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File: 367 KB, 1208x1708, BearCarmy-MAIN1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19685997 No.19685997 [Reply] [Original]

Why are chefs so highly strung? I have honest to God never met a chef who wasn't a fucking psychopath. Once I worked as a bartender in some faggy gastrobar and I plus two others literally had to tackle one of the chefs to the floor after he threw a knife at a 17 year old waiter after a customer asked for their steak to be cooked a little more. I can also count on one hand the amount of pro chefs I have met who aren't total alcoholics or drug addicts off the job - does the autistry of the work attract these people or does it make them that way?

>> No.19686007

Incels usually need to bully others in order to compensate for their small dicks

>> No.19686012

because you have to be the exact opposite of a woman (or the new pussy type of man) to be a good chef

>> No.19686017

FALSE. I only bully other people for being wrong. I have a large penis.

>> No.19686024

Incels only bully people who cut their dicks off to feel special.

>> No.19686028

Chefs typically work 12-16 hour days with little to no time for themselves and piss poor salary. The ones who male it a career are passionate about what they do and it's lazy little shithead part timers that fuck everything up.

>> No.19686042

So... it's the autism then?

>> No.19686060

A lot of them would be even worse, shittier scum of society if they weren't chefs. It's like the one thing keeping them in normalcy.

>> No.19686092

Autism and Gordon Ramsey. Too many midwits entering the profession who thinks shitting on everyone is part of the job. Honestly it wasn't always like this.

>> No.19686102

>blaming Ramsey
Is your only exposure to restaurants Hell's Kitchen? You that dumb? He's merely a symptom of the problem.

>> No.19686106

never forget that we cook your food. eat out with caution. never send anything back even if we legitimately fucked up.

>> No.19686110

>midwit opinion
I'm literally a chef you idiot. And yes, far too many people enter the profession having watched one too many vids of him chomping out and think that's the way things work in the real world. Although if I had to go to the source of the problem it would be Marco Pierre White - equal parts autism and shit personality. He's to Gordon what Destiny is to Vaush.

>> No.19686120

you said a lot of words. I recognize them. I've heard them all before. but the order you put them in doesn't make any sense.

>> No.19686125

Which part confuses you?

>> No.19686131

>high stress
>low pay
>low job security
it should be obvious that you're not going to get well-adjusted people

>> No.19686133

>I'm literally a chef you idiot.
Then you should know better than to blame shitty chef culture on Angry British Man. You do yourself a disservice.

>Although if I had to go to the source of the problem it would be Marco Pierre White
If we have to blame one person then I'll agree, but doesn't the problem go deeper? I find it hard to believe ONE dude is responsible for ALL the toxicity across multiple countries. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows before him. What other pressures do you think significantly contribute to it?

>> No.19686149

>I have a large penis.
Timestamped pics or you's lyin', nigga.

>> No.19686157

They have to deal with the worst kinds of people for years before they get their position, and usually for shit pay. A quick gander through forums and you quickly realize how shit working in a kitchen can be. It's ex-cons, druggies, slackers etc. and if someone wants a managerial position, then they have to make sure *everyone* in the kitchen is doing their work. In the end, it's a lot of stress managing people and for not a lot of pay.

>> No.19686175

>What other pressures do you think significantly contribute to it?
razor thin margin for error. when people go to a restaurant they expect consistent quality. the way a dish tasted 2 years ago better taste the same way today or else customers leave with dissatisfied thinking "they've changed" and never come back. you basically need to hit perfection every time because all it takes is one person to talk

>> No.19686178

You are not Gordon Ramsey, he is not literally you

>> No.19686197

I grew up with a kid and when I ran into him as adults he said he was a chef. Still seemed as nice and normal as when we were young. He said everyone is intimidated to cook for him because they think he will be critical. He said he wished someone would cook for him. It sounded a bit sad and humble.

>> No.19686201

based permanent brain damage anon

>> No.19686202

i did a years cookery training, worked as a junior chef for two years.
i love cooking, having that base knowledge dishes is great.

>i never want to step foot in a commercial kitchen again in my life
>by far the worst job i've ever had.

breaking point was doing a week of 11h shifts covered in cuts/burns/agonizing feet and the waitresses who spent half their time standing around talking and managing orders on tablets got paid substantially more than me.

the [10 years experienced] sous chef who got paid 30% more than me worked 100% harder, and drank like a fish after shift.

