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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 1280x720, egg toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19679148 No.19679148 [Reply] [Original]

Tried making that viral one pan egg sandwich for the first time yesterday and it was actually very good. I don't have a photo but you can find it on youtube. The best part is that you can make it in 5 minutes and you can make multiple batches back to back. Also it's hot and beats any pre made shit from the supermarket.
What food do you guys make when you feel down?

>> No.19679154

Grilled Charlie

>> No.19679163

beans and rice. there are so many kinds of beans and ways to cook then. pinto beans, black beans, red beans, white beans.

>> No.19679168

I haven't tried this in a while.
I usually make some pasta with a jar of tomato & herb sauce with cut up Peperami. All the stuff lasts for a while so I don't have to worry about it going off and it's easy to put together.

>> No.19679208

fry up some meat, make instant mashed potato, eat with whatever pickled or fresh veggies I have
I like meat

>> No.19679244

How is making it in one pan better than just making a normal egg sandwich?

>> No.19679272

Everything gets cooked at once as opposed to cooking everything separately

>> No.19679274

I just ate a microwaveable mac and cheese cup with a can of tuna mixed into it.

>> No.19679423

American cheese like in your pic is not real cheese. Just because you are le sad does not make it ok to not use real cheese slice's

>> No.19679478
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>American cheese like in your pic is not real cheese

>> No.19679497

every dish in always sunny screams depression

>> No.19679523

Just made a wrap
>Some lefover chicken
>finely dice a small onion
>finely dice tw thick slices of cucumber
>put everything in the wrap
>add some mayo and barbeque sauce
eat cold

>> No.19679538

But you're a 100% soy wojak. Well done

>> No.19681198

Fake cheese, fake food, fake man.

>> No.19681275

>what do you make?
I don’t, I grab whatever pre-cooked shit is in the fridge and put it individually on my plate. Almost all my meals are cold.

>> No.19681278

American cheese is just cheddar emulsified with extra milk and whey to make it creamier. Do you think melting cheese and mixing it with milk to form a sauce makes it not cheese any more? Would you think that letting it solidify again and then slicing it makes it not cheese any more? At what point in the process does cheddar cheese stop being cheese?

>> No.19681297

I do this several times a week and I enjoy it every time.

>> No.19681388

>At what point in the process does cheddar cheese stop being cheese?

Legally, once it contains less than 60% cheese, this isn't some fucking ship of theseus conundrum.

>> No.19681634

How hard is it to include a link?


>> No.19681653

I made that whence and it fucking legit. Will do again!
>mfw you probably cooked your bacon with choppastik like the thurdie in the video

>> No.19681682

High functioning depression: Finnish junkie stew
>Minced meat in a pan with onion, add spices
>boil macaronis
>mix the two together
>add cheese and ketchup
I don't care anymore-depression:
>Sandwich ingredients independently straight from containers
>frozen pizza if I can get myself to go to the store
>not really hungry anyway
>stand in front of open fridge for the fourth time in the span of three hours and see that no one has filled it while you were not looking
>I can eat some of these chili nuts I opened last week and did not finish I quess

>> No.19681689

Butter noodles. Just boil any pasta you have in the pantry and add a fuck ton of butter. Make a lot so you can just keep reheating it and eating that for as long as possible. Add pepper or garlic salt if you want to be fancy.

>> No.19681695

this is how you get by during a blizzard or whatever and you can't do anything fancy. and it's fucking legit. just douse with oregano and garlic powder if you want and it slips right down.

on less dire days you can do more with it but in any case, butter pasta is a fucking staple, and kids eat it years before they enjoy tomato sauce

>> No.19681697

butter and soy sauce makes a great simple sauce, I used to cook buckwheat groats with butter, soy sauce, and onion a lot
butter really is one of humanity's greatest inventions

>> No.19681719

Old crackers, what ever deli meat I have in the fridge, and cheese slices, basically like those shitty lunchables

>> No.19681725

How have I never thought of this

>> No.19681729

You were depressed :[

>> No.19681736

True. But I will remember it for next time I am depressed :)

>> No.19681741

I just threw some macaroni, sliced carrot and potato in a skillet with idk some water from the tap and a knob of butter and laury's seasoned salt and pepper. I came back 20 mins later and the water boiled off and the butter fried the stuff brown on the bottom. Ate it right off the skillet while sitting on the floor naked.
Livin the good life, friends.

