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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 177 KB, 830x830, IMG_5504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19652729 No.19652729 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing goffee and goffee-related topics.

Have a nice cuppa edition.

If you're new or not yet influenced, look here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

A nice outfit makes your coffee taste better with a richer body. Suit up.

>> No.19652741
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Translated: https://www-filomagazine-it.translate.goog/2023/07/caffe-piu-buono-ferrara-torrefazione-penazzi/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=it&_x_tr_pto=wapp

>> No.19652752

Last thread: >>19637298

>> No.19652764

Did he make the two espresso with the Jura?

>> No.19652765
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>> No.19652767
File: 1.05 MB, 1700x1133, proper coffeepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19652769
File: 2.81 MB, 838x1080, monkey orangutang coffee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys what're some decent beginner beans?

>> No.19652771

>ywn have your coffee beans framed


>> No.19652772

Goffee stands for gay coffee. Don't get swindled by the Italian homosexual.

>> No.19652775

I really hope so, what a fucking Chad move would that be.

>> No.19652779

A medium to slightly dark roasted blend with Mexican and Brazilian goffee.

>> No.19652795

So when are you visiting Trabatti moka-frà?

>> No.19652805

When they finally decide to deliver my goddamn car that’s sitting at the dock since the end of June.
I can’t drive it for uneccessary travels to avoid piling up extra mileage since the car is basically bought back from the parent company in exchange for the new lease. >:(
I hope that I can go visit him in October.

>> No.19652807

*I can’t drive my current car

>> No.19652836


>> No.19652843
File: 3.26 MB, 576x1024, urlebird.com-@albertotrabatticoffee-29_08_23-23_55.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit he really has a tiktok profile.


>> No.19652877

Ween yourself down. Don't quit cold turkey. Caffeine dependence is no joke.

>> No.19653008
File: 113 KB, 1000x750, MV5BNTcxODgzZDgtZTNkNy00ZWFlLTgzNzctMTJhMTA1NzcxMGFhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MDMyMDQ@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is already dead

>> No.19653024

rember gays, cups do mattehr

>> No.19653148

Only if youre a gay larper.
Coffee is not. A hobby

>> No.19653191

Shit bro you only have shit cups? Sucks bro. Coffee is not a leisure pursuit btw.

>> No.19653425


>> No.19653455
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He must've shit genes and started balding prematurely.

>> No.19653512

Get a life man, just close your eyes lmao

>> No.19653547

What do you do in between coffee cups?

>> No.19653598

Live my life, i drink one cup a day.

>> No.19653634

Sounds strenuous.

>> No.19653693

It isn't, good coffee requires patience and premeditation. Maybe try a hobby that does not involve addiction?

>> No.19654213

Time for goffee

>> No.19654217

I can’t even shit without drinking a cup of coffee and cigarette, it’s gotten so bad that if I skip one day then I immediately feel like I’m dying

>> No.19654338

if you are going to be addicted to a substance you might as well go all out on the preparation, quality and experience of consumption.
a cigarette the equivalent of drinking nescafe instant.
have some self respect.

>> No.19654341

Yeah but cigarettes and coffee increase test, you’re probably lactose intolerant lol

>> No.19654356

>he doesnt roll his fags
i see you're no artisan but a simple consoomer.

>> No.19654373

>increase test

>> No.19654378

>he doesnt roll his fags

>> No.19654382

goffie n ciggie is matchless

>> No.19654547
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The heat of the coffee softens the stroopwaffel

>> No.19654553

What is link rel called in english?
Eihter way they are great with coffee since you can dip em in it, tastes wonderful and reminds me of grandpa.

>> No.19654567

dont let it go too soggy. it could fall in.
nice balance tho.

>> No.19654570

>translates to crispy crusts
cute uwu

>> No.19654597

Thank you for calling our cuisine cute!

>> No.19654600

hello coffee bros, i usually make coffee using a ceramic pour over thingy and it’s great, yet i want to start regularly using a method that does not need filters or contain microplastics. i tried a old (yet good quality) percolator my mom had and it tastes better than my filter pour over, but i’ve heard great things about french press too. should i stick with the perc or buy a good quality french press? blessings to you and your beans

>> No.19654617

get in line buddy
i think like 15 countries have a claim to that thing.

>> No.19654646

Indeed. I wonder how many have claim on flatbread.

>> No.19654651

here you go
you could try using a coffee sock(cloth filter)
or a metal filter
or i think there are some brewers with no filter at all.
1 sec.
i can't seem to find the exact video but this is good enough to get the concept.

>> No.19654676


>> No.19654807

a little bit of broccoli fell into my v60 this morning and i brewed it anyways hehehehehe

>> No.19654812

>the flavor was indistinguishable from a light roast kenyan

>> No.19654853
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Hello caffeine senpai whats the mission? Pic related my lunchtime 'chino

>> No.19654929


>> No.19655200

Few taps of cigarette ash and you'll be sipping like the Italians.

>> No.19655218
File: 2.61 MB, 2364x1773, 505B6CA7-3971-4915-BF73-FE2BA65927A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which

>cocoa, walnut and cigar tobacco notes

What am I in for?

