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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19691296 No.19691296 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing gonsumerism goffee gear and goffee-related topics.
But please DON'T discuss actual goffee, that is haram.

Faema e61 grouphead edition.

Alberto posts again.

Last thread: >>19676325

>> No.19691304

What grinder should i get for my moka pot?

>> No.19691316
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Rate my beans

>> No.19691330

nothing with blades and most things over $250 usd.

>> No.19691331

The beaniest.

>> No.19691332

>Hot coffee, but also our Ferrarese Coffee Granita, with or without cream, will keep you company at Parco Massari, until 7 pm today. Between one event and another, remember that the best coffee can be found here. Very little caffeine, it's not a decaf but it's close... it won't bother you. A peaceful Sunday.

>> No.19691352

>drink whiskey for several hours
>drink coffee afterwards
>try to drink glass of sweet tea later and I can barely taste it

>> No.19691403

can you elaborate?

>> No.19691410
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Is Turkish coffee haram?

>> No.19691412

i feel its pretty self explanatory
>blade grinders are not grinders they are blenders and therefore not for coffee.
>dont waste your money by buying cheap shit, the floor for quality is $250 usd. you can get expensive shit thats bad but generally its going to be fine, hand grinders will "always" be higher quality because you are the motor.

>> No.19691414

>Is Turkish coffee haram?
all good things are.

>> No.19691420

Delicious kitty litter coffee

>> No.19691426


>> No.19691428

Haha rita means butt

>> No.19691430

Please like and follow my instagram guys

>> No.19691443
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>From May to September it was a moment for us. We meet here for the autumn edition - even if reaching 30 degrees I find the term inappropriate - of Giardini Estensi 2023. Usual location, usual small rituals, a few new faces among the many usual ones: this is the simple but effective recipe for a success that sees us as protagonists year after year. Getting into people's rhythms and habits makes us feel "closer" to them all year round. It's not a small thing. What's more, with half the caffeine of industrial products...
Sigma male grindset

>> No.19691451

the coffee

>> No.19691465
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>> No.19691500


>> No.19691517
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>> No.19691546
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oh nom nom

>> No.19691576

Anon you can put the hot moka under cold running tap water to cool it down quickly…

>> No.19691580
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The last morgon video before entering the homeless hoodie phase.

>> No.19691584
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This is how I make my pasta & fagioli, with 3 types of beans.

>> No.19691591
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>everything placed on the bicycle is inclined because it leans forward, the Faema however has been balanced and sits perfectly flat

>> No.19691593

shes so fat bros...

>> No.19691606

I hate pasta in dishes like this. I'd rather just have more beans.

>> No.19691608
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>you'll never have nona prepare you pasta fazool before your goffee.
why even live /ctg/?

>> No.19691639 [DELETED] 
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Here's an older iteration.

>> No.19691643
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Here's an older iteration.

>> No.19691679

i feel like it would be easier to ride the other way, no?
like on a bike its easier to pull than to push right?

>> No.19691687

>i feel
feelings are more appropriate in an artistic setting. street goffee cargo bikes are not to be fucked with specially your "feelz b4 reelz" theorem.

>> No.19691693

literally kill yourself.

>> No.19691700

precision is always important. almost thought you were talking about the metaphorical sudoku.

>> No.19691710

shit. did i hurt your feelings?

>> No.19691845
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Where did it go wrong

>> No.19691868
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she documented it on youtube

>> No.19692013

When using a moka pot, I know that you remove it from the heat when the gurgling starts. After removing it from the heat, do you wait for the gurgling to finish before pouring or do you just wait 20 seconds or something.

>> No.19692053

>when the gurgling starts
no. if it gurgles the coffee is ruined and you have failed.
you brew so it doesnt gurgle

>> No.19692126

Don’t listen to this shiz, if the pot gurgles but you have the lid open then the steam doesn’t do shit because it doesn’t go in contact with the coffee making it boil.

>> No.19692147

damn she was cute

>> No.19692155
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There's a reason many anons were obsessed with her.

>> No.19692166
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>many anons

>> No.19692177


>> No.19692191
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>> No.19692217

>Projecting your insecurities is a coping mechanism that co-opts someone else’s psyche to use as an emotional dumping ground. And so, projection is a form of unsolicited communication. If you can even call it that… You might even refer to it as false communication, or a form of communication breakdown that’s rooted in shame, anxiety and hurt, which, if left unaddressed can keep you locked in a cycle of playing out the same drama over and over again, that, more often than not, have their roots in childhood traumas that require focused reparenting.

>> No.19692223


>> No.19692225

Goffee river?

>> No.19692257

If I make some really top tier Instagram moka content do you think Alberto will hang out with me? Maybe he will let me ride his bike and I can post pictures on it?

>> No.19692297
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please respond

>> No.19692313

You're aiming for a continuous flow of coffee, you put it back when it stops flowing. You also should avoid the gurgling.

>> No.19692321

That's not at all what mia nonna says.

>> No.19692544

>you shouldn't use a moka pot the normal way, you have to follow this special made-up process by some youtuber

>> No.19692563

kino time

>> No.19692716
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Try both and see which you prefer. Also stir the coffee with a spoon before serving.

>> No.19692722

Make sure to add a little sugar as well. The top mokistas always do.

>> No.19692727


>> No.19692735

I learned this straight from Alberto himself. The best coffees always need a little zucchero.

>> No.19692780

tldw the timemore 078s is unusable for espresso until 6kg+ of seasoning. After that its bretty gud.

>> No.19692829

You don't need to do any of the shit he says (preheating water, running water, stirring etc.), but gurgling is a legit way to tell if you're making good coffee. You should aim for no more than 2-3 seconds of gurgling; no gurgling is best, but only if you still get all the liquid out. Just figure out the right temp on your stove and learn when to shut it off.

