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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19659876 No.19659876 [Reply] [Original]

>Japanese food, you know... it's highly overrated... in my opinion. Michelin went there and handed out 3 stars like they were popcorn, and why? Because of a morbid fascination with the Orient? It's highly illogical, when I earned my 3 stars there was a set method to reaching 3, you had to have put out high quality food and a high quality service for years on end before you could achieve the 3rd and you know something, by just handing out 3 stars everywhere these days all they have done to continue to damage their reputation, they are after all, a tire company first and foremost and I say, stick to tires. I have spoken to Japanese chefs in Japan, which I have been to, and you know something? All their best chefs, in my opinion, were all classically trained in the French method, they are Chefs who learned from the great men of France, not from the Japanese. What I don't like however is when I go to a Japanese restaurant, high quality restaurant, supposedly fine dining and I go in, I am seated and the man there is explaining the food I am about to eat, how to eat it, why it is supposed to be amazing, no choice just his however many course 'experience' and spending more time trying to sell me on his dish than having me eat it. That's not food... that's not dining. In my opinion, the food should speak for itself, the customer should have the choice in what they wish to eat and I like a big portion, who doesn't? Cuisine should be simplified not a big song and dance. Good food. Done right. It's that easy. Nothing upsets me more than having a dish presented so pretty but the taste... bland. And you know something? Let's stop with this umami business. Umami, what does it mean? Savoury, are we going to pretend the Japanese invented savoury food? Really? People have been eating food for thousands of years and couldn't explain the taste until the Japanese invented a word? Nonsense.
Was he right, /ck/?

>> No.19659893


Japanese add a bunch of ritual to everything (pointless bureocracy and protocol) that the average westoid thinks he is witnessing something magical from a millerary faraway land of mistery when they are really being served cardboard with a little bit of green tea aftertaste, with a 500% mark up, of course

Its like the "katanas are best swords" meme that some weebs believe. Japan makes the most godawful swords and the blandest food.

>> No.19659896

>Now lets add some Knorr Stockpot to deepen the flavour

>> No.19659897
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Was Marco Pierre White /OURGUY/ the whole time?

>> No.19659917

>Now to add some Knorr stockpot to deepen the flavour
>Now to add some Kuso-gaijin Miso Shiitake cube to umami the flavour

>> No.19659934


>> No.19659938

How could you forget Japanese Charcoal you ignorant westerner? Forged in the pits of Mordor from the finest Oak, for you idiot foreigner... low low price of 2000 dollar. Very good price!

>> No.19659981

>man coasting on his Michelin stars explains why Michelin stars suck
>man explains stuff to me at length about why he dislikes people explaining stuff to him at length
He's just a silly Knorr salesman

>> No.19659983
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>> No.19659984

yammer yammer yammer,
you keep posting this homo time and time again.

>> No.19659989

How much do you fags get paid to post this faggot over and over?
Just try to be honest for once.

>> No.19659991

Listen up black boy, I guarantee you’re not in the daily Chef John threads like you are here.

>> No.19659996

Piss off, like I would care about that shit.
Answer the question, how much are you paid to shill?

>> No.19660002

Marco has always been right about the Michelin Mafia. He handed them back their three stars at the height of his power and said fuck off.

>> No.19660009

Nothing he said was incorrect. I still love sushi though but this pretentious fascination with le meticulous autistic japan has to end

>> No.19660016

Marco? seems like a homosexual, why would I or anyone care about some faggot named marco?

>> No.19660020

Someone named marco probably is from california and wears vans and sketchers.

>> No.19660030

I don’t trust anyone with 3 names from 3 different languages.

>> No.19660031

He pays me in crypto but I won’t divulge the amount.

>> No.19660033
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Must be in these trillions

>> No.19660053

he didn't say this yet no one cares

>> No.19660061

where did this text even come from

>> No.19660063

Marco is always right. The best thing he has ever said, imo, is that you should always question why you are doing certain things in the kitchen.

>> No.19660074


>> No.19660081

I am starting to believe that there is a PRC funded campaign going on...

>> No.19660082

He's absolutely right and frankly it's the Japs who have fetishized their own culture and suckers everywhere are buying it.

>> No.19660091

PRC would be more interested in tearing down British and French culture even over Jap culture. This quote praises western culture too much to qualify for 50¢

>> No.19660109

>He handed them back their three stars at the height of his power and said fuck off
instead of never taking the Michelinpill ever and after using them to boost his rep, like the hypocritical twat he is

>> No.19660114

No, because he didn't write tyre correctly.

>> No.19660144

>Let's stop with this umami business. Umami, what does it mean? Savoury, are we going to pretend the Japanese invented savoury food? Really? People have been eating food for thousands of years and couldn't explain the taste until the Japanese invented a word? Nonsense.
this is the most important part
I can't stand when people say umami

>> No.19660169

people insist it's something different than savoury, but when pressed to explain they can never articulate what that means.

I have a couple friends who are weeb af and they have some generally twisted world views because of it

>> No.19660181
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>> No.19660192

whoever came up with it is correct

>> No.19660238

Funnily enough, the Japanese tea ceremony is a great example of this. Bitter, bland tea slop, dressed up with pomp because it sucks so hard no one would drink that shit without the "tradition".