>> No.19681790

>not really hungry anyway
>stand in front of open fridge for the fourth time in the span of three hours and see that no one has filled it while you were not looking
You nailed it. Just finally dragged myself over to load the rice cooker and will crack an egg into it whenever it's done.

>> No.19681817

I usually open a bag of chips or anything salty whenever I'm depressed, also wraps
OP pic is usually my weekend breakfast since I have more time than during the week where I wake up, drink a cup of tea with some bisquits and go to work

>> No.19681853
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this actually sounds normal and not necessarily depressed. I think you're holding up anon, somehow

>> No.19681868

whenever I feel like eating, I don't do it often because it would make me fat. I often also feel the urge to scream but I keep it inside because that would make me look mad

>> No.19681877

you should go /out/. you can scream into the void and it's pretty okay to do that sometimes, I do.

>> No.19682218

>Le depression
Real depression food is popov for 3 days with your sole digestible food being great value neapolitan ice cream.

>> No.19682322
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aww shit I'm doing it

>> No.19682327
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>> No.19682331
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>> No.19682336
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>> No.19682344
File: 1.59 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_2534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I'm eating it with ranch dressing and truffre hot sauce because I LIKE IT. also drunk ngl :3c

>> No.19682356

Maybe you're depressed BECAUSE you eat grainslop and pork, hmm?

>> No.19682386

Was it actually as easy as it looked to make? Sometimes these meme preparations end up being more trouble than they're worth.

>> No.19682400
File: 2.72 MB, 626x360, Surly King of the Egg Fort.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19682404

How does he get out?

>> No.19682405

ngl it was basic af. I used 3 jumbo eggs and like 5 slices of ham so that was the only tricky part, too much shit to cook, fold, and fit, but even with my fatass drunk overfeeding it was pretty fucking easy.

def only easy with a good non-stick imho

>> No.19682421

>depression food
no such thing. depressed people don't eat.

>> No.19682424
File: 71 KB, 400x230, Don't call me Surly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, I am the King of the Egg Fort, and don't call me Surly.

>> No.19682426


>> No.19682432

Ranch is the most vile substance ever dreamt up as a foodstuff. Who wants to eat something that smells exactly like spoiled milk?

>> No.19682437

When I'm depressed, which is always, I usually don't have the will to cook. I almost always require getting high in order to feel okay enough to cook anything, so I usually make large quantities of something and eat for days. Recently, I've been making barbacoa for pretty much every meal. I throw 6 pounds of meat into a crock pot, the prep work of browning meat first and making chili paste is "easy" but more effort than I can tolerate sober. Plus, I won't clean anything if I'm not high.

>> No.19682444

What kind of weak willed faggot child can't eat some tomato sauce with their pasta?
t. didn't get coddled to shit

>> No.19682447

Thanks for the ride-along. Desu~~

>> No.19682505

Well done on that meal anon. Tomorrow shopping and depression meal tier up day for sure.

>> No.19682527

>Modern American cheese is a type of processed cheese developed in the 1910s made from cheddar, Colby, or similar cheeses

>Cheddar is no longer cheese to you?
>Colby is no longer chees to you?

butt blasted

>> No.19682533

I make or buy a Milkshake when shit is really fucked.

>> No.19682588

>When you feel down.
Being poor makes me sad, so every day I stuff my face with cheap, deep-fried potatoes or two or three packages of ramen soup with rice throughout the day.
Also cheap baloney deep-fried and put inside a bun of milk bread/white bread does it for me.

>> No.19682598

Spend less money on oil and maybe you won't be poor anymore

>> No.19682781

Some deppresed people don't eat. Other deppresed people eat until they become deathfats.

Its like sleep, either no sleep at all or all they do is sleep

>> No.19682924

what's the recipe?

>> No.19682926

I ate a handful of sesame chips and hummus for dinner last night.

>> No.19682995

>Tried making that viral one pan egg sandwich for the first time yesterday and it was actually very good
I usually hate viral food stuff, but I might actually try this one

>> No.19683172

It most certainly does not

>> No.19683420

Tomato sauce gives me acid reflux

>> No.19683449

>white rice + MSG with a glass of water

>> No.19683770

Based wilderness screamer.