>> No.19686203

I love large penised chefs. I am not threatened by them. They are valuable members of the community

>> No.19686219

Chefs acted like that before Ramsey. You can find a footage of a young Ramsey working under a chef who acted just like he does now on hells kitchen.

>> No.19686237

> Honestly it wasn't always like this.

The industry has always attracted convicts, addicts, and drunks who can’t work jobs where they must face customers.
The change is in every two bit hack thinking that because they can grill medium rare by touch, they can treat everyone around them like shit. They used to have to keep a certain level of respect because the people around them also had knives in their hands and would kick your ass on the loading dock if you got out of hand and know that “black listing” doesn’t mean shit because some kitchen will hire anyone who can show up reliably and doesn’t panic when in the weeds.

I did work in kitchens as a youth and saw that good people with culinary training were more respectful than the dregs, but they were still paid shit and worked shit late hours every weekend for a couple of bucks an hour more than the guy who speaks no English and does nothing but shake baskets in the fryer.
At least these restaurants got fucked back after covid, they pocketed all the money and laid off their staff anyway and were shocked when they had to pay double the old rate when trying to lure people back into their kitchens.

My fiancé is a culinary trained chef at a fancy country club, and they are paying her a great rate now to keep her and she refused to let them put her on salary because they always squeeze overtime out so she is really getting paid for over 40 hours instead of getting a bit extra for salary but really getting abused for 20 hours of free work a week

>> No.19686248

industry has been full of degenerates as long as it has existed

>> No.19686264

this, food service hours are insane
I didn't work it myself but I worked night shift security at a bar with a kitchen briefly during the tourist season and the cooks were supposed to be out by like 10 or 11 PM for their regular full-time hours but they finished at 2-3 AM almost every day
pissed me off since I couldn't nap before they fucked off

>> No.19686269
File: 232 KB, 815x636, trancels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only incels cut their dicks off to feel special.

>> No.19686278

Because the food industry has low barriers to entry and competition in every occupied kitchen.

>> No.19686285

>I grew up with a kid

>> No.19686298

People who are legitimately passionate about food see everyone who just cooks to eat as the blithering subhuman idiots they are, being around lobotomites so long wares your patience. The average person does not understand the sheer obsession that passionate chefs operate with and probably never will. Most people have spent their whole lives without a care in the world what the process is behind a dish, or if a dish looks good, or even tastes good, let alone if it's innovative and interesting. Chefs drive themselves up the wall trying to perfect their craft for the masses who reject something as simple as apple on a sandwich or soy lecithin in a sauce. The universal nature of food as a human experience is supposed to connect people but people who care will very quickly begin to operate on unrelatable levels, detaching them from the fundamental human experience in most peoples eyes. Someone who has broken such a fundamental link in human culture becomes isolated and obsessive, and the people who appreciate their work barely appreciate the years they've devoted to it. You devote your life to feeding people better food and you know it's better and you appreciate what goes into it, but no one else does and in the customer service industry you can't call them retards to their face.

>> No.19686312

> everyone is intimidated to cook for him because they think he will be critical. He said he wished someone would cook for him.

Yeah, it’s true though. Like I said, my fiancé is a culinary trained chef. Every woman I ever cooked for before her was amazed by my meals, especially since most modern women think that hamburger helper is actually cooking.
She’s always Grateful when she comes home to a nice meal when she gets home late after cooking all night, but fussy doesn’t even begin to touch it when it comes to her standards. On top of that she is insane on meats and I regularly tease her that chicken only has a 10 second window where she finds it acceptable.
It does make every real compliment that much better though, and she truly loves when I make homemade Amish noodles or soups from scratch. At least she’s always appreciative, even when “ the rice was slightly overcooked” or some such chef nonsense…if rice still holds its grain and isn’t mushy but cooked through then nobody but a chef would ever care.

>> No.19686372

So it IS autism then?

>> No.19686390

trannies are all incels though

>> No.19686392

chefs work is too stressful for their pay why dont they make their work more chill?

