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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.06 MB, 1080x1492, 1693923385067243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19675316 No.19675316 [Reply] [Original]

People can die from too spicy food? Wtf? How can i identify my spicy limit? This is serious stuff.

>> No.19675320

OP, are you retarded?

>> No.19675321

no. It can induce psychological trauma such as panic which can cause heart attacks and other immediate health issues

>> No.19675322

This is why I eat white people food.

>> No.19675323

is this one of those retards with asthma who eats spicy food then dies

>> No.19675385

spicy food can induce literal panic? source of this?

>> No.19675391

That's why it's called the "One Chip Challenge"

>> No.19675405

>2023's blue whale challenge
remember don't buy weed it's laced with pcp!

>> No.19675508

vaxx status?

>> No.19675509

>New place opens up called Hangry Joe's Hot Chicken
>Mom says they're pretty good, and takes me out to grab some
>The have No Seasoning, No Heat, Mild, Medium, Hot, and ANGRY HOT (WAIVER NEEDED)
>Try Hot because Mom won't let me sign waiver for angry hot
>Eat sandwich
>Hot is actually just Mild.
I'm doing the Angry Hot next time.

>> No.19675535

It's not even that hot.

>> No.19675541

wtf I thought people of african descent had the innate ability to handle spices.............
not like this................

>> No.19675554
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>she killed billions....

>> No.19675579

a brave warrior who sought glory through spice was taken from us. a moment of silence please

>> No.19675612

Since this is a throw away thread, can I ask a most likely stupid question?

If I have cooking spray, specicially canola oil and it says 0 cals. That's obviously false right? Like there is no way any oil of any kind has 0 cals? and what if I use more than the serving? how do I calculate how many cals it would eventually equal?

greetings from fit/

>> No.19675624

Some place called angry chickz opened up like a year or two ago in town. I'd once tried their super spicy shits, and my stomach was physically burning for three straight hours, I couldn't sleep.
But i went there myself recently and I guess when they opened they were insanely busy cause there were no tables and a winding lineup area in front of the register but the place was fucking dead.
I dont expect them to be open long.
Theyre not very good neither.

>> No.19675641

Yes as you probably guessed what they mean is "0.001 calories per squirt". It could be cut with water to further reduce calories, but 100% canola oil is about 120cals per tbsp, and depending what you're cooking/frying you will need at least a tsp so about 40cals, less oil will likely end up in burning your ingredients because not enough fat.

>> No.19675675
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>rising star

>> No.19675692

Tik tok geneeration does it again.

>> No.19675697

More like the last chip challenge

>> No.19675703

This just makes me think the ones constantly going on about "muh super spicy food" don't even enjoy it that much but are just putting up a front, like people that brag about how shit the coffee they drink is.

>> No.19675718

I tried Hangry Joe's and didn't like it much. As I recall, it's the shitty kind of spicy where they've got their spice blend and they get different heat levels by just adding more of it. But the spice blend kinda sucks, so it just tastes worse when you get the hotter chicken. I remember wishing I'd gotten the mild or no spice for flavor reasons, rather than heat level.

>> No.19675741

I actually just ate half of one of those the other day. Unless he had some kind of condition i don't know why it would kill him because it stopped burning like 20 minutes later. Also >mah child done die gib money

>> No.19675749

The dangerous spice was on the other half.
You got lucky

>> No.19675778

>like people that brag about how shit the coffee they drink is.

>> No.19675880

My friend ate the other half and he didn't die either. He barely even gave a fuck about it.

>> No.19675900

>Worcester High School
he got lost in tha sauce

>> No.19675907

>American eats spicy food and dies

Oh no, oh no no no no no. Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hon hon hon hon hon hon hon ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

>> No.19675916

>news headline that says "dies after doing [x]" instead of "dies due to doing [x]"
so they're not actually saying anything here, just that he died at some point in time after eating the chip

>> No.19675959

don't eat silicone lube. get some parchment. it comes pre-sliced now

>> No.19675971

>the family says on GoFundMe page
Of course, dead nigs print money

>> No.19675976

do you mean black coffee, or are there people proud of drinking pre-ground french roast?

i'm not pretending when i drink some black 3rd wave stuff alone

>> No.19676007
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a cursory web search says a funeral costs 1/3 what they're asking.