>> No.19692859

If it has to gurgle for a little while for all of the water to come out does that mean the temperature is too high or too low?

>> No.19692961
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>no more than 2-3 seconds of gurgling
i'm a fast boi and ain't nuttin you can do bout it.

>> No.19692969

that's some good goffee

>> No.19692982
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fuck you /ctg/!

>> No.19692988

ive pretty much have drank nescafe clasico exclusively my entire life. Im looking to upgrade my overall coffee situation to something more "premium". Whats a good starting point in terms of getting some equipment and getting some coffee?

>> No.19693003
File: 1.17 MB, 640x360, how to moka.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filtered by a goffee maker

moka pot and local roaster

>> No.19693348

Grind finer and set the stove at midium-low

>> No.19693411
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dont mind me

>> No.19693415

well shes a stupid cunt and should be ignored.

>> No.19693422

>. Also stir the coffee with a spoon before serving.
what do you think pouring is you fucking spastic mongrel.

>> No.19693425


>> No.19693436


>> No.19693438

im right and you know it

>> No.19693560

To be clear, all the water you put in will never come out. You probably know this,though.

If it starts sputtering/gurgling before all that's gonna come out comes out, the temp's too high.

>> No.19693641

Should I cave and buy onyx coffee. Their ads follow me everywhere.

>Fancy cardboard packaging to help them get away with charging people 12oz price for 10oz of beans.

>> No.19693650
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Tomorrow my Instagram journey shall start.

I’m nervous.

Also a new Hodeidah blend will be opened and therefore it will be my first “model” for the very first pictures.

Will I become the next Alberto Trabatti?

Only time will tell.

>> No.19693798
File: 63 KB, 1254x457, flawed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guji Goro Bedessa. Extractamundo Dos. 1:4 in 20s. Heavenly.

>> No.19693811
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>your technique is flawed

>> No.19693840
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The Based Quan takes no prisoners.

>> No.19694008

>forgetting the pastebin

>> No.19694015

Told you cunts they're not discontinued, they just have a fixed production output each year that comes around December/January until it runs out. Also inb4 his super sekrit project is a mildly but sensibly updated 920.

>> No.19694035
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Its not really that secret, we just don't know what all will actually make it into the retail version.
>Complete flow control with the rotary knob (my glasses underneath- Hoffmann's are circles), button 1 is a programmed Turbo shot (tops at 6 bar and stops automatically at 51g for a 17g shot, so dialing in grind size only), and button 2 replicates the Olympia Cremina pressure profile over 50 seconds (again, dial by grind size only).
>I have an @acaiacoffee Bluetooth integrated Lunar scale. I have opted for a rotary vein pump as opposed to the vibratory pump (silent).

>> No.19694042

that is so ugly

>> No.19694061

I'd go all out on a vanity project too. Looks like gaudy shit but whatever, its his. Better than boring breville stainless at least.

>> No.19694073

I kind of wish they'd just release the thing in a non retarded sense. I bought one and will Slayer mod it at some point but I'm a lazy prick and would preferred to have bought one with flow control out of the box.

>> No.19694093


>> No.19694104

for me i think its the gold latte art decal on the side that really pushes it over the edge.

>> No.19694131
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Its just the pour that won him LAWCO 2017. Gaudy one-off vanity project. I don't imagine it makes it to any bdb refresh.

>> No.19694225
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Can I make good espresso with this machine?
DeLonghi ECAM 13.123.B

>> No.19694244


>> No.19694308
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I tried to and it's far too acidic. How to fix? These are the beans I have.

>> No.19694320

Nice bulge

>> No.19694324

Thanks bro, my daddy taught me not to be ashamed of my dick, especially since it's such a nice size and all

>> No.19694338

Yeah, i see that. Your daddy gave you good advice.

>> No.19694342

Try pulling a longer shot.

>> No.19694345

What (cheaper) hand grinders are better than the ode 2?

>> No.19694352

>How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast yesterday?
now imagine, if you're capable, serving more than one cup, will ya?

>> No.19694387

Kinu phoenix.

>> No.19694388

Just had espresso.

>> No.19694392

Is it better even if I get the ssp burrs for the ode 2?

>> No.19694394

This may help you.

>> No.19694400

>serving more than one cup
just make 2 moka you fucking retard.

>> No.19694406
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i kneel.

>> No.19694411
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>> No.19694419

If you're after a high tier espresso/moka/Turkish grinder I'd say Kinu all day. For filter specifically it's all various flavors of good.

>> No.19694435

>not hof or lance
Shill youre side hustle somewhere else

>> No.19694446
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Btw its really easy to get the correct flow from the moka pot if you imagine this
>stroking yourself and edging while thinking about that one time when you got hard in front of all your moms friends in your swim trunks while playing in the front yard.
>Now stop stroking at the point of no return and recall how they all laughed at you and you wanted to run inside and hide but were frozen in place for what felt like an eternety
> the way your cum dribbles out in a continuous stream is how moka should flow. If your dick starts pumping and flailing, lower the heat and dig for a more embarrassing memory
Thank me later

>> No.19694455

Excellent first Instagram post. Just how nonna used to stroke before the aluminum got to her.

>> No.19694544

Should have followed the directions instead of listening to memetubers.

>> No.19694575

>Wake up and make folgers coffee in the mr.coffee.
>This is the height of my day.
I feel so destroyed.

>> No.19694629


>> No.19694680

>spent the whole bag dialing it in, never quite getting it
Fuck this wasteful hobby.

>> No.19694688
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Incredibly lucious smol drink. I'm now stimulated, alert and ready to attend to my actual real avocation.

