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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.55 MB, 2841x2328, dinuguan 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19663538 No.19663538 [Reply] [Original]

Can you get Filipino food where you live? For the longest time I wondered why there were so few Filipino restaurants, but I just recently made a discovery. They exist, and they are hiding in plain sight. It turns out that a lot of Filipino places style themselves as teriyaki/rice bowl/Chinese/generic “oriental” food places on the outside, with nondescript names like, “teribowl paradise” or “rice mart” or whatever. But if you look closely, you might see the letters “atbp” after the name. Atbp is the Tagalog equivalent of “etc.”, and means that, while you can get your generic teriyaki salmon over rice, it’s actually a Filipino restaurant, run by Filipinos, and selling Filipino food.

>dinuguan (pork blood stew with pork shoulder and liver)

>> No.19663555

>ketchup on spaghetti

>> No.19663617

There's no spaghetti or ketchup in that picture.

>> No.19663622 [DELETED] 

try actually going there, fucking dumb cracker. and don't bother trying to fuck them, not even third world prostitutes want your creepy ass

>> No.19663623
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Pancit was good. Lumpia was excellent. Even the rice was good. Not sure if jasmine or just similar, but very fragrant.

>> No.19663628 [DELETED] 

giving off weird balding sexpat vibes

>> No.19663632

Just find your nearest trash bin and dig in

>> No.19663634

>pork blood stew with pork shoulder and liver
that sounds delicious. I personally love blood dishes.

What are the lumpias filled with? are those diferent from the chinese ones?

>> No.19663637 [DELETED] 

Do you know what google is? It's been around for, oh, over 20 years

>> No.19663643

There's a place by work we went to once.
But for some reason my fellow whites expected "filipino bbq" to be like a bbq rib place,. Food was just alright. Like I haven't been back because it didn't leave much of an impression, but they feel like they were wronged for some reason because they wanted brisket.

>> No.19663644

Lol. Somebody is mad about Filipina girls preferring white guys.

>> No.19663649
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>It's been around for, oh, over 20 years
Wow, so for twice as long as you

>> No.19663659 [DELETED] 

>incel seethe

>> No.19663675

No one likes Flipinino food except for Filippiipinos and whites trying to show off how worldly they are.

>> No.19663687
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The dinuguan was very good, but it's just a little too much for me to eat as the main dish with how rich it is. Apparently it's traditionally made with all kinds of different offal, which would be interesting since the sauce is so dark it's hard to tell what you're even getting a bite of until it's in your mouth. Lumpia is pretty basic pork/cabbage/carrot/etc. with garlic/ginger/soy sauce. What makes them a little different is how thin and crispy the wrappers are.

>> No.19663689

All the Filipinos I've known just eat fried chicken, burgers, and those big cup noodles. And some how they're not even fat.

>> No.19663699

I'll need to try the liver stew sometime. I'd probably add some chianti and lentils to it though, with my tastes.

>> No.19663708

It's actually really easy to make. You can get fresh pork blood at any Asian grocery store.

>> No.19663911

>No one likes Flipinino food except for Filippiipinos and Flipinos pretending they're white

>> No.19663947

Eh, I get better glass noodles from my local korean bbq place.

I went to one with some fellow soldiers a long while back, it left no impression on me. Nothing struck me as: this is good, I want more of this. More of a: well, this is at least edible.

I lost weight while I was diving in the Philippians. Great unforgettable diving, food was forgettable and boring.

>> No.19664035

Boiled meat with soy sauce and vinegar, served with rice. Scavenged trash. A truly amazing contribution to the culinary arts. Thank you Philippines!

>> No.19664119

KONICHIWA DUDE! How many docile and tight chicks do you know?

>> No.19664150

>21 replies
>12 posters
I love filipino food. it filters autists.

>> No.19664165

it's illegal here

>> No.19664172

Filipino food has never achieved the status of "global" cuisine. Nobody wants to eat it. It has a bad reputation. That's why they don't advertise their restaurants that way, it would turn people off.

>> No.19664179

>t. Filllipphiho

>> No.19664295

It's disgusting, why would you eat this?

>> No.19664297

ive lived in a bumfuck small mountain town in idaho for years and they opened a filipino restaurant here a couple years ago, its delicious and the locals love it.

>> No.19664335

Dinuguan with rice is the bomb. Some of my favorite comfort food, for sure. Fuck glass noodles, though. That dish is so boring. I've also eaten a million times growing up, so there's that.