Why do they need money after losing a dependent? Couldn't they be treating friends to outings with all the money they're saving now? It would probably help with grieving more than anything else they're doing.

>> No.19676009

rest in peace soldier

>> No.19676020

He was going to be a neurosurgeon if dem racist spicy crackers didn't kill him.They need money fo dem programs and shieet.

>> No.19676066

Yeah no shit anon, if the chip was actually lethal there would be way more deaths by now. But it's the new tik tok fad and the summer holidays just ended so parents are worried and msm just can't resist a good old fear mongering, it's cheap, drives clicks, and not targeting a big player so basically free money.
Like >>19675405 said it's the new "aRe YouR ChiLdRen safe?!?!?! ArE yOu SurE?!?!?!?!" fake drama of the summer, until we get to poison/blades in haloween candy

>> No.19676106

In America, the FDA legally allows manufacturers to label anything with less than five calories as having zero calories.

It's such bullshit.

>> No.19676116

another vaxx victim, very sad.

>> No.19676139

If your body experiences a new source of pain, especially an intense one, it can react in extreme ways. From what I understand the one chip challenge has been getting more and more intense the last few years. Panicking when ~1.9 million scoville hits your mouth isn’t so farfetched

>> No.19676149
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it's funny because the chip comes in a coffin shaped box

>> No.19676241

Not my problem.
Gay retards have the right to commit suicide just like anyone else.

>> No.19676423

a friend of mine can't eat spicy food because his tachycardia would kill him otherwise. he's mexican

>> No.19676460

you have to have a safety cushion in case some of it 'goes missing'

>> No.19676464

This happens because black ppl don't season dey food

>> No.19677025


That said, I had no idea you could actually die from capsaicin exposure. Did his esophagus just completely enflame and suffocate him?

>> No.19677045

Yeah since 20,000 scoville can fuck some people up

>> No.19677046

>dem wypipo cant handel dat spice watch dis ACK

>> No.19677048

bro 5 calories isn't making a difference to anything
are you blaming 5 calories for being fat? even 50 lol

>> No.19677128

>wypeepo dont be season they foo-ACK!

>> No.19677312

don't spicy foods and raw garlic destroy your stomach lining

>> No.19677316

>Mom won't let me sign waiver for angry hot
2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.19677318

I will never do a spicy food challenge unless the reward is an insane amount of money. I have a "Hot AF" flavored slim jim and my day + night is fucking ruined. I'm Indian by descent too so i should be good with it but i guess not.

>> No.19677341

rest in piss retard, you wont be missed

>> No.19677344

Thank fucking god. The last thing we need is some clout-chasing nig getting E-fame and corrupting more of the world with his banana-baboon behavior.

>> No.19677345

Spicy food gives you a good mix of dopamine and adrenaline shot. That's why most people wants more spicy food.

>> No.19677351
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>your child dies
>take your friends and family out to celebrate
fucking based, sounds like something Alec Baldwin would do

>> No.19677356

vaxxed to death

>> No.19677365

This is why ypipo don season dey food. It COULD happen to you!

>> No.19677368

You can also get braindamage from spice as well

>> No.19677388

I ordered Sichuan boiled beef which was the spiciest thing in the menu and it was too spicy
I still ate over half of it but boy did I struggle to get it down
A spoonful of hot coals

>> No.19677392

If you ain’t asphyxiating it ain’t seasoned white boi

>> No.19677443

It’s like a two part epoxy, you need both halves

>> No.19677471

There have been Mexican posters here who complain about how acidic Mexican cuisine is so they end up feeling alienated by their culture

>> No.19677490

I love engine lubricant in muh fud.
Mean runnin' machine....

>> No.19677506
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never saw George Floyd's coffin then?
If vaxxed niggas gonna be playin' da ghetto lotto gambit, dey's goan bees lotsa "Muh Babby done gots killt, and it bees YO' FAULL! PAY ME!!" goin' roun' dis fall.

>> No.19677513

If he had asthma it could've triggered an asthma attack.