>> No.19694721

I have a Brevelle and I'm very happy with the results, better than almost any coffee shop I've ever had.

Should I buy an IMS basket, or just stick with stock since it just werks?

>> No.19694735

Which model? The BDB baskets are pretty fucking close to IMS baskets anyway, and my VST baskets make the portafilter a tighter fit than I like so I've happily ran standard

>> No.19694816

Made a decent cup with my moka pot. What I did:

>Put heat on medium-low
>Kept lid open so I could watch it
>Once the water bubbled a bit I turned off the heat and let it continue
>As soon as it gurgled I took it off the burner
>Gave it a stir and poured

>> No.19694860

Had a stock basket and hand grinder, was mostly happy. Bought am E&B labs basked with higher flow and now my hand grinder couldn't grind fine enough so gave me an excuse to buy a motor grinder that also grinds fine enough.

>> No.19694873

Why are there so few Niche Duo reviews? There were a million and 1 Niche Zero reviews

>> No.19694879

Thank you anon, it ain't prefect but it's actually pretty nice now

>> No.19695042

That's not an espresso machine

>> No.19695106

>freckling crema

>> No.19695200

you looking for manual or lectrical

>> No.19695316

Depends what you want to highlight in your espresso. If all you want is thick chocolate, stock is fine. If you want to bring out more fruits, go with a higher flow basket or try bottom papers.

>> No.19695338

does higher flow hinder thicc chokkky?

>> No.19695377
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Basket shape+hole size+hole shape do a lot of odd things that come through in the cup. I've heard the $5 espresso parts ridgeless is S+ tier for traditional thick choccy shots. I've got an unlabeled vst from flair, decent 10g, pullman 17-19(876 hole), and a new 2200 hole high flow basket from Pedantry Coffee Lab. I use the PCL with chemex papers in the bottom.

Here's what the instagram guy with ~$2500 of baskets sitting around says.
>Sworks standard and (Weber)Uni are great for traditional shots that want less puck prep than a PM for a great shot. Comparable to VST/PM with bottom paper but without a bottom paper. With a bottom paper it can get close to a high flow baskets but not quite. It's just a bit more chocolate.

>Truncated baskets like the Breville stock, decent sloped, or E&B super fine do GREAT at slayer shots and turbos with coarser grinds, are easier to dial, but if grinding fine present a ton of chocolate.

>VST and PM and E&B are known quantities to most people.
IMS straight wall baskets like Barista Pro are the "replace a bad stock basket" with "good enough" baskets. Bottom papers help but can turbo fine. Okay for slayers.

>> No.19695482

coffee is prime autism to me
>fifteen quadrillion ways to prepare and brew it
>equal amount of different brands, roasts, countries of origin with varying “notes” of flavors
>all taste the exact same
its all pointless drama. i’ll save myself valuable time and effort and stick to instant coffee.

>> No.19695525
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COFFEE BROS PLEASE HELP. I'm going to go insane. I've been looking for a good electric gooseneck kettle that's preferably under or around $100 all day but there's like hundreds of different ones on Amazon and each of them has a bunch of mixed reviews so I can't really decide what to get.
I don't care about how long it takes to heat up, I just want something that maintains temperature and is overall pleasing to use. So far my top 3 picks are the Oxo, Offacy, and Kitchenboss kettles. However they would all have some reviews that mention something going wrong and I'm not sure if those people are just unlucky or if electric gooseneck kettles are that unreliable.

>> No.19695529

Have you considered you might just have shitty taste?
>different brands
Oh you're just drinking grocery store blends. Branch out. Maybe try some cometeer if you're wanting to stick with instant.

>> No.19695539

I live in a very snobby area and I’ve tried some really expensive upscale stuff from small shops.
There’s nothing noteworthy about it.

>> No.19695541

I like coffee but I've been thinking of dropping it. It's a lot of trouble really, and I'm fine just drinking orange juice when I wake up. I've never needed a "pick-me-up."

>> No.19695572

And those "really expensive upscale" small shops cater to the normie retards you live around. Branch out. I'd bet you can source and cook a steak as good or better than any restaurant around you. Do the same with coffee.

>> No.19695575
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Muslims invented coffee you massive retard. This thread and all history of coffee wouldn't exist if it weren't for them.

>> No.19695587

Seen, I'll post my sources later. Currently busy.

>> No.19695589

>... stick to instant coffee.
Just fucking don't ..... bruhhh !!

>grocery store blends vs. quality coffee:
If you use for example a proper brewing procedure with the correct temps with let's say a moka pot, you can taste the difference.

I made the experiment myself. A very good coffee made in a moka pot versus filter coffee.
Moka pot brew had a richer taste and was not bitter at all (had a nuance of hazel), while the filter coffee had less taste, no hazel and was bitter.

I started drinking coffe about a year ago (my wife is to blame) and i quickly realized there are huge differences between the different principles and procedures to brew.

We tried filter coffe, french press (which i also like), turkish brew in a sand bath (which is way too bitter for my taste) and moka pot coffe which both me and my wife prefer by a huge margin.

>> No.19695716

goffee? more like gayfee

>> No.19695727

Coffee serves as both a stimulant and a colon cleanse - a perfect preparatory beverage to being the receptive partner or "bottom" in penetrative homosexual intercourse.

>> No.19695766

>i suck at doing x therefore x is shit.
filtered honestly.
i bet you dont even know how to dial in in the first place.
if it takes you more than 50g to dial in you dont know how to dial in and should go back to commodity grade practice beans.

