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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19669221 No.19669221 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is the greasiest cuisine?

>> No.19669227

If I had to pick one for the rest of my life, it'd be that.
Indian restaurants have like 5 or 6 good things max (for whitey).
Mexican is much more suited for the average honky.

>> No.19669238

Mexican. Not even close. Even if you don't allow texmex.

>> No.19669241

American Mexican restaurants are far closer to "real" Mexican food than American/British Indian restaurants are to real Indian food

>> No.19669370

Indian street food sellers are known to deep fry anything they come across.
Your sure about that?

>> No.19669373

mexicans add lard to their beans and there's meat in every dish whereas a lot of indians are vegans

>> No.19669381

And that’s a good thing; I’d rather not get some fatal stomach disease

>> No.19669412

What region of each. Most people are only used to the most popular and inoffensive dishes from that country, brought here that watered down even further.

I guess what I'm saying is, most people don't associate India with eating pork and beef though in some areas it is done, or fish coated in a paste of nuts and spices we've never heard of wrapped in banana leaves and grilled. Then we have regions of Mexico that isn't ridiculous burritos, but so known for seafood that some of it is served raw after briefly marinating in acidic sauce

These countries are massive and have a wide variety of different cultures.

>> No.19669450

indian Street food is fucking revolting

>> No.19669455




>> No.19669485

It is insulting to even suggest that mexican food is anything remotely near the atrocity that is indian "food"

>> No.19669490

sloppa on a tortilla is still sloppa

>> No.19669507

But good sloppa is edible. Bad sloppa is toxic.

>> No.19669516

Indian is a far better cuisine using more ingredients, more spices, more flavours.
Mexican food is gross shit. The same five ingredients in different ratios.

>> No.19669548
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>Mexican food is gross shit
this is what you eat Rakesh lmao

>> No.19669560

All I know is that I don't walk into a Mexican restaurant with a 50/50 chance of getting food poisoning. As much as I love pajeet food, I just don't risk it anymore.

>> No.19669564

They can both be good, but only when improved and prepared by a non-brown cook that has been properly potty-trained.

>> No.19669617

indian food is fucking disgusting. kill yourself

>> No.19669626

The whole world eats curry or some form of it.
Literally only Mexico eats Mexican food
Even the Americans don't like it, they prefer 'tex mex' which is the ultimate grim sloppa.

>> No.19669631

both are slop that will break your colon

>> No.19669650

Greasiest? Probably Mexican. They love lard

>> No.19669802

Indian, no question about it. There's more variation in Kashmiri cooking than there is in the entirety of Mexican, and that's just one of many regional styles of Indian cuisne.

>> No.19669818

>Now in this curry we use cumin, cardamom, AND coriander! Hang on let me stir this fly ridden slop with my bare hand

>> No.19669849

Tell me you've never had Indian food without telling you've never had Indian food.

>> No.19669867

Indian. Mexican is too samey imo. But I like spanish better than both.

>> No.19669870

I've had it quite a few times and made it quite a few times. It's okay but Mexican is preferred in my household. They're also a little more hygienic

>> No.19669902
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>> No.19669903

>They're also a little more hygienic
Ah right, you've personally verified this by testing every Mexican and Indian cook in the fucking world have you? What a facile, idiotic comment to make. It's almost like you're a retarded fatistani posting on the chinz.

>> No.19669910

I’ve eaten at higher end indian places all my life and never once got food poisoning. Ironically, the cooks at these places are probably Mexican anyway.

>> No.19669961

you shitskins are the least hygienic people in the world

>> No.19669971
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>I’ve eaten at higher end indian places all my life
I too love the sandwiches at seven eleven

>> No.19670021
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A new challenger appears

>> No.19670039

corn tortillas and shredded beef>naan and gravy

>> No.19670066

God damn pajeets are sensitive. I'm sorry you guys shit in the streets and don't believe in utensils. Figure it out maybe

>> No.19670486

found out Indian food is actually pretty diverse once you get into it there's a ton of things to explore
Mexican food on the other hand is just variations of beans and meat sloppa. also most of their food tradition is just Latinx cuisine originally, with tortillas and beans and lime added

>> No.19670495

It's the opposite desu. Indians just make bean or chicken sloppa on naan. Mexicans and south Americans made chocolate

>> No.19670499

Mexilards will rearange the same three ingredients with tortilla and pretend is 20 different dishes.