BUT, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Some traditions have actual meaning and reasons (and value) for them, intentional or not, so don't go fucking nuts against everything traditional because it is traditional.

>> No.19660245

truly the greatest chef to ever live
i fucking love marco pierre white

>> No.19660247

No shit. He's an American, as evidenced by his spelling 'tyre' incorrectly. It's an enormous fucking shibboleth.

>> No.19660248

Based world currency appreciator

>> No.19660249

love him, too based for words
>i didn't make gordon cry, he chose to cry

>> No.19660267

>Let's stop with this umami business. Umami, what does it mean? Savoury, are we going to pretend the Japanese invented savoury food? Really?
Fucking based
I disagree with the rest. Japanese food is good and you don't need the option to order tendies and a well done steak with a coke and fries everywhere

>> No.19660625

Umami is just mushrooms. Not plant, not meat, in between.

>> No.19660656

He has said this many times in different events however. Everyone knows about his ridicule of Michelin and their handling of Japanese restaurants.

>> No.19660658

>I am seated and the man there is explaining the food I am about to eat, how to eat it, why it is supposed to be amazing
I agree with this heavily. When I went to Japan a few years ago, there were high end restaurants like this and it put me off. I've experienced some of the worst table service at these places, ever. The more basic and cheaper places was a mixture of amazingly good and amazingly bad.

I disagree with his umami take mostly. Umami flavouring can be taken to an extreme but that is one thing I can love about Japanese food if done right, it's delicate umami flavours.

I don't understand his rant about the best Japanese chefs being French trained. I didn't experience any correlation between good food being western and bad food eastern, and I didn't know the chefs or how they trained. But then again, I wasn't trying to go to Michelin star restaurants all the time.

>> No.19660659

>he didn't say this yet no one cares
but the actual text is correct and the promo shot of him could just as effectively be a generic getty stock photo

>> No.19660673

Yeah but it's a rejection of all this that has plummeted the western world into mass collective soul erosion and pandemic levels of major depression.
I'll take a lot less isolating cosmopolitan post-modernism and a lot more pointless rituals at this point, thank you.

>> No.19660687

>Yeah but it's a rejection of all this that has plummeted the western world into mass collective soul erosion and pandemic levels of major depression
Is that why the suicide rate, depression and apathy are all significantly higher in Japan?

>> No.19660695

Nearly half a century of stagnant economic performance did that
It would be worse if not for their rituals
>don't laugh - most of Europe is headed in the same direction

>> No.19660716

Its because they are occupied by a terrorist nation and experimented on

>> No.19660767

Negative IQ take.

>> No.19660776

>no argument

>> No.19660825

Your statements are undeserving of argument due to thebsheer stupidity of them. If you need a few points here you go.

He did not coast off the stars. He may have been the youngest chef to ever achieve 3 michelin stars it was his influence on British cuisine that is his true claim to fame. Many many people that worked under Marco at his restaurants achieved major success and michelin stars of their own after lsaving Marco. Gordon Ramsay is just one example.

Explaining his gripe(he didn't write/say that essay btw) is not the same as sitting down at a restaurant and having the waitress sell you on the food. Entirely and obviously different situations. Your statement shows a clear and blatant lack of reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

Got it?

>> No.19660990

>sucking Marco off this bad
You're clearly star-struck
The mong is a raging hypocrite and disgustingly arrogant. Nobody would give a used shit for his cooking if not for the people and organisations that advertised his antics. In return he did nothing but spite all of them. Well, you know what to do with a dog that bites the hand that feeds. He had no gratitude for others and was given none. The instant he outlived his usefulness he was kicked out and left to beg in the gutter, and only a soulless stockpot conglomerate would bother to throw him a bone to help out with the rent. It's pointless listening to his gripes; he will do nothing but bitch and moan. And more fool you for taking him at all seriously.

>> No.19661001

I wouldnt call grilled cheesesandwich master ramsay a success, but whatever

>> No.19661019

You just rambled on about your ignorant opinion. Care to formulate a real argument, or is that too difficult for you?

More successful than your chicken tendie loving ass will ever be, lol.

>> No.19661049

Dude got an in coming out from under the Roux brothers and rode that to early Michelin stars as part of them trying to meme 'the next generation' into existence.
Because guys like Pierre Koffmann and Joel Robuchon were too 'old fashioned'.
He's a great cook, but he's the equivalent to a system QB.

>> No.19661055


>> No.19661057

>Umami, what does it mean? Savoury, are we going to pretend the Japanese invented savoury food? Really? People have been eating food for thousands of years and couldn't explain the taste until the Japanese invented a word? Nonsense.
That one is totally correct, rest seems a bit butthurt, but may be true as well

>> No.19661129

lmaoo you made me lol out laud

>> No.19661160
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>> No.19661162

>You just rambled on about your ignorant opinion

>> No.19661334

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.19661340

Usa has a higher suicide rate than japan currently. Thats an old meme.

>> No.19661343

Pointless autistic traditions that involve shouting and fancy dress are based

>> No.19661347
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have you ever been to Hungaria?