>> No.19677519

>wyppo don seezin dey chi--ACK

>> No.19677529

this is why I don't eat

>> No.19677533

chilis be racist. we should cancel chilis and make chilis pay reparations.

>> No.19677536

>autopsy not done yet
>don't actually know it was the chip
>just saying it was
Boy, it's gonna look real silly if the cause of death was something else.

>> No.19677538
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yeah, It's weird...I don't eat either, but it hasn't effected my appetite at all.

>> No.19677543

>Boy, it's gonna look real silly if the cause of death was something else.
Not really. A lot of people still don't care that Michael Brown never said "Hands up, don't shoot!"

>> No.19677565

>"died suddenly"

>> No.19677574

>Eat super hot chip
>panic and get sent to the hospital
>Bill Gates presses his "kill random vaccine recipient" button, now accessible by 5G
>get killed by the vax coincidentally at the same time
>media blames a literal chip instead of the truth
many such cases

>> No.19677584

I think this retard had a stroke

>> No.19677585

I thought blacpeepo season dey food

>> No.19677586

How many layers of irony do you live under now? Can you even remember who you are anymore?

>> No.19677589

It wasn't the chip. Guarantee he died of something else so they're just making shit up to sue somebody and get a payday.

>> No.19677597

>does something retarded and does
>family immediately tries to make money off his death
It usually turns into that yeah

>> No.19677607

>Can you even remember who you are anymore?

>> No.19677615


>> No.19677664

Is anyone supposed to know who that is? Only reason I know George Floyd is the memes and the creepy pasta book. Seriously, stop paying attention to the news. It’s all gay.

>> No.19677675

It's not like black men contribute to their families' finances while they're alive

>> No.19677681

You should go back and complain. Tell them if their hot is mild you're certain the waiver is just a marketing gimmick and they're not capable of making a chicken hot enough for you
I did this with a chinkyspot once, best general tso I ever had

>> No.19677695
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, Ward up for shitpoasting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your post is somewhat nebulous.
are you referring to the chip eater or are you my new demoralization troll/agent?
Hope you talked to the last 5...I think one is still in ongoing counseling.
Good luck FAGGOT!

>> No.19677704

Yes yes deflect, I’m sure the Jews made you into the shell of a man you are and not poor life choices!

>> No.19677708

I’m inside your 401k!

Ahahahahaha just kidding a regard like you wouldn’t be able to think ahead like that. Now scream about Jews like a good boy and ignore all your problems.

>> No.19677719

You just know he’s gonna latch onto the spelling errors

>> No.19677721

It is probably just vax deaths huh

>> No.19677727



>> No.19677730

In my experience, Mexicans typically can't eat spicy food after they turn 20.

>> No.19677738

Sorry you are retarded, vaxxie

>> No.19677747
File: 355 KB, 636x652, Excuse me Stewardess, I speak JIVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK!, No anon.. but since you already pointed it out; and in his "Insulting" SHITPOAST no less.
You can both go fuck yourselves.
You are both clearly SummerFag leftovers since you can't even into BIX-Nood.

>> No.19677748

>no mass die offs
>no collapse
>vaccine still in use
And I’m the retard?

>> No.19677751

>I’m not gonna be retarded
>but I’m gonna be retarded
Good job proving him right…?

>> No.19677761

You are 100% lifelong branded a retard if you took the covid vaccine you dumb thoughtless confirming shithead

>> No.19677765


>> No.19677766

But it has no ill effect, why is that retarded? Being contrarian simply to be so is actually retarded.

>> No.19677771


>> No.19677777

Might have choked after inhaling chip dust.

>> No.19677778

Even if the vaccine was sugar water you are retarded because you would have taken it if it did cause bad effects. You aren't human, you are an animal in a herd. Talking to you is as effective as talking to a dog.

>> No.19677782
File: 973 KB, 400x225, END--THREAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I'm breddy sure there are at least 2 Gormless retard fucks ITT looking to shit up the boards for a paycheck.
Just ignore them in future and dump this thread, it was a bullshit premise to begin with.
No really...They get paid by the reply.