>> No.19683822

High functioning - fake ramen.
>whatever pasta I've got, doesn't matter since none of this matters
>pork sausage
>whatever the fuck else who knows fuck you
>get pot
>take pork sausage, roll it into balls
>cook at bottom of pot
>take them out when you think they might be done
>get however much bacon you want
>throw it in bottom of pot
>stir it around until the fat renders out and the bacon is maybe done who knows as long as it don't kill you (but maybe it will this time)
>leave all the pork fat grease in the pot
>pour in broth
>season however you want (I use chili powder, cayenne, garlic powder, onion powder, sesame oil, that faggot korean shit, black pepper, some soy sauce, whatever the fuck else) and then bring the broth to a fucking boil
>throw pasta/noodles in
>crack eggs into boiling broth
>turn heat down
>dump whatever vegetables you got in there that aren't rotten yet
>take off heat, throw meat back in
>eat out of pot or dump into a bowl whatever
Mid level - whatever my aunt left me from the food bank
>sardines and onion sandwich
>peanut butter out of the jar
>frozen food
>canned fruit
Tried overdosing again but didn't have enough xanax to finish the job and woke up after a four day nap - found food
>I can go without
>I can't really go without
>I wonder if these raisins that are hard as a rock are from this year
>i wonder if green onions that have turned brown are still "green" onions
>i hope the water hasn't been shut off I am so thirsty

>> No.19683831

>What food do you guys make when you feel down?
I genuinely starve myself because I don't have the motivation to make food or eat pre-made food.
Last time I lost 30 lbs in 2 months

>> No.19684051

So first off - regular ranch does NOT smell like that. Second off, if you are talking about buttermilk ranch, which DOES have a strong smell, its supposed to be tangy and have that vinegar-like bite. Neither of which are vile.

Ranch is the magic vegetable fixer - it makes any shite veggie taste good.

>> No.19684090

I spread habanero garlic sauce on a pita. Add some sliced Genoa salami, and wrap it like a burrito. Nuke it for a minute and we're good to go.

>> No.19684100

when I was a broke ass student I would buy packs of pasta from the shop for 20p each and make butter noodles and add a heaped tablespoon of marmite. glorious.

>> No.19684401

Sounds like that other anon needs to put some ranch on his rotten attitude >:|

>> No.19684494

Gearbox dialogue writers wrote this post.

>> No.19684609

he eats his way out

>> No.19684636

Thanks anon, it was so worth it. I was up for work 4 hours later and made it through the day.

Thank you egg & ham meme sandwich ilu

>> No.19685409

I bet some pepperoni on that instead of bacon would be good. I usually keep a few bags of turkey pepperoni around because it doesn't need to be frigged

>> No.19685462
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Every so often I just take a can or pouch of tuna in water, drain it, and put it in top of rice.
I thought it was just kind of lazy and simple but good.
But I recently started reading this manga where a convicted serial killer who might be innocent eats it with her hands like an animal and it has me wondering if I'm eating crazy person food.

>> No.19685478

2 cups of rice in the rice cooker, dump a can of chili and beans in it when it's done.

>> No.19685519


remember to buy your deenz boys also btw if you live near a safeway or probably albertsons or maybe vons cans of progresso soup are 97 cents and red baron pizzas are $2.50. i know safeway has it but im not sure about the other ones dont quote me but i assume they have same ads

>> No.19686525

2 actual cups of dry rice? that's a fuckton of rice anon. unless you mean two of those little ricey cups. I fucking can't stand how rice cups is even a thing. same as "cups" on a coffee pot. a cup should be 250ml ffs

but anyway, sounds good

>> No.19686533
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>> No.19686566

We can agree to disagree. I've had ranch multiple times in my life, and always found it repulsive. Blue cheese dressing is the GOAT.

>> No.19686593

All of the food I make is depression food because I'm always depressed

>> No.19686610
File: 28 KB, 1200x800, instant-pot-rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A rice cup is 3/4 of a cup. It makes the perfect amount to fill one of those traditional rice bowls like this, or 3 onigiri.

>> No.19686622
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>> No.19686633
File: 820 KB, 1170x1718, IMG_1381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make ramen, then once I’ve eaten the noodles use the broth and the same pot to make instant mashed potatoes. Toss in some frozen corn, peas, and carrots.

>> No.19686637

How does a black man end up as the cuck?

