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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19663826 No.19663826 [Reply] [Original]

>Have carbon steel/cast iron cookware for over a year
>seasoning always always an issue
>start using the cowboy's guy's advice, no soap, only hot water and steam
>Skillets are more non stick than any t-fal garbo.
The "y'all can use dawn on cast iron" nis shit advise.
I can cook a sunny side up egg with 5ml of oil.

>> No.19663834

no shit Sherlock. only legit retards use soap.

>> No.19663835

Soaps pull off any fat that would have turned into seasoning. I still wash mine with it because my roommates also don't use it in the oven or anything, so it's gone rusty for now.

>> No.19663872

i already told you this

>> No.19663906

>I can cook a sunny side up egg with 5ml of oil.
proof with timestamp or fuck off

>> No.19663939

>the cowboy's guy's advice, no soap, only hot water and steam
Please specify what you do.
I am torn between what kind of scrubber to use.
>bundle of sharpened bamboo skewers
>chainmail square
>brass sponge

>> No.19663970

If a little bit of Dawn can scrub off your seasoning, then it wasn't seasoned in the first place. I would have to take a grinder to mine to get that shit off.

>> No.19663984

Salt and a towel

>> No.19664068

chain mail

>> No.19664105

I cook almost everything on my cheap Lodge skillet. As soon as I finish cooking, still hot, I spray it with the tap and rub it down with paper towel. Every time. That’s it.

>> No.19664110

what do you use to season the chain mail?

>> No.19664252

I got tired of using cast iron because shit always gets stuck to it and I end up having to rub off the seasoning.

>> No.19664263

it's just that easy. why is this a debate?

>> No.19664660

I am thinking I might really be retarded for using regular butter. I used clarified butter now and eggs don't stick or burn in the pan, just slightly sticky on the edges. I haven't tried other foods or with my carbon steel yet though. Recommend me meals that are good to test with.

>> No.19664670

Unironically this is too complicated for people who don’t understand that dishes don’t actually need to be ‘soaked’ first before they put them away

>> No.19664880

cos the next thing you cook tastes like the last thing you cooked. this is a problem if the last thing you cooked is fish and the next thing you cook it something you don't want to taste like fish, for example

>> No.19664889

It would be nonstick if you used 0ml oil you moron. Everything is nonstick with oil.

>> No.19665170

might want to adjust your hot water heater.

>> No.19665176

I want to buy a small Lodge cast iron for cooking beef steaks, I should be in the clear then

>> No.19665185

What on earth why are you being such redditors about this. Use a fucking brush or sponge like a normal person

>> No.19665243

>buy carbon steel pan
>season it once
>cook on it
>add a bit of boiling water and scrape with a wooden spatula after cooking
>zero problems
Its easy.

>> No.19665368

Use fucking soap on your cast iron. I don't care what a youtuber says. Soap does not damage seasoning anymore, and the "wisdom" that it does is outdated from when we used lye in soap.
If you think "soap removes the fat that would later become seasoning" just add some back after cleaning it. Don't use fucking disgusting dirty cookware.

>> No.19665379

>bro My seasoning is like tha adamantium unobtanium like from tha movies bro XDDDDD

>> No.19665391



>> No.19665399

Stfu about lye soap and stop parroting redditors

>> No.19665401

>he doesn't preheat his pan
ngmi, cooklet

>> No.19665505

Woman moment

>> No.19665757

If soap is affecting your pan, it was never properly seasoned. It's not that hard to use/maintain a cast iron or carbon steel.

>> No.19665907

Exactly, if you have to use soap to clean your pan, it was never properly seasoned to begin with

>> No.19665976

Maybe I don't wanna use oil. Fuck you.

>> No.19666974

i've used boiling water. do i also need to use jet impingement?

>> No.19667004

>cast iron thread
So reddit hipster or /pol/tard "muh tradition" retards. Just by any normal modern pan you fucking dipshits.

>> No.19667026

>tfw free cast iron user
>never researched care for it
>rely only on intuition
>never maintain it, it’s always fine
>just wipe out excess crap with a paper towel and salt scrub every now and then
Not sure what the fuss is about this stuff, it’s basically maintenance free. I usually just leave big puddles of hardened fat in it and wipe it off when I wanna use it next.