>> No.19655238 [DELETED] 
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Who guinneapigs the guinneapigs ITOP CM-P?

>> No.19655243
File: 1.37 MB, 750x1349, 1686586159755794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who guinneapigs the ITOP CM-P?

>> No.19655251

A lowered acidity with a good body.

>> No.19655282

this actually.

>> No.19655286

at first i thought it was a airbrush

>> No.19655317

Cheap roasty low altitude faggioli.

>> No.19655481

You guys found me out in the last thread in that reflection. Hilarious but I'm never doing anything ever again, like literally nothing forever.

>> No.19655490
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>make ice cobbee
>tastes really good, slightly sweet even
>make ice cobbee again
>tastes like boiled dogshit but extra bitter
I don't get it. What am I doing wrong? Doing pourover.

>> No.19655498
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Fuck i love slowly sipping my coffee in the morning best shit ever

>> No.19655520

did your eat something salty before drinking the coffee? salt nullifies bitter flavors.

>> No.19655555

>slurp goffee
>guzzle buckets of "greek yogurt"
>run to the bathroom
>mach 5 scat rocket into the toilet
>let out a long sigh
>begin the 20 minute clean up
best way to start a day.

>> No.19655578


>> No.19655582


>> No.19655754
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>bought 250g coffee beans for 22 dollars
>it tastes like shit
I am saddened.

>> No.19655870

have you dialed it in?

>> No.19655878

>22$ for 250 gr

The fuck did you buy anon?

>> No.19655894

I've been making cafe bustelo in my aeropress. I call it plasticmaxxing

>> No.19655900

>he pays LESS than $22 for 250g
the fuck do YOU buy nigga?

>> No.19656350

With 22$, which is 20€, I can buy 250 gr of Ethiopia Yrgacheffe goffee

>> No.19656493

is that all you wanted to share with the class?

>> No.19656508

We’re waiting for you to tell us what coffee you bought.
If you post a bag from thebarn.de I’m going to lose my shit for the next 3 threads at least.

>> No.19656547
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Fuck you anon.
I hate this place…

>> No.19656551

i did have some coffee from the barn but my last great coffee was from duck rabbit
ill post my recent shit later.
its breakfast time.

>> No.19656561
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>> No.19656614

Great roaster anon. Don't listen to the italian retard.

>> No.19656615
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>> No.19656793

dude what the fuck

>> No.19656877
File: 1.84 MB, 1022x1022, 1665355623173455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sipping my cobbee right now.

>> No.19657219

He dug out an old bag for the meme.

>> No.19657596

i really like metal filters, they let more oils through mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.19657741

How often should I wash my kettle

>> No.19657853


>> No.19658074
File: 1.15 MB, 1332x3911, b8e18369-d20b-4341-8b7b-1c818eb9c19c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes coffee actually taste good
>has corn syrup

>> No.19658106

they weren't on the list but they were recommended by a friend. thoughts?


>> No.19658123
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>> No.19658153

Mmmmm slop. Just like nonna used to make.

>> No.19658160

why were glasses transparent back in the days

>> No.19658168
File: 458 KB, 1125x2100, IMG_5530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re modern Nespresso cups.

My father spends 1300€ every year in nespresso shit (boomers…) and they gift him a lot of nice things such as cups, glasses and other things that he gives me.

>> No.19658175

pure kinography

>> No.19658178

seen transparent saucers as well for em. it's neat.

>> No.19658221

it's great coffee

>> No.19658243

Like father like son. Intellectually disabled and excited.

>> No.19658277
File: 252 KB, 418x597, 1682171588080-removebg-preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My father isn't disabled, he's just a boomer so he's retarded by default.

You see, since you had to write your usual bullshit, you accidentally made a good example of the difference between two generations with different buying power.

The boomer had everything in his life, a good job, a family (2 sons at least), a big house with two cars and whatever he wanted.

The millenial is lucky to have his own house in his 30s with a shitty 10 years old car that does its job and has to plan his expenses with a grain of salt since he lives paycheck after paycheck.

Nespresso represents the boomer mindset, a brand that for some reason has been widely accepted as some sort of luxury brand, their capsules are sold in actual boutiques which could even work as Gucci shops for luxury clothes, it's the epitome of the laziness and "I don't give a fuck" mindset: shit coffee inserted in capsules which larps as espresso despite having a dose of only 5.5 grams of ground coffee per capsule.

The boomer wants to push a button and have a hot cup of coffee in 2 minutes, he doesn't care that there's much more better coffee around, all he cares for is the simplicity and since he has unlimited money he can afford to spend ungodly amount of money for coffee and chinese coffee machines that dies every 6 month.

The millenial is the opposite, because since he has few money he has to make the best out of everything he can afford.


>> No.19658279

Vinegar treatment every week

>> No.19658284
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Coincidentally, he discovered that with as low as 20-22€ per kg you can buy fresh coffee from local roasters for an annual expense as low as 240€ up to 400€ or more if he drinks single origins or specialty coffee. It's 1/3rd of what the boomer spends for nespresso and he also drinks a LOT more coffee per single cup since he's not limited to 5.5 grams capsule for each coffee.

This brings us to the moka pot.