>> No.19661351

>Umami is just mushrooms
No. Umami is what you have to call Udaddy after he cut off his mushroom.

>> No.19661365

baka gaijin obviously did not taste the umami mouth feel embedded by the binchotan infused shoyu mirin marinated marbled olive wagyu yakiniku. $800 well spent, whito piggu.

>> No.19661382
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You WILL taste the umami in my cubes instead

>> No.19661481

You can use the stockpot or you can die. Your choice, Ramsay.

>> No.19661500

Why do some people get upset because of the fact that Japanese food is good

>> No.19661509

the food is still shit no matter how you dress

>> No.19661524

>Japanese food is good
If the blandest curry in the world, raw fish on rice and various soups made with fermented fish are considered 'good' food then Swedish cuisine is ambrosia from the heavens.

>> No.19661528

I like Japanese food don't get me wrong but I would not even consider it in my top 20. Take the weeb glasses off.

>> No.19661529
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soy beans everywhere

>> No.19661555
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>greentexting him will surely make him seethe. NYEHEHEHE!

A truly powerful argument, NOT! Looks like you have lost, bucko. Thanks for playing. Try a little harder next time.

Who is the them you refer to? The bbc? He was one of if not the first "badboy" celebrity chef. I wonder if his celebrity status was organic and by chance of those early tv shows filming at Harveys.

>> No.19662092

Scandi food is great. Sorry you got filtered by basketweaving memes.

>> No.19662170
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Always knew Marco was based

>> No.19662177

Because weebs have to fetishize anything Japanese

>> No.19662267


>> No.19662280

i could be considered a weeb. There's a lot that i like about Japan but i am under no illusions about their food.

>> No.19662331

>projection of the highest order

>> No.19662334

Hi Cletus

>> No.19662353

I think people who say
are also into felching, and that's the only reason they've unlocked the ability to know what umami is.

>> No.19662367


>> No.19662684


dropping his maestro course for based Marco enjoyers

>> No.19662686

Don't care, takoyaki is the shit.

>> No.19663022

Go to bed Gordon

>> No.19663045

>I am seated and the man there is explaining the food I am about to eat, how to eat it, why it is supposed to be amazing, no choice just his however many course 'experience' and spending more time trying to sell me on his dish than having me eat it. That's not food... that's not dining.
Bitch you spent half your life being a celebrity chef go fucka you selfa

>> No.19663057

>going to a restaurant is the same as watching telly
Have, dare I say it, sex.

>> No.19663067

>It's fine if I'm misrepresenting culinary essence to millions of people on tv for my personal benefit as opposed to the patrons of my establishment
I know you and Marco are both morally bankrupt, I just want to know if you grew up being this white or whether you've embraced it as you lost all meaning in life

>> No.19663072

>misrepresenting culinary essence

Give me an explicit example right now.

>> No.19663083

I am seated and the man there is explaining the food I am about to see, how he made it, why it is supposed to be amazing, no choice just his however many course 'experience' and spending more time trying to sell me on his dish than having me eat it.

>> No.19663106

OP fabricated that entire essay. He didn't say any of that.

>> No.19663111

So when you are seated and the man there is explaining the food you are about to eat, how to eat it, why it is supposed to be amazing, no choice just his however many course 'experience' and spending more time trying to sell you on his dish than having you eat it, you consider yourself to be experiencing the essence of dining?

>> No.19663119

>my senpai this my senpai that uwu
Opinion discarded

>> No.19663129

I stated facts. Have fun ignoring reality because you're a LOSER! HAHA.

No. That sounds annoying. Give me a hearty portion of delicious, high quality food, and let me enjoy it for what it is. Taste before presentation.

>> No.19663419

>I stated my shitty opinion

>> No.19663441

Look at this guy with the highly tuned gaydar

>> No.19663461


>> No.19663503
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>m-m-my opinion is a FACT!!1!
>I-i-i've won, I've won, r-r-right guys?!

>> No.19663561

What a great joy it is to witness the death spasms of a loser whose entire being has been entirely and completely annihilated.

>> No.19663642

I don't know if this is a real quote, but yes. Japanese food is extremely overrated.

>> No.19663810


>> No.19663820

Holyy basedd

>> No.19663852

He literally never said this

>> No.19663861

Thanks and based and I love you. Almost everything he says in the intro to the pdf could stand alone as a /ck/ bait thread too.
>I use one knife for almost every recipe, and that is all you will need. I recommend investing in a good quality chef’s knife and a small ‘office’ knife for the more fiddly jobs. Keep them clean and keep them sharp and they will be the only knives you will ever need.

>> No.19663887

>There is perfectly acceptable mayonnaise and ketchup available to buy off the shelf. Do not waste your time on what can be bought well.

>> No.19663962

It's okay but WAY too expensive for the price, which to be fair is equally as true for french food. Best three foods are simply Italian, because easy to cook, Chinese because a lot of nice crispy textures and Indian food for spice. Those are really the only three cuisines you need to eat desu.

>> No.19663989

Idiotic take. You seriously don't think spanish seafood is worthwhile, or any seafood-centric cuisines?