>> No.19667125
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The cast iron threads are pointless, except they help people find out cast iron exists. Cast iron pans are great and easy to use. I only regret I didn't even notice they existed until I was in my 30's.
For me they making cooking easy. I just throw anything on it and it turns out great with little effort. E.g. I used to dither about how to cook chicken breast so it comes out good, tried so many things like in a pressure cooker, slow cooker, wrapped in foil in the oven. But then the first time I tried just searing it on cast iron quick and easy and it came out the best ever.
Long story short: Chainmail is a meme, clean your pan with steel wool. Seasoning your pan is a meme. Just cook with it and then keep it dry and oiled between uses. My 12 dollar walmart pan's preseasoning worked great. First thing I did was fry an egg on it and it only stuck a little because it was too hot, and the stuck crusty egg peeled right off easily. If something sticks just wait and it'll release/unstick itself eventually once a crust forms. Don't use a cast iron pan if a stainless steel pan would work fine, e.g. for boiling things.

>> No.19667133

I trust Serious Eats more than 4chan and they say you can use soap on cast iron

>> No.19667137

>everything I don't like is reddit or /pol/
Christ, we can't even talk about skillets without you goofs throwing a fit

>> No.19667141

>If a little bit of Dawn can scrub off your seasoning, then it wasn't seasoned in the first place
this, i properly seasoned mine last year and all i do to clean it is a small amount of soap and hot water, never had a problem with sticking

>> No.19667143

What the hell? I have never had this happen with my cast iron.

>> No.19667265

you're supposed to use it on the inside of the pan, dumbass.

>> No.19667523

>he doesn't rub his ball grease on his cast iron
you do know it reacts with the seasoning to make it extra super strong, right? and it's good for your balls too

>> No.19667524

COWBOY KENT ROLLINS is fucking based and that's all I do with mine too, steam that sucker and dry it off with a paper towel, i don't even care if it's non stick or not since all i cook is beef

>> No.19667528

You can't use soap on cast iron, but only if your soap contains LYE. Dish soap is fine.

>> No.19667686

I haven't had taste carry over from one meal to the other in my cast iron, except recently when I made french toast. The cinnamon taste did actually carry over to my meat somehow.

>> No.19667921
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>> No.19668429

"Nonstick" is a meme. You can cook an egg without sticking on a "sticky" stainless pan with exactly the same amount of oil and the same heat control. I suspect most people who scream about muh nonstick probably think using any oil is unhealthy, but if you don't control the heat properly eggs will stick to a cast iron pan the same as they will to stainless. Only teflon will allow you to cook eggs on high heat with zero oil and not leave a massive mess.

As for not cleaning your cookware and getting better results, that's probably because you otherwise wouldn't have put enough oil on your pan, just like I said above, you retard.

>> No.19668458
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>You can cook an egg without sticking on a "sticky" stainless pan with exactly the same amount of oil
may we see it?

>> No.19668464

Fuck off.

>> No.19668473

no really, you stated that so authoritatively, surely you can whip out a quick video demonstrating your claim?

>> No.19668482
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You don't even realize what a stupid demand you're making. You posted this video, for the 45,000th time now, showing that with proper heat control and a little bit of oil, you can literally cook an egg on 20 grit sandpaper.

>> No.19668487

>still no video
So you're saying it's impossible to do that with stainless steel?

>> No.19670386

still waiting on that video, cooklet. come on, put up or shut up.

>> No.19670547

I have a couple cast irons that my girlfriend's grandma used for ages and ages. They are so fucking seasoned it is unwise to use them on the stovetop as they smoke. Should I chip away at all the shit built up on the outside? I suppose it doesn't matter. I have a larger one I bought and seasoned myself to use on the stove, but sometimes I want to use the small one for a couple eggs. Also no matter how much I run hot water in them you can always see plenty of oil come off. Literal decades of cooking cornbread with these things, which is also what I tend to use them for.

>> No.19670609

>reposts the same stupid video someone else made
>hurrrrrr now everybody needs to post videos
You're retarded. I'm not making a fucking video for you or any other faggot.

>> No.19670653

watching you stainles steel faggots seethe over cast iron supremacy will never not be funny.

>> No.19670754

Watching Teflon virgins who think they know how to cook on cast iron squirm at the thought of someone doing the same thing on stainless will never not be pathetic to watch.

>> No.19670760


>> No.19670772

Nice. No matter how many times I try the same thing my shit still sticks. Guess I just need to git gud.

>> No.19670803
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patrician's choice

>> No.19670909

Holy based. Btfo.

>> No.19671371

>no one will notice that I’m the same person
>I’m too smart to get caught!
Underage. Get out.

>> No.19671474
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>seething intensifies
just so you know, we're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you.

>> No.19671487

About what I do, but I use fast food napkins to absorb the grease and keep it out of my drains and also to dry afterwards. They're stupidly grease absorbent and don't seem to crumble and shed lint as bad as paper towels.

>> No.19671496

do you understand what happens if you don't use soap? you are just cooking on top of the rancid remains of your previous meal. disgusting pigs.