>> No.19686652

brother man that's what I've been eating every night for the past two weeks. I eat other shit too but I just like rice and beans

>> No.19687089

isn't that the standard

>> No.19687126

for me its the Piping Hot Frank

>> No.19687159

Home made vegetable bouillon broth - roasted vegetables pureed, dehydrated and powdered

Random vegetables

Some sort of protein

Some sort of whole grain

Throw it all into a pot and cook for 20-40 mins

You could sub something like mrs dash for the vegetable broth or a typical bouillon i guess but i like how the home made vegetable bouillon tastes. Its powdered like a bouillon but it has the robustness of a high quality vegetable broth. It's one of my secrets to making easy delicious meals

>> No.19687170

Sounds like a lot of work for depression food

>> No.19687179

life is too short to overcook ya eggs man

>> No.19687191

It is, but its not something I do often, maybe once every two months

I am currently extremely depressed and knowing I can make a simple, tasty nutritious meal for myself helps me to cope

>> No.19688660

that's like gulag-tier

>> No.19688838

Don't forget the Barfy steaks.

For me, it's a can of baked beans with some potato chips. Heat is unnecessary. I like to use ridged BBQ flavor chips because I'm worth it.

>> No.19688871

I suspect that most ranch is poorly made as the shit from the store is awful but the ingredients list implies it shouldn't be. That said, I'm a blue cheese type of guy, so I'm biased anyways.

>> No.19688938
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I read depression as in economic depression

>> No.19689081

>not a single fruit on display
This food is utter shit, no wonder you're depressed

>> No.19690190

So... what should be replaced with fruit?
Which fruit, if that matters?
If you care enough to criticize I assume you're not just doing it to accentuate the negativity.

>> No.19690994

best friend literally became gluten intolerant because he did nothing but eat butter pasta or mayo rice for 20 years
cunt never once ate a vegetable except the pickle in a Mcdonalds burger

>> No.19690999

>get by during a blizzard or whatever
cityfag doesnt buy a month's worth of groceries at a time?
sounds bout right lol

>> No.19691067
File: 325 KB, 1199x794, IMGP4849_Fotor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no anon, no. pickerel is the house I grew up in, and we survive without power on a semiregular basis during winter. a couple times my brother and I fended for ourselves for 4-5 days without power, because we cook with gas and have a fireplace and a wood furnace.

however, cooking as much as you like is one thing, but the water pump is electric and this makes cleaning dishes a massive pain in the ass, so we don't waste water cleaning dishes and heating snow in pots is a pain that nobody wants to deal with if you can help it. ergo, cook simple food with minimal mess.

>> No.19691129

haven't left my house in 2 months. a favorite is homemade rice-a-roni style rice, but i'm running low on rice and don't want to go out to get more, so lately it's been a lot of beans.

>> No.19691169

Gas is power.

>> No.19691190


>> No.19691192

Rice a roni with sliced hot dogs in a 2 1/2 cup sized rice cooker

>> No.19691203

That looks too convoluted to make while you're depressed.

>> No.19691354
File: 2.02 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230910_095634684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No joke this thread inspired me to try to go for the pan to make weiners instead of microwaving them... and my recurrent narcolepsy kicked in and I only woke up when my alarm went off hours later, the pan empty and the uncured dogs left out (I've gotten dreadfully sick taking chances before).

Welp, homemade milk tea as my meal of the day works too.

>> No.19691361

jesus. do you have actual narcolepsy or do you just fall asleep the moment you recline?

>> No.19691371

>do you just fall asleep the moment you recline
Essentially - the kind if tired sleeping doesn't dent. in a way i almost wish it was drugs so it could be something resolvable by denying myself something, rather than ambiguous sleep studies and the like.

>> No.19691376

white rice and tuna is what i do too, either tuna or a couple fried eggs and call it a day.

>> No.19691382

I think you need to come up with a system, at least for when you're cooking or if you've left water running for some reason. like only allowing yourself to sit in a wooden dining room chair or something you can't fall asleep in. at least until after the stove/oven/tap is off

>> No.19691390

>like only allowing yourself to sit in a wooden dining room chair or something you can't fall asleep in
I actually was sitting next to the stove in a chair on the kitchen that I suppose was too comfortable, come to think of it. It was my phone alarm that woke me up, not the fire alarm. Nothing caught on fire, just oxidized the pan.

I'm seriously wondering about where someone like me is supposed to go for help, but for now I guess sticking to the microwave is the practical solution

>> No.19691405

there are lots of things that can cause sudden bouts of fatigue. I would say get your bloods done, there's medication to correct imbalances and maybe that's all you need

>> No.19691413

Good advice, been on the diagnosis pipeline for some time now.

>> No.19691418

wishing you all the best with it anon

>> No.19691432

Found a kind some premade pulled pork in the freezer so I'll thaw it and heat that up with saltines and condiments and take that as a win.
Have a good day as well.