>> No.19664163
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This is Marcos son btw

>> No.19664199
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He's not right. 3 stars should have never been that exclusive. The point of Michelin guide is that a 3 stars is worth a trip specifically to go to that restaurant. Not based on how much the owner sniffs their own farts.

>> No.19664954

Marco has never done that and explaining how to cook certain dishes for an educational program about cooking is vastly different than going to a restaurant and having a waiter try to upsell you a 12 course meal you have zero choice about ordering. You seem like a poorfag to me considering you don't understand the criticisms Marco makes about molecular gastronomy in comparison to nouvelle cuisine.

>> No.19664958

Japanese food is ultimately just a regional Chinese cuisine variant, with many of the same base ingredients complemented by what is available locally. What they do have is good marketing and branding, as well as a focus on using good ingredients, unlike most of other Chinese cuisine.

>> No.19664959

>n-n-notice me Marco senpai uwu!!1!

>> No.19665071

>tiny piece of squid in a whatever ball
>hot as hell even after hours
Yeah they're good but fuck i hate those things.

>> No.19665091
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A most unholy alliance is emerging to take down the GOAT.

I can’t be the only one who’s noticed it. Every MPW thread lately has seen attacks on the man’s character and even his culinary abilities. It appears this is a coordinate campaign by two camps usually at odds with each other:

A) The Gorton Ramsay partisans. This one is self-explanatory as the rivalry is known by all.

B) The Chef John simps who feel threatened at Mr. MPW challenging /theirguys/ position as darling of /CK/.

It appears the moderating apparatus is in on the conspiracy as well for everytime I have made this post it has been terminated.

Truly a most despicable and diabolical of alliances. Help me sound the alarm folks.

>> No.19665149

I do not care for Japanese food. It insists upon itself.
Also it's bland and the same three ingredients over and over.

>> No.19665165


>> No.19665186

>it's ok to be pompous about french cuisine but when the japs do it then it's elitist
dumb boomer. if he hates elitism so much he wouldn't be arguing with customers when a dish gets sent back

>> No.19665192

Marco is a cook, he should stop pretending to be a food critic desu

>> No.19665203

I like Japanese food because it feels like the only restaurants where you consistently can healthy minimally processed food. And tastes pretty good too.

but yes, the weeb obsession with le heckin nippon food is cringe as fuck.

>> No.19665208
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spanish and portuguese food is fantastic, i don't even get how there can ever be iberian weebs who fall for the sushi meme when their local seafood is so much superior to japanese is not even funny

>> No.19665386

Kicking obnoxious and rude customers out of your restaurant doesn't make you an elitist lmao, in fact it's what makes the difference in actually owning a restaurant and trying to run a walmart.

>> No.19665525
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>> No.19665613

What is that little c at the end?

>> No.19665680

>'The number two from Michelin in France said: "when we were sent to Japan, we were told to hand out stars to build the Guide's profile in Japan".
>'Their business is making tyres. They make their money out of making tyres. And let's be very honest, they make very good tyres. 'Their knowledge of tyre making is greater than their knowledge of food. Why did I give my stars back, why did I walk away? No disrespect to any of them. But I was being judged by people who had less knowledge,' he added.
>Marco [...] has previously spoken against 'miserly portions' common in fine dining and said that cooking is for 'feeding not showing off'.
>When I was a boy, going to a three Michelin star restaurant was like going to the theatre. Today, we have inherited a world of petite cuisine and when you go to a restaurant it’s like going to a canapé party. There are 10 to 18 courses and all of them are very small tepid portions. Today, the focus is on presentation rather than eating. For me food is about generosity and this should reflect on the plate as well. Kitchens have become more systematic and are not such emotional spaces anymore. Sauces today tend to be little dribbles out of bottles on the pass.
>Then they went to Japan where they were instructed by the head office to hand out stars because they had to build the Michelin brand name in the country and that’s how there were 13 or 14 three-star restaurants. In the old days, it used to take chefs 8-10 years to win three stars.
>“I saw the old world of Michelin, I saw how they did things. To win three stars you had to prove yourself as being consistent over a period of time,” he says. “They go to Japan. Year one, 13 three-stars. They go to New York. Year one, four three-stars. Where’s the journey? I’ve dined in one and two Michelin-starred restaurants in Singapore and New York. They’re mediocre.”
Just a few of the hundreds of interviews, not including transcriptions, where he said the same thing.

>> No.19665977

>'Ate Japan
>'Ate food reviewers
>'Ate tiny meals
>'Ate no sauce
>Luv french food
>Luv tyres
>Luv a big scran
>Luv me sauce
Based king of the norf

>> No.19666010

Thanks for sharing this!

>> No.19666089

MPW takes pride in Italian cooking -- a mutt Japanese.
People need to realize that while chefs are pseud philosophers, like philosophers, most of their takes are sophistry. Kind of like this post. But when you speak like this and make good food, the rich drone to you.

>> No.19666102
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What about ‘ate jannies, anon?

>> No.19666156

>Italian cooking - a mutt Japanese
This is what weebness does to your brain.