>> No.19671557

Even better are the Scott's paper shop towels intended for soaking up automotive spills, you can get them at your local auto parts store pretty cheap. Stupidly absorbent and won't fall apart no matter how wet they get.
"Reading comprehension" is just an internet myth to you isn't it?

>> No.19671743

>too stupid to understand that when you’re editing a screenshot like this, you have to leave at least one (You) or the whole point is lost
I’ll say it again: underage and b&.

Now you’re just going to try to necrobump the thread to eternity so you “can get the last word in,” which you think means anything.

>> No.19671961

Keep seething, cooklet. Your tears are delicious.

>> No.19672675
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>buy pic related
>can toss it in the dishwasher
>easier to clean than seasoned cast iron pan
>don't have to deal with seasoning it
>same cooking performance
>just as durable

I'm never going back to non-enamled cast iron desu

>> No.19672677

This might sound like a dumb question, but why do people season the pan instead of seasoning the food?

>> No.19672683

>why do people season the food instead of seasoning their mouth

Think about it

>> No.19672704

Why would you need an appliance to heat hot water

>> No.19672706

>Think about it
Oh, I get it! It's because food doesn't need to be seasoned!
I'm so dumb!

>> No.19672711

I just fill it with a small layer of water and set it on the stove to simmer off any debris. Once everything is loose off, I dump the water then rub in a couple spoons of oil, then reheat the pan on stovetop.
Omelettes slide right out. Have never used anything but elbow grease, water, oil and heat to clean it

>> No.19672981

You're just eating rancid fat and food scraps if you don't use soap, retard. It works better for you because you don't wipe your pans in oil after washing and drying your pans. You can run cast iron through industrial dishwashers with modern detergents. The important part is drying and oiling.

>> No.19674655

this, wash your pans you dirty fucks

>> No.19674689

Sorry anon but you've been utterly


>> No.19675332

You shot off your mouth like a retard and got schooled, then followed it up with an extra effort to make sure everybody knows that you knew in advance exactly how you were gonna get schooled and yet utterly failed to be ready for it. I'm not sure what sort of frisson of pleasure you get out of people thinking you're a retard, but congratulations I guess, because you've certainly convinced everybody itt.

>> No.19675351

Every faggot that goes to the lengths of posting a screenshot to prove he's not "samefag" is exactly the kind of faggot that is using inspect element to hide his samefag status.

>> No.19675357

Found the fucking redditor. Kill yourself, you absolute reddit garbage. "Necrobump" is NOT a 4chan concept. We reply to any thread we want, we bump whatever we want. Only your shitstain fucking reddit site obsesses over "NUUOOO U CANT NECROBUMP THIS OLD THREAD!"

You PROVED you don't belong, you absolute fucking turd of a human. Get out, reddit shit.

>> No.19675359

I have this. It was amazing for the first week, then it magically just stopped being nonstick. I scrub and I scrub and I scrub, le elbowgrease lol but everything I put on it now instantly physically bonds with it and doesn't let go.

>> No.19675376

I can't believe this nigger is cooking with butter, don't you know it has a LOW SMOKE POINT?

>> No.19675406

>45,000th time now
And yet you autistically keep stepping on that rake then raging when you get smacked in the face by it.

>> No.19675412

Cry harder, plebbitor.

>> No.19675418

aww, seething samefag cries on being caught

>> No.19675430

Why are there 5 threads about pans?

>> No.19675436

You will consume the pans.

>> No.19675469

Because the autistic redditor in this thread is throwing a pissy fit.

>> No.19675522
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Posting here instead of making yet another thread. I recently came into possession of this griddle pan that I assume is cast iron, ceramic on the bottom but not on the cook surface. What can I do with it aside from flatbreads?
Also I thought you might find the self release cake tins interesting.

>> No.19675528

Because cast iron cargo cultists never learn.

>> No.19675531
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Apart from a little smutz it's pretty clean.

>> No.19675538
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No brand, just says "Made in France" as far as I can see.

>> No.19675731

Pancakes and crepes

>> No.19675777

>What can I do with it aside from flatbreads
Looks like a perfect pancake griddle, just make them bitches big, burgers are another great one, get a metal spatula and smash the fuck out of them.

>> No.19676341

That's odd. I've been using the same one for years.

They're not supposed to be "non-stick" like a teflon pan would be, you will need some grease in the pan to keep certain things from sticking. It's mostly non-stick, if you have to scrub really hard to clean, that's odd.

Did you by a cheap one? The cheap ones have a really shit enamel that makes it easy for things to get stuck. I have a real le creuset and it still works great after 10+ years of use.

>> No.19676367

I've been using the same $60 Lodge enameled cast iron dutch oven for years now and it's just as good as new still, there's a little discoloration on the enamel but that's all, I might buy a nice creuset or staub but at this point it seems not necessary.

