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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 626x626, food-pyramid-template-theme_23-2148487031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19654527 No.19654527 [Reply] [Original]

The reason why they taught this to children was to encourage them to eat what our nation's farmers produce cheaply. There is a lot of grain, so they told you to eat a lot of grain. We could not afford to feed every American an optimal diet of mostly meat.

>> No.19654548

In the long run it would've been cheaper considering the current health state of the US.

>> No.19654560

>there is no dark intentions guys its just economics
I dont believe you

>> No.19654562

Poor application of economics often looks like intentional conspiracy.

>> No.19654572

It can be and usually is both.

>> No.19654579

Is that an acorn? I know some of them are edible but why include it?

>> No.19654585


>> No.19654587

Why is corn in the bread/cereals section instead of the sugar section?

>> No.19654590
File: 257 KB, 842x1390, IMG_0384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slaves have always been fed of grain based gruel. Why would they make meat plentiful for the slave class they want you to be frail and wracked with brain fog all the time so you are more docile. You are cheap livestock and you will be fed as cheaply as possible.

>> No.19654591

Corn is in the big section because there's a lot of corn, and they want you to eat a lot of corn

>> No.19654593

>Why would they make meat plentiful for the slave class they want you to be frail and wracked with brain fog all the time so you are more docile.
They should ban B12 supplements if they want to make everyone stupid.

>> No.19654682

Ketolards sure are out in full force today.

>> No.19654799

>t. grain brain

>> No.19655311

If it was cheap most people would eat it for most meals anyways, you wouldn't need a goofy pyramid to convince anyone.

>> No.19655347

who the fuck is eating acorns?

>> No.19655453

Well, the other purpose is to tell kids not to eat so much donuts and cake, which is something they would do if they didn't have a pyramid to convince them.

>> No.19655485
File: 23 KB, 500x333, E_VYPL-VIAEvLpR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dark intentions
>just economics
working as intended

>> No.19655508

For me, it's mostly dairy.

>> No.19655511

Varg Vikernes. He likened cereals to a jewish conspiracy once and claimed our ancestors made acorn bread.

>> No.19655513

>Mead, Eggs
uhh based mead diet?

>> No.19655529

I read that Native Americans would make acorn bread, but it was mainly done when nothing else was available and the acorns took a lot of processing to become edible.

There's evidence of hunter-gatherers making bread from wild grain even before agriculture began. But it didn't make up a huge portion of their diet.

>> No.19657499
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>> No.19658194

>wild grain
Probably just food during times of starvation

>> No.19658253

no one actually followed it. a donut is half fat but people think it's all carbs. people have no clue about the composition of their food.

>> No.19658259

do most people under 30 average zero servings of vegetables a day, or have i been spending too much time with furries?

>> No.19658283

Have you heard about plant based meat anon?

>> No.19658287
File: 186 KB, 1518x1360, 1683517573690544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repeating incessant lies from apologists. everything was followed except for sugar and even that has come down in recent decades

>> No.19658304

Holy shit, seed oils really did make everyone fat

>> No.19658307

oils in general. my mom got fat from being memed into drowning everything in olive and coconut

>> No.19658310

Bacon. You feed it to pigs and the pigs convert it into excellent bacon.

>> No.19658312

>use oils sparingly
>oil consumption doubles
That isn't following the instructions, cutie

>> No.19658384

vegetable oils were told to replace saturated fat. exactly as instructed

>> No.19658719

>The only options are only eating meat or only eating grain

>> No.19658781

The food pyramid has nothing to do with health. It was created in the 90s by food corporations as a marketing tool and pushed through the FDA by people that used to work for the Food corporations or who will work for the food corporations after they leave the FDA.

>> No.19658786

>"eat less"
>people eat more
If you roll bacon in sugar, it doesn't become "low-fat bacon" just because the ratio of carb to fat has changed

>> No.19658790

>If I call it a conspiracy theory I don't actually have to know what I'm talking about
People like you are cancer.

>> No.19658835

>tell people to eat more carbs
>it makes them hungrier and they eat more
>blame them

>> No.19658845

>already rewriting the history of decades of low fat products at the behest of USDA
Bravo shlomo any other tricks?

>> No.19658850

> the sacklers and the cartels actually deeply care about people - the addiction is an unintended side effect
They're all just savvy business people who dindu nuffin

>> No.19658865
File: 67 KB, 828x734, Capture-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugar consumption is pretty interesting; it rose steadily in the 1990s, peaked around the year 2000, and has been declining since then, and now is down to late 1980s levels. So yeah, it is probably the extra calories from cheap seed oils that is making everyone fat.

>> No.19658868

>starts chart in 1970
>people ate more carbs in 1930
>low-fat products exist
>fat consumption goes up

>> No.19658929

fat intake barely changed at all. the increase was in healthy seed oils. why should that be a problem

>> No.19658937

I grew up eating a lot of ground beef and chicken and im the tallest person in my family. I also grew up when my family had money and my siblings had to eat welfare food growing up.

>> No.19658939

Fat consumption has increased every year since at least 1910, whereas carb consumption had gone down and then back up to what it was. Fat is the only thing people eat more of. Even seed oils are at the top of the food pyramid in the "eat sparingly" section.

>> No.19658950

Tracking of that has been unreliable until was standardized post ww2 in the 50s or 60s. Anything before hand is very suspect and probably not reliable. In the past 50 years almost all the caloric increase has been in carbs for reasons I've stated >>19658835

>> No.19658987

Do you think that your ancestors really ate mostly meat? Fuck no, they gorged on bread and beer and were strong as oxen

>> No.19659032

My ancestors ate fish and olives, your ancestors were grainbrains :^)

>> No.19659062
File: 59 KB, 834x640, 1650438437409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the peak human diet

>> No.19659073

I'm dieting to lose some weight and I've mostly reduced carbs since this board is always going on about it. It's been a week and I feel fucking awful. My head is killing me and I can barely think, it feels like I have the flu and horrible brain fog. I'm starting to think the FDA was right.

>> No.19659220

weak b8 stfu low carb doesn't cause keto flu

>> No.19659234

It's not bait fag it's real

>> No.19659698

for millions of years almost exclusively if not entirely meat. stable isotope analysis is clear we and our recent ancestors have been hyper carnivores

>> No.19659874

that's so much bullshit
the kind of teeth and guts we have, we're adapted to eat a mixed diet; some meat and some vegetables and some grains, but nothing exclusively
carnivores have shorter guts and sharper teeth, herbivores have longer guts and blunter teeth, we are omnivores and the evidence is in all of us

>> No.19659928

>we are omnivores and the evidence is in all of us
Not true.
Some people can't digest lactose. Some people can't digest sugar. Some people can't digest protein. And some people can't digest fats.
This is called evolution, and you can shove your bigoted opinions where the sun doesn't shine.

>> No.19659932

Ah yes, nothing like a diet consisting of acorns

>> No.19659936

>Ah yes, nothing like a diet consisting of acorns
I would literally eat grass before eating acorns. Specifically wheat and oats.

>> No.19660013

We are hyper carnivores but that doesn't mean 100% meat necessarily just mostly meat. There's many lines of evidence like weaning time (shorter for carnivores), high stomach acid pH (consistent with scavengers even more acidic than carnivores), our short gut like you allude to, and many other lines of evidence. The teeth argumen t is fallacious because we don't need sharp teeth to kill prey we can make sharp pointy sticks. Many more lines of evidence consistent with carnivory here

>> No.19661954

>I don't know what omnivore means: the post

>> No.19661968

>False comparison