>> No.19666162
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>Italian cooking -- a mutt Japanese

>> No.19666217

why don't you be honest and just admit sushi is crap

>> No.19666234

Michelin handed out stars like candy to every foreign nation, not just japan.
Beyond that I mostly agree, if I have to get a lesson on how to enjoy the food it loses value. I'll respect it, and still eat it, but it's food it should explain itself. His rant comes off as bitter but the points are salient and I can understand where the bitterness comes from given how much he suffered for his 3 stars only for someone else to get them just for not existing in western europe or the US coastline.

>> No.19666252

Fuck off, you illiterate cunt. I'm glad you'll never procreate.

>> No.19666274

Ah yeah French cuisine, frog legs, animal testicles, and snails. The only thing French are good for are desserts and bread.

>> No.19666282
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>I am seated and the man there is explaining the food I am about to eat, how to eat it, why it is supposed to be amazing, no choice just his however many course 'experience' and spending more time trying to sell me on his dish than having me eat it. That's not food... that's not dining. In my opinion, the food should speak for itself, the customer should have the choice in what they wish to eat and I like a big portion, who doesn't? Cuisine should be simplified not a big song and dance. Good food. Done right. It's that easy. Nothing upsets me more than having a dish presented so pretty but the taste... bland.

Why does he act like is is a uniquely Japanese thing and not Haute Cuisine horseshit that was started by the FUCKING FRENCH
Duplicitous fucking frog cunt. God I hate them. God I hope Niger blocking uranium shipments leaves those baguettefaguettes freezing in the dark.
But he is right about the UMAMI shit. At the very most it should be used to signify a type of savoury, because it's as distinct from the savouriness of meat as fruit is from candy, despite being sweet, or peppercorn from chili despite both being spicy, but retards these days will be like THIS BARBEQUE SAUCE IS HECKIN UMAMI, TASTE THE UMAMI OF THIS BEEF CUBE, HEY IS THAT A TOMATO? MORE LIKE TOMAMI AM I RIGHT!


>> No.19666298

>dines at a flyover "french" restaurant ONCE
Ok Cletus

>> No.19666324

>if you grew up being this white
Not sure why you would be interested in my skin colour or ethnicity but yes, I did. I grew up white and pale. It's great. I'm quite pleased. Im not of government support and I don't steal bikes or sell drugs. I'm less likely to commit violent crimes than other (less evolved subspecies) and I'm a good father. How's life holding up for you, champ?

>> No.19666404

>Why does he act like is is a uniquely Japanese thing and not Haute Cuisine horseshit that was started by the FUCKING FRENCH
Maybe because he's talking about omakase and not haute cuisine (which is a la carte and focuses on large meals). Maybe try learning what cuisine classique is before making a fool of yourself.

>> No.19666459

>Every MPW thread which is totally organic and not all posted by the same sad fat autist guzzling his McDoubles, tendies, Doritos and Sprite behind the screen, shitposting about a fantasy life he wot not of

>> No.19666486

Oh I don't give a shit what it's called you faggot, the japs aren't making plaster moulds of the chef's mouth you're expected to eat out of. The french popularized that shit. I don't care if it's not called Haute Cuisine and is instead called some shit like LE DICKE IN LE CHEFE LA ROYAUXL SEMENE ESTROJIENE CLASSIQUE BLACKDIQUE
I couldn't give a fuck.
You knew EXACTLY what I meant too.

>> No.19666526

>tasting menu

>> No.19666532

>the japs aren't making plaster moulds of the chef's mouth you're expected to eat out of
That's called molecular gastronomy. You can stop embarrassing yourself any time now, microwave tendies bro.

>> No.19666541

More like Molecular Gastroenteritis. Eat my tendies induced diarrhea.

>> No.19666544

>molecular gastronomy
sounds like you both are talking out of your asses
>Molecular gastronomy is the scientific approach of cuisine from primarily the perspective of chemistry

>> No.19666545

Why are Americans like this?

>> No.19666549

Because they aren't as mutt as the French yet

>> No.19666557

Yes, he's referencing an abominable dish of citrus foam in a plaster of a chef's mouth. It's molecular gastronomy. Good job doing a Google search without understanding anything about cuisine.

>> No.19666607

>Good job doing a Google search
Son, I was playng around with this stuff before people started slinging around words like Malliard, mouthfeel and umami, and before that geek Blumenthal with the lab goggles started fucking around with CO2 canisters and what not. Not professionally, but on a home cook basis, it was useful to understand cooking as a form of applied chemistry. The "molecular gastronomy" I fooled around with in my younger days is not whatever horseshit you boys play with now.

I use wiki as it USUALLY provides a concise enough explanation for most general discussion purposes, when the topic is broad enough to have multiple contributing sources and editors.

>> No.19666627

>before people started slinging around words like Malliard
I highly doubt you are over 120 years old, maybe we drop the zero and it'll be about your correct age.

>> No.19666634

By the same logic "molecular gastronomy" is two hundred years old at least

>> No.19666641

Who said it wasn't you fucking idiot?

>> No.19666650

>Two hundred years ago people ate abominable dishes of citrus foam out of plaster casts of a chef's mouth
You, you fucking idiot

>> No.19666655

>Straw man argument
You should google search retard, I'm sure your face would come up.