>> No.19676411
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Heating up the pan kills any smell. If you still have a smell then you need to clean it properly.

>> No.19676653

Cinnamon gets it's flavor from cinnamaldehyde which is nonpolar, so it absorbs into oil/grease/fat/seasoning.

>> No.19676978
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Wait a min. How do I cook scrambled eggs on my stainless steel skillet? Do I jist keep the heat very low the whole time?

>> No.19677010

egg yolk+stainless steel is a mistake, you can usually manage it if you don't break the yolk but if you do it's stick city. Go with nonstick or cast iron if you must for scrambled eggs/omelet

>> No.19677070
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I did it guys. How to upload video?

>> No.19677072


>> No.19677105

LMAO. What the input file type? One guide for mkv:

>> No.19677136
File: 1.97 MB, 368x654, VID_20230905_174321_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully

>> No.19677145

I should mention online-convert or VLC can do it if you don't like messing with command prompts and /g/ay levels of optimization. I'm rooting for you temperature and oil nigger, even if I personally use cast iron cookware for cheap heat distribution.

>> No.19677167

I use butter. Do people reallt use oil for scrambled eggs?

>> No.19677172

Well, I'm not the one that was having the schizo conversation with you earlier, but your jpg is better than the gif. They'll probably move the goalposts now and mention that's scrambled eggs not an omelet.

>> No.19677194

How long should I saute shallots? Mine lacked flavor

Im new to the thread. I had no argument with anyone. I just wanted to try

>> No.19677197

I'm this anon >>19676653, a chemist not a cook. Butter is oil. I use butter for eggs as well, but some people cook in various other nonpolar solvents. You can cook your eggs in mineral oil if you're constipated with no ill effects.

>> No.19677220

Oh, that's even better. I thought the you were one of the two men arguing over stainless skillets.
I generally add shallots to other dishes for flavor but more often use onions. And, as before, I'm a chemist, not a cook.

>> No.19677224

What exactly did you think soap does?

>> No.19677225

Well damn I guess you can if the temp is low enough, good to know. How hot was it? (I know that's impossible to communicate between stoves etc but what else would you cook at that temp?)

>> No.19677285

Nah arguing on ck is lame. This is my relaxing board. I like onion in my eggs but I end up tossing 7/8ths of the onion. I was hoping shallots would work but the flavour was poor

The butter never, browned nor smoked. I kept the heat lower than I normally would and turned the heat off early and allowed the residual heat of the skillet to scramble the eggs. I would cook garlic and onions at this temp

>> No.19677288

This kills the pan

>> No.19677336
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I'm absolutely sure there is an annual competition in Phoenix, AZ to see who can cook an egg on their hood fastest with a Wikipedia article, but my internet reaches were all about phoenix egg McGuffins in modern literature and pic related. Eggs cook best at about 160-170 F surface temp. Get a surface temp thermometer.

>> No.19677358
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>Nah arguing on ck is lame.
I agree. That's why I ignored that whole half of the thread when I explained the cinnamon bit. You seemed to want to post video proof for the guy they were ganging up on.
Fact of the matter is expert chiefs can cook eggs about the the same in cast iron, stainless steel, copper, steel, ceramic, enamel, PTFE coated aluminum, gel coated car hood, etc.
Cast iron is easier for most people than stainless steel.
Both are right.

>> No.19677362

>Eggs cook best at about 160-170 F surface temp.
What do you mean by this? "Best" in what way? Because I know that's far too cool to make it over easy with runny yokes. Best for french omelet/scrambled eggs? Because that would make sense.

>> No.19677366

If you like onions in your eggs plant some green onion in a pot by a window with some direct sunlight. Tear off a bit and use as needed sprinkled over.

>> No.19677397

Yes, from a chemist uniform consistency can't go wrong standpoint. Your obviously not going to poach an egg correctly at those temps.

>> No.19677643

>you need to clean it properly.
yeah, that is why I use dish soap like I do on all my cookware that want to be clean

>> No.19677920

You can just admit you're a disgusting retard desu

>> No.19677930

>it's another thread where a retard brags about being too retarded to use dish soap and a sponge properly

>> No.19678125

>Pouring degreaser on asphalt removes stains too, huh?

>> No.19678134

it was your intuition to not use soap to clean a dirty pan?

>> No.19678203

The smartest human I know left little teeth marks in three fish shaped bars of colorful soap my grandmother had out before speaking age.

>> No.19678234

I don't eat fucking eggs at all so I'm not getting a cast iron pan just for that.