The moka pot is one of the cheapest methods of making good coffee, so by using it paired with a good manual grinder and quality beans, the poor millenial will spend hours trying to learn and perfect the execution of his coffee until he's able to consistently make good cups.

By doing this, he learned a skill, he understands coffee and how to grind it, how differences can affect the final taste, while the boomer decided to not use his brain while allowing a soulless machine do to the entire process for him while learning nothing.

The boomer is the ultimate cattle NPC human being, and this proves it.

>> No.19658288

Or you could just not drink coffee instead of going on some insane shizo rant

>> No.19658290

>le climate change le pollution
>yes please make coffe capsules no one cares
Coffee capsules and how popular they are is n absolute comedy

>> No.19658324

You're forgetting you guzzled Nespresso for the past decade before becoming a redditmokaschitzo a few months ago. Intellectually disabled. And excited.

>> No.19658327

How's my biography coming anon, are you at good point in writing it?

>> No.19658331
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>I spend every single day of my life monitoring a general and cataloging every single anon who posts in it so I can profile them and call them out each time they post

This is who calls you a schizo.

>> No.19658355

It takes no dedication or autistic focus to recognize the same screeching homosexual Italian.
>If mentions trabatti/shitty coffee/giannina/moka/Nespresso
>Then redditore
It's going to be the thrilling sequel to In Cold Blood. The thrilling account of a closeted Italian man who killed and raped a flamboyant coffee roaster after cyber stalking him for months.

>> No.19658415

Get a small metal pot and make some life-changing Kokkaffe.

>> No.19658554

I can get a brand new Delonghi ECP3620 for 50 CAD. I know it's not a great machine, but for 50 bucks am I wasting my money?

>> No.19658560

>Delonghi ECP3620


>> No.19658570

So waste of 50 bucks? Or yes I should get it?

>> No.19658575

It's a waste, keep the money and use them to buy the cheapest Flair if you want cheap espresso.

>> No.19658622

Decent coffee rant
However my own dad finally did the math and realized why I don’t own a house, after a year of me explaining why I can’t afford it. The mortgage that costs $1200/month today was $700/month only a few years ago, and there is nothing worth buying that’s cheap. Being a young person in the current year is suffering.

>> No.19658630

Okay. Thank you. I will save my money.

>> No.19658936


>> No.19658968
File: 85 KB, 790x915, IMG_0731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about getting the Ode 2 while it’s on sale this weekend as I currently use a cuisinart blade grinder. What else should I be considering?

>> No.19659040

i hate how this machine looks.

>> No.19659105
File: 135 KB, 1440x1080, damnfine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoying that midday coffee

>> No.19659125

enjoy your lack of sleep

>> No.19659140

skill issue honestly
if you can't drink coffee and fall asleep right after you shouldn't be drinking coffee.

>> No.19659215
File: 2.86 MB, 4000x3000, 20230831_151426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit espresso tastes so much better out of this not neutral vero glass

>> No.19659276

>equatorial goffee posters

>> No.19659367
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, soysell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My dad isn't retarded I use a moka

>> No.19659448

Someone please stop me from spending money of unnecessary designer espresso vessels.

Been looking and the lineup on rogue wave coffee

>> No.19659463

post pics when you get them

>> No.19659480

You have to spend 1300€ on nespresso to unlock the real designer espressso vessels.

>> No.19659514

Hahaha so they can send me mass produced commercial grade non bespoke glassware. No thankyou I need ceramic half dipped clay porcelain Japanese Chinese samurai glasses 184ml riveted edge concave specifically designed for the sweet spicy notes of case hardened hand blown velvety single origin extra medium roast from mars.

>> No.19659546

2600€ for those, and it has to be on a Nespresso Centurion black card.

>> No.19659677

Midnight sip: 40 gr cold brew with 80/20 blend + whole milk.

Feels good.

>> No.19659678
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The picture :^)

>> No.19659843

Moka-frà & the harpy. /ctg/ love story that makes me come back.

>> No.19659867


>> No.19659873

sadly you forgot to ask a question. thank you for coming

>> No.19659875

what can i replace it with that doesnt have corn syrup?

>> No.19659880

how about cocoa and honey?

>> No.19659881

whole milk?

>> No.19659891
File: 223 KB, 842x902, d6d21964-2e18-4555-9aaf-429046f7dd29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking for something low carb, hence the creamer is """sugar free"""

>> No.19659980
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>> No.19660008

black coffee has no carbs

>> No.19660019
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>> No.19660060
File: 2.39 MB, 2239x1273, 1686715701418903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nighty spoopy sip: 1:2.5 expresso 80/20 blend sicilian inspired.

Happy-go-lucky me.

>> No.19660102

and tastes like shit. hence the creamer

>> No.19660108

Buy better coffee. I'd suggest a nice Italian roast. Folgers maybe.

>> No.19660115

kino just dropped

>> No.19660119

Fuck off chang

>> No.19660122
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>> No.19660124

>and tastes like shit.
why drink coffee then?

>> No.19660127
File: 62 KB, 1000x1500, DSCF0137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lagom 102 up for preorder

>> No.19660135

Do you get paid or you do it for free™?