>> No.19664356

Not baiting but what are the strong points? Its the cuisine I’ve been least impressed by so far.

>> No.19664375

where you at bro, moscow here

>> No.19664400

(Cantonese food ranks between Thai and Malay if you consider it as a transitional Southeast Asian cuisine)

>> No.19664451

be quiet Josh Luna

>> No.19664457

There is nothing special about "korean bbq" it's just regular bbq the koreans slap their name on because taking credit for things other people made is the only thing koreans know how to do.

>> No.19664467

How is lumpia different from egg rolls

>> No.19664475

the name is more fun to say and you can put random shit in them because you're a filipino

>> No.19664478

mmmmm tasdy...

>> No.19664523

god damn did the japanese invasion relaly do something

>> No.19664531

I’m half Filipino and even I don’t like most Filipino food. The only stuff I like are the more basic stuff like beef with rice dishes.

>> No.19664584

I live near a Filipino family bodega with hot food served in the back of the store that's located in a small town downtown in the tri-state area. Easily something you'd miss driving by unless you actively looked for it since the sign is literally just its name accompanied by "ASIAN GROCERY", but as soon as you walk up to the front of the store it has tagalog all over the door/windows
I usually go there for pork BBQ, longganisa, and pancit when I'm too lazy to make any of that myself

>> No.19664587

>ranking Filipino over Vietnamese
for what reason?

>> No.19664600

>Can you get Filipino food where you live?
Yes, there are several places here

t. western sydney

>> No.19664604

Filipino food should not exist and yet it does just piss off everyone with at least 2 remaining tastebuds

>> No.19664626

>filipino food safety standards
Just kill me already

>> No.19664679
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Heck yeah. I don't know how they get the pork like this but it's amazing

>> No.19664688
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A burger they do with the same pork

>> No.19664981

It's just not that good or adapts dishes that are done better by other cuisines. There's just no reason to have Filipino restaurants unless you have a large enough community who wants soggy offal stew or greasy eggplant dishes.

>> No.19665006

I am glad that there are no Filipino restaurants where I live. You just know the neighbourhood has gone to shit when someone is trying to serve you pagpag or balut, even just a Jolibee franchise would be enough for me to get the fuck outta dodge. For anything like this to happen there would have to be such a monumental decline in standards and a severe demand for eating the lowest of the low filth, it'd be the culinary equivalent of being fine with hearing daily gunshots in your neighbourhood. Maybe I am a snob, but I simply just want to live with people who are better than that.

The Filipino people are a fine race but their food is an insulting mockery of Western civilisation.

>> No.19665035
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For me it's Jollibee

>> No.19665252

So true, i prefer crispy stews.

>> No.19665254

lumpia is literally how egg rolls are called in spanish

>> No.19665265

There isn't a single original dish in Filipino "cuisine". It's all derivatives of dishes introduced by their many colonizers. In some rare instances they can be good, I prefer lumpia to traditional fried spring rolls for example but most of the times it's just bastardized versions of a better dish.

>> No.19665270

Right because google can tell us what's inside those specific lumpia. Fucking idiot.

>> No.19665277


>> No.19665342

a bit of a drive. seems like they only open Filipino restaurants
where the critical mass of Filipinos living there guarantees success
rarely do you see one outside of their neighborhoods

>> No.19665349

what's the white stuff then

>> No.19665350

there's no one version of "lumpia" either and I don't know what you even mean by "traditional fried spring rolls", you should probably get a passport and spend some time in other cunts before trying to talk about food that isn't mcdonalds

>> No.19665388

The irony in this post lmao. There are spring rolls sometimes called summer rolls depending on where you are wrapped.in rice paper, and there are the fried spring rolls wrapped.in pastry you find in most western Asian restaurants that lumpia are a direct ripoff of. Maybe you should get a passport yourself you wannabe loser. No shit there are different lumpia, just like there are different spring rolls. I said I prefer them because they are generally much smaller and have a higher ratio of filling to pastry.

>> No.19665423
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>> No.19665457

army base kid detected

>> No.19665460

Paprika and Sprite (soda)

>> No.19665479

Never served any time in the army what's your next deflective coping mechanism of a post gonna be?

