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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19651838 No.19651838 [Reply] [Original]

dinner is served.

>> No.19651839

Looks great

>> No.19651981

You're obese, aren't you? Feel sorry for ya.
Lose some weight, fatty.

>> No.19652012

Aika Sami setit

>> No.19652037

Why do people always assume people are fat just because they eat lots of food?
Eating food doesn't make you fat.

>> No.19652038

inb4 post body

>> No.19652041

That's one hell of a greasy pile of mush. Salt too. I kinda like it. Completely unapologetically unhealthy pile of greasy offals and carbs.
Shut up you retard you know he's fat.

>> No.19652042

How to say you are an American without saying you are an American.

Next the Jews are going to try and convince you that the Earth is a ball spinning in space!

>> No.19652043

If it’s OMAD and he’s physically active he’s probably not

>> No.19652051

I hate fat faggots

>> No.19652052

>Shut up you retard you know he's fat.
We shouldn't be fat shaming people. It's bad for their self esteem. How would you feel if you went on an airplane, sat in the middle seat, and the skinnies next to you put down their armrests because they didn't want your belly rubbing up against them, even though you paid for your seat?

>> No.19652061

make sure you buy rope strong enough to support your weight. we wouldn't want your fat ass to snap the noose when you inevitably hang yourself.

>> No.19652084
File: 14 KB, 700x500, 78C9D275-0D7A-4606-A4F2-7F1F079F24C5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating food doesn't make you fat.

>> No.19652093

>4 deep fried meat pies
>5ish slices of bacon
>a pack of wieners
>4(?) fried eggs
>posting on the cooking section of the worlds biggest mongolian cartoon enthusiast forum
Everything slathered in mayo, ketchup and mustard. Not saying it's impossible for him to not be fat but I would feel safer betting on the owner of this plate being fat rather than fit. Also like I said I do like what anon is going for here.

>> No.19652124

>Also like I said I do like what anon is going for here.
I would probably have to drink a bottle of magnesium citrate before eating that meal.

>> No.19652131

What kind of buns are those? Or did you butter the outside of some buns? They look unusual.

>> No.19652138

They are deep fried fish patties.

>> No.19652147
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One of the cheapest processed shit things you can buy. But damn if i don't still crave em sometimes due to childhood nostalgia

>> No.19652148
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Shit photo but I'd gladly munch on these, enjoy anon and ignore all the whiny bulimic faggots ITT.

>> No.19652176
File: 274 KB, 518x691, sloppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19652193

they are literally called meat pies, a feast dough with a thin layer of beef and pork mince and cooked rice in the middle

>> No.19652219 [DELETED] 

what type of bread is that? I don't recognize rows on top buns

>> No.19652238

I thought >>19652093 was joking or mistaken when saying they were meat pies. I don't know how OP could eat four of those without feeling like death after.

>> No.19652264

What makes these particularly special in flavor, texture, etc? Also do they have meat in them already?

>> No.19652267

'cado gemerald

>> No.19652271

I'd fart extremely loudly to let them know I don't care.

>> No.19652291

yes, they do have meat in them, but you traditionally add stuff like sausages and eggs, also mustard, ketchup, relish

they are deep fried, and you heat them at home

they are cheap stuff that has been around since forever, originally sold at kiosks, but it was adopted into easy slop that both kids and their about-have-a-heart-attack fathers would eat

>> No.19653212

this, the issue is OP lacks the fucking metabolism to digest all this and then sweat it off overnight to next day, its an obvious larp!

>> No.19653229

he's right though

>> No.19653290

Bro like 10 people browse this board. It’s the same guy every thread. Any food healthy or not he calls you fat.

>> No.19653297

>bacon and eggs
You mean breakfast?

>> No.19653320

What kind of buns are those they look delicious.

>> No.19653327

basically yeast donut dough

>> No.19653348

based fat fuck finn

>> No.19653380

>Why do people always assume people are fat just because they eat lots of food?
Because they're fat themselves. Someone like >>19652093 looks at OP and just assumes that someone is eating that much food every meal, every day, because that's what they would do. These are the people who think that "healthy" means "low calorie".

>> No.19653430

There's no way this guy eating 4 donut sandwich monstrosities isn't a fatass

>> No.19653436

Spindly emaciated european fingers typed this post before weakly picking up a piece of wilted kale

>> No.19653445

Latin name Goyslopium Pulmonari

>> No.19653502

My dinner was an entire pizza (1200 calories), a pint of ice cream (900 calories), soda (120 calories) and some cookies (~600 calories). It was the only thing I ate today and will likely be the only thing I eat until dinner tomorrow. I weigh 140lbs.

>> No.19653517

fat retarded piece of shit

>> No.19653530

Post stomach with timestamp then a video of you eating without purging 24 hours

>> No.19653540

lmao yeah no thanks

This is what normal people do, my fat friend. We occasionally eat large meals, and when we do then we compensate by eating less. The reason why you're a fatass is because you look at OP and think of it as a normal meal to be followed up with another normal meal rather than an occasional excess that your diet should be adjusted around.

I don't understand how you people have so little self control, I really don't. I expect it from women but as a man, aren't you ashamed? Get your shit together.

>> No.19653545

>as a man
>I weigh 140lbs. and eat donut sandwiches

>> No.19653554

t. coping fatty

>> No.19653576

>Egg, hot dog, mayo, mustard, ketchup, and undercooked bacon

buns look amazing tho

>> No.19653577

I eat whatever the fuck I want because I understand how the human body works. If I want to eat a big meal or something very calorie dense, I compensate by exercising more or eating less for other meals. I usually eat small meals but occasionally I eat very large ones.

Acting like this is completely impossible and I must be lying isn't doing anything but outing yourself as a coping fatty.

>> No.19653582
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>I eat donut sandwiches
>I compensate by exercising more
>I weigh 140lbs
>as a man

>> No.19653614

Im fat as fuck and I wouldnt touch that with another mans dick.

>> No.19653616

I'm not fat but I'd eat that just so I could be fat

>> No.19653799
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>> No.19653819


>> No.19653906
File: 2.51 MB, 5000x4500, 1344595981562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating food doesn't make you fat.

>> No.19653918

>Bro like 10 people browse this board
Is it sad that this has become increasingly obvious over the last few months? It's not just /ck/ either, it's damn near every board. Even high traffic ones like /pol/

>> No.19653921

Näyttää hyvältä veli