>> No.19686418

>don't expect me to do my job correctly!
Shut up and cook my steak, bitch

>> No.19686463
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It's because it's one of the most under appreciated jobs, because a good cook puts a lot of care into the food in order to cook it right and the result needs to satiate someone else both physically and metaphysically. When a customer rejects a food, you reject the faceless chef's half hour of work and basically emasculated him and not even to his face, and with no possibility for recourse. He has to swallow his pride, accept the L, and try again "harder" next time, even if the customer just was a cuck.

Over time, this builds up to frustration and either a neglect of the work they actually love, which ultimately is destructive, or they just get fucked up in the head. As a chef in the kitchen, you simply can not win. The only way to win is to become visible, but few kitchens are able to offer their chefs that luxury. There are simply too many chefs, too little room and no ability to stand out to garner appreciation. You're simply a faceless chef, made to serve customers with high standards and whose complaints over time take wear you down.

Pic related. Visible and few is how it should be.

>> No.19686508

Most of them are either hard core drug addicts or drinkers and they all have nicotine dependence.

>> No.19686527

Only 4chan trannies like my gf lol. Most trannies are/were normal faggy dudes who become chicks

OP my boss is an extremely chill 60something Thai woman who got rich as a personal chef in a very rich part of california. Her husband cheated on her so he gets huge alimony every year. She's extremely comfortable, and she runs our resturant at a loss while selling art and antiques out of the front. She has no plans to raise prices or otherwise become profitable. Everyone in the kitchen is just hanging out, smiling, getting everything done without much of a hassle.
IMO our pad thai is complete trash, but the curries are good.

>> No.19686602


>> No.19686611

stressful environment but also generational violence that's been normalized and ingrained

>> No.19686612
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Stress, sleep deprivation.

>> No.19686616

Can I get a link to the 73 page manifesto?

>> No.19686620

Did you like bartending?
>t. cooktard

>> No.19686623

sent ;)

>> No.19686631

>she refused to let them put her on salary
yeah dollar general does the same shit, promoting everyone to management to abuse the fixed income rate. Smart woman you got.

>> No.19686664

too many men in the kitchen. And the worst kinds of men, too. The restaurant industry would be vastly improved if they banned men from kitchen work.

>> No.19686672


>> No.19686677

How come you don’t see women working in a 3 Michelin star restaurants? Why? Because they suck

>> No.19686689

Cooking goyslop is LE STRESSFUL

>> No.19686716

>Article writtin by a femcel or sucsessful transition.
Really nigga?
Why not get a girl gf? Just make sure she's a baker and not italian and you set.
That's an acutal thing woth cooking oil.

>> No.19686748

It's usually an undereducated 110 IQ functional drug addict guy working with a staff of 80 IQ subhumans, breeding ground for extremely neurotic reactions

>> No.19686801

That chef was Marco Pierre White.

>> No.19686914

see this shit? This is why we need to ban men from kitchens

>> No.19687020

Business idea: restaurant with relaxed chefs

>> No.19687070

Gordon’s flagship restaurant was run by Angela for the longest time potatohead.

>> No.19687440

Most of them are on coke and or meth

>> No.19688285
File: 71 KB, 720x765, 1629671475347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most retarded thing I've seen posted here in awhile. You've got things so ridiculously backwards I can't even. 30 or 40 years ago kitchens were WAY tougher than they are today. Ramsay isn't a "cause" or a "symptom" of that; he just channels the very real stereotype of how kitchens USED to be. Anyone young enough to have got into cooking because of Ramsay is too much of a little snowflake to handle that kind of environment, and because of that kitchen culture has changed drastically in the past couple decades.
>i'm literally a chef

>> No.19688297

>not sure if serious

>> No.19688302

>even more utter nonsense

>> No.19688305

This. Nowadays all the "chef" has to do put the Sysco tray into in the microwave.

>> No.19688311

It's been 10 years, anon. Are you seriously still trying to force the Sysco meme?

>> No.19688334
File: 48 KB, 640x319, 1683220390170553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really that worried that the slutty waitress in zone 3 will find out that your "chef" skills consist solely of using scissors to open a bag and pressing start on your kitchen microwave? Pretty sure she's already figured that out, she's only pretending to be interested in you because you give her free weed.

>> No.19688345

Fuckin spergs. It’s food. Billions of people cook a day. There’s nothing wrong with cooking, a man’s gotta eat. But an unhealthy obsession with perfecting recipes when billions before you did that and posted their recipes online should be clear that you’re wasting time.