>> No.19695814

because its literally the least interesting grinder of the year
also niche isn't in a niche anymore, what the zero and duo does is done the same or better by like a dozen other grinders now.
i would bet 80% of those who have bought the duo would have done so if literally no reviews existed for it.
and now there are enough reviews from enough people for the remaining 20% to make up their mind
if i was a coffee gear reviewer i would not review to duo(unless i was paid to) because there just literally is no need to, and considering how long it takes to properly review a grinder like this that time would be much better spend doing pretty much anything else.
here are just a few videos at the top of the search results for "niche duo review"

what video could you make that breaks new ground when these videos already exist.
what are you going to say or cover that these havent.
so why bother?

>> No.19695820

>he drinks coffee for the drug and not for fun
you never had it in the first place champ.

>> No.19695822

>Muslims invented coffee
uhh anon?
>Coffee grown worldwide can trace its heritage back centuries to the ancient coffee forests on the Ethiopian plateau

>> No.19695886

Try again. I never said it was discovered by Muslims, I said the process of roasting the beans, breaking them, and turning it into a drink was discovered by Muslims in Yemen. Where the fruit was discovered and brought to Yemen was Ethiopia.

>> No.19695890
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I'd love to see what an ottoman coffeehouse was like

>> No.19695913
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Good morning sirs

>> No.19695930

Have I found another based non-gooseneck pour over enjoyer?

>> No.19695942

Yeah baby just get that shit done. Pour that shit on there who needs all this goosecock bullshit

>> No.19696053

Comfy view. Clean your windows.

>> No.19696098

right! who needs good tasting coffee! heehee

>> No.19696193

A gooseneck kettle doesn’t affect the taste and you know it chump
Thanks boss. They do need to be cleaned but I’m 4 stories up so I’ll have to request it from the landinglord

>> No.19696200

Oh, I assumed you could open them all the way to clean them.

>> No.19696239

>doesn’t affect the taste
Oh no its retarded.

>> No.19696291

>overcaffeinated fools need a special kettle because they can't pour gently using a normal kettle with their spastic hands
Go figure...

>> No.19696495

Can anyone recommend me a bean container? Also a proper bean scoop? Also what's a good rdt bottle I should get? Best goose neck kettle recommendations please? Which pour over drip devicw is best? Ceramic or 0lastic? What's the best filters? Can anyone recommend me a good pick screen? What brand of water filters should I use? Are ims baskets any good?

>> No.19696527
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make a full french press of coffee
>want to put 18 oz in a thermos and the rest in a mug for now
>left thermos at work
>decide to drink it all so it wont go bad
i'm sweating bullets and have a headache. i'm goin insane

>> No.19696535

you shouldn't be drinking coffee anon, you just can't handle it.
sorry, maybe try green tea.

>> No.19696545


>> No.19696666
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Don't decide to clean your boiler at 1am after having some flow issues in the solenoid valve due to scale, mostly because of the OG owner. Or do in fact clean it, it was caked in scale, used the dremel and wire brush. No more slow flow and my café crèmes (1:18 pull in 30s, i have an 18g basket so around 180ml in 30s, was getting 100ml in 30s by midnight and am getting 200ml in 20s now) will thank me. also apathy saved me again when i reassembled everything and it leaked thru the grouphead. decided fuck it will order a new gasket in the morning, but then something beautiful happened. the metals started to expand into each other, creating an ever so tightly seam, soon resistant to leaks, it was beautiful.
Also first time working on the machine so i'm pretty happy i got to familiarize with it and that everything went well.
Turns out the cadmium schizo was not a schizo after all.

>> No.19696791

Brian reads ctg

>> No.19697229

>that cup

>> No.19697285

>correct temps
Stopped reading right there. You cannot control dose, temp or water amount in the moka. Stop posting forever, you have been caught giving fake advice

>> No.19697394


>> No.19697436

>Stopped reading right there

>You cannot control dose, temp or water amount in the moka.
Of course you can.

>Stop posting forever, you have been caught giving fake advice
Just because you are motorically unable to do things the not niggerish way, it doesn't mean the rest of humanity is unable too.

I know exactly on what position i have to adjust the heat plate's knob to in order to prevent the moka pot to cook slowly and the coffee gets mild and not bitter at all.
Furthermore i weigh the coffee beans i'm about to grind to 22 grams on my scale for a 3 cup moka pot and distribute it evenly in the filter funnel while filling it up by ticking it on the side wall while rotating it in my hand.
After the 22 grams of ground coffee powder are in the filter funnel, i tamper it flat so it fits into the moka pot so it does not fall out while screwing it together.
Then i brew it on my adjustable heat plate and let it simmer slowly, if it gets faster, i lift it up and it immediately slows down again.
When i see the coffee brew getting slightly lighter in color, i coll the moka pot down in a cold water bath in a kitchen sink.

Why are people like you so retarded?

>> No.19697441

>Moka Pot water level:
Fill up the waterlevel to just below the pressure valve. It's not harder than this.

>> No.19697444

>I know exactly on what position i have to adjust the heat plate's knob to in order to prevent the moka pot to cook slowly and the coffee gets mild and not bitter at all.
I ment:
I know exactly on what position i have to adjust the heat plate's knob to in order to make the moka pot to cook slowly and the coffee gets mild and not bitter at all.

>> No.19697617

Moka. Not even once. Heard it turns you into a blog posting tardo.

>> No.19697634

Don't buy a Hario Buono electric. Water got inside the display of mine and it became unusable.

>> No.19697680
File: 339 KB, 1104x1060, 1664624846774076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmm i'm getting a note of apricots and peach, perhaps even dandelion and plum, with oooh grape seed vintage 1966 france beaudoux region? hmm yes kenya tasting. hmm but this was brewed with .01 grams off and tastes like shit

>> No.19697729

> want to brew my moka at 91 degrees as many beans are great at that temp
>nothing ever comes out and my kitchen smells burnt
Its been on the stove for 78 minutes when do I goffee?