>> No.19670503

You can say that about every cuisine

>> No.19670509

beans, ground beef, peppers
Change the beef for something else or add a different sauce or avocado, pretend is a different whole new recipe and you have variety.

Also, tamarindo is a completely repulsive flavor, mexican candy is the worst because of it. "that secret authentic mexican flavor " is always goddamn tamarindo.

>> No.19671428

Indian is way better.
Cultureless Americans like Mexican because its more accessible to them. So it more likely they have eaten good Mexican food than good Indian food.

>> No.19671435
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Try this >>19669412

>> No.19671446

Mexican, because it doesn't give me diarrhea.

>> No.19671450

>The same five ingredients in different ratios.

>> No.19671475

Mexican. Indian food is overseasoned shit on a plate

>> No.19671627

>tamarindo is a completely repulsive flavor
Filtered. Tamarindo is based.

>> No.19671660

Doesn't Indian cooking also use tamarind?

>> No.19671666

Probably. India is one of the top producers of the fruit worldwide.

>> No.19671672

I’m partial to Mexican because I’ve had more legit and authentic stuff. That said, I don’t think any cuisine is as multifaceted and complex as Indian. Mexican cuisine is more influenced by Indian than the other way around.

>> No.19671677

I thought the thread was "greatest" not "greasiest".

>> No.19671685

Indian. Unlike most civilized nations, Mexico doesn't even have a high-class version of their cuisine.

>> No.19671688

same thing desu

>> No.19671726

Indian street food also all tests positive for human feces. Not kidding

>> No.19671763

>Mexico doesn't even have a high-class
Who needs it
Best food in Mexico is made at home and made for family events and shared it's how the culture works, high class is economic version, basically a kids table offering in terms of Mexican culture
When invited to ceremonial procedings you may then possibly have a better idea.
Once you have dishes that take days or weeks even longer to fix them you can give a good opinion about such and such
Reminder tex mex isn't mexican

>> No.19671886

Indian is far more complex and layered. I'm a sucker for flavor and seasoning, I'll go Indian but both are great in their own way.

>> No.19671908

>Mexico doesn't even have a high-class


>> No.19671924

>no mention of chinese

>> No.19672063

We use a normal measure of oil

>> No.19672297

actually, the vast majority use mazola corn oil, for everything.. which explains why everyone is so fat and diabetic.

>> No.19672308
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sars, we have a very diverse culinary variety of nutritions.

>> No.19672466

Greasiest food I've had is Chinese. I'm not talking about shit from restaurants or vendors that sell to tourists. I'm talking about stuff that average people eat daily.
And it wasn't even the delicious kind of greasy like deep fried butter or mars bar.

>> No.19672640

Not your safespace, faggot.

>> No.19672826

Good point satan. Southeast asia uses a lot of tamarind and palm sugar, which adds a completely different taste.

>> No.19672876

Look how eerily soulless that whole scene is, they behave and consume like insects

>> No.19673750

Mexican has creams, cheeses, fried foods, chocolate, special fruits and vegetables, its more appealing and colorful, more hygienic, prepared better, pairs better with alcohol, etc.
Indian is piles of spices including foot traffic flavor, gobs of fried onion and garlic, and unappealing boring grains often reduced to pastes or soupy goop.

>> No.19674020

Look how eerily autistic this whole reply is, behaving and posting like a faggot

>> No.19674131

>itt: everyone misreading greasiest for greatest

>> No.19674356

One is made by people that wipe their ass with their bare hand, you tell me

>> No.19674372

pajeets are you in full force tonight, you know it's them because nobody else would actually choose to defend them

>> No.19674419

this. OP was baiting the jeets to reveal themselves. no reasonable person would choose floor rice over burritos.

>> No.19674454
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>floor rice