>> No.19688351

>he thinks servers don't go into the kitchen
>he thinks boh simps for foh
>he thinks that smoking with someone is "giving them free weed"
>he thinks 99% of all restaurants don't use distributors
>he thinks getting food delivered on a truck somehow means everything is pre-made in microwave bags
Yes, you've been trying to force this meme for so long it's just sad at this point. It will never catch on because people who've never worked in the industry have no clue what Sysco is, and people who have worked in the industry know that you have no clue what you're talking about. It just falls flat on all sides.

>> No.19688370

you sound scared, "chef"

>> No.19688434

I always assumed this was an old time or fine dining fag thing. The closest I've had to the stereotypical angry chef was this crazy Jamaican fuck and he only ever really yelled at black people unless it was about "food waste." I worked for a French chef who was incredibly obnoxious but he only in a really faggy passive aggressive way where he would say things like "honhon guess the parsley farm caught fire" of he didn't think you put enough garnish on something.

>> No.19688440

It's a job for high school graduate addicts who will die before they turn 50. That being said, there's a lot of fun too, a lot of comraderie.

>> No.19690030

>high school graduate addicts who will die before they turn 50
I hate working with chuds, but fortunately there aren't really as many of them working in kitchens as you'd imagine. Unironically they don't have the work ethic for it.

>> No.19690210

90% of them are smackheads

>> No.19690256

I only watched the first season or two of The Bear, and while it's not very realistic in a lot of ways, they do a pretty good job of showing the stress involved in running a kitchen. The part where they start taking online orders and the girl accidentally had it open for pre-orders and they have to serve like 200 people in an hour, and the chef is just like, "get the fuck out of here I'm expediting; FIRE EVERYTHING!!!" was definitely the kind of "oh shit" moment anyone who's spent time in kitchens would recognize.

>> No.19690260

enjoy my snot, shit, and cum, bitch.

>> No.19690367

And god's name is smack for some

>> No.19690418
File: 51 KB, 720x608, BABDC8CD-FC1A-452E-94DC-1A75268BD8B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayooo i’ll beat the shit outta both o you for Rat Peat.

>> No.19690582

top retard right there, folks.

>> No.19692227

>fat retards put their whole lives into creating dishes for other fat retards and get upset when they get treated as well as a food-producer should
The only people in 'food' who deserve respect are farmers. Anyone can cook. Literally anyone.

>> No.19692232

>he thinks working in a kitchen gives him a leg to stand on in any sense
Dude just admit you couldn't hack it in business
please stop trying to convince fat retards to pour two cups of sugar into their coffee

>> No.19692265

Yeah they're pretty much all dicks. I think it's a combination of the work being stressful, smart people know it's awful and avoid it so you only get the dregs and the culture is to deal with stress by substance abuse and your leadership doesn't care about the well being of the employees and just think they can replace you.

>> No.19692287

>Why are chefs so highly strung?
It's the amphetamines.

>> No.19692311

>just admit you couldn't hack it in business
If you're so rich and successful why do you only eat at Chili's and Applebee's?

>> No.19692316

stressful, low-paid, repetitive work with shit hours.

>> No.19692337

friend of mine has only been in food service and wants out but has now other skills and is too dumb for higher education
so they bitch about their job and do copious amounts of dabs instead of actually changing their life
100% midwit burnout

>> No.19692593

I got raw pork medallions at a Mexican restaurant. Rather than send it back, I just asked for something else. How the fuck do you not see that?

Anyway, you guys do good work. Even if you are all schizos.

>> No.19692604

because every fuck thinks they can cook and when some retard tells you to do things wrong it’s maddening and makes you question your own abilities
it’s also hyper competitive, requires constant creativity, and can never be good enough

>> No.19692703

Is this just a thinly veiled gay thread?

>> No.19692739

who do you think is a cu/ck/?

>> No.19692797

>providing pleasure and sustenance to any morally corrupt person who ponies up the dough
being a chef is slightly worse than being a prostitute

>> No.19692806

>cant do your job without other people
>get mad at them for it

>> No.19692823

>the blithering subhuman idiots they are, being around lobotomites so long wares your patience


t. blithering subhuman idiot lobotomite

>> No.19692899

I saw an all female kitchen once.
Some old broads and tons of young pussies.
Imagine The Smell at the end of the shift.