>> No.19678240
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>leave colorful soaps out shaped like food

>> No.19678245

Eggs are among the worst things to cook in a cast iron skillet. That's why people meme about it. Tomatoes and citrus are worse, but they are zero maintenance if you only use it for greasy foods.

>> No.19678250

I just want to cook some goddamn hamburgers

>> No.19678254

The moral of the story is washing your dishes with soap isn't intuitive at all. Those soaps stayed there like that for a good 15 years after my cousin tried every one as a testament to her stupidity until an actual retarded old man decided to use the 20 yrs old soap fish with the little chomp marks instead of the normal nonornamental bar on the other side of the sink.

>> No.19678257

Yes, cast iron is the cheapest easiest way to make hamburgers on an electric stovetop.

>> No.19678268

I have a gas stove

>> No.19678271

Eh my mom would by all those fancy designer soaps "for company" and we absolutely WERE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH THEM, EVER. Because they were "for company".

>> No.19678274

It had less to do with their actual usefulness than putting on the best appearances. Just one of those things high-trust societies had to do. We had to put out little fancy soaps and fancy towels and get out the fancy silverware, but also we knew all our neighbors names up and down the street.

>> No.19678275

Then whatever is cheapest without PTFE should work. Also, if you're seriously looking for a skillet for hamburgers on the stovetop, get the cheapest splatter screen you can find as well.

>> No.19678276


>> No.19678278

I thought this was a thing only the wackos in my family did.

>> No.19678319


>> No.19678434

Go back.

>> No.19678444

Aww, reddit is pissing itself at being found out.

>> No.19678712

Thanks, I didn't even think of pancakes, it's been years since I made one.
oh shit, now that's a good idea

>> No.19678778


>> No.19679027

I am desperately curious to understand the point you believe you're making

>> No.19680735

I realize now the analogy is only helpful for mechanics and chemists now. Engine degreaser softens and stains asphalt/bitumen with the same chemical mechanisms dish soap has on seasoning. It's just less visibility extreme.

>> No.19680746

>with the same chemical mechanisms dish soap has on seasoning
Oh, you were just retarded, why didn't you say so?

>> No.19680749

>Dumb nigger thinks the rancid bacon grease caked all over his skillet is seasoning

>> No.19680750

nta but your explaination still didn't help

>less visibility extreme
but otherwise engine degreaser is entirely as extreme as dish soap

>> No.19680812

Well, I appreciated learning something from your explanation.

>> No.19680912

What did you learn, that he's an idiot?

>> No.19681038

You dont clean your cst iron with water?

>> No.19681087

Of course I do, how else would I rinse the soap off?

>> No.19681139

Rancid oil isn't toxic anon. They might make your tummy hurt if you consume too much, but you only leave a thin coat in the pan that might get into the next batch of food. You think she seasoning in your pan doesn't oxidize as well?

>> No.19681154

>but otherwise engine degreaser is entirely as extreme as dish soap
Of course not. The analogy was for those that have spilled degreaser on asphalt, which I already admitted probably isn't many. Both degreaser and Dawn will change the surface properties of asphalt and seasoning, whether visible or not, which, in the case of seasoning fucks your "nonstick" surface.

>> No.19681169

No problem. I'm guessing you're one that's left spots in your road. It was an awful parallel for anyone that isn't a motorhead. It makes sense for /ck/.

>> No.19681199

scrubbing when cleaning will also fuck with your surface but does it matter given you are always adding more. if you scrubbed it with an angle grinder it might be a different story.

>> No.19681211

>Yeah my pan is covered in rancid food waste because I'm to retarded to clean it properly, but it won't kill me
Post hands

>> No.19681223

>which, in the case of seasoning fucks your "nonstick" surface.
But it doesn't though. I know this because I wash mine with dish soap every time I use it and I rarely ever reapply the seasoning, yet my pan doesn't rust and shit doesn't stick to it.

You can keep claiming that you're justified in your retarded aversion to cleaning your cookware that's based on shit from 200 years ago, but you're wrong. That's all there is to it, you're just wrong.

>> No.19681224

what is the proper name for this process and where can I read more about the deleterious effect of dish soap on polymerized oil?

>> No.19681226

Agreed. And using soap occasionally can be good as well, but if you have to scour or wash your cast iron cookware every use something's wrong. That said, mechanical abrasion is the less damaging of the two cleanings as you're scratching the surface, which gets replaced as you mentioned, while dish soap turns the surface into sludge ever so slightly.

>> No.19681231

Or asphalt for that matter, since retard seems to think dish soap will fuck up my driveway

>> No.19681235

Even by your indirect logic that makes no fucking sense. Abrasion can cut through the seasoning entirely in a single wash (it shouldn't unless you're using steel wool or something, but it can if your seasoning is particularly thin), dish soap will do literally nothing to it, but even if it has a minor effect like you claim then at worst it's a bit thinner than before and will be restored the next time you cook with it.