>> No.19665523

Holy fuck you’re retarded

>> No.19665530
File: 389 KB, 773x970, Screenshot_20230902_112215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy fuck you’re retarded

>> No.19665542

I love filipina bar girls

>> No.19665550

And they love anyone who isn't Filipino. Easily the most cucked "nationality" on earth. Probably almost as bad as America in terms of being a mutt nation.

>> No.19665556
File: 92 KB, 687x755, 1692747865963293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And they love anyone who isn't Filipino. Easily the most cucked "nationality" on earth. Probably almost as bad as America in terms of being a mutt nation.

>> No.19665557

>teribowl paradise
no way is any restaurant named that

>> No.19665564

What a fucking retard.

>> No.19665575

>Posts a chang
I'm confused now

>> No.19665599

Where does the dinuguan in the OP come from originally?

>> No.19665621

>Where did eatting blood come from?
Kek. Now if you said balut you would have had an argument. Sure there are some "original" dishes I'll concede to that, but they are so basic and foul that nobody ever mentions them seriously and not even most Filipinos will endorse them. A flip coworker brought balud to work one day "as a prank" to see if I would eat it. We each ate one, gagged several times but didn't vomit.

>> No.19665638

>Where did eatting blood come from?
That wasn't the question, retard. What dish is the thing in the OP based on? Your claim was that all their food is based on stuff from other Asian countries or colonizers. So where's the dish in the literal OP from?

>> No.19665648

You should try reading the rest of my post before responding out of pure rage. If your only arguing what I said about original dishes, I very clearly conceded on that point. You won, congrats enjoy it! Doesn't change the fact that almost nobody eats that shit and the average Filipinos diet consists of plagiarized dishes.

>> No.19665650

Name 5 dishes that originated in the Philippines.

>> No.19665657

Arent loempia and noodles Chinese?

>> No.19665662

philp food is shit

>> No.19665669

They are but he's right that boiled pork blood and unhatched duck fetus originated in the Phillipines so give him that. I'm sure there's a few other equally disgusting dishes he's googling right now as a "gotcha" post.

>> No.19665681

I'm not an expert in Filipino cuisine like this anon >>19665648 was pretending to be before completely shifting the goal posts and trying to rewrite something he already posted. But I'd be curious to know what some of their main dishes are originally based on.
>chicken adobo
>paksiw na pata
>sure there's a few other equally disgusting dishes he's googling right now as a "gotcha" post
This is all basic shit you'd seen on almost any flip menu.

>> No.19665692

>shifting the goal posts and trying to rewrite something he already posted
Never happened. Simply admitted to jumping the gun on saying ZERO original dishes.
As for those dishes you listed you're only proving my point you dumbass. Adobo is Spanish and the rest of those things are Thai/vitnameese variations. Only I must admit throwing corn in the cob in a soup and calling it an original dish is truly a culinary feat.

>> No.19665714

>never happened
Yes, it did. You misconstrued my question as asking who first ate blood and laughed it off, saying, "now if you said balut you would have had an argument", very clearly implying that I did not in fact have an argument with the blood stew. You later went on to claim that you conceded that blood stew might have been original (without directly saying so). But you also completely shifted the goalposts to,
>w-w-well...it's all shitty food that nobody wants to eat anyway so why does it matter!!
>Adobo is Spanish
It predates Spanish contact. The name came later.
>the rest of those things are Thai/vitnameese variations
Name specific dishes. Name just one (1) specific dish.

>> No.19665767

me or op

>> No.19665774

Obviously you.

>> No.19665794

lol k, my mistake for giving you the benefit of the doubt

>> No.19666085

>throwing corn in the cob in a soup and calling it an original dish is truly a culinary feat

>> No.19666164

all welfare queens are just "army" to normies, deal with it

>> No.19666179

Not that anon, but "army base kid" doesn't mean you served.

>> No.19666181

We had a filipino buffet place for like 12 months where I live in Norway.
Only went once before it went under. Was pretty good.

>> No.19666192

You have to be a fucking pretentious 80 IQ retard to actually pretend filipino food is good.

>> No.19666194

I could weirdly see flip food going over in Norway. Kind of like how the Netherlands has embraced Indonesian food. There's more in common between the two than it would appear on the surface.

>> No.19666207

The only thing in common between the two is they're both from South East Asia. Indonesian food is actually good unlike Filipino food. No comparison in taste. Flip food is like Hawaiian food if Hawaii was a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with garbage.

>> No.19666210

I meant there's more in common between Filipino and Norwegian food than it would superficially appear.