>> No.19677783

You have to be 21 to sign waivers in shartland

>> No.19677786


>> No.19677788

So your entire argument is it’s bad because….IT JUST IS OK! You sound like a Facebook Karen

>> No.19677792

When your entire argument has been reduced to “it’s bad because I say so” you’re gonna get mocked

>> No.19677799
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This faggot doesn't even know WHO he's replying to..

>> No.19677802

You just know they stormed off to /pol/ or /sci/ to get reassured by their hugbox garbage

>> No.19677805

Ok, and?

>> No.19677816
File: 231 KB, 1125x809, 6E796747-DF90-4D52-9515-85FAD54A7544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image is probably beyond the comprehension of a person who took the vax but I'll post it anyway

You are pathetic

>> No.19677828

Can you even explain why it’s bad without resorting to insults or saying that mainstream thing bad, globohomo Jews, etc?

>> No.19677836

>can I explain why appeal to the majority is wrong
Lmao. Like I said, beyond your comprehension

>> No.19677837

Anon blind contrarianism is just as bad

>> No.19677842

No it isn't, god bless the devils advocate, also contrarian is a word used almost entirely by totalitarians

>> No.19677846

So you can’t even explain what’s wrong with the vaccine? Fuck say autism, at least that’s a popular choice, any reason but blind contrarianism is less retarded

>> No.19677850

Anon you’re mistaking contrarianism for skepticism open a dictionary.

>> No.19677851

Oh, my bad, it is difficult to understand someone as retarded as a vaxxie sometimes. You want to know specifically why the vaccine turned out bad like it obviously was going to, well it clots your blood and gives you a bad heart.

>> No.19677852

WHERES the mass die offs?

>> No.19677854

I don't think I am because contrarian is a meaningless word for collectivist morality

>> No.19677858

Like I said, sorry you are retarded

>> No.19677860

Ah so you’ve just completely disconnected from reality because it’s inconvenient k that makes sense

>> No.19677867
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>> No.19677873

Because reality is 100% agreed on? Guess we don't need science or politics then. I also don't believe that exploitation is a meaningful word while we are at it, literally exploitation means nothing and the left is just a joke. What is exploitation, is it coercion or persuasion, if it is coercion just call it that, if it is persuasion it isn't exploitive. Exploitation is a made up term to imply that persuasion can be coercion, allowing you to attack freedom.

>> No.19677876

the feeling of something being far more painful than you imagined and getting exponentially worse by the nanosecond could definitely induce panic in some

>> No.19677877

My little zoom zoom.

>> No.19677879

Spices and spicy are different

>> No.19677882

>Is anyone supposed to know who that is?
I hate how the general public has all the memory of a fucking goldfish. THE FERGUSON RIOTS WERE ONLY 9 FUCKING YEARS AGO JACKASS. It'd be like expecting someone in the year 2001 to not know who Rodney King is.

>> No.19677889

This is some next level scizo, say hi to /x/ for me. I’ll say this much, when you get to the point where you question all of reality then in the same sentence that you want to keep the integrity of science and politics..while refusing to explain why you think a vaccine is bad outside that it’s been distributed by the government…you need to look inward and consider you might be fucked in the head. Or just pretending to hard to be.

>> No.19677891
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>> No.19677893

/k/ is a few doors down retard

>> No.19677901

Or…it just wasn’t that important in the end

>> No.19677922

Lmao what a fucking looser

>> No.19678115

they opened one near me recently too. I went and got hot the first time and it was pretty hot but didn't kill me. then I went back again and it was even hotter and also gave me terrible stomach pains for the next 2 days. I don't want to feel like a pussy and drop to medium though so I just stopped going there. the waffle fries were good though.

>> No.19678168

Should've put OBey on that shiz

>> No.19678179

whyte peepo cant handal spicy fo-ACK!

>> No.19678260

Tragic but why are the funeral expenses $30,000?

>> No.19678330

I remember him as that 130 kg kid who charged a police officer but not by the generic name mike brown

>> No.19678365

I'm not alienated by my culture because of the spice, those posters are weird. I am uniquely fucked with chili powder. My white / asian friends can handle spice a lot better than me. genetic anomaly. even having the mildest sauce from taco bell makes me sweat

>> No.19678674

The ONLY reason it isn't more common is because people usually know the source of the pain. If you suddenly, right now, started feeling horrific and mounting pain in a random part of your body, you would experience panic. Most people would.