>> No.19697738

>want to try updosing as my glorious goffee has been a bit overextracted
>pack 26 grams instead of the normal 22
> goffee explosion, kitchen and hallway ruined
Landlord kicked me out my influencer career is in shambles

>> No.19697750

did you grind the beans?

>> No.19697754

this but unironically.

>> No.19697759

They're usually describing the acidity of the coffee.

>> No.19697782

cope and seethe mochatard

>> No.19697787


>> No.19697878
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>> No.19697886

i can smell the burnt rubber from here.
anyway, show beez

>> No.19697930

I've decided I'll get a stovetop gooseneck kettle with a thermometer.
Fuck this electric shit. It seems like humanity managed to reach the moon but no one invented a temperature controlled + maintaining gooseneck kettle that won't break down in a few months.
Also, many pour over championship baristas don't even use the temperature maintaining feature or just straight up use stovetop ones. This leads me to realizing I was really overthinking kettles and sometimes simple is the best and most reliable.

>> No.19697968
File: 68 KB, 1200x1200, 10948-01_d_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just brewed a cuppa for the first time, in pic related using pre-ground. what am I in for?

>> No.19697981


>> No.19697998

pushing is more efficient than pulling

>> No.19698062

love me anaerobic fermentation natural process panama
simple as.

>> No.19698068
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>> No.19698090

You have to know, some anons here are stupid as fuck and will not comprehend what you wrote.
They will rather talk shit than admit you're right.

>> No.19698096

clean your machine

>> No.19698100
File: 3.41 MB, 4000x3000, 20230912_115415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad

>> No.19698102

>not pitch black
doesnt look like classic espresso to me.

>> No.19698171

Right about what? He just posted his routine (tm). That was exactly the point that you cannot play with variables when making mocha

>> No.19698194

It's good coffee. They have a line of espresso blends, black cat. Then they have probly almost a dozen different non espresso specific roasts. Chicago company.

>> No.19698200

Bro you can't be serious lol that was horrible..

>> No.19698201

I thought this was bullshit and stupid until I made a pour over of a single origin honey-processed Costa Rica light roast and it was so amazing that my life changed. I never knew coffee could somehow taste SWEET while just plain black. It finished today so now I'm looking for a new light roast to try. Also I thought I'd hate light roasts because I don't like too much acidity, but I tried the James Hoffman method which I assume really accentuates sweetness and keeps the acidity at a mild level.
Ngl I really hope I'm not becoming a mentally ill coffee hipster that I'd always make fun of. At least I have 0 interest in espresso machines... For now.

>> No.19698207

incredibly vibrant turbo shot. truly the future of espresso.

>> No.19698233
File: 1.79 MB, 880x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys i wanted to ask whats a good coffee grinder? i always use my french press and im tired of buying pre-ground stuff.

>> No.19698239

>put beans in ziplok bag
>get hammer
>ape-brain those fuckers

>> No.19698278

I only make mocha but thinking about getting a tamp just because I want to have something in my butt while I wait for the sputter, recommendations?

>> No.19698348

Have you ever thought about the possibility his procedure resulting in a good coffee?

>> No.19698398

I don't think the guy who showed off a broken moka pot for weeks before realizing he needed to RMA it knows what a good coffee is.

>> No.19698432

Don't even know who you are talking about.
Are you sure it's the same guy?

>> No.19698446

The 22gram 3 cup moka schizo who always reddit spaces his posts? Pretty sure. Guy just bought his pot in May and spambegged here for help, now he pretends to know what he's doing with dirt cheap Italian beans.

>> No.19698478

touch grass

>> No.19698482

Refer to >>19694008

>> No.19698557
File: 79 KB, 1318x332, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look reddit spacing to me.

>> No.19698570

So what's a good grinder for doing 90% espresso, 10% pour-over/French press?
Is the Niche Zero still king?

>> No.19698580

What's your budget and what exactly are you looking for in your espresso? What kind of coffees are you drinking and how?

>> No.19698608

Dude you already lost posting privileges after the fake advice, why are you third personing?

>> No.19698614

Flair pro 2 or flair 58 with meme heater? How important is it anyway? Doesn't seem like that tiny temperature difference would matter.

>> No.19698639

I have an OXO. As long as you aren't retarded and only keep water in while you're using it, don't have retardedly hard water, and don't boil anything weird in there, it works fine. Heats up fast as hell and goes low enough to heat water for my matcha too. No build quality issues on mine. Even the Harios get a couple mixed reviews, it's just the electric kettle game.

>> No.19698670

Can you stop being an autist?
He is not me.

You say he is reddit spacing but he's obviously not.
You say he's doing it wrong despite his procedure obviously work
You accuse him to be some other faggot while there's a big chance he's not.

What is your problem?

>> No.19698693

I've had a signature and now a 58. You'll want the heater and access to 58mm shit.The convenience makes them entirely difference machines. A refurb for $435 is ridiculous. Like $200 less than what I paid in 2021.

>> No.19698716
File: 1.23 MB, 4030x3022, IMG_45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was my final choice before I realized I didn't really want an electric kettle. I just thought you HAD to have one to make the perfect pour over or something then I realized that's not the case. After a while I got picrel, the Timemore Youth stovetop kettle with a nice digital thermometer sold separately that replaces the handle on top. Super underrated, amazing value (Like $53 for the kettle and $16 for the thermometer upgrade), the inside is stainless steel, the design is unique and sleek, and it grants impressive control on the flow of the pour. I am very glad I got this in the end. I might have PTSD for a while however, from the amount of time I spent stuck to a screen endlessly searching for the most suitable gooseneck kettle for me. Worth it.

>> No.19698751

>(Like $53 for the kettle and $16 for the thermometer upgrade)
so the price of an electric kettle?

