I've decided liver is not worth it. Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.19704934

just dont eat it every day retard

>> No.19705150

You actually can't eat a polar bear liver even once

>> No.19705491

I knew vA toxicity was a possibility from many animal livers but I had no idea about the rest. Much appreciated Anon

>> No.19705499

Slice it thin and soak it in milk over night. It gets rid of the strong iron taste/smell. You don't need to do this with veal liver, it's already mild.

>> No.19706390

Lots of nutrients goes into the water
You shouldn't eat foods for micronutrients but liver is basically a multivitamin and that's a shame not taking advantage of this

>> No.19706404

You can't get vit A poisoning from carrots
Carrots contains β-carotene which is a precursor of vit A
The β-carotene in excess simply isn't converted to vit A by your body.

Just don't eat liver every day, it's that simple

>> No.19706436

Slice into 1/4 to 1/8-inch thick pieces and fry them with onions. Serve with starch of your choice: Mashed potato OR rice, but don't forget to make a gravy from the drippings. The weird smell of the liver will go away quickly once you start cooking it. I love beef liver... Enjoy!!

>> No.19706442

I once bought a kilogram of liver from a Chinese man at a wet market. There was just this massive beef liver sitting on a table, draw. I asked him for a kilogram of it, and he just sliced it off and put it into a plastic bag. He charged me 2 kuai (2 元) for it, which is basically nothing (about $0.30). He smirked and chuckled like I basically bought trash from him. I walked to my apartmient across the street and fried it with some onions in butter and had an excellent dinner. Not sure why people don't eat liver. It's full of vitamins. Vitamins are good. I didn't die.

>> No.19706491
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>fry some bacon in a hot pan, extremely well-done & crispy
>use the bacon-fat to fry the liver; add thick cuts of white or red onion halfway through
>season with lots of black pepper, and maybe some rosemary or a bit of paprika if you've got some on-hand

this is wat i do almost every time, there are other ways to prepare beef-liver but it has such a pronounced taste, one runs the risk of making a fukin unnecessarily & stupid-tasting meal if they go overboard with the ingredients

>> No.19706631

It was probably human. You ate some obese Chinaman's harvested liver.

>> No.19706926

>You can't get vit A poisoning from carrots
Yes the ability to convert beta-carotine to vA is limited, the excess beta-carotene starts turning the skin yellow. Ingest too many carrots for too long and you start getting vA poisoning symptoms. Most people are smart enough to stop when their skin changes color.
Carrot man:

All that said, I'm not really worried of carrots alone. It's the midwittery of combining multiple "superfoods" into toxic load. Multivitamin, cod liver oil, liver, eggs, carrots, leafy greens and dairy.

>> No.19706939

Where do you get your micros bro? Pills? Nah mate, big plate of veg for me

>> No.19706949

Can we get that link from a not dodgy source?

>> No.19706955

regular vitaminB12 enjoyer here. Ive got some liver tips for you.
1. buy CALF liver, don't fuck with beef liver unless you know it was grass finished beef. A regular beef liver from the frozen section taste like some cleaner under the sink.
2. if you fry, you use fat and a sweetner, a good combo would be butter and fried onions (well done onions), or tallow and a sugar lime spice.
3. treat it like fried chicken, flour, egg, then panko bread crumb. Fry it up in tallow. Hit it with the Wooster sauce.

>> No.19706956

it's just paywall bypass for this

>> No.19707347

By eating
I was referring to retards who eat thinking about the micronutrients they get for eating specific food

>> No.19707590

Thanks mangs

>> No.19708838

Fry it with onions, eat with some nice bread.

>> No.19709493

what is slow cooked liver like

>> No.19711309

Its worcester sorce bro!

but great advice otherwise.

>> No.19711314

just dont eat too much liver or you will OD on Vitamin A

>> No.19711418

People are too paranoid about "overdosing" on "vitamins". Eating liver once or couple times in a month is perfectly safe. Jesus christ. If you were a hunter gatherer you'd savour the liver but not today..