>> No.19666214

I'm going to entertain this and have you explain your retardation.

>> No.19666216

I'll let you know that Norway isn't in SEA. Not even close..

>> No.19666236

>Flip food is like Hawaiian food if Hawaii was a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with garbage
I want to believe that this was meant to be a convoluted joke calling flips cockroaches, but I know that's too sophisticated for nu-/ck/.

>> No.19666259

>did not get their morning sausages

>> No.19666267

You have to be an 80 IQ retard to dismiss an entire country's cuisine.

>> No.19666996
File: 83 KB, 1005x618, 220217215855-01-filipino-breakfast-longsilog[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should tell him that Filipinos also have breakfast sausages.

>> No.19667213

>What makes them a little different is how thin and crispy the wrappers are.

literally stolen from thai or vietnamese cuisine. the reason no one gives a shit about flip cuisine is that it is all something you can get better form another culture. since they stole it all

>> No.19667257

dye. literally. i love the red pork from any asian restaurant but it's quite literally just dyed with red food coloring kek
idk why they do it. it's just like a recognition thing i guess, same reason they all use the same menu slides that don't actually resemble anything they cook

>> No.19667274

Pic rel is literally what homeless people in the US eat everyday and that is considered ‘filipino cuisine’ kek

>> No.19667279

>never had longanisa
Missing out.

>> No.19667285

That’s literally just chorizo and eggs with plain fucking rice

>> No.19667289
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Lol. Did some flip kid steal your girlfriend in middle school or something? You seem really salty. Saying that lumpia is exactly the same as Thai or Vietnamese spring rolls (just "not as good") is like saying that California pizza is stolen from New York or New Haven. If you're that unwilling to recognize regional differences, why not just say that all pizza is just stolen from Italy? The same way that all fried rolls in SE ultimately come from China?
>homeless people in the US are cooking rice and eggs every morning and frying up some imported sausages you can only find at specialty stores
It's time to stop posting, anon.

>> No.19667291


>> No.19667295

Not /pol/posting but they're are definitely places that have awful cuisine. It's usually because of the scarcity of edible things and not because the people are dumb but there some places with abundance and terrible food.

>> No.19667297

Jollibee's are only in really ghetto parts of town. If you live anywhere near one I guarantee you there's a hundred better Asian places in the vicinity - including a ton of Filipino places making actual food from fresh ingredients.

>> No.19667323

But nobody is making comparisons or value judgements, and acting like food is a zero sum game - as though there's so much food out there that you can't possibly eat some things unless you never give up a meal on certain other things - is just silly. Obviously Filipino food isn't world class, and often has some strong flavors many people might find off-putting, without having anywhere near the depth of flavors and variety of some of it's SE Asian neighbors. But like, why would you just decide to never try it? Most people here like variety and trying new things (lol). I mean, even if you think it's over-all pretty low on your priority list of national cuisines you'd choose to eat, you have to admit it's about on par with somewhere like Ireland, or Zimbabwe.

>> No.19667346

JOLIBEE CHICKEN > POPEYE'S, KFC, and WINGSHIT. Go ahead and spam your (YOU)'s.

>> No.19667362

Nobody in this thread cares about how you rank fast food chicken.

>> No.19667416
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you cared enough—just enough—to react to my faggot post

>> No.19667427

Ireland has better food than Zimbabwe and the Philipnnipones and Irish food is trash.

>> No.19667472

WTF are you on about? Jollibees here are only in high-traffic expensive rent areas, like Granville St. in the middle of downtown

>> No.19667671

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.19667682

>heh you said you don't care but you cared enough to reply!
midwit logic. people like you usually repeat your garbage opinions since you're usually unopposed due to no one caring, that person who cared enough to reply just wants you to stop.

>> No.19667685
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>> No.19667711

Dude I've probably got a kid in every major city from Basilan to Angeles lol

>> No.19667714

You just described the Philippines.

>> No.19667736

Changs hate the Philippines

>> No.19667778

yeah, most places around here serve water. if ask nice they will spit in it for you.

>> No.19667790

Konichiwa dude! Hook me up with none of your DOCILE and TIGHT sisters!

>> No.19667949

There are lots of Filipino places near me because there are lots Filipinos near me. They even have their own supermarkets

>> No.19669011
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I only have one Filipino market near me that I'm aware of. You can get a big ass styrofoam cup of these little fried soft shell crabs for like $6.