>> No.19660143

Hodeidah is giving me a free bag of beans for shilling.

>> No.19660221

It's sugar free but still tastes delicious, obviously must be unhealthy ah yes contains oil/fat. It's a shame though cuz those are really like steroids for your coffee.

>> No.19660228

Cocoa isn't very water soluble I have tried adding it to coffee. You can't brew it with the grounds either.

>> No.19660348

i can't wait for them to discover triangles

>> No.19660350

lol this bullshit again. I spent hundreds of dollars on different beans and grinders. Everything tastes like garbage black. The ONLY tastes are sour, bitter, and bitter as fuck. Most of the difference between different beans is just the aftertaste.
I have sleep apnea and rely on caffeine to stay productive at work.
I dont care about oil or fat. I care about corn syrup being horrible.

>> No.19660351

>Gianni Frasi has sent me to finish his job.

>> No.19660434

>I spent hundreds of dollars on different beans and grinders
Name em.

>> No.19660449

Here's the recent ones i can find:
cant be bothered to look for more

>> No.19660458

Gonna have some moka. What am I in for?

>> No.19660462

Moka hopefully

>> No.19660473

goff :)

>> No.19660661

not only that, it's full of sneed oil

>> No.19660718

Not only are such products dogshit in general, but you're also using the bottom shelf great value version which is just that extra touch worse. I recommend you drink your coffee black.

>> No.19660732

>corn syrup
thats the least of your worries
>great value
>plastic bottle(low quality plastic at that)
>coffee so shit it has to be made "good" with artificial flavors and sweeteners
>"sugar free"
>but not low calorie(aka worthless)
>wanting artificial vanilla flavor anywhere near coffee
>probably american

>> No.19660752
File: 450 KB, 1364x1364, 20230901_082436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenyan Thunguri, ultra bright and citrusy. Autumn is almost here. Are you all doing ok in the end times?

>> No.19660770

How did you brew this to get it so clear and red (or is the glass just really conducive to making the coffee look that good?)?

>> No.19660778

Thin glass, bright outside and a pretty light roast. Its filter coffee 32g into 500g at 99 degrees so pretty standard

>> No.19660786

How's the stainless steel Bialetti Venus? I'm thinking about buying one since I'm bored of using a V60 every day.

>> No.19660789

link to glass?

>> No.19660806

It's a top tier pot. Don't bother with the offbrands and their shoddy warranties.

>> No.19660831

Not that anon but I see the bodum brand name on the bottom.

>> No.19660834

gee thanks
>just search their entire website for this one specific glass

>> No.19660856

you're welcome.

>> No.19660861

Its the Assam 250ml. I dont recommend it, Bodum itself are awesome but I wasent as big of a fan of this design as I thought I would be

>> No.19660868

is it the wide rim?
it looks pretty thick and rounded to me

>> No.19660899
File: 1.16 MB, 2346x2253, 20230626_135415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have any objective criticism I just miss my round boy

>> No.19660927
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, bloffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks tippy.

>> No.19660928

Got the tea kettle, can't complain

>> No.19660935

>A nice outfit makes your coffee taste better with a richer body. Suit up.
Wtf? How is it possible?!

>> No.19660972

>he's literally me

>> No.19661051

finally got my hair cut :)

>> No.19661061
File: 1007 KB, 971x976, 1683707846764664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros i'm looking for advice. I want one of each colour & model, so should i do 1&4 or 2&3?

Sweet. Was it like a mourning thing?

>> No.19661070

Not really, the weight is well centered due to the double wall. I smashed one of mine while baking. Still have the other one but have to order more

>> No.19661093

>Was it like a mourning thing?
but i got new headphones(my m50x broke so i got m40x and yeh they are the same or maybe a bit better idk i need to burn them in before really saying one way or the other) and my hair kept falling down onto my face so i just got annoyed went downstairs(there is a barber shop on the corner of my building) and got it shaved.
feels good.
my last hair cut was like 9 months ago and that was just a trim

>> No.19661097

i hate these cups but i would say 2 and 3

>> No.19661116

1&4 seem nice from the pictures, but why not get 1, 2, 3, and 4?

>> No.19661127

>but why not get 1, 2, 3, and 4?
woah mr money bags over here.

>> No.19661183

>i hate these cups

>why not get 1, 2, 3, and 4?
i want to get one model of each and also other cups like IPA Milano, Nuova Point Sorrento, Ancap Verona or Torino.

>> No.19661206

i just dont like em
i think its the handles

>> No.19661252

Bros... I think coffee is like videogames or something where I feel so burnt out that all coffee is starting to taste like shit. I think I need to take a break or something.

>> No.19661255

What's the last coffee you drank?

>> No.19661264

you need to reset your palate

>> No.19661273

Tried a French press with Ethiopian beans. I like V60s more however.

>> No.19661308

try crazy shit
dont even think about touching a washed
different types of fermentation
different types of natural process
no dark or even medium dark, light/ medium light only
no normie shit
put the french press and the v60 on the shelf and try other brewing methods
the more you fuck up and hate it the more you will want to improve
soon insane will be your normal.
and then you take a break from crazy and go back to normalcy.
thats what i do
i do cycles between normal and crazy so my brain doesnt get too bored.

