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File: 135 KB, 1500x1125, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__images__2015__07__20150706-anchovies-primary2-f64971a3f346480587287200f789d9f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19686164 No.19686164 [Reply] [Original]

I went to an italian pizzeria and they put anchovy on my pizza which made me almost gag from the texture. I had a cold so I couldn't taste it very well. Are these actually tasty? Do you like them?

>> No.19686170

I've tried them once, using a can of some decent brand to doctor up a frozen pizza. I baked the pizza, took it out, and laid a few anchovies on it. I can enjoy the fishy flavor, but it adds so much salt that it was hard to eat.

>> No.19686198

yeah I eat them on their own

>> No.19686256

What do they taste like? I bought two cans after seeing Kenji make a dip using them, haven't tried them yet though because I tried surströmming once and it left deep scars. I cringe every time I see canned fish now, but I really want to give anchovies a try.

>> No.19686259

It's a very acquired taste, like licorice and beer (I'm a simple vodka with any cocktail type of bitch).
>muh fruityness
>muh hops
>muh earthy aroma

>> No.19686261

Yes I love them there like soy sauce but in fish form

>> No.19686277
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I fucking LOVE anchovies on pizza. Pineapple, jalapenos and anchovies on a pizza hit every major flavor. You've got salty, sweet, fat, and umami with the sharpness from the cheese and the bite from the dough/crust and that little extra tingle from the heat of the peppers... It's literally the ultimate pizza.

As far as the texture goes, I don't even notice. If the pizza is made right the anchovies literally just fall apart.

>> No.19686280

I use a whole can whenever I make a red sauce

>> No.19686299

Italians put anchovies on pizzas. Especially in Naples. I never knew why it never caught on in the US

>> No.19686676

It did in the 50s (aka the vets who fought in Italy during WWII brought it back), then boomers decided they didnt like them.

>> No.19686678

ditch the pineapple, and drizzle some honey. now you’re talking.

>> No.19686687

They are insanely salty, like pure salt salty. But they're super savory and rich too, so you usually only need one or two.
The best use for someone new to the 'chovy is a classic Caesar salad with real dressing that you make yourself. It's divine - top it with a fillet of salmon for a classic summer meal.

>> No.19686746
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Use them to make pic rel with some bread to dip. Looks like diarrhea but it's tasty.

>> No.19686776
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>> No.19686923

>They are insanely salty, like pure salt salty
sounds like you bought cheap crappy ones.
High quality 'chovies are super savoury, but not that salty.

>> No.19686943

They're packed in salt as a preservation method, even the expensive ones need a lot since sardines spoil at the drop of a hat

>> No.19686957

Don't drop a hat when you buy them then, dweeb.

>> No.19687017

Anchovies are salt cured first, but then all the salt is removed so they could be preserved in oil.
shitty canning companies use more salt just to be sure, because their product is not as fresh. Also, small anchovies tend to taste saltier, for obvious reasons. That's why reputable brands only pick nice thick filets.

>> No.19687044

there are different anchovies. anchovy is a fish but what is commonly referred to as anchovies is the curing or seasoning of the fish. pizza places use shit anchovies that taste like literal salt bricks. you can find both kinds of anchovies on rainbowtomatoesgarden. Anchovies that are not traditionally seasoned are pretty good, and quality traditional anchovies are alright. They seem more like a condiment tho

>> No.19687057

My anchoviggas, I am so glad to see you.

>> No.19687069
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>It did in the 50s
WTF how old are you nigger?

>> No.19687113

the difference between shitty anchovies and high quality anchovies is like night and day.
cheap anchovies are very salty and with a rather bitter note. Fancy anchovies almost melt in your mouth and have a very savoury but delicate taste.

>> No.19687165

got any recs? I had a pack of really good anchovies once like you described but can’t for the life of me remember what they were

>> No.19687172

Ortiz is a good place to start. Jarred.

>> No.19687175

sounds familiar. Thank you

>> No.19687187
File: 854 KB, 969x1434, Screenshot_20230908_223916_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a Kroger near you? These are surprisingly good and inexpensive.

>> No.19687196

I have a frys, don’t recall seeing these stocked but I’ll look again

>> No.19687205

very salty and savory, I eat a couple on their own when I crave something salty. You can use them to flavour a lot of stuff, sauces, stuffings, they melt once cooked enough, just don't add too much. From what I know surstromming is supposed to stench, I wouldn't say that's the case with anchovies.

>> No.19687217

A little goes a long way. They do melt and you can make a good pasta sauce that way. I'm not a fan of eating an actual piece of the fish because it's too strong, but melted into a sauce it's a really good flavor.

>> No.19687221

Well, if you can't find quality little fishies at a place called Fry's then I dunno what to tell you.

>> No.19687251

Almost such great digits

>> No.19687261


>> No.19687289


>> No.19687343

It's just like a strong, salty fish flavor. If you like sardines, you'll probably like anchovies. If you only like mild tasting fish, probably not.

>> No.19688811

way to salty