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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19666327 No.19666327 [Reply] [Original]

ik 4chan hates indians but god damn i love this sloppa like you wouldn't believe

>> No.19666337

don't care, we hate them for being different, same goes for all foreign countries and cultures that aren't identical to ours

>> No.19666348

Pajeet detected

>> No.19666359

is that butter chicken? that's british, not indian

>> No.19666361 [DELETED] 

you must be a pajeet with that reading comprehension. Or any other inferior dirty third worlder scum.
I said I hate them. Like I hate everyone who is different from me. It should be quite a simple thing to understand. Maybe stop eating dirt and bugs, kike spic

>> No.19666370

butter chicken is disgusting
don't get the craze around this garbage in Canada, then again the country is like 30% Indians at this point so it's probably just that

>> No.19666390

I’ve added vindaloo and saag paneer to my usual weekly dinners, tastes great. Don’t really get along well with dots but their cuisine can occasionally hit the spot.

>> No.19666392

Its not even made with chicken thighs nor does it look like fresh organic chicken. Looks like it was made with z grade chicken that is dry as hell.

>> No.19666417

Butter chicken is delicious
I agree there's too many indian places in Canada, some of them are definitely bad

>> No.19666421

I'm Slovenian and I fricking love butter chicken!

>> No.19666422

No one is telling you to overcook the chicken

sauces are used to save overcooked meat how much of a cooklet are you

>> No.19666520
File: 328 KB, 735x581, FaxLvSeXgAENE4P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian food is disgusting and is consumed by people tricked into thinking it's good (ie white women who think eating foreign poverty food makes them cultured)
>shitty burned flat bread but it's called something in indian so it's so heckin good
>plain rice
>a little copper pot of curry-flavored diarrhea with chunks of low quality flavorless meat
>that will be 23.99 google play gift card plus tip bloody bitch basterd
modern india is a black hole of humanity and their food is no different

>> No.19666528

>thread is literally just butter chicken simps

>> No.19666853

That's tikka masala. Butter chicken is Indian

>> No.19666858

I loooove saag mutton.

>> No.19666866

I'd rather be pajeetpilled than beanerpilled like the states

>> No.19666882
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>ik 4chan hates indian
NAH..Itz just Bantz.
India had a high civilization 3000+ years ago...
Too bad they never figured out plumbing.
That said...I can DEVOUR TONS of good Indian food if it's been CLEANLY prepared...By MY standards of clean, I should add.
>no cross contamination
>Clean hands during prep are FINE--feet are Not.
>Western style kitchen and cleanliness.
Seriously...Some Indian foods are just amazing.

>> No.19666886

They're both delicious you dumb cunt.

>> No.19666890

Indian food is amazing when it's been filtered through another country that isn't England first.

>> No.19666896
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>6886 nice PaliGet
And truly--like most cultural foods. They CAN be excellent.

>> No.19666926

Mexican food is infinitely better than Indian food

>> No.19666955
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C'Mon brah.. I LOVE some good Mexican--Southern Mexico in particular, but you gotta admit, Most EVERY culture has their shining stars in food.

>> No.19666998

Definitely. Indian food ain't bad. Mexican is better. So is Vietnamese and Italian and French.

>> No.19667012
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I love all those.
I would KILL for a decent Bahn-Mi sandwich.
But there ARE some Indian foods that stand on their own--just on technique.
Paratha is one.
TRUE, there are a LOT of maels that are just about cooking in a pot all day long, but that's true of ALL the food cultures you named.
I Also love me some real Tamales, frijoles refritos with real lard, and tons of sloppa from all the aforementioned.
You have your right to your opinion, but they are still like assholes.

>> No.19667018

Man, wrong food to post. Indian sweets have the exact opposite problem that Japanese sweets do: they're too fucking sweet.

>> No.19667042
File: 306 KB, 555x570, MEIRrrrrrrrrrrrDA!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't disagree, anon.. But as a kid, the way the syrup just totally sucked it way into the fried pastry(cultered even, I think,) was just amazing to me. I also may have had a wedding version that wasn't as heavy on the syrup, but had more flower essence to it.
But yeah, India likes to soak it's sweet breads in HEAVY SYRUP.
The little candy coated fennel seeds are nice.
Don't pretend that Mehico doesn't have it's share of heavily syrup-ed shit too though .
First time I got a tamarind spoon just about killed my tongue.

>> No.19667056

I love sloppa.

>> No.19667069
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