>> No.19661322

This is an interesting point but what brew method can even be "crazy"? I'll definitely try the beans because I actually never tried light roast in my life lol. So thank you. Might look for some sort of natural light roast with high acidity.

>> No.19661349
File: 780 KB, 280x158, UnfortunateEquatorialGrackle-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh your bripe bro?
but honestly if your main shit is v60 and french press setting off on your personal journey to master the moka pot will be crazy and life changing.
take the moka schizo pill.

>> No.19661371

I might actually try getting gud at the moka pot. Most of the time it ends up tasting like ACID that burns my insides even if I grind finer so I'm clearly doing something wrong.

>> No.19661375

That is how moka tastes. "Mastery" is about convincing yourself you like it. Oh and inb4 >skill issue. Moka is a >brewing method issue

>> No.19661422

Gotta say for a supermarket target has some good coffee, like intelligentsia, stumptown, bluebottle, counterculture. Its not exactly fresh, but still a pleasant surprise

>> No.19661425

>he doesn't have a tía who makes the best after paella goffee in a 18 cup moka pot, while calling you "rey".
I too thought the same before i drank her goff. Te quiero tía.

>> No.19661436

I like 1 and 4 also, the red with the stouter, rounder design feels right, and the taller blue one to contrast feels like a good match

>> No.19661446

>bro steak is just shit, its always burnt and gross and awful, what i shouldn't cook it for 46 minutes without flipping it? dont be ridiculous! thats just how steak is.
i know you are baiting but i am compelled to tell you to kill yourself, i mean that 100% i mean that 1000%

>> No.19661518

Robusta is integral for goffee
Today I didn't mention the sort of beans I want in my cuppa, so 70% goffee blend was exactly what I got :^/

>> No.19661544

False comparison, steak is coffee. Moka is well done with no crust

>> No.19661549

>Moka is well done with no crust
skill issue honestly

>> No.19661567

Ah didnt think of that, thanks for posting it

>> No.19661592

>plastic bottle(low quality plastic at that)
Dont care, i eat the plastic bags from walmart to gain immunity to microplastics
>coffee so shit it has to be made "good" with artificial flavors and sweeteners
There is NO good black coffee. It all tastes like shit. If you like drinking bitter mud, you have garbage taste.
>not low calorie(aka worthless)
Wrong. Calories from fat are not bad. Im on a sugar-restricted diet
Yes, problem?

>> No.19661607

>There is NO good black coffee. It all tastes like shit
skill issue honestly, why would it be bitter? good coffee isnt bitter.
skill issue.

>> No.19661630

>good coffee isnt bitter
Nice meme, all black coffee is bitter. Btw pretending otherwise doesnt make you look "cool"

>> No.19661632

Im the guy shitting on moka and I just want to say
>skill issue

>> No.19661641

Again, pretending that a "fruity" afternote after a bitter chug tastes good doesn't make you cool.

>> No.19661651

dont you have some homework to do kid?

>> No.19661652

No my thick johnson and devil may care attitude makes me cool. The coffee is just a hobby

>> No.19661679

The heat of the water cooks the cobbe means

>> No.19661711

nah but i do have work in like an hour
woow such a badass
btw im 8x7 :^) wanna see?

>> No.19661715

>bitter person
>everything tastes bitter

>> No.19661723

The creamer doesnt taste bitter. Keep up, retard

>> No.19661744

Threadly reminder my coffee>your coffee and moka is for mongrels.

>> No.19661787
File: 1.03 MB, 561x844, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first mexican coffee. i'm impressed. might be the best dark roast i've ever had.

>> No.19661799
File: 32 KB, 450x365, 11008515_498524693632216_4392553187876929063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendliest of the friendly reminders:

If you're unable of making moka pot coffee that tastes bitter, you're disabled and should stick to instant coffee only.

>verification not required

>> No.19662022

You would like the melodrip I think

>> No.19662034

Good job, Sey. Raised their prices 20% with 3 days notice. I cancel and their site hangs, but it seems to have gone through. Then this morning they charge me the old amount and refund it hours later.

>> No.19662086

Care to elaborate on how that will help?

>> No.19662391

you DO salt your coffee... right anon?

>> No.19662424

Trabatti says the best coffees need a little pinch of salt and sugar.

>> No.19662514

Sipping an espresso out of the nn Vero is almost too good.

>> No.19662535

She's getting plowed by a bogan with a dirty anfim and single group.

>> No.19663349

sey la vie

>> No.19663422

I love when americans try to use french phrases

>> No.19663452

l'amour toujours

>> No.19663535

>Gigi D'Agostino

>> No.19663545

Americans, vocaroo yourselves saying his name please. Kek

>> No.19663592
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>get tired of my uneven grinds from my faithful blade grinder
>look up getting stated on manual burr grinders
>"this model is a great value for anyone getting started"

>> No.19663654
File: 1.02 MB, 6021x464, yoinkv11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look no further. Kingrinder k4 and k6 are the budgetfags grinder of choice.

>> No.19663688

I cannot afford a hand grinder right now. My beans have aged enough to use, but I don't want them to go stale. Send help.