>> No.19681257

I just did a quick internet search and found this experiment:
The important part is you're softening the seasoning, which is basically a bioplastic below with shorter chain oils on the surface such that water can get in and run amok.
That works great for some people. Especially depending on the food you cook. Do what works for you. I'm explaining it for people that struggle with cast iron cookware. Many old wives' tales have a basis in reality.

>> No.19681265

The cuts from scraping are more easily filled with new oil than the surface that is partially hydrated.

>> No.19681266

You're explaining it for retards who think tasty videos and BuzzFeed are reliable sources of information. This particular wives tale has a basis in the fact that soap used in the good old days was animal fat and lye mixed up by dirt farmers, so yeah it would strip the seasoning of a pan pretty easily. Modern dish soap is not that, and if cleaning your pan removes the seasoning from it, it was never seasoned to begin with.

Wash your fucking dishes Jamal.

>> No.19681270

Cite your sources Cletus, because that's retarded.

>> No.19681274

>Asked for an explanation of how dish soap damages polymerized oil
>Links instructions for how to emulsify liquid oil in water with dish soap
Anon... What the fuck is actually wrong with you? I don't want to make fun of an actual retard so please tell me if you've been diagnosed

>> No.19681289

>link prac on "Oil, water, and dish soap"
anon, being a brain damaged drug addict is not the same as being a 'chemist'

>> No.19681295

Choose your favorite YouTube side, or think for yourself. Whatever works for your kitchen is best. None of you have even tried to refute my point that a miniscule layer of rancid oil on your cookware that will be reheated for it's next use is dangerous apart from name calling. I'm not here to fight, and it's time for bed.

>> No.19681305

Kid, nobody is talking about it being dangerous. It's not dangerous to cum on your toast every morning before you eat it. You're sitting here defending your choice to just literally not clean your cookware like a retarded nigger. I guarantee your home smells like old fish 24/7.

>> No.19681334

enjoy cooking on water, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, lauramine oxide, sodium chloride, phenoxyethanol, PEI-14 PEG-10/PPG-7 copolymer, methylisothiazolinone, fragrance, yellow 5.

>> No.19681361

I wanna buy one of these things but im new to this and never had one, it says something about being heat treated with oil or something, that means its preseasoned right? What do I do if its preseasoned, am I supposed to take that off and season it myself or just season it more on top of whats there already or what?

>> No.19681400
File: 296 KB, 1305x2320, IMG_20230907_074559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>washing your cast iron pans
I just put them back when they have cooled down

>> No.19681415



How the fuck did you retards get to 4chan when you don't even know how to use google? took me 3 seconds "cooking egg in stainless steel"
First result show someone sliding eggs out of stainless without them sticking less than 5 seconds into the video. Instead you fuckers spent an inordinate amount of time arguing with each other.

>> No.19681866

Factory seasoning is uneven and poorly applied, you can just cook straight on it as-is but it's honestly a horrible cooking experience until you correct the shit job they do at the factory. Retards will say
>Just cook a bunch of bacon on it and never wash it, that's how you season it!
Because they are retarded like the anon here who thinks water and dish soap strip off bonded polymers because you can emulsify liquid oil in water with soap.

I assume you're looking at Lodge because they're the most readily available and cheapest option and that's fine, but as a word of advice, you can vastly improve their quality by taking 20 minutes to go at the interior surface with some coarse sandpaper and knock down the horribly uneven surface. Lodge skips this step to save time and money and then pretend it's a feature like the Jews they are. Retards will try to tell you
>No, don't do that! The uneven texture helps seasoning stick!
Because they are retards who don't actually understand how seasoning adheres and they fell for Jew marketing like retards.

>> No.19681983

Cool video anon. But you're either illiterate, or lack reading comprehension skills. The claim made was
>You can cook an egg without sticking on a "sticky" stainless pan with exactly the same amount of oil and the same heat control.
Notice that anon didn't claim that you can cook an egg without sticking by floating it in oil. That is uncontroversial. What's controversial are the claims that (a) stainless steel can cook an egg without sticking using the same amount of oil as a cast iron pan, and (b) neither cast iron nor stainless steel can can cook an egg without sticking and without using oil.
The video in >>19668458 shows an egg being cooked in a lowly factory seasoned lodge, without oil, and yet without sticking. Demonstrating the claims in >>19668429 to be an utter lie. Unless, of course, he could provide a video demonstrating the frying of an egg or omelette in a stainless steel pan without using oil.
Your video, while entertaining, is utterly irrelevant to that discussion since the faggot not only used oil, he used a goddamned half bottle of oil and deep fried his eggs.