>> No.19666659

>Straw man
>Who said it wasn't
>you are over 120 years old
My, how the turntables

>> No.19666669

Marco Pierre White is a seething faggot and so is OP
That is all

>> No.19666672

You're babbling like a buffoon at this point, child. Maybe you should google search how to be literate at English before replying to me.

>> No.19666674

>can't understand simple English, let alone basic logic
Back to school, kiddo.

>> No.19666683


>> No.19666686

The only thing simple here is you really. Quite sad to see a foolish child babble like a mental patient with no point or purpose.

>> No.19666703

lol seethe and cope, loser

>> No.19666705

Is that what you say to yourself in the mirror every day?

>> No.19666711

What an oddly specific scenario. Only you could come up with such a thing.

>> No.19666719

It's not oddly specific for you however, seeing as it is your daily routine.

>> No.19666741


>> No.19666857

It's a mix of glutamates and isonates. Fish and mushrooms! A msg beyond all msgs.

>> No.19667086
File: 86 KB, 976x549, 05FB671B-DB49-44AF-B615-6D3B438EAC9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived in Japan for a number of years and left it a couple years ago. I agree with this for the most part. I like Japanese food but there’s so many different cuisines around the world and too many dipshits put sushi and other bullshit dishes on a pedestal because it’s as minimalistic as bs haute-cuisine. The guys who gifted these ratings probably went to Tokyo and tried 3 overpriced sushi restaurants in Ginza and were amazed by the ‘experience’.

Never buy 10000 or more yen sushi. Never! Best sushi I had there was 600 yen per nigiri (~$6).

Yakitori is just chicken on a stick and should be less than 1000 yen. You’re a fucking retard if you buy an expensive crepes in Harajuku. You’re a bigger retard if you think ramen deserves to be considered traditional food, let alone considered Michelin level cuisine.

These places only exist in the first place because of face/ prestige. The japs do it because it signals they’re a high roller to their peers and they get ‘respected’ and envied. That culture is like if every guy was Patrick Bateman. Gaijin don’t need to do that stupid shit.

When Obama came over and went to get his old fart Jiro sushi experience I knew this would get only worse. Shinzo Abe probably hated Obama because of that. He had to stand in line at the bottom of a fucking train station with a bunch of middle management failures and a gay faggot American who thought this was the height of Japanese culture. Abe looked so much happier after playing a round of golf and eating a burger with Trump.

Also, guess what? The best places in Japan are either affordable or they’re secret restaurants that only the elite or a local of a particular area can lead you to. Secret restaurant prices are usually affordable for a normal person. Elites pay a little more simply because of the alcohol they will be drinking. That, or they’re paying much more because they’re eating the raw pineal glands of Korean babies.

>> No.19667097

>That, or they’re paying much more because they’re eating the raw pineal glands of Korean babies
If you'd said Jap loli pussy I'd have believed you

>> No.19667106
File: 150 KB, 465x372, 52FE24F1-6E58-495A-8C2C-C8C1E3625BBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That too. After that some of them will have the nijikai with their dinner’s jukujo mothers.

>> No.19667201

except it isn't a fact it's an opinion and it's agreeable regardless of who said it? nobody gives a fuck if marco said it or not, appealing to authority is fallacious anyways

>> No.19667710

That's because Abe hates Japan. He's a westaboo Korean death cultist.

>> No.19667717


>man who ruined his life chasing a review from a tire company advertisement, warns other people not to do what he did

>> No.19667749

>Dude got an in coming out from under the Roux brothers and rode that to early Michelin stars as part of them trying to meme 'the next generation' into existence
What? Marco surpassed all the chefs he worked under, when he retired he had the undisputed best restaurant in Europe with multiple perfect star ratings and 5 red knives and forks.

>> No.19667766

>man shits on the system that propelled him to fame, but only after he was done milking it

>> No.19667774

He'd be a famous chef regardless of michelin stars. Remember how to get a star you need to run a very succesful restaurant?

>> No.19667783


He still owns multiple restaurants anon. How is he "done"?

>> No.19667797

>He'd be a famous chef regardless
Would he?
If today's Marco is to be believed, Michelin stars are no guarantee of quality; so his stars say nothing about his restaurants either

>How is he "done"?
He believes he's famous enough now and able to survive on his own brand that he doesn't need Michelin's branding, so he says these things

>> No.19667814


And yet his restaurants keep making money and people keep going to eat at them. Curious.

>> No.19667884

He says these things to stand up for established chefs in Europe who toiled and sweat their blood and lost their families chasing prestige from a tyre company that absolutely shit on them in order to soy out in Japan.

>> No.19667968

Thanks. Some great classic recipes in there. the avocado crab one looks nice.

>> No.19667983

>to soy out in japan
It's marketing, they wanted to sell more tires in japan

>> No.19667988
File: 715 KB, 640x647, yeschef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit he is the real Big Boss

>> No.19667992

Sucker born every minute.

>He says these things to stand up for
his restaurants, and because he is and has always been the dog biting the hand that feeds.

>> No.19668008

Just coping and seething. Savory doesn't mean umami, it means more tasty. People never knew of the flavor umami. They would salt their eggs for flavor, never enjoying the umami of the egg on its own. Dishes were never centered around umami, like ramen is.