>> No.19698753

What's a reasonable choice for an espresso machine that's under $200 or so? I don't wanna go ultra gearqueer on it but I'd like something decent.

>> No.19698764


>> No.19698767

Under $200 you want a flair

that feel when you get new beans but only pull a shot a day and when you do your morning espresso and default to old bean settings you get an accidental turbo shot
>it was still alright

>> No.19698785

A cheap plastic electric kettle that could become scrap after a few months, maybe.
A Fellow stovetop Stagg is $85 with an an analog thermometer. The Timemore stovetop is the exact same quality and with a digital thermometer it’s about $70.

>> No.19698791

just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on

>> No.19698796

it's doabler but you'll gotta look into second hand with that budget

>> No.19698802

>A Fellow stovetop Stagg is $85 with an an analog thermometer. The Timemore stovetop is the exact same quality and with a digital thermometer it’s about $70.
Does $15 really mean that much to you? Are you poor or something?

>> No.19698817

We’re talking about value. Why would you not want to get MORE for less? The one that’s $15 less is better and only cheaper because it’s a lesser known brand. I don’t care about brands when making pour overs, they’re not shoes or something. It’s not a rip off of another brand either since Timemore seem to be making uniquely designed products as far as I know.

>> No.19698837

>accidental turbo shot
They're just kind of effortlessly tasty at this point.

>> No.19698870

>The one that’s $15 less is better
How do you know that

>> No.19698902

Saw a bunch of reviews of the kettle. Videos, written ones, and articles. So I’ll be honest I’m just guessing and I used the wrong words because I don’t know if it’s truly better. However there’s a few flaws some people mentioned about the Fellow kettle that I didn’t find in this one such as the handle getting hot, thermometer acting weird and being inaccurate, handle is made out of plastic instead of wood, and looking at videos of the Fellow pouring it feels the Timemore has a smoother flow since I tried it out myself. Now leave me alone to continue enjoying this great kettle.

>> No.19698922

Also I promise you if the Fellow stovetop kettle used a digital thermometer instead of an analog one they would find a way to jack up the price to like $140 or something. It’s just the fact that most of the price comes from the brand and the fact they’re a California based company so the budget goes mostly into the aesthetics.

>> No.19698966

Holy seethe

>> No.19699071

The Flair sounds reasonably close to what I was hoping for. I'll have to look into stuff for milk steaming/frothing though.

>> No.19699102

They're great. I don't do milk but this is the new hot shit I guess.

>> No.19699565

Neato for you but I'm glad I'm not a voltagelet

>> No.19699854

Make me some coughee

>> No.19699904

>You say he's doing it wrong
Where? Quote it

>> No.19699965

i hear someone is impersonating me.
honestly pretty sad.
just kill yourself already.
and the rest of you moka posers should do the same.
if you dont know what you are talking about just say so and fuck off.

>> No.19700009

Classic moka schitz. Probably all the aluminum.

>> No.19700041

Its Mocha. Moka is the brand name like inlines vs roller blades

>> No.19700062

While Moka is indeed the brand name, mocha refers to a coffee drink with chocolate. Like it or not the correct term is "stove top espresso maker". While the "espresso" produced by such devices is not analogous to contemporary espresso brewed at 9 bars of pressure, it is very similar to the first espresso machines which were brewing espresso at around 1.5 – 2 bars of pressure.

>> No.19700081

Man I'm shopping for espresso stuff and even the "entry level" Gaggia stuff is $300 or more. The Delonghi EC680 seems kind of alright but I'm not sure what level of quality I'm looking at compared to something like a Flair which is around the same price point.

>> No.19700088

the cheapest flair will give better espresso than that delonghi
usually the worst part of low end espresso machines(sub $500) is the pressure. but with a manual machine like the flair that isnt an issue because as long as you arent a baby you can reach 9bar and keep it there very easily.
sure you lose a steam wand but the steam on any sub $500 machine is going to be shit anyway.

>> No.19700093

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too. I'm also not at all opposed to getting a standalone milk steamer/frother.
I AM worried about my grinder now, though. It's an original Baratza Encore and it's been perfect for my V60 for a couple of years now but I hear it's not great for espresso grinding. I've got a C2 that I haven't touched in a while and I know it can do fine grinds but it's time-consuming as fuck.

>> No.19700112
File: 18 KB, 679x398, pour over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought this was the default

>> No.19700119

Encore will work fine for a flair. The skinnier baskets of the cheaper non58 models take a coarser more forgiving grind. Even for the 58 you can just get a low flow basket.

>> No.19700120

always good to start with the hoff if you aren't sure.
couple years old but probably still relevant.
could probably pick up a DF64 and be very happy without going down the rabbit hole.
i think a new gen is up for preorder too.

>> No.19700122

thats not pour over. thats drip

>> No.19700132

I don't even know the terminology, it's just what i've been doing for years with #6 filters and home-ground dark roast arabica. The machines in this thread seem like unnecessary tech wizardry just to make coffee.

>> No.19700135

What you perceive as coffee and what I perceive as coffee are functionally two different beverages.

>> No.19700147
File: 114 KB, 2000x2000, pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fair. I just drip large batch arabica and put it in a thermos pump pot so i don't have to make more than a pot a day or reheat anything, but am definitely missing out on variation and flavors.

>> No.19700248

Pour over isn’t drip?

>> No.19700252

fr fr no cap pourover is more drip than drip

>> No.19700255

yup and ugly

>> No.19700258

pour over is called pour over because of the act of pouring water over the coffee grounds
drip is called drip because a machine drips hot water slowly over the grounds, usually in 1 place or with a shower head type device.
both drip and pour over have coffee drip from the bottom of a paper filter but thats not actually where the name comes from.
its a difference in technique.