>> No.19664176

Blade grinder. It's fine. Don't let the elitists get to you.

>> No.19664186

you can freeze your beans and take them out when you have a grinder

>> No.19664217

>100 – 160 USD
Still expensive for what most beginners will view as an everyday commodity. Blade grinders are good enough for pour-over and immersion if you pulse, shake every couple pulses, and judge grind size through visual observation. Pretty soon you'll get an idea of how many pulses and shakes it takes to produce the grind size you're after. Obviously not good for espresso, but that's not a tight budget pursuit anyways.
Blade grinding is still much better than buying pre-ground.

>> No.19664218
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>You should waste money you don't have on a shittier version of a product you want

>> No.19664237

Many grocery stores have commercial coffee grinders available for customers to use. Sometimes free with purchase, sometimes for a small fee. Go look/ask around your local grocery stores. A couple of the regional stores near me have them. My city's Costco has the big beefy ones just outside the food court.

>> No.19664242
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If $100 will cause you financial strain you probably don't need to be buying specialty coffee or ANY paraphernalia. Your time should be spent finding a store with a bunn, not shaking a blade grinder.

>> No.19664264
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If you're talking about the big mahlkonig vta6, the ones costco buys use crazy 120mm tungsten carbide burrs.

>> No.19664278

Yep, that's the one. I've never actually tried them. How is it taste wise?

>> No.19664296
File: 125 KB, 1080x1080, 18161874_1748724888752450_4186646038951493632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a clue, never used one. Also they're discontinued now. I just know about it because someone painted one like r2d2. The normal burrs are only $600 so the lifespan costco is getting out of them to order $4500 tungsten must be ridiculous.

>> No.19664304


>> No.19664447

Le discord actually.

>> No.19664541

Noted. Thank you.
I use a mortar and pestle at the moment.
Cool and good - any negative consequences for this?

>> No.19664560

but what if he needs to crank vertically?

>> No.19664566

If vertically cranked autist spent half as much time on his relationship as he did shit posting about his rok he might still have a girlfriend.

>> No.19664603
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>> No.19664665

Truth is like the stars; it does not appear except from behind obscurity of the night

>> No.19664989

Espresso bros, how many gramms per day is too much?

>> No.19664995


>> No.19665004

Same as with any other brewing method. I coffee three times per day, 16 grams each time unless its moka pot (needs 22g to fill the basket). And its the perfect amount, dont drink more than ~50g per day

>> No.19665020

Trying to answer my question i've watched some of hoffmemes video on the subject before capitulating. He states that pourover has more caffeine than espresso, in case that's usefull for you. I've got an 18g basket filled with 80/20 ara/rob blend. From another video from that same anglo he measures the caffeine content from several places and it rounds up around 130mg/double shot.
Until now i've been doing two 18g:40g shots and then the rest decaff, but was mostly wondering if i was being too conservative.
Almost asking myself if i should downgrade to a 7g basket and enjoy more daily shots.

>> No.19665050

40g of beans

>> No.19665074


>> No.19665081

its made from low quality chinese plastic
just the kind you enjoy
for me i like to melodrip over my lilydrip

>> No.19665124
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>Bialeddy Venoos

Enjoy your Chinese metal

>> No.19665248

Triad steel is more trustworthy than camorra steel. Italian design is still king though.

>> No.19665250

Is there any stainless steel moka pot that's actually made in Italy?

>> No.19665278

but hows that gonna help my problem

>> No.19665299

sounds like a YOU problem to me.

>> No.19665430

>Noooo you can't just reference old posts what are you some kind of dossier carrying schizo? :(

>> No.19665554

Can I make my own kopi luwak beans? Like at home by myself.

>> No.19665629

try it and report back with your findings

>> No.19666125
File: 2.66 MB, 4000x3000, 20230902_124611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coffee is looking wicked

>> No.19666127

any details?

>> No.19666146
File: 30 KB, 544x426, pepe coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you addicted to coffee? Is coffee ruining your life? I have the solution. Why don’t you drink some hot chocolate instead?

>> No.19666148
File: 50 KB, 657x1391, 51BAdz7s8XL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aeternum Divina
>Giannini Tua
>Giannini Giannina
>Alessi 9090
>Alessi La Conica
>ILSA Napoletana (cuccumella)
>ILSA Turbo Express

>> No.19666163

I dialed in my Hodeidah Santo Domingo from >>19655218 and it's good.

The setting is 1.6.0 on my JX Pro S brewed with the moka, I guess it can go a bit finer if the moka doesn't choke.

The acidity is low as described, it was way more noticeable with my failsafe setting at 1.8.0 (this goffee is on the "light" side of the medium roast so it needs to be ground fine), there's plenty of sweetness and nutty milk chocolate, medium body and thickness but, if there's any at all, I dind't get a hint of the cigar tobacco unless it's THAT woody/leafish note in the long aftertaste.

Tomorrow I will try it with the Aeropress in the pour over recipe, I want to see if I can play with the acidity.

It's an interesting and good coffee, sadly it's not super fresh but still in the "fresh" range for beans.

>> No.19666180


>> No.19666182

Areopress This is supermarket coffee so I am surprised

>> No.19666189

Looks better than most italian coffees that get posted here. Solid find anon, hope you enjoy it.