It's just a different experience. There is nothing like ramen in terms of umami in the west today. He should just embrace it, like the Brits in the 1800s did spices.

>> No.19668012 [DELETED] 

We couldn't, and to some degree still shouldn't, eat raw salmon. In Japan, the process of catching and filleting it is so good and clean, you can. Likewise chicken. You would have to be out of your mind to eat raw chicken in the west, because our supply chain is absolutely rancid. In Japan, some restaurants will serve you raw chicken.

If care for food doesn't tell you it's good, just because you're too lazy to appreciate something tainted by weeb culture, I don't know what you'd define as good. Mac n cheese maybe?

>> No.19668029

You idiot, they eat imported Norwegian farmed salmon abomination, not their own

>> No.19668041

Portuguese here, I cannot wrap my head around the fact that normalfags here love the absolutely disgusting brazilian meme sushi with cream cheese on farmed salmon. We can literally walk to theea and catch fresh sea urchins, octopus and shrimp with a few small nets. People in general have shit taste. However, the best restaurant here (Porto) is a 2 star exclusively seafood restaurant from a chef who is the son of a poor fisherman

>> No.19668054

Oh shit. TIL they didn't start eating salmon until Norway convinced them.

>> No.19668135


>> No.19668234

you seem to love sucking yellow dick you eternal cuck

>> No.19668245

japanese food is trash actually.

>> No.19668252

>n-n-notice me japanese sama I hate my kinf an worship insects like a good insect uwu!!

>> No.19668256

t. weebtranny cope

>> No.19668305

And you're not sucking Marco's?
At least I don't make threads about Jap food

>> No.19668313

I am not even him. But why do you love sucking jap dick so much? besides you being eternal cuck.

>> No.19668320

if you think calling Marco out is sucking jap dick, you're either deepthroating Marco or retarded

>> No.19668324

you didn't answer my question race traitor.
Why do you love sucking shitskin dick so much?
is your blood so infested with cuckoldry, is it because your subhuman "father" was cuck and raised you so?

>> No.19668326

Why should I answer a leading question?

>> No.19668327

based, thanks for sharing

>> No.19668328

why do you love sucking shitskin dick subhuman eternal cuck?

>> No.19668329

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.19668339

What if I like Chef John AND Marco?

>> No.19668342

I don't.
But that's not the same as calling Marco out.
Why do you love sucking Marco's dick so much that you're lashing out like this?

>> No.19668349

you do. that's not a question shitskin lover.
Question is why. you trying to deflect with question is not an argument cuck spawn.

>> No.19668358

Why are YOU deflecting from the fact that you can't be physically stopped from tonguing Marco's anus every week on this board?

>> No.19668364

asked first tranny. Why did your mother start fucking nigger after your father came out as a cuck?
is that why you deepthroat gooks now?

>> No.19668368

>asked first
>you trying to deflect with question is not an argument cuck spawn

>> No.19668371

thanks for reiterating my point cuck spawn.
How does it feel to be the biggest cuck?

>> No.19668375

>How does it feel to be the biggest cuck?
>you trying to deflect with question is not an argument cuck spawn

>> No.19668376

starts repeating, thanks for conceding cuck spawn

>> No.19668382

>starts repeating

You first.

>> No.19668387

kek you already admitted losing after starting to greentext my posts back to me.
are you ready to answer now eternal cuck for shitskin cock?

>> No.19668394

Indeed I lack the dedication to worshiping Marco's cock that you have.

>> No.19668396

Anon's right though, why do you like sucking Marco's dick that much?

>> No.19668397

because Marco is not shitskin otherwise you would be sucking his dick like you do now eternal cuck.

>> No.19668398

are we gonna pretend he said any of this? SOURCE?

>> No.19668400

samefagging eternal cuck

>> No.19668401

You enjoy sucking Marco's dick because you think he's not shitskin?
Oh okay.
Could've just said.
Suck away, my nigger, suck away.

>> No.19668403

Answer the question.

>> No.19668404

you enjoy sucking jap dick because they are shitskin? we knew.

>> No.19668406

you first eternal cuck

>> No.19668408

So long as we've established that you're sucking Marco's dick with all these threads.

>> No.19668412

only thing we established is that you suck jap dick on daily basis.

>> No.19668414

I love the little ESL tells that slowly slip out as you froth with rage.

>> No.19668416

I love how much you drool over shitskin dick

>> No.19668420

Not even 1% as much as you drool over Marco's.

>> No.19668421

Okay okay we get it you love Marco very much and want to have his babies, now can you PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP

>> No.19668423

>n-no u
you still didn't answer my question shitskin lover.
what cause your love for gook dick?

>> No.19668430

Why are you this enraged over my put-down of Marco? What's he to you?

>> No.19668431

could not care less about marco, I am concerned with your love for gook dick cuck spawn.

>> No.19668438

>could not care less about marco
But here you are, making threads about Marco at least every week, and reacting so violently at the merest suggestion that he's wrong.

>gook gook gook gook
Incidentally, I didn't even mention Jap cuisine but you got that into your brain even more than your homoerotic tendencies to see the world in terms of cocksucking.