>> No.19700262

when it starts gurgling, you run the lower half under cold water till the gurgling stops, than pour your cup. If you leave your coffee in mokka pot it will take longer to be drink ready.

Also i assume ur the same anon that asked for a grinder for rhe mokka pot. Try rhe 1zpresso lineup, its a cheapish manual grinder that is consistent. If you go electric, eureka mignon is a good starting point.

>> No.19700279

So if my procedure is not wrong, where is your problem with it?
Also, why do you mistake me for some other dude?

I gave you a good guide on how to do and you just dismissed me and the entire procedure and said i am some other person.
It's not me who is the problem here.
And no, i didn't buy my new moka pot in may, i bought it in february after my 27 year old and pretty beaten up moka pot got his grip molten when i used it on a small campfire on Tenerifa.
So this is the reason i bought a new one. Furthermore, i did not request help here since i'm using moka pots way longer than this website exists.

>> No.19700280

> both drip and pour over have coffee drip from the bottom of a paper filter but thats not actually where the name comes from.
Yeah that’s where I was confused. I get it now

>> No.19700284

no problem
this distinction only matters in specialty coffee
normies think drip and pour over both mean the same thing aka a drip machine like in a diner or something.
but this also depends on country or even specific regions within countries.

>> No.19700286

>eureka mignon
One of the shittiest lines of grinders you can buy. More bad advice.

>> No.19700290

>blog post
Just read my post again if you didnt understand, thats ok but dont start typing until you do

>> No.19700330

>muhh blog post
>muhh reddit spacing.
Honestly, are you retarded?

>> No.19700335
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>One of the shittiest lines of grinders you can buy. More bad advice.
Do you have anything but making that up to back up your claim?

>> No.19700337

Ive never once talked about reddit spacing. Again, read before you reply (but preferrably never reply as it really dumbs down the thread)

>> No.19700360

To be fair, there is no differentiation between grinders other than the speed that they grind. They're all just food processors with smaller capacity and there's no point in that other anon getting elitist about their preference for a fuckin bean grinder of all things. It is what it is

>> No.19700369

Why is this general always filled with butt hurt people who seethe at every discussion? There’s occasionally the normal post but it’s like swimming through a sea of shit to find a small piece of gold. I guess that can be said about 4chan as a whole but /ctg/ in particular can be quit shitty sometimes. Maybe it’s actually good when the Americans are sleeping or something. Maybe I’m getting old and it’s time to move on.

>> No.19700373

Why is this general always filled with butt hurt people who seethe at every discussion? There’s occasionally the normal post but it’s like swimming through a sea of shit to find a small piece of gold. I guess that can be said about 4chan as a whole but /ctg/ in particular can be quit shitty sometimes. Maybe it’s actually good when the Americans are sleeping or something. Maybe I’m getting old and it’s time to move on.

>> No.19700379

It's not always clear who said what. If you aren't this guy, then sorry.

Can we get a country ban for the US?

>> No.19700394

Please tell me the punchline of copy pasting what I said.

>> No.19700396

Please tell me the punchline of copy pasting what I said.

>> No.19700406

Why not make a mocha general and migrate there? Your posting rate is enough to warrant your own thread and the we never have to interact again

>> No.19700415

Who? I never mentioned the Moka pot in this general.
Is this the consequence of anonymous posting?

>> No.19700458
File: 767 KB, 250x167, 2Z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning

>> No.19700476

A flair 100%. You can maybe even squeeze in a grinder.

>> No.19700504

been a long day.
time for some panama

>> No.19700555

what specifically is wrong with cheap grinders? I bought a 60 dollar one and it worked perfectly fine

>> No.19700573

>and it worked perfectly fine
by who's standards?
yours? someone with no knowledge or skill or understanding of taste or feel?
using commodity grade beans with no flavor in the first place.
you can "make coffee" with 2 rocks if you want.
a caveman would probably say thats perfectly fine.

>> No.19700799

They're high rpm bimodal flats with shitty adjustment. Don't stick an anon with a shitty piece of equipment because you wanted to shill a grinder you have no experience with.

>> No.19700858
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>> No.19700864
File: 650 KB, 2048x871, 569ED73C-5E0F-4A52-AD9F-AC7FAB5B95C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hodeidah Gran Gourmet Bar 80/20 blend, medium light roast.

Very unusual roast color for a classic Italian blend, this one is not meant for the moka although I can work around it.

I’m still dialling in but so far this coffee is quite strange, I can’t feel the robusta and there’s a bit of acidity that reminds me of the previous Torrefazione Penazzi India Cherry AB coffee, the rest is malt and caramel notes, I guess beans from Central America (the label doesn’t specify anything about it).

I’m grinding in the espresso range (1.5.0) but since there’s still acidity my next move will be to add even more water to increase the yield and see if the sweet notes come out, to do this i have to use the Giannina with 1 cup reducer and fill with water above the level for 1 cup, so a yield of roughly 60 ml or more.

We shall see with the next tests.

Meanwhile I’m working on the Instagram page.

>> No.19700869
File: 1.68 MB, 2892x3774, IMG_5799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus shot: the goffee and the brekky

>> No.19700875
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>> No.19700888

Massive physical defects on the beans kek. I wouldn't let my goomah drink that.

>> No.19700900


>> No.19700909

The barn doesn't sell coffee with bug bites that big pal.

>> No.19700925

Why are my grinds always sour? Too fine?

>> No.19700944

If ur coffee is sour then it's underextracted. The cause could range from not grinding fine enough (finer = more surface area = more extraction), not using hot enough water (hotter = more extraction), not causing enough agitation or not letting it steep for long enough, depending on the preparation method, maybe some other factors too. It could also be that you just have very acidic coffee to begin with, that's usually only the case with light roasted specialty coffee though.