>> No.19681993

The pan in >>19668458 is an unsanded new manufacture Lodge skillet with the factory seasoning. Please ignore >>19681866 as he's retarded.

>> No.19682063

You can clearly see in the video that's not one of Lodge's standard cheap modern skillets, it's got a completely different handle style (long and curved, vs the stubby flat loop handle on the majority of their products). It's also very clearly not new, so you're either a liar or a retard, likely both.

>> No.19682088

and you collated their argument while adding your own autistic meltdown. with the addition of my explanation, that's one hell of a waste of time!

>> No.19682132

>but you're either illiterate, or lack reading comprehension skills
Wrong on both counts, I didn't watch to see how much oil he used as it looked minimal in the shot where he pushed the eggs out, but I was mistaken.
>shows an egg being cooked in a lowly factory seasoned lodge, without oil
Incorrect, they clearly toss some butter in the pan.
> exactly the same amount of oil
>Unless, of course, he could provide a video demonstrating the frying of an egg or omelette in a stainless steel pan without using oil.
seems like you're changing the claim being made, no? Moving the goalpost maybe?
Here are some with absolutely NO oil, and sure they do stick a tiny bit (but not enough to ruin the eggs) and if the same amount of butter was used as in the cast iron vid this wouldn't be the case.
Here's one with a crepe and a comparable amount of oil, same thing could be done with a thin omelette.
>butter isn't oil
Yes it is. Butter is a water and oil emulsion, and it breaks down and the water evaporates when you toss it in a hot pan leaving only the oil.
>Demonstrating the claims in >>19668429 to be an utter lie.
No, that's not how this works at all. Just because someone has not presented evidence for their claim doesn't mean their claim is a lie. Claiming that someone is lying is a positive claim about their intention, not simply about the truth of the claim. I understand dismissing the claim when no evidence is presented, but accusations of lying or even an active claim that their statement is false requires evidence.

>> No.19682135

i wash my cast iron pan with soap and water and steel wool. things stick a little but to the pan, but it's not unmanageable. i think this means the seasoning is fine. if the seasoning is ruined or gets more ruined i'll just put a new seasoning on it.

>> No.19682143

You are an idiot then, as that is in fact a current production lodge, purchased directly from their website, where it is still listed for sale as of this post.

>> No.19682148

>I didn't watch to see how much oil he used
The video includes the shot where he's pouring the oil into the pan, and it's a fuckton of oil. But it's hilarious that you're stupid enough to post a video in support of your autism without even bothering to watch it first. You're even more of an idiot than I thought.

>> No.19682172

>seems like you're changing the claim being made
No. Once again your reading comprehension skills are lacking. He claimed that stainless steel needed no more oil than cast iron, and that neither could do it with as little oil as teflon. That video demonstrated that cast iron needs no more oil than Teflon, falsifying his first claim wrt cast iron. And this also falsifies his claim that stainless could do it using no more oil than cast iron, as one of his claims was that stainless could not do it using as little oil as Teflon. q.e.d.
No goalposts were moved or harmed in the making of this post.

>> No.19682190

>5ml of oil
>not enough
my seasoning is shite and I can cook eggs like this just fine.

>> No.19682194

I use a plastic brush, a bamboo brush if you want to be autistic about plastic. theres no escape

>> No.19682196

I c wut u did thar
and yeah that anon is right they used to put lye in soap so it would strip cast iron off. normally though you clean cast iron by heat, but most people dont want to breath in the smoke

>> No.19682199

>cadiium and lead poisoning

>> No.19682202

>He claimed that stainless steel needed no more oil than cast iron
This is true, though, and I demonstrated it as such with the videos I posted. That is the only point I was arguing for. You understand that agreeing with one portion of someone's statement is not the same as agreeing with the entire thing, right?
The claim anons were disagreeing with was that you can't cook eggs on stainless with little to no oil without sticking. That is what I was addressing.
Did I ever mention teflon?
Notice how the primary post I was responding to said
">You can cook an egg without sticking on a "sticky" stainless pan with exactly the same amount of oil
may we see it?"

>> No.19682206
File: 73 KB, 1024x962, 1678724191365965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im new to the thread. I had no argument with anyone. I just wanted to try

>> No.19682234

>The video includes the shot where he's pouring the oil into the pan, and it's a fuckton of oil.
Did you even read the comment I made?
>But it's hilarious that you're stupid enough to post a video
Oh interesting, it's almost like you did read it but somehow didn't realize what happened until half way through writing your comment and then forgot to go back and get rid of the first part?
Are you going to watch the 4 other videos I posted that demonstrate the claim I made? I agree it was silly of me not to watch the video far enough in to verify the amount of oil used, but I am still correct. Did you watch the 4 other videos I posted that demonstrate the claim being made?