>> No.19666286

You're an autistic cunt.

>> No.19666296

Can't wait for my df64 gen 2 ssp high uniformity burrs grinder to arrive. Should really improve my shots. Currently using the breville barista pro. The actual shot pulling portion of the machine seems good enough. But the grinder seems wildly inconsistent, so a quality grinder will take my already delicious shots to the next level.

>Mfw espresso outlet scams me out of my preorder money and just never sends the machine.

>> No.19666332
File: 2.30 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VAnon right? You'll be fine. Joe Kolb seems like a good dude and I've heard nothing but good things from EO's customer service. You're probably looking at a november delivery? I'd start looking for cheap seasoning beans now so you've got a few kg to immediately run through.
>We are shipping the first 100 orders directly from the manufacturer... About 2 to 4 weeks. For stainless steel and DLC burr orders only. SSP burrs we have to install so have to wait for the container to arrive in the USA, or about 6 to 8 weeks.

>> No.19666354

I can add cocoa to my coffee if I want.

>> No.19666469

bost bicture blease

>> No.19666508
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I mean, you could theoretically get the same result with any other carnivore, eh? The catch seems to be that you feed animal with something it shouldn't be normally eating and can't digest

>> No.19666553

>tfw you will never be flooded by goffee :(

>> No.19666602
File: 28 KB, 900x453, 1670324598591350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can't scoop goffee from the flood

>> No.19666612

skill issue honestly

>> No.19666619
File: 160 KB, 512x505, 1674316212182697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teach me senpai

>> No.19666630

mind over matter
>scoop up natures goffee
>mmmm earthy and subtly sweet cold brew washed kenyan/mexican decaf blend.
>thank you nature
its that easy

>> No.19666647
File: 219 KB, 478x267, 1687603197585857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its that easy
mfw it is

>> No.19666677

Autistic cunt website

>> No.19666762

Yes that's me lol. I got a bag of lavazaa beans that taste like burnt tires I can run them through.

>> No.19666764

Is that you running pounds of Amazon donut shop blend ? Lol. What did you do with all the grinds. Threw them on some river to caffeinate the ecosystem.

>> No.19666768

if i had to guess hes seasoning the burrs with kilos of garbage beans.
if it was me i would just throw the grounds out.

>> No.19666802
File: 626 KB, 1946x2595, wug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its someone running lbs of shit beans through a v60+p100 to season new burrs. I wish it was that easy to season my wug lol. I had to sit there and dump 15g of beans at a time into a 5cm gap until I got bored of it.
>What did you do with all the grinds
Generally you offload them to a dipshit who doesn't know any better. I gave my mom a few lbs of sam's club beans. I'd imagine a guy with $7k of grinders sitting around just tossed em.

>> No.19666877
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Made a small cup before going out. Getting good feels for the night

>> No.19666916

In about 11 hours

>> No.19666928
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>oils: filtered
>particles: blocked
>body: missing


>> No.19666940
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It would have been much better through a jura advertised on tiktok.

>> No.19666987

>15g of beans at a time into a 5cm gap
could attach a hopper to the top and run a 5 cm diameter pipe down to the opening
actually just use a funnel and a pipe.
tie a rope around the top of the wug to hold the funnel in place and just dump bags of beans down the funnel
then where the grounds catcher is cut a milk bottle diagonally to make a scoop shape but leave the top. then attach a short pipe from the bottle top into a large trash bag(tie the end of the pipe to the trash bag)
then you can season to your heart's content.
no fuss, no worry, no mess.

>> No.19667025

Have we tried roasting beans in an air fryer yet?

>> No.19667070
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This was a year+ ago. I'm fine now. Took about 35lbs before I noticed a change in grind fluffiness. Apparently they're making a little side chute for easier feeding but I haven't ordered it yet. Waiting on someone else to get theirs to see if its worth and I might just snag another carrier+burrs+the weber magic tumbler adapter. Its hard to bitch about it not being a bag grinder. It was never designed to be one.

>> No.19667073

Variety is the spice of life, sometimes paper filter sometimes metal, get out of your comfort zone

>> No.19667456

I can't get good water to save my life in austria. All the bottled ones have enormous TDS

>> No.19667492

What should i look for?

>> No.19667536

How do you niggers survive coffee
I fucking love coffee, but if I drink it regularly, I end up lethargic, I can't wake up on my own, I'm always sleepy. Whereas if I drink it once a week I automatically wake up well rested after like 7 hours. How do I keep drinking tons of coffee without these shitty side effects?

>> No.19667541

just drink smaller servings of it

>> No.19667551

Is it the only way? I want to be like you guys who drink coffee all day all night

>> No.19667554

skill issue honestly

>> No.19667565

I have two coffee per day, MAX

>> No.19667571

how many per night though? one is tired at night usually.

>> No.19667627
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Machine ID?

>> No.19667637


>> No.19667688

make it yourself

>> No.19667703

have you tried not having shit genes?

>> No.19667713

I'll probably have an easier time finding Volvic in Vienna than distilled water

>> No.19667719

>vienna doesnt have distilled water
what? literally just go buy it what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.19667722

Humm, I actually never had to buy any distilled water, but it seems you can find it in pharmacy pretty easily indeed.