>> No.19692944
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>> No.19692992

You need to be passionate, obsessive and not mind high levels of stress at least not enough to quit.

Its not a surprise this job attracts a lot of uneducated burnouts who actually want to do shit with their life. The personality matrix or a chef and homeless drug addict are very close apart from the chef has high tolerance for stress while the homeless guy doesn't.

>> No.19692999

I went to McDonalds and decided to have a peak in the drive thru window, it was literally run by women and they were all shouting at each other while buzzers and timers were going off, probably the most comically accurate experience I’ve ever had when going to a McDonalds

>> No.19693001


>> No.19693013

shit salary and you have to keep whining fatsos who are never satisfied satisfied

>> No.19693028

I bet their cycles would sync

>> No.19693040

Real men stay calm and composed. Emotional outburst are for children/women .

>> No.19693090
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1572485256221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out of my brain

>> No.19693276

All the mcdonalds are like that where I live. 8 wagies are expected to churn out 100 meals every hour for 8 hours. they are simply understaffed

>> No.19693724

Yeah, Gordon got broken by MPW.
Saying he's the one that started the culture is absurd.

>> No.19694174

innate compensation for doing a faggy woman's job

>> No.19694178

If they were that passionate they would be home cooks making recipe books, not working in a commercial kitchen.

>> No.19694228

>and know that “black listing” doesn’t mean shit because some kitchen will hire anyone who can show up reliably and doesn’t panic when in the weeds.

That's definitely not true. I can't work in NYC because I walked out on that cock smoker Aaron bludorn.

>> No.19694246

>tfw this is me

>> No.19694297

think about how much work goes into managing a meal for 2-3 people
Now imagine doing all that work, for dozens of more people, multiple days a weeks, and on a timer

>> No.19694356
File: 30 KB, 409x350, Martin Yan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you all grew up with terrible abusive chef role models instead of based positive chinese boomer chef. No need to be edgy, just have fun. If Yan can cook, so can you!

>> No.19694369

Hes not wrong, anon. Once you get into a context where most of the leadership aee going to be papered, there are so many sticks up asses its unreal.

I work catering, and we bring in one of the local culinary instructors at the college on Saturdays because we need a third chef, but only one day a week. He's a cool dude, but one time he had me help him out at the college(I was formerly a sushi chef and he wanted me to do a demo on how you would take apart a tuna in that context). I witnessed two different instructors call out a student for not calling them chef in the two hours I was there lol.

Not so common outside of fine dining, but some red seal types are as touchy about their titles as PHDs.

>> No.19694437

That's their entire point you stupid anon

>> No.19694974

honestly i get it because im a really calm person but the second something goes wrong when im cooking i get insanely angry and rude.

spending 8 hours a day in that mental state would turn me psycho no doubt

>> No.19694989

I remember simply ming
he was also a super comfy Asian chef

>> No.19695385


Oh there might be gatekeeping and blacklisting at Michelin star places that are step stones to your reputation and resume, but right down the street from them are a half a dozen places that would hire you on in a minute and give you damn near the same rate but it doesn’t help your reputation to be flipping steaks and chicken breasts at a high volume tourist joint….

If you are dependable and can still churn in the weeds, then you will always find someone willing to hire you on to a job that is high stress, shit hours, destroying your body, and previously shit pay….
The kitchens are loaded with foreign dudes sharing their cousin’s work permit and everyone looks the other way if they can churn. It’s a joke, the sous and chefs who are beating themselves up and eating hours end up making a few bucks more an hour than the illegal who was on a taco truck a month ago when you do the math on the hours they work versus the salaries.

There’s a reason that Covid took tons of the good people from the industry’s maws, they were forced into side hustles to survive and found that they made the same money doing meal prep or catering jobs for events or rich clients in fewer hours with much less stress than an industry built on squeezing the most juice out of you and then zesting your hollowed shell….

>> No.19695458
File: 46 KB, 500x375, Yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two fat ladies were never stressed, the drank and smoked on set and were always relaxed

>> No.19695493


>> No.19697088
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>Incels usually need to bully others in order to compensate for their small dicks

>> No.19697659

>only watched the first season or two