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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.35 MB, 3384x3860, JUMBO-SHRIMP[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19671018 No.19671018 [Reply] [Original]

>cook shrimp with shell on
>comes out 10x more juicy and flavorful
How the hell did peeling shrimp catch on?

>> No.19671023

same reason why boneless wings exists
some people are fussy

>> No.19671033

The shell acts like a conductor trapping the heat inside

>> No.19671038

>implying boneless wings exist

>> No.19671040

The shell cooks the shrimp

>> No.19671043
File: 16 KB, 359x296, 1693361627414128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes the perfect use of this god forsaken meme

>> No.19671055

People have an aversion to touching their food with their hands

>> No.19671065
File: 1.54 MB, 2080x2774, 20230831_213250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know how to cook shrimp
>come out amazing with or without shells
Sorry op

>> No.19671077

>mommy, look! I used butter on my shrimp and now I'm a chef! no need shrimpy shell!
You're so transparent.

>> No.19671090

>conductor we have a problem

>> No.19671109

The heat in the shell cooks the shrimp

>> No.19671115

Rephrasing it as baby talk doesn't make him any less correct, anon.

>> No.19671118

The ghost in the shell cooks the shrimp

>> No.19671121

And now you're saying well cooked fried shrimp isn't delicious because there is no shell???

Either trolling or coping about something

>> No.19671178

The shell protects the flesh from overcooking, keeps it moist and imparts flavour (hence why many soups use prawn shells as the base).

>> No.19671188

Eating meat off the bone is for 3rd world savages.

>> No.19671195

>lamb shanks received a 3 star Micheline rating

>> No.19671709

Lmao thats stock good eyes chef

>> No.19672067

The bone of the chicken keeps it juicy.

>> No.19672130

because market logic means standards will get reduced to fit the average of the lowest common denominator. In this case, the retard who doesn't know how to eat and is scared of using his hands

And this is the shrimp theory on why liberal democracy doesn't work

>> No.19672140

you'll eat pig toenails if someone processed them enough to deep fry in the shape of mickey mouse

>> No.19672153

civilized coastie here. if you cook your shit properly it barely makes a difference. the shell just makes it more forgiving when you fuck it up like flyovers always do

>> No.19672384

Don't you dare talk shit about mickey nails.

>> No.19672554

I hope you're at least taking out the guts.
Also, you could just velvet them in starch. Same effect.

>> No.19672808

Here's the issue right there. People overcook the shrimp.

You can just not fuck up and and save the shells for flavoring other dishes. I keep frozen bags of shrimp shells.

>> No.19672834

Is it even possible to peel a raw shrimp? I never heard of people peeling shrimps before cooking 'em.

>> No.19672844

Crack it, smack it, and flip it. Shell comes right off.

>> No.19672880

My mother used to cook batches of shrimp and we would peal them, remove eggs and eat. It was so delicious, I completely forgot about it. I've only eaten factory pealed shrimp since then

>> No.19672883

NTA but yes it does to an outside observer (me)

>> No.19672923

people don't know how or don't want to do it

>> No.19674447

I get that you twist the head off, dig under the shell, and wiggle the tail off but how do you remove their feet?

>> No.19674587

the shell hits the concrete like water

>> No.19674623

You just pull them off. You can get them all in a single pinch.

>> No.19674628

i eat them tootsies

>> No.19676059

My Chinese step mother cooks the shrimp in the shell and with a tasty sauce. She told me you just throw the whole thing in your mouth and then kinda pull the shells out with your hands.

I know chinese people eat like animals but honestly it's nice to go over there and eat like a savage and have absolutely nobody judge you.

>> No.19676277

But then how do you pull out the poop chute?
Or do you just eat the cooked shit?