>> No.19667735

I haven't had a cigarette in weeks and I'm slowly getting rid of coffee too, soon I will be a free man again :)

>> No.19667741


>> No.19667745

Enjoy literally having cancer and an increased risk of cardiac arrest

>> No.19667748

You dont strike me as the kind of person who knows what cigar tobacco smells and tastes like. Maybe its there but you have no point of reference to it (as opposed to milk chocc lmao)

>> No.19667755

i dont smoke but the way you talk about "being free" makes you a fag.
simple as.

>> No.19667760

Cringe and audiophiled. Its really predatory to do this to anons who dont know better and will believe you

>> No.19667762
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Its not his fault. Italians smoke shitty cigars too.

>> No.19667763

>"seasons" his burrs
>calls his mom a dipshit
Checks out but made me a little sad for that woman

>> No.19667768

>he cant tell the difference
skill issue honestly

>> No.19667772

Right and neither can anyone else in a proper blind test as proven again and again by people with more gear rhan you and a better scientific approach. Your comparative setup has skill issues

>> No.19667777




>> No.19667785
File: 534 KB, 1204x788, 3D_profile_images_of_coating_wear_tracks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharp cutting edges roll over, peaks and valleys of the surfaces and pvd coatings even out etc etc. If your burr faces are all jagged on a microscopic level, they're going to be higher friction, and grinds will cling to them longer and get reground giving you more fines. Particle distributions of burrs drift for a while and then settle in. Its very simple shit. We're not talking seasoning like cast iron.

>> No.19667789

>his headphones dont sound different after a week of non stop use
>his grinder doesnt taste different after 50kg of beans

>> No.19667791

Lmao. Pic and words unrelated to the topic at hand tho

>> No.19667793

Jokes on you I already made it years ago

>> No.19667807

Most SSP burrs are TiN coated D2 tool steel. Softer alumina balls sliding across tin coated d2 tool steel is pretty close to whats happening when you're grinding coffee. A steady stream of little jagged particles slightly sanding down where they touch until its smoother and theres less to catch on. Coffee grounds are obviously softer than alumina balls, so it takes quite a bit more than 20 cycles to start evening the surface out.

>> No.19667811

Keep up the word count I bet its therapeutic for you. Still unrelated to the topic at hand though which is could you pick it in a blind test conducted by someone other than you and the answer is no

>> No.19667839

Why did they use alumina balls instead of coffee beans?

>> No.19667851

Do you think burrs are infinitely durable? They wear, their settings will drift, and then they'll need to be replaced. Brand new burrs will dial in differently as they immediately wear. At the same grind setting, the shot times will be different than a pair that had 100kg through it. Its not an a/b preference thing. We're not to the point of disposable burrs where you can have a fresh set every shot. The point of initial seasoning is to minimize that drift fucking with you. Its not really a thing for cafes who are going through pounds an hour, but for an anon drinking 500g a month its a hump to get over. After about a year my kinu's zero point was 30 microns lower. Shifts the whole range. When you think 1.6 should be working because it worked great before, it helps to know 1.6 is now closer to 1.3.

>> No.19667882

Because it wasn't a paper on how coffee burrs wear, it was a study on physical vapor deposit coatings and friction. Its not a coincidence its the same steel ssp uses, its kind of just what you use for tools and high wear parts. Apparently d2 doesn't polish well so they just coat it. Hard heat treated steel with a spray on layer to minimize friction and extend the life.
>Tribology is defined as 'the study of friction, wear and lubrication, and design of bearings, science of interacting surfaces in relative motion

>> No.19667894

Who are you talking to? Only taste matters. Of course I know the material is not indestructible. Tell me about the flavor differences between kg 1 and kg 15 on your burrs rated for literal tons

>> No.19667896

>Because it wasn't a paper on how coffee burrs wear
Thank you for elaborating setting things straight. What that other anon did is deceitful snake behaviour. Really shamefull how they pray on the dunderheadeds.

>> No.19667955

Til what the term tribbing comes from. Makes sense but funny as fuck

>> No.19668007

>Tell me about the flavor differences between kg 1 and kg 15 on your burrs rated for literal tons
A year and 3ish months into owning uncoated cast steel burrs(harder than machined d2 tool steel) rated for literal tons, my coffee is the best its ever been. Better than day 1. Home roasting the same coffees on the same equipment to my exact preferences, I've noticed a gradual shift in the flavor profile and observed a difference in the grounds visually and my chirp point on a hyper aligned built to order grinder has gone down a nudge over time. Don't know what to tell you. These particular burrs are now a little less muddy and flavors seem more separated. Should I have bought an extra set of burrs to keep laying around to randomly test against for the lifetime of the first set? I don't have a panel of judges on hand but I can put out some calls.
You're a moron. Friction is everything in a set of burrs. The same burrs coated differently act differently because of the differing cof. A difference in grind is a difference in taste.

>> No.19668137

slithering deceiving snake

>> No.19668240

Tldr but im 110% sure you didnt answer my question. Just keep rambling to yourself

>> No.19669448

>You're a moron.