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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19691720 No.19691720 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I have to spend a third of my prep time removing the casings of Italian sausage meat? Can't they sell it in a 10lb chub like they do with ground beef at the grocery store?

>> No.19691762

If you can't buy it without casing, grind and season it yourself.

>> No.19691985

> a third of prep time
Just cut the casing and peel it off. Alternatively, cooks a bit the sausage and then remove it

If the casing is natural (from the intestines) you can also eat it

>> No.19692001

>Why do I have to spend a third of my prep time removing the casings of Italian sausage meat?
Because you're slow or use a dull knife

>Can't they sell it in a 10lb chub like they do with ground beef at the grocery store?
They do at most grocery stores

>> No.19692004

It really should not take you more than a second or two to remove those casings. They're easier than regular sausages with how firm they are. Just slice the sausage in half down the middle and the casing should peel right off with ease.

>> No.19692024

why are you peeling it to begin with? you're removing the best part, retard.

>> No.19692050

Just get pork mince, a drug scale, the spices/herbs and season it yourself. There should be enough recipes out there.

>> No.19692060

not everything you put in your mouth has to be sausage-shaped, anon

>> No.19692087

This. I don't understand why Americans bother with cutting open sausages just to get seasoned pork meant. You literally paid for the casings and labor of filling them

>> No.19692089

you're supposed to eat that

>> No.19692271

>removing the casing
Why would you buy sausage with a casing if you're going to end up removing it?

>can't they sell sausage without the casing
They do, you ape. If you can't find "ground sausage" just buy ground pork (and maybe beef depending on what you're trying to replicate) then add the seasonings you think it's missing.

>> No.19692362

why are you removing the casing???

>> No.19692434

Sure, and I don’t have to eat my meal while basking in the light of the summer sun. But it’s far better when I do.

>> No.19692448

he's too insecure to eat phallic shaped foods. it makes him feel funny in his pants.

>> No.19692486
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This post upsets me more than ones where NEETs complain about Burger King or Taco Bell or whatever. Why the fuck are you removing the casing and for what purpose??
>Can't they sell it in a 10lb chub like they do with ground beef at the grocery store?
It's called ground pork you dumb fuck, just mix in some paprika, salt pepper and garlic and you have the same fucking thing.

>> No.19692530

>Why do I have to spend a third of my prep time removing the casings of Italian sausage meat?

you don't. sausage is just ground meat with spices and seasoning added. just make it yourself, it's extremely easy.

>buy whole cuts of meat and grind it yourself
>buy pre-ground pork from the butcher or market

either one of those + add your favorite seasonings, herbs, and spices. easy.

>> No.19693023

Some places only sell Italian sausage this way.

You are supposed to remove the casing.

>> No.19693053
File: 84 KB, 800x450, Prep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they sell it without the casing

>> No.19693063

Maybe at your fancy schmantzy "super" markets the size of a football field but not at the corner market or my monthly trip to Costco.

>> No.19693085

nta but it's not that uncommon
sucks if you didn't really have a choice to live in a food desert where your only options are a corner store and a costco in the next town over or wherever the fuck it is that you only shop there every month but you're eroding any sympathy I had for you with this passive-aggressive bitch posting

>> No.19693091 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1291
Health Code Violations Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
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AA2Mini Install Guide:
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/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

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>> No.19693097
File: 457 KB, 2400x1053, sosij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bet OP gets angry when he has to remove the casing from his breakfast sausage.

>> No.19693121

My Costco sells caseless Italian sausage in hot and mild as a regularly stocked item.

>> No.19693136

that chub is lookin' ZESTY

>> No.19693144

>that chub is lookin' ZESTY
I would put it in my mouth.
Pause. No homo.

>> No.19693159

Those were the Costco hot Italian sausages. They only have the hot and regular. That's all. I looked.

>> No.19693162

>Those were the Costco hot Italian sausages. They only have the hot and regular. That's all. I looked.
What exactly are you arguing about?
Are you the same guy that said they don't sell any Italian sausage?

>> No.19693190

Costco only had the hot and plain italian sausage cased links. They come in a two pack.

>> No.19693220

I think it is disgusting how Italians put their meat in sausage casings.
They might as well stick fresh meat in an animal's asshole, because that's what intestines are.

>> No.19693821

i think it's disgusting how salty /int/niggers pretend to hate things like sausages and meat pies in order to facilitate /int/ seething

>> No.19693832

The absolute state of /ck/

>> No.19693891

You realize Costco stocks their stores differently from location to location to better meet the wants of local markets. Right?

>> No.19694424

Yeah a few years ago my local one had a tube of bulk jimmy dean sausage alongside 4packs of 5 encased Italian sausage but they stopped stocking it after that christmas.

>> No.19694466

Bulk Italian sausage used to cost 33% less than cased sausages. Then during covid, people got wise about it.

>> No.19694611

Somewhat. When I fly to different areas of the country 90% of the stuff is the same and the rest is local related food and gifts. Though I stand by that, by far, costcos are mostly the same. When You get the national coupon/sale book everyone has to have that in stock.

>> No.19694814

>Can't they sell it in a 10lb chub like they do with ground beef at the grocery store?
they sell it in 1 lb packs with no skin in my stores.

>> No.19694851
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Jesus... what a waste of packaging. Don't people have other people to cook for instead of just yourselves? Even so... just get a 10 pound chub and cut it up into 1 pound blocks and freeze.

>> No.19694856

They sell sausage out of the casing.

>> No.19695074

>a pound is a single serving

How fucking fat are you?

>> No.19695517

t. wasteful anti green fuck

>> No.19695650

Here in Italy they do.

>> No.19695671

I use to really like reading W.I.T.C.H. comic from there.

>> No.19695696
File: 370 KB, 3500x3065, 1641103043019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I boil sausages like Italian sausage, bratwurst, etc for a few minutes and then finish them in a pan to brown them up desu.

>> No.19695703

What the fuck is "italian" sausage? You mean sausage? It's called sausage.

>> No.19695707

In the United states it generally means spicy sausage desu senpai

>> No.19695708

>confirmed obese

>> No.19695723

>confirmed brainwashed liberal

>> No.19697456


>> No.19697808


>> No.19697813

Idea: if you don't like it, eat something else... Anything else

>> No.19697987


>> No.19698857

you can reduce the time it takes to remove that casing by practicing peeling off the skin on your arm

>> No.19698920

I am not trans ty

>> No.19698929

this is lowkey what the condom looks like after my boyfriend and i make love