>> No.19678679

Wasn't that the "dindu nuffin" kid?

>> No.19678683

You're beginning to understand how the media can twist anything into anything.

>> No.19678704
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Hahaha they’re not people!

>> No.19678711
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Black people can't handle spice.

>> No.19678718

What is this? A picture for Ants?

>> No.19678721

>wypipo dun spice dey-ACK!!!

>> No.19678734

this reminds me, someone's gotta feed nana

>> No.19678739

>take date to thai restaurant
>order "thai hot" because i like super hot food
>let date try some
>her face turns bright red, then ghost white
>she collapses
>restaurant calls ambulance
>ambulance takes her to hospital
>after 3 hours at the hospital it was deemed a "panic attack".
true story.

>> No.19678742

uhmmm nigger bros..? I thought only wipipo can't handle spicy food.

>> No.19678896
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>dont need no fancy crap
>instant, ground... just add hot water
>drink it every mornin
>tastes fine to me
>coffee is coffee
it's one thing to drink crappy coffee and enjoy it, but people who say the above kinda stuff are massively insecure

>> No.19678983

turns out its blacc who dont spicy dey foo

>> No.19679071

Maryland and Trop?

>> No.19679684


>> No.19679712

How come whenever a black person dies their family start a gofundme?

>> No.19679731

>...of my sperm
or she would if i knew who she was

>> No.19679761
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>> No.19679857
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>took date...
lol stopped there, fake

>> No.19679865

Those chips are horrible btw.
Not because it's spicy, spicy is fine, but it along with a bunch of other spicy shit think that spicy is a flavor in and of itself and and it's just the fucking saltest shit you'll eat.

>> No.19679868

because america. shits fucking expensive

>> No.19679871

>Not because it's spicy, spicy is fine, but it along with a bunch of other spicy shit think that spicy is a flavor in and of itself and and it's just the fucking saltest shit you'll eat.
So it basically tastes like flamin hot cheetos, which don't taste like chilis or cheese.

>> No.19680085

dont lie, negress wants new tits, thats all. nigga is gonna be tossed in a trash can.

>> No.19680090

>source of this?
white people

>> No.19680096

the salt probably emphasizes the heat or the salivating which makes it worse, most hot sauces have a lot of salt in them

>> No.19680854

Seems far more likely, don't it?

>> No.19680949


>> No.19681133

Youre not going to die at that age from a panic induced heart attack. He was probably allergic to something in it.

>> No.19681428

Is it possible for a spicy chip to kill someone wtf

>> No.19681446

every single day people freakout over minor things and work themselves up into a tizzy enough to have a anxiety or panic attack, some of them even have strokes or heart attacks.

when you eat something super spicy your body thinks its overheating and been poisoned and it starts doing whatever it can to stop that from happening.
if the kind of person previously mentioned above were to eat one of those stupid chips I could totally see them freaking the fuck out bad enough to keel over and die.

>> No.19681448 [DELETED] 



>> No.19681458

This september for sure bros...!

>> No.19681489

The way you are supposed to make coffee is to grind the beans yourself, then use a French press. You may add cream or whole milk. If you are a recovering crack addict, you're allowed to use Splenda.

>> No.19681496

I'm starting to think the bad driving was the result of people just driving less and spending more time online. The other explanation is that people are just stupid and always have been.

>> No.19681499

Because their stomach, colon, and anus have already gone through hell and back after eating spicy food since they were 5.

>> No.19681516

This man got filtered by a hot chip.

>> No.19681632

lol "white people can not handle spicy food"
He probably had some underlying health condition.

>> No.19681784


>> No.19682223

>three straight hours
>I couldn't sleep
I know sometimes it can't be helped if you work late, but you shouldn't be eating that close to bedtime.

>> No.19682281

>then use a French press
holy fucking pleb

>> No.19683031


>> No.19683047

>one less nigger
what a beautiful day

>> No.19683066

>pay $10+tax for a single chip
Get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.19683110
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>what a beautiful day
´for pie