>> No.19668439

>making threads
least delusional gook cock muncher
>I didn't even mention Jap cuisine
thread is about jap cuisine, sucking so much shitskin dick has killed your brain cells.

>> No.19668443

What the fuck are you two donuts doing in this thread?

>> No.19668446

>thread is about jap cuisine
Could've fooled me, given how much you've been defending Marky Marc
Why do you love him that much by the way?

>> No.19668447

never defended him.
why do you love jap dick so much cuck spawn

>> No.19668453

>never defended him
So are we in agreement that Marco is a failed stockpot-selling hypocritical little coil of shit?

>> No.19668457

now you can answer my question

>> No.19668470
File: 1.11 MB, 1016x544, wagashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jap cuisine, like Italian, is overrated.
It's highly dependent on high quality ingredients, but doesn't do much to alter the nature of poorer quality stuff.
It has great presentation, but so does nouvelle cuisine, and in fact anything down to Momma's homemade apple pie; you just have to take time and trouble.
I like the aesthetics of wagashi for example, but is it cuisine? Debatably. It's more like art. You could make the fucking thing out of playdough and I would appreciate it the same.
Similarly, I like sushi, but if it was a selection of fish and seafood of various cuisines, from Maine lobster to Tasmanian oysters, I would like it just as much. So the Jap influence is inconsequential.
And that's my take on Japs.

But Marco is still a hypocritical pissant.

>> No.19668475

I agree it's jap cuisine is the most overrated shit, but it's not just cuisine, french also need to take a blame for their japanese obsession in 19th century.

>> No.19668488

>It's highly dependent on high quality ingredients,
This is real food though, that's what quality food is. Everywhere else in Asia they drown stuff in herbs and spices because they can't just use the local meat or vegetables themselves and get that distinct local flavor. It's what we have lost with all of our non seasonal preserved bullshit dishes today and it's why people want to try Japanese and Italian food. We want that ingredient that can only be found fresh in that one location.

He's right about the Michelin stars though, they handed them to every old Asian guy with a chicken stall, it's almost comical. Even more comical that they commodified it and there are chain restaurants with michelin stars all over Asia now lol.

>> No.19668493

Uh oh, careful upsetting the weebs there buddy.

>> No.19668496

>He does it for FREE

>> No.19668501


Even Gordon, a guy who knows how much of a dick Marco is, respects the talented genius known as Marco Pierce White. Only person who Gordon respects more in the culinary world than Marco is Joël Robuchon and Alain Ducasse.

>> No.19668506

>check thread
>69 new posts
>every single post is extremely retarded
Lmao. What is it about Marco that brings out the worst in people?

>> No.19668530
File: 1.42 MB, 1279x665, sushi_made_without_head_movement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost it when the guide told Anthony to notice that Jiro's head isn't moving. And Anthony says he moves from the waist "like a kendo master".

>> No.19668547

make a true statement most people are afraid to state, and make it in a subtly offensive manner and watch the sparks fly

>> No.19668549

>that's what quality food is
but it's not quality *cooking*
I have more respect for, say, boeuf bourguignon than I do for a croissant made with organic wheat, Brittany butter, Gascony ham and DOP Brie - it's still a fucking ham and cheese sandwich

One of the best meals I've had is fucking chicken noodle soup, just chicken stock and slices of roast spring chicken, made from best totally-organic free-range chicken. It was fucking awesome, to be sure. Is that highly-skilled cooking? Fuck, it's not even highly-skilled FARMING. Just a happenstance of good quality ingredients.

>> No.19668551


Nice job proving my point.

>> No.19668556
File: 607 KB, 2535x1612, 20220323_185607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marco did both. Some dishes simple, some very difficult.

>> No.19668558
File: 1014 KB, 2728x1636, 20220406_204556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He served fried liver at harveys.

>> No.19668560

My experience with East Asian food is the work goes into the sauces and stuff, the ingredients are usually just high quality but kept simple and fresh. Miso is a good example of that, and it's fucking hard to find authentic Miso outside of East Asia. I mean, overall I agree with what you are saying though and it's why I think the way they dished out Michelin stars in Japan was pretty bullshit. That being said I don't really know but it's probably common for Italians or French to rely on those fresh raw ingredients as well.

when did I say everyone there?

>> No.19668561
File: 779 KB, 2368x1561, 20220323_182704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I challenge any and all people who say marco can't cook or whatever to reproduce this dish just once.

>> No.19668563

Pig feet yum!

>> No.19668567

Irrelevant; he's still a bitter twisted selfish shit of a human being

>> No.19668569

looks easy to me, pigs feed in a broth? childs play. let's see him make some tako yaki on a freezing night in the middle of kyoto with 80 people waiting in line. LETS SEE THAT.

>> No.19668578

unironically yes

>> No.19668585

You're a retard

>> No.19668591

no i'm not

>> No.19668592
File: 920 KB, 2564x1715, 20220411_105224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for it then. Lets see it, bucko.

I love posting the pigs trotter because it reveals all the extreme tastelets.

>> No.19668614

You sound like a woman. Stop being such a bitch.