>> No.19700968
File: 897 KB, 1125x5110, IMG_5804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Renowned and loved Italian roaster who’s around since 1946 and universally loved by foreign people visiting the city of Milan who buy coffee from, somehow manages to make a shit job according to this anon

It always amazes me how foreign people can be mad jealous about Italians.

Enjoy your spotless and soulless g*rman coffee made by raging leftists with prolapsed anuses then, I’ll stick to tradition.

>> No.19700978

(((Third wave))) coffee

>> No.19701007
File: 12 KB, 337x305, main-qimg-8e752a2ef6d5eb7054528d16fa0a9ab7-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just going to ignore those bore holes? If you're trying to shill for a roaster on instagram, the least you could do is pull out the glaringly visible defects and get a nice picture. Have a little fucking pride in your work.

>> No.19701016
File: 1014 KB, 1280x720, 1674065705974669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that black border emphasizing the content.

>> No.19701101

That's a comfy breakfast, anon. Been thinking about a moka, but I already make espresso with a machine, so I'm not sure it's worth it.

>> No.19701181

Do you guys actually weigh your beans and water for every single daily brew?

>> No.19701261

It's beans and final output for me, since I use an espresso machine.
It's not really a hassle compared to running it without, and it makes the results more consistent.

>> No.19701276


>> No.19701279

Yes. Takes barely any time. Also weighing output like the other anon. I will admit that there are times when I don't bother with output though and just press a pre-programmed button

>> No.19701370

of course

>> No.19701405

>anon points out what garbage you have in your cup
>immediately starts rambling about anuses
Im not sure youre making the case you think you are making here bugbeanboy

>> No.19701468
File: 120 KB, 600x800, cafe-bustelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're supposed to ignore the defects. You wouldn't criticize the Starbucks Reserve in Milano would you? Its universally loved by visiting foreigners.

>> No.19701498
File: 1.97 MB, 1824x1012, 1671583257207946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finished my first bag of Trottet, the №7.
Also cute thicc branded cups and saucers.
Would drink again.

>> No.19701540

Your grind is a bit coarse, I can see one or two whole beans in there

>> No.19701575

>look at these imperfections judging by this picture taking with a fucking phone


>> No.19701580

Who are you quoting? And why are you racking on the image quality of your own post? Do you think thats a compelling argument?

>> No.19701596
File: 2.05 MB, 2268x4032, PXL_20230913_173835833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think you need a microscope to spot insect damage? Here's some organic Guatemalan I got cheap. Turns out cheap organic means there's going to be some bites. A half decent roaster will pull those.

>> No.19701597

I wanted to quote the anon who shat on the beans solely based on a phone picture which fucks up light with whatever post processing the built in camera uses, it’s the second time he does this (99% sure it’s the same idiot who spams the Trabatti beans with the flash reflection).
All I’m saying is that don’t judge a whole product and quality based off of a phone picture and your racism towards Italian people.

I literally don’t care if the other anon doesn’t like either, I’m enjoying the coffee.

>> No.19701608
File: 51 KB, 832x1000, 1525569632101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always smash my beans with a hammer before storing them. I don't want weak beans that haven't experienced life, but seasoned beans that have experienced the harshness of the real world. They're not "defective", they have strong character.

>> No.19701627

What? Youre not the trabatti fag? Or are you still third person larping?

>> No.19701632
File: 1.38 MB, 1629x2163, PXL_20230510_040953838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camera flash and phone post processing isn't going to put tubular bore holes and gouges in your beans buddy. Nor will it create the illusion of quakers/tipping/chipping in your other coffees. Pic related, columbian honey gesha with a phone flash.

>> No.19701643
File: 2.02 MB, 3024x3024, 1684160220804252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the trabatti fag trying to pretend these commodity grade indian beans aren't 35% quakers. All the color variance is phone flash and post processing trying to make him look foolish.

>> No.19701692

Are you the reddit spacing tard another tard claimed me to be?
German coffee is superior to most other coffes. I tried out different italian coffees and they mostly were just bitter tasting and nothing more.

>> No.19701772

do you not tamp the fucking coffee?

>> No.19701786
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>> No.19701816
File: 906 KB, 1024x515, underripe-and-quaker-1-1024x515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would my phone do this?

>> No.19701840
File: 2.98 MB, 720x720, 1687568029028455.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shitty commodity grade chink phone.

>> No.19701950

Too stupid to understand that i'm also a moka pot chad.

>> No.19702132

Too stupid to examine the beans he's desperately trying to promote.

>> No.19702141

Falsely implying i ever had such problems.

>> No.19702151
File: 77 KB, 552x368, image1948781152-5089-dd6c5d479c7056739e66fe621caed72b@1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It always amazes me how foreign people can be mad jealous about Italians.

>> No.19702175
File: 7 KB, 136x183, 1413755480163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last 20 posts has been made by a single schizo pretending to be 4 different people AT LEAST

You can't change my mind.

>> No.19702178

Im testing the waters of good coffee and compared the same beans in a french press at two levels of coarseness. I was surprised to find that the finer beans ended up more sour and astringent. I thought they said coarser beans allowed more acidity and less bitterness.

>> No.19702188

>still has a worthless handle

>> No.19702193

>with a fucking phone
so the phone is making it look like there are holes in the beans?
what level of cope is this?

>> No.19702197


>> No.19702200

>I can see one or two whole beans in there
thats just because it was taken with a phone.

>> No.19702217


>> No.19702552

Yep. Weigh in and out of grinder, weigh shot.

>> No.19702564

>what level of cope is this?
Italian reality warp. He sees what he wants to see and the holes just aren't there.

>> No.19702773
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x1080, 1674680126258559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