>> No.19682238

see >>19682132

>> No.19682604

Learn to read faggot, I didn't say it's not a current model I said it's not their standard modern shit.

From the look of it, seems like it's their chef collection which is one of their more premium lines. Regardless, it's clearly not fresh out of the packaging with just the factory seasoning on it which is the actually important part you retard. You can in fact improve on the factory seasoning either by manually seasoning on top of it or through continued use and gradual seasoning, but out of the packaging their stuff is a pain to use and it's a simple task to take 30 minutes to fix their lazy work before the first use if you don't want to deal with it.

>> No.19682705

Would be more impressive, or even relevant, if she didn't have to use the spatula like a chisel to pry the egg off.
Also had to use the spatula like a chisel to pry the egg off
This was a lot more impressive until he revealed that he had to season his pan like it was cast iron or carbon steel in order to do it.

>> No.19682735
File: 2.75 MB, 400x300, deep fried eggs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on in this thread.

>> No.19682753

First time?

>> No.19682757
File: 3.05 MB, 3072x4080, 1665244047379085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is my cue, as I am the anon who made the video in >>19668458.
>it's not their standard modern shit
Their Blacklock line is the one with special finishing, their chef's line just has a different shape modeled after carbon steel pans. Same rough texture and coating as their regular shit.
>it's clearly not fresh out of the packaging with just the factory seasoning
It was two months old at the time the video was made.
>out of the packaging their stuff is a pain to use
I primarily use it as an omelette pan, and it has cooked like that since the first use.
Lodge finish and seasoning gets an unfairly bad rap. They don't look as pretty as the vintage pans or modern boutique pans, but they perform excellently right out of the box. I think part of their reputation comes from people buying them as their first cast iron pan, and not knowing how to use them. So they watch some youtube videos, sand their pan down, re-season it after every use for awhile, then eventually figure out how to make it work then step up to a vintage or boutique pan and it just works first time and they don't realize it was because they got gud not because of the pan.

>> No.19682869

I think it depends a lot on what you're using it for too. I use mine primarily for stuff like searing meat and I found that as it came from the factory, bits of fond tend to collect in all the little pits all over the surface and so when cleaning it I had to either get in there and really scrub with something aggressive which made the seasoning layer uneven or I had to just leave bits of food there which besides being disgusting would char and smoke up the next time I went to heat the pan. I got fed up with it one day, sanded off the interior seasoning and knocked down the surface, gave it a quick stovetop seasoning round and it was immediately better, haven't had an issue since.

>> No.19683037

No need to scrub. You can remove fond with hot water, through a process commonly called "deglazing". If you read the OP of this thread, you will discover an excellent technique for doing this in seconds, no scrubbing required. Works on glassy smooth pans as well as rough lodges or the even rougher chinesium pans.

>> No.19683048

I don't have to anything of the sort because everything wipes right off through a combination of knowing how to use a sponge and dish soap.

>> No.19683053

Brother, please remake it and not leave a little streak of egg on the side of the pan.

>> No.19683103

Happens to every ceramic pan, they develop tiny cracks all over and start sticking badly.

>> No.19683122

>>can toss it in the dishwasher
>exposed iron rim won't rust right?

That retard take aside, enamel is only good for a dutch oven where you want cast iron but also want to be able to simmer acidic stuff for a long time without affecting the coating. Like >>19675359 >>19683103 they suck ass as nonstick pans after a few uses.

>> No.19683279

>exposed iron rim
I don't know about the other brands, but the rim on my Le Creuset pan isn't iron, it's black enamel. And yeah, even Le Creuset enamel pans suck ass as a nonstick pan.

>> No.19683286

By sanding down your pan all you've done is made the
>bits of fond collecting in all the little pits all over the surface
small enough that you can't see them. You haven't actually solved the problem. There are still bits of food stuck to the surface on the smaller - but much more numerous - pits left after sanding, and pretending they aren't there doesn't make them go away.

>> No.19683287

>>exposed iron rim won't rust right?
It's not an exposed rim you are clearly a retard and know nothing about enameled cast iron.

>> No.19683290

Maybe he's just poor? Chinesium enameled cast iron does tend to have an exposed iron rim.

>> No.19683405

You're retarded

>> No.19683417

You're joking right? You can literally see the texture of the exposed iron right there in the picture, enamel doesn't look like that

>> No.19683435


>> No.19683441

I (>>19683279) have that same pan, albeit in red. The rim is not exposed iron, it is black enamel. And yes, it is rough textured